• Published 6th Jan 2012
  • 5,073 Views, 28 Comments

Price - Havoc

Equestria's peace came at a great cost. A price that is still being paid, but for how much longer...

  • ...

Foreseen Consequences

They had left their bags behind. They only needed one thing from them anyways. The Elements.

Twilight put another step forward and tried not to regret it. She grit her teeth and leaned into Rainbow Dash who was supporting her on their walk up to what appeared to be a cathedral whose roof had collapsed. Twilight winced and whimpered. She wished she still had her magic. She wished they were there already. She wished Lucien would just come to them!

She looked up and saw one of her wishes strolling down the hill. She stopped and stared as did the rest when they saw a strange creature walking down the hill to meet them. It was a tall, two legged thing in fine clothing. He stopped in front of them and beamed. While he looked utterly alien, an aura surrounded him that reminded Twilight strongly of Celestia. He looked at Twilight and she could feel his gaze upon her, like the sun on her face.

"Hello and welcome. My name is Lucien. Forgive me for being so forward but let me get a look at your injuries."

His eyes traced over them and they each shivered, feeling where he was looking. He pointed his arms towards Rarity and muttered something under his breath. The straps that secured her to Applejack were gently pulled away and she was lifted into the air. A golden dust blew around her in a tender wind that plucked the gemstones out of her back. The dust settled in the wounds and they sealed up quickly. The Element of Generosity was lifted out carefully and it settled around her neck. Lucien closed his eyes for a moment and a loud snap was heard as Twilight's bones were knitted together and she started and jumped, landing on her newly healed limb.

Pinkie Pie was obscured in a whirlwind of golden light. it tickled as it brushed over her. The dust dissipated and revealed the gash and bandages were gone, leaving not a mark or blemish. The dust gathered into Lucien's hand and he blew it onto Fluttershy who breathed it in and clutched her chest. A few pops and snaps later she sneezed powerfully, blowing the dust away. She took a tentative breath, then a deeper one. Relishing in the simple act of breathing without pain.

Lucien nodded, satisfied with his work.

"Right, shall we?"

He walked back up the hill and they all stared at him in wonder, Twilight especially. She had made a fast decision back in the forest and had been worried about what would happen when they arrived. She had had her doubts and pangs of guilt but she now felt relieved. This Lucien had saved them yet again, healing their wounds without breaking a sweat. Healing magic was incredibly complicated and now Twilight could verify with her own eyes that Lucien was indeed powerful and skilled.

She shuddered as she felt the magic he radiated dim as he neared the top. What had once been a warm glow that washed over them was replaced by a chill and emptiness in the air. He opened the door to the ruined building and entered. A low whispering emanated from the room and they hesitated.

"It doesn't bite. Well, actually it does but not right now."

Twilight gulped and entered followed by Rainbow Dash who had a face crossed between mad bravery and intense trepidation. Applejack was legitimately curious about what they had come all this way for but still entered the room as if she was approaching a dozen angry manitcores.

Fluttershy turned back down the hill but was stopped and dragged in by Rarity and Pinkie Pie who each silently regretted their decision not to join her.

The door shut behind them and they took in the room. It had a tall, vaulted ceiling that had collapsed ages ago and now let the night's sky in. It was made completely of stone and had mounts for torches and lamps everywhere. Lucien frowned and clapped his hands together and the room was filled with light. Twilight squinted and tried to get used to the change in lighting.

"That's better. Now, I'm sure you're wondering why you came all this way so let me explain."

Applejack allowed herself a brief grin.

At least this thing gets it.

"You all know the story of what happened to my people and why you can't let that thing loose but there is more to what happened then what Celestia and Luna told you. The whole reason why I did what I did all those years ago was because of vision I had. A vision none of my kinsmen saw. You see, their visions ended after the making of the Door. They did not see what happened next. I, however, did. I foresaw the door eventually breaking and the Darkness being set loose on the world once more. No one would be able to oppose him and he would destroy the world my kind worked so hard to create.

So I set in motion a plan to defeat the Darkness, to kill it. Accomplish what was thought impossible. Believe it or not and I apologize if I am taking the mystery away from your lives but you are the culmination of that plan. I need you six and very specifically you six as you are now to do what I need to do in exactly... eight minutes.

