• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 15,799 Views, 502 Comments

Shards of Hatred - ChaoticHarmony

Twilight Sparkle finds a new powerful kind of magic. The question is, does she control it or does it control her?

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—— Shards of Hatred ——

---- Chapter XXI: Turbulence ----

I’ve got to find her!

His hooves pounded out a rhythm that his heart easily followed, guiding him through the many different alleyways throughout the city and allowing him to avoid the worst of the conflict. Though his talents would have been served better on the frontline with the rest of the Guard, Celestia herself had conceded her arguments to his own. He knew the city, therefore he would be the best candidate to sneak into the castle alone and find his wife. It had only taken him a few minutes of pressing that point until he had finally been granted permission to go away from the main invasion force and find his wife, something that he and Celestia both knew he’d have done regardless of whatever orders he would have been under. He was a ruler of his own empire, not her little soldier any longer.

Damnit, wish I was a pegasus sometimes! Wouldn’t have to run around in the streets like this. Just then he looked up to see a guard falling straight from the sky with what looked like the back end of a crystal arrow poking out from a chink in his armor. Or perhaps the streets are the safer option. Part of him wanted to go and try and help the pony that had fallen, but he knew there wasn’t anything he could do. Sombra’s black crystals did more than just hurt when they stabbed you, they left you a weak and shattered form of yourself; they were pure poison for ponies. If the guard hadn’t been killed by the impact, the darkness from the arrow would have ended his life sooner rather than later.

Almost as he had been planning it, one of the black-crystal ponies jumped out in front of him with shards of glimmering crystal sticking out from his slashing hooves. Shining Armor barely avoided getting cut, and instead of galloping around the attacker spun and kicked out with a hoof, despite the fact that that was his most vulnerable part. After the crystal pony had hit the ground, the golden-armored stallion didn’t waste a second of time as he conjured a magical shield to hold his foe in place for another pony to find and hopefully finish off. The last time Sombra had taken over and had been defeated, there were still those who were under his control who were still fighting. Celestia and Luna had tried everything to save their minds and bodies, but in the end nothing could be done to save them.

It was something that every single stallion and mare involved in the invasion was told: no mercy for those taken by Sombra; they couldn’t be saved. Shining Armor dashed out into a street, dodging around the few crystal ponies that were there searching for threats. By the time they had realized what just passed by them in a blur and rush of wind, he was already long gone. The magical traps he laid around their hooves, however, let them know immediately that it was somepony with the invading force, not that they could do anything about it after tripping said traps.

He galloped down another side alleyway, dodging around a few piles of garbage without paying any mind to the shapes of ponies that were buried amongst the rest of the refuse. He had to focus on the ponies he could still save rather than mourn those who had already died; there would be time enough for that later. His gaze darted up to the castle that was in the center of the entire city, jutting out into the sky like some giant darkened-blue needle.

That was when he was knocked to the ground. Feeling like a wall had just smacked into him, he leapt up in a daze to try and fend off whoever had tackled him. He hesitated for a moment as he saw not one but two ponies looking at him warily, daggers held in their mouths with a wild look in their eyes. Daggers? Sombra’s forces use spears just like the Guard does. Shining Armor squashed the thought quickly, resolving to neutralizing his opponents before they could do so to him. As his horn flashed brightly, another figure smashed into him with a piercing scream. “Shining!”

He had almost bucked fallen to the ground when his instincts kicked in, his body spinning around and flinging whoever had tackled him the second time into the air. It only took him a split second to do so, but after he had grabbed the pony with a capturing spell Shining Armor felt the cold steel of a blade on his throat, finding his eyes enraptured in the hard gaze of one of the dagger-holding ponies. “I advise you to put the Crystal Princess down, lest you find yourself with a lot less blood in your body and air to boot.”

After a few more seconds of staring down the pony and weighing his options, a gear clicked in his head. Crystal… Princess? Shining Armor looked up to see his wife suspended in midair by his magic, a mixture of shock and relief flooding through his body. Within seconds he had lowered her to a safe height and released the spell, pushing aside the dagger that was still being held against him and running to her. “Cadence!”

For the third time that day, Shining Armor felt like he had been hit by a wall. It had been a never-ending source of embarrassment that his wife was actually physically stronger than him, being an Alicorn and all, though in this case he was simply too relieved and overjoyed to see his wife safe amongst all of this chaos to care about the painful hug she gave him. The seconds that they were holding each other seemed to last forever, or at least long enough that the pony who had been holding Shining at dagger-point let out a gruff cough to draw their attention to him.

“I know that a reunion is all good and well, Princess and Prince, but I believe it’d be wise to move on to where we were going and away from the corrupted crystal slaves to Sombra who are trying to kill us?”

