• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 815 Views, 12 Comments

A Wild Twist Appeared! - PinkiePie37

On her way home from school, Twist found a peculiar object.

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The Mysterious Dr. Whooves

As Twist was slowly walking down the street, she started to get scared. This particular street was different than any of the others. She couldn’t put her hoof on it, but, it just seemed different. But she stopped worrying about that because Twist knew if she thought to hard about it, she knew she would scare herself. As she continued to walk down the ominous street, she looked from side to side at all the house address, but she did not see 3927. She finally got to the end of the street and still no house with the address 3927. She started walking back down and checking one more time. But before she could reach the end of the street, she saw this alley, and there was a light, as if it were coming from a window. Twist thought that she had to try, or this was going to haunt her for the rest of her life, not knowing what this stopwatch did. She started hesitantly walking toward the long, dark alley. As she began getting closer, the alley seemed as if it was getting bigger. The house seemed really small but now t seemed as if it were as big as a mansion! As she kept creeping closer and closer, she found out it was a mansion! “Why would there be a mansion back here in this creepy alley?” she asked out loud, not expecting any answer. As she continued to get farther down the alley, she noticed that it was oddly neat and clean. There wasn’t any trash anywhere but the garbage cans, and those weren’t tipped over! It wasn’t like any alley she had ever seen. There was also one VERY strange thing about this alley, not that it wasn’t already strange enough. It was the fact that there was a big, dark blue phone booth with the words “Police Box” on the top. She stopped and looked at it for a moment, but then continued to walk toward the house. As she finally got to the steps, she realized something. She didn’t know who Dr. Whooves was. He could be a criminal! He could possibly kidnap her and kill her silently! But her realization was too late, while she was thinking, her body was doing. Part of her mind was saying “Don’t do it” while she was thinking. The rest of it was aching to know what this stopwatch did. It was too late to turn back now. She had already knocked on the door. She began to shake in fright. The door slowly began to open and a light brown figure with a dark brown mane now stood in front of her. This figure had light blue eyes and an hour glass for a cutie mark.

“Hello! And who might you be?” Dr. Whooves said cheerfully with a kind smile. Twist became less tense when she saw that he was smiling kindly at her.

“Um, well. I was wondering if you could look at this for me. I...I heard you had a time machine and I’m not sure, but I think this stopwatch is a time traveling device.”

“Oh, you mean my TARDIS! Yes, I do have a time machine, even though it may not seem possible! It actually is that phone booth over there. I’m sure you noticed that.” He had said gleefully. Twist continued to become less tense every time he spoke. She didn’t feel scared anymore but a little safe.

“Would you like to come in? I can make some tea?” Dr. Whooves asked.

“Um……….well, I kind of have to go home? I just really wanted to know if this was a time traveling device.” Twist asked. She held it out as he took it from her hands.

“Hmm. You are correct. This is a time traveling device! But I have a feeling that it isn’t JUST a time traveling device. Do you think tomorrow you could come by? Then I can get a better look at this.” He said as Twist took the stopwatch back.

“Sure? Thank you very much for telling me this. It has been killing me not knowing what it was. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” Twist said

“I guess you will.” Dr. Whooves said with a cheerful smile. As she started walking down the steps she heard the door shut behind her. She started walking home, but had no idea what time it was, so she pulled out the stopwatch. Right after she pulled it out, she tripped and fell on top of it. When she got up, she inspected the watch. Thankfully, she didn’t hit any of the buttons because that could have been bad. Twist continued to walk home. She then remembered she still didn’t know what time it was, she stopped, pulled out the stopwatch and looked at the time.

“It’s 9:00 already? Darn it, that means I won’t have much time to do what I want. Well, I better get home fast.” She thought out loud. She put it back into bag. Her house was about 2-5 minutes away. She just wished she could teleport there. At that moment she stumbled, but she didn’t fall this time, instead she disappeared from that street and appeared in her bedroom, still stumbling. She then hit her bed and fell to the ground. What had just happened? Did she just… no, it couldn’t be, or could it? Did she just teleport home? Twist wondered what had teleported her home. She then pulled out the stopwatch and studied it. The only logical answer, well, logical was pretty much thrown out the window considering that this was time traveling device, could only be that the stopwatch had teleported her. She stood up and sat down on her bed as she put the stopwatch back in her bag and began walking downstairs. But then she stopped and thought. Her mother had not seen her walk through the door yet, so she would get suspicious if she just came down from her room. She walked back up the 5 stairs she walked down and picked up her bag. She grabbed a spare rope she had from her closet and hung it out the window. After Twist secured the rope, she slowly slid down the rope and started walking toward the front of her house. She walked around the corner, opened the door, and trotted in. She greeted her mother with a kind smile and walked upstairs. She untied the rope and put it back in her closet. Twist then looked up at the clock and saw it was 9:20. She had 10 minutes until she had to go to bed, but she was feeling pretty tired. Twist decided that she was going to go to bed. She had a long day ahead of her tomorrow.