What is going to happen is you are going to activate the Elements of Harmony when it is time and I will take it from there. No need to intend them to do anything specific and please don't try to use them directly on the Darkness, both of us know how to bend them to our will."

Lucien stopped and looked thoughtful for a moment before he returned to the room.

"So, any questions?"

Applejack frowned. Nothing was that simple.

"Why us?"

"You are the purest manifestation of the Elements, or at least, you are in a way that is really hard to describe and frankly I can't tell you everything anyways so that's a tough question to answer."

Never mind, he doesn't get it.

"Right, thanks anyways."

Pinkie Pie waved her hoof in the air.

"Ooh, ooh! I have a question!"

"Alright then, ask away."

"Can you really see the future too? So can I! What happens when you do? Like, sometimes my shoulder twitches or my knee aches and that tells me something's about to happen!"

The human took a moment to recover from the verbal barrage and collected himself.

"I do not experience anything so base. No, for me it is like reading a book, only I can see it in my mind's eye as well. It is hard to put into words."

Twilight's mind was abuzz with questions. One in particular she'd had ever since she'd heard about him.

"What was Celestia like when she was my age?"


He smiled and tried to answer but started giggling before the words could come out of his mouth.

"Well, hehehe, she was certainly... talented and intelligent. Haha! And the worst trouble maker I've ever seen! Even more so then her sister. I clearly remember that girl once raising the sun at midnight then quickly hiding it when people started to wake up. Hehehehe! Luna was a little more restrained. More studious then her big sister but more creative as well. A real joy to talk to. *sigh*"

Twilight was at a loss for words, and thoughts for that matter. Never would she have even dreamed to hear someone tell her that about her mentor. Her wise and old and royal mentor.

Huh, everyone has an embarrassing fillyhood story then.

"Good times... good times... Speaking of which, we have a task to do. Put on your Elements and stand over there will you?"

Lucien got up from his chair and approached the Door. The room started to darken as he drew nearer. The lengthening shadows that were growing on the surface of the Door coalesced into a black skull that regarded them all with baleful eyes.

"It has been a pleasure, Lucien. I've had so much time to focus my hatred of you so when I do escape your plan, I'll know just what to do to you to make you suffer. I think I'll start with her first. Force you to watch the future burn before your eyes."

Lucien took one last look around the room. His eyes lingered on Twilight for a moment before going back to stare into shadows.

"Eight thousand years of planning, Sheol. This ends tonight."

The skull roared and the lights went out, some of them exploding, sending sparks everywhere. The room was plunged into darkness except for a soft glow that grew around Lucien. His skin was giving off light and his eyes were two stars that burned the Door in front of him. The Elements began to glow and the six ponies were lifted off the ground. Twilight felt her magic being used but she wasn't using it herself. Her head was thrown back and her eyes glowed.

A swirling rainbow erupted out of the Elements. It was directed into Lucien who was made even brighter than before. They each shut their eyes but found it made no difference. A thunderous explosion was heard, as if the mountain itself had been broken.


And then silence.

They fell to the ground, hard. Rainbow Dash felt as if she had had her heart torn out and then made to run a marathon before being put back in. She rolled over on to her back and noticed what was left of the building they were in was gone. She looked around and in fact, the whole top of the mountain was gone. A flat plain stretched out in every direction. The black clouds that had once darkened the summit were gone and they now had a clear night's sky.

Twilight could barely move. She lay on the ground on her side, her body almost completely numb. She was facing Rarity who had collapsed beside Fluttershy who got to her hooves and looked over her friend.

Lucien stood alone in front of where the Door had been. His glowing aura slowly faded until he was almost shrouded from view. A rush of air and two thunder claps later Celestia and Luna appeared.

"Lucien! What happened."

He turned around and something was off. Celestia could tell right away. The light in his eyes was dim. Normally looking directly into them was akin to looking at the sun but now they were dimmed by something.


"I wish I could have prepared you better. There is something I need you to do and do quickly."

Celestia heard his voice change for a brief moment but that wasn't what worried her most. He sounded afraid.

"What did you do, Lucien."

Luna took a step towards him but Celestia held her back.

"I did something I had to. I destroyed the Door and took the Darkness into the only thing that could it keep it contained long enough for what has to be done. CelestiaaaAAAAHHHHH!"