Shining was the one to actually break their hug apart despite how much he wanted to remain there with his hooves around his wife forever. “Where were you going to?”

The more cheerful looking one who had been keeping a watch for anypony who might be looking for them stepped over, a small and witty smile on his face. “Well, considering that the army of Equestria is invading, I’d hazard a guess that it’s either an attempt at reclaiming the Empire from Sombra, or it’s a rescue attempt aimed at our Princess here.”

The other stallion scowled at was obviously his brother. “I’d rather nothing was ‘aimed’ at the Princess, Dodger, so get back to watching our backs.”

Shining Armor shook his head, looking behind himself all the same and turning back to the two who had been escorting his wife. “It’s actually both of those things, and something more as well. I was meant to infiltrate the castle and save Cadence, while the main forces of Equestria are aimed instead at reclaiming the Empire from Sombra. There’s also a third force.” He looked at Cadence for a second, his worry mirrored by her own eyes, before casting his gaze over to the castle and frowning. “Six mares, to be precise, aimed at destroying Sombra himself.”

“Six….” Cadence gasped suddenly, her hoof shooting up to her mouth in horror. “No… Shining you can’t be serious… C-Celestia sent… sh-she sent them t-“

“To take on Sombra, yeah. Twily and the rest of the Elements of Harmony are in there, that’s why Celestia is throwing her forces into the city. They’re just the distraction so they can fight Sombra alone.”

Cadence reacted in just the way he expected her to, spreading her wings and turning back towards the castle. “We have to go and help them!” Just as she leapt into the air, a wall of magic closed off the sky to her. Shining Armor didn’t flinch as she rounded on him with a wild glare. “Shining!? We have to go and help them fight him! They can’t do this alone!”

He looked her dead in the eyes and shook his head. “I’m sorry, Cadence.”

The gaze turned murderous as she stepped up to him and shoved her face into his. “Remove. Your. Spell.”

Shining Armor only shook his head again. “I’m sorry, Cadence, but my mission is to rescue you, not to interfere with the Elements. Besides, we would likely only get in the way. Sombra would only brush you aside with his magic after canceling out mine with those crystals of his.”

Just as it seemed like Cadence was going to leap upon her husband, Jumping Jack stepped forward quickly and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Peace, Cadence, Prince Armor is right in his reasoning. We would only be swept aside and more than likely used against those ponies that are going to fight him, as it sounds as if you are close to them.”

“Yeah, come on Princess, we need to get out of here!” Dodger stepped over and laid a hoof over the bristling mare’s shoulder, trying his best to diffuse the situation. “The faster we get to the Equestrians the faster we can rest and be safe.”

“Dodger!” Jumping Jack glared at his brother with one that nearly rivaled Cadence’s from a moment before. “I thought I told you to watch our backs!”

“Oh relax, Jumping, it’s not like our mindless foes will think to sear—“ Time seemed to slow as the stallion’s words were cut off by a jagged bolt of crystal that was now jutting through his throat, his eyes widening in pain and fear for a split second before growing dim and glazed over. It only took a second for the pony to crumple to the ground, but it felt like forever until his brother shouted out in rage and despair.

Dodger no!” The silver steel of a blade whistled through the air in the next second that passed, entering the forehead of the pony who had shot the bolt of corruption. The eyes of at least twelve more corrupted ponies were in the entrance to the alley, two pairs of which were put out by another set of daggers that flew through the air. “I’ll kill all of you!” His roar of rage was cut short by a magical field forming in front of him to block at least six darts of blackened crystal from piercing his body. Hooves wrapped around him, but he fought them as much as he could. A voice shouted in his ear, but he couldn’t hear it. At least, until he was thrown on his own hooves and shoved forward into a gallop.

“Come on, Jumping! We need to get out of here before they break through!” Cadence had tears in her eyes as she galloped as hard as she could, trying desperately to keep pace with Shining Armor at the same time as urging on the grief-stricken stallion. “Let’s go! There’s time enough for mourning him later! You can’t do anything but die here!” The order was enough to keep him going, but he couldn’t see anything besides the last look of pain on his brother’s face and the wavering form of a white stallion in front of him.

“Come on, this way!” They rounded another bend, coming face to face with a squad of golden-armored stallions who, upon recognizing them, instantly circled around their little group and began to escort them behind the frontlines. Only when they reached a camp on the outskirts of the city were they allowed to rest.

Only when he finally sat down with the others did Jumping bury his head in his hooves, tears streaming down his face for the first time in twenty years.

Author's Note:

Here's the new chapter, folks! Sorry it took so long!

(My <q> key is broken... I'm going to hate typing Equestria now....
I totally had to copy/paste to have that word have the "q"....)