He screamed and fell to his knees, his fingers digging into the ground as he rode out the pain. He felt his blood boil and his skin crawl. He stood up and faced her with a wild look in his eyes.

"You know why all those years ago I didn't stop your sister from turning into Nightmare Moon? I could've stopped her, cured her, easily. But I didn't *growl* because I needed you to miss her. I crafted your relationship with her just so. Then I didn't lift a finger to help when the time came. You know why? Because I needed you to replace her! Find someopony that reminded you of her so much that you would take her under your wing and teach her everything! So she could one day grow up into the mare I needed her to beeerraagghhhhh!"

Celestia couldn't take a breath. She was drowning in the horror of what she was hearing.

"Now I need you to do something for me. I can't hold onto it forever. I need you... to send me to the heart of the sun."

His face distorted in pain as he fell to his hands, silently howling in agony. Black tears oozed down his face.

All Celestia's life she had him watching over her, giving her advice and teaching her almost everything she knew. He was her teacher. Her friend. More than that, he was family. She was struck with a terror that paralysed her.

"I c-can't. You'd die! NO! No no, there has to be another way. You wouldn't do this! YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME! The moon! I can send you to the moon and in thousand years you'll be fine! You'll-"

He cut her off with a hand. He slowly got his feet and looked at her, real tears mixing with black ones.

"It wouldn't work. Not this time, Celestia. This is what has to be."

His voice had regained the softness it once had. It was the same tone of voice he'd used when her mother and father had passed away. The same sad consoling tone he'd used when her sister had been sent to the moon.

"Celestia, my dear Celestia. I once told you that my body contains as much energy as a star. When I reach the sun the Darkness will be burned from the universe and all of you will finally be safe. I can't give you the world I wanted to, but I can keep you safe in this one. Celestia, it's time for us to move on."

He waved his hands and the Elements lifted off of their current bears and over to the old one. He stopped and the Elements were surrounded in a black shadow. He grunted in effort and banished it before he carried them over to Celestia. He made a series of complex gestures with his hands and they formed together into a crown which he laid down on her weeping head.

"I'm sorry Celestia. I'm sorry Luna. I'm sorry for everything."

The light in his eyes went out and were flooded black. He gasped and his body went stiff. He was screaming but no sound came out.

Twilight saw a light emanate out from the Princess and surround Lucien. He was lifted off the ground and bathed in a holy light.

"C-Celestia... the mantle-"

The night was turned into day for a glorious second as the last human was sent into the sun that was just beginning to rise. They all watched as the small dot of light flew towards it and eventually disappeared in its brilliance. The Elements fell to the ground and broke up into the necklaces they once were. Celestia sunk to her knees and wept.

Twilight Sparkle finally recovered and got to her feet. The others were sitting together on the rocky plateau. Each of them wearing a different but saddened expression. Celestia sat alone, tears staining her once proud and noble face. Her mane that once flowed and shone brightly now hung limply at her sides. Luna stood on the spot where Lucien had stood and watched as the sun rose, as if hoping that he would come back.

"I can't believe what he did. All those years just so he could die."

Twilight walked over to Luna and stood by her, comforting the tall Princess with her presence alone. Luna silently thanked her with a nod and went back to looking at the sun rise. Twilight walked over to her mentor, her teacher, in many ways her mother, and sat down beside her. Celestia noticed her presence and looked over at her student whose face was wrought with worry.

"I'm sorry, Twilight. I shouldn't be like this. I've lost friends before but... never one like him. I feel as if my sister is back on the moon only this time she's never coming back."

She tried to hold back more tears but succumbed and broke down crying again. Wailing into the morning chill, feeling empty.

Twilight was a being of love and compassion. She couldn't bear to see Celestia like this.

"Princess Celestia? I know this may come across as kind of silly but I think I know how you feel."

Celestia looked over, half curious and all sad.

"I mean, you've lost your oldest friend. Your mentor and teacher. It would be like if I lost you. I would be devastated, I don't even know how badly I'd feel it would be that bad. But if it's any small comfort, he loved you right into the end."

Celestia felt the spectre of a smile appeared on her lips. She was surprised at her student.

"What did he say to you, before he... passed away?"

"The mantle. It was something the humans used to call their duty to the world and everyone of them swore by it. To protect their charges, even if it meant giving everything. He might have said it to say that he was passing it to me as me and my sister are now the last one left who know of its significance."

Or maybe. No... it couldn't be.

Celestia was filled with a hope. A mad hope. Her mane ignited and blew about in a wind that no one else felt.

"Or maybe... Luna!"

Her sister snapped out of her sorrowful trance and stared at her sister.


"Get ready to teleport back to palace. Quickly!"

"What is it? What's going on?"

Celestia now smiled wide. If anyone else had told her, "The mantle," then she would have thought that, but Lucien was Lucien. He never said what he meant. Her horn glowed and Luna hurried to catch up with the spell.

Twilight blinked in confusion and the winds that picked up from the spell.

"What's going on?!"

"The mantelpiece above my fireplace in my room. It's where I put that rock I sent you. It had a message on it. Luna! Remember the letter, 'It will help you understand!'"

Their world was warped and they appeared above the main hall of the palace in a flash of light and thunder. Scribble's mouth dropped before she dove out of the way of the falling ponies. Celestia caught the others as they fell and half galloped half flew with them in tow through the halls to her room.

In a burst of magic the door was flung open and they were all tossed in. She dropped them on the cushions and the bed and went over to the stone which was shining in the daylight pouring though the open window.

She approached it but stopped as it glowed, as if reacting to her presence. It started to vibrate, then shake violently before exploding into a million shards of light that shot through the room. The tiny sparks bounced off of the walls and the ponies ducking for cover.

They then gathered into a ball that expanded and expanded until it took the shape of a two legged creature with hands like a dragon. Lucien straightened his collar and surveyed the room and its surprised inhabitants.

"Hello, Celestia. Now before you get your hopes up too far, I'm afraid this isn't what you think. This is a message. The Lucien you love is very dead if your viewing this."

Celestia's hopes deflated.

"Celestia, you know I wouldn't just leave some lame, 'I'm dead so goodbye' message now would I? No, this something a little bit better. I made this years ago, back when I could still see. So, it's like I'm here. You have me for one last day, Celestia, Luna, let's make a good one shall we?"

He went to the open window and stepped out onto the ledge.

"Well? Are you coming or not?"

He took a step out into the air and his foot landed on a solid light step. It turned into a golden staircase that led down to the gardens below.

Celestia hesitantly joined him on the step. She looked him over and then poked him with her horn.

"Ow! That's thing is sharp you know?"

Celestia wiped away a tear from her eye.

"I do."

A few minutes later they were all in the gardens. Lucien led them to a open field and then turned around.

"Pinkemena Diane Pie, I need your help with something."

Pinkie Pie stepped forward.

"Sure! Whatcha need?"

"Can you set those up?"

He pointed behind him to a pile of party supplies that none of them had noticed before. There were streamers and balloons and even a row of party cannons. She gasped in delight and bounded over to them, throwing the supplies in every direction yet managing to set tables and put up a sound system all the same.

Celestia chuckled to herself. She had certainly had a trying and emotional day.

Lucien, oh that Lucien. Never any reason to doubt.


The apparition of Lucien turned around and looked at Celestia with loving eyes, full of light.

"Yes, Celestia?"

"You planned this? All of this?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment before smiling.

"Not all of it. The party cannons were more a spontaneous add on really. Ow! Fine! I get it! That thing is sharp! I'll stop! Oh, not you too! Ahhhhahahaha!"

He was chased around the garden by two immortals acting like fillies for one last time while Pinkie Pie put on fitting music.

Take seat youngin'; Stay around for spell
I got a little story that I wanted to tell
Would ya
Please stick around, take a listen and see
Cause back in my day, things were always grand as can be

Now all the
Streets were paved gold and gems; Glimmerin'
Lightin' up the skies at noon; This town is shimmerin'
Waitin' on nobody cause we got stuff to do
Cause we through with the new
We're talking old school, kids, that's just what we do!

Back in the day, it was the prime of the time
Imagine all the greats singing together in rhymes
and listening together on old Gramaphones
and old Radios it was a hell of a time

Let me tell ya youngin', man the old days were grand
You could walk down to the beach and plant your hooves in the sand
You didn't have no worries
All was grand as can be
So everybody take a listen
Open your eyes and see

So trot with me through the autumn leaves
And keep close to stay warm
Soon you'll see how much you mean to me
Feelings I've never felt before

Skippi-do-bop was the name of the game
Swinging like crazy everyone goes insane
It's like a game except everyone wins
Why isn't music like that, anymore?

My god everything is such a bore now
Everything's the same thing over again
With all that hippin' and the hoppin'
and the bippen' and the boppen'
They dunno what the jazz is all about, you see

You'll look back at your days
I'm sure you'll experience it sometime
cause when you grow old
everything seems cold
and new generation will arrive

So trot with me through the autumn leaves
And keep close to stay warm
Soon you'll see how much you mean to me
Feelings I've never felt before

So trot with me through the autumn leaves
And keep close to stay warm
Soon you'll see how much you mean to me
Feelings I've never felt before

He had made sure they had the time of their lives for that last day. The day seemed to last forever, whether that was Celestia's doing or some other force at work was not for anyone to know. But all things had to pass eventually.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash danced together on the lawn without a care in the world. Enjoying a day they'd never forget while celebrating an adventure they wouldn't soon lose either.

Pinkie Pie couldn't contain her happiness at the party she'd made possible. She looked around at the seven ponies and one human all having the time of their lives and she nearly fainted from the euphoria of it all.

Fluttershy was even having grand time. She danced among the flowers and her friends, laughing at her friends expressions as she executed a perfect ballerina twirl.

"Sorry, sometimes I just dance in the meadow when I'm alone and I guess I've gotten pretty good at it."

Rarity beamed at her. She sipped her punch and watched as the yellow pegasus moved across the field with a grace unlike any other. She stared at her hooves then the glass in floating in front of her before tossing it aside and going to join her.

Applejack was the only one who was distracted from the festivities. Her thoughts kept going back to home and the reunion that would greet her. Lucien cleared his throat and Applejack turned her head to see her family standing next to him looking shocked and confused.

She ran over to them but paused.

"Now this ain't no trick? They're really here? As in here here?"

"Yes, Applejack. And I'm sure they're not appreciating your dilly dallying."

She took a few tentative steps forward before breaking into a gallop and jumping into them, hugging them to the ground.

Sweetie Bell stepped around the pile and looked at Lucien who pointed over to her sister.


Rarity's head spun around at the sound.

"Sweetie Bell?!"

They ran into each other's hooves and embraced one another.

"I'm so glad you're alright! No, you go first."

They looked at each before bursting out laughing.

Luna and Celestia walked up beside Lucien who had stepped away from the party and was now looking at the setting sun. His form wavered in the dying light and he turned to them. The music quieted and all eyes settled on him.

"I have lived a very long time. An understatement but bear with me. I have seen the beginning and the fall of civilizations and I have lost a lot on my journey through life. Friends. Family. I lived for a long time cut off from both my people and the only world that gave me any sort of happiness. But I did it all because I loved each and every one of you. Even though some of you have only just met me I feel like I've known you for all my life. Because I have.

Ever since I was born I've seen what happens next. Who I'll meet and what they'll be like. Sure, I didn't see everything, just the important things. I gave my life to save a world I knew I already loved even though I knew I would never live to see it. I don't regret a single thing that's happened because some things were meant to happen and others I made happen. It would have been nice to live a fantasy in which everything went right but life's not like that. There will always be things beyond control that you will each have to deal with.

You want to know how I did it? What the secret was to enduring so much? I have the best friends I could have ever hoped for. That gave me a strength beyond anything that could stand against me. You each have something special. Each other. Two of you more than the others.

Farewell Celestia. Farewell Luna and farewell you brave six. You noble six. May you live forever in each other's company."

"Goodbye, Lucien."

Celestia felt tears rolling down her cheeks again but this time she had had the day to prepare and she was not struck with despair and sorrow. Just acceptance.

The setting sun shone it's last on him and he slowly dissolved into a ball of light the rose into the air. It rose higher and higher and got brighter as it got farther away. The coming night's sky revealed a canvas of stars and the moon. Shining it's pale glow on the world. The ball of the light turned into a speck, then a mote, then was gone in the vast emptiness of the sky.

Celestia looked out into the sky and wept quietly. Luna went over and put her wing around her sister and they both looked out into the sky. Luna squinted.

What is that?

An explosion of light lit up a section of the sky and in the centre was a new star. It shone brightly, a beacon against the darkness that surrounded it.