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Part 1: That first Bump in the Head

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are exiting the Coliseum of Cloudsdale

"Did'nt I tell you Fluttershy... THE WONDERBOLTS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oh, umm, yes, they truly were great, in fact, I liked them so much that I-I umm, I think I'm gonna go tellthe animals! They"ll love hearing about them"

Nevertheless, Rainbow was to occupied watching the Wonderbolts sign papers and taking pictures with their "biggest fans". So while Fluttershy was still trying to think of something to say, Rainbow Dash started to fly up to were The Wonderbolts were to try ang get something out of them.

"Oh well, at least she's doing something besides sleeping all day" commented Fluttershy before turning and heading towards her home.


"Finally I'm first in line!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just have to take a deep breath and smile as big as I can..."


"OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the pics you guys" said Rainbow as she trotted away

"You're welcome, a-and I-I hope you come see u-us again soon" said Soarin.

"Oh, you bet I will, Goodbye" said RD as she was finally out of sight.


It was around sundown and Spitfire and Soarin were at the only ones at the Coliseum, cleaning after everybody else had left.

"Watcha'doin Soarin?"

"Oh nothing" said Soarin with a blush across his face "Just, umm, you know, cleaning"

"What's with you Soarin? I mean, ever since we took that picture with that blue... Wait, are you..."

"Nonononononononononooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would never be..."

"Oh boy, YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Spitfire, I'm BEGGING YOU, please don't tell her."

"Oh don't worry, I won't" as she said this, she quickly turned around and said "See you later hot stuff" as she shook her flanks and started to fly away.



"Rainbow Dash!!! I've told y'all I'm very proud of you fer meet'n The Wondirbolts fer like the tween'th time, but sugarcube, please stop"

"I'm with you AJ" replied Spike "I mean, it's a great experience and all, but I'm alredy late for curfue, so please, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Spike, please don't scream" ordered Twilight "I mean, you're both right, but Rainbow please, I think that's enough for tonight"

"But I... But I"

"Fer Celestia's Mane Dash, please stop talking" said applejack tring to control herself.

"Rainbow, please, I think you should leave before everything gets out of hand" said Twilight as most cassually as she could.

Rainbow Dash then, with head as low to the ground as anyone could see, headed towards the door before screaming "You'll never understand what I fell for these guys since neither of you are pegasai"

"Rainbow, wait!!!, I din't mean it like..."


The door slams shut just as Rainbow Dash exits the Library.

"I'm sorry" said Twilight as a tear went down her cheek

"I'm sorry sugarcube"

"Whatever, wake me up in a cupple of hours."


"They... They'll never understand. The'll see, I'll get into the team no matter WHAT!!!!!!!!!!"

And with this, Rainbow Dash started to fly away towards her house.

When she reached Cloudsdale, she first headed towards the Coliseum, to remember tose sweet couple of seconds she had with The Wonderbolts. Then she looked at the picture somepony took and noticed that Soarin was putting his face really close to her's and that there was a blush running through his face, then she looked carefully at Spitfire whose eye seemed to be twitching, but at the same time, she looked angry.

That's weird thought Rainbow Dash Why would Spitfire be angry at somepony while Soarin is blushing for some reason... or... someone... SOMEPONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Oh...my...gosh... Could he really be? No! He could'nt! Or... Could he?!?!?!?!"

"Yes sweetie, he is"

"Spit Fire?"


"Umm, is he really...?"

"Yes" *facehoof* "He is"


"Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!!!! That is why he has a blush in his face! That is why my ear is twitching! And that is why i'm here right now!"

"Oh Spitfire, I'm sorry, I did'nt know you felt that way about..."

"NO,no oh Heavens no. I'm not the romantic type. I just saw you heading towards here and I thought I should let you know, and hehe, besides that, I just wanted to wish you good luck."


"Well... I was in Sugarcube Corner and I saw Mrs. Cake talking to him, and when I asked her, she told him on wich cloud you lived in"


"Hehe...just don't tell..."



It was almost midnight and we find ourselves in front of Rainbow Dash's house were you can see Soarin galloping in circles dressed in his best suit.

"Am I ready to talk to her?... Am I ready to face her ALONE?...AM I EVEN IN THE RIGHT PLACE?!?!?!?! Oh no, here she comes... thinkthinkthinkthinkthink, HIDE!!!!!!!"

"That's weird, he's not here" she said as she was landing on the cloud "Umm, oh, maybe his hiding"

As she said this, she went to look on the back of the house, but she started her way by the right hoof.


"Where is she?" said Soarin as he looked from the back of the house but looking to the left side of the house "She was just there a second ago... Maybe she went inside, in that case, I think I'll leave"

After saying this, Soarin decided that, so he could remember the house, he would take the long way around.


"Maybe he did'nt come after all. It's pretty dark over here, maybe I should..."


"Ouch, I think I've got quite the bump in my head"

"Yeahhh, me too. I don't know how I'm gonna be able to be coordinated on the next show..."

"Tell me about it. It's so hard to fly when you've got the biggest headache caused by a bump or something."

"I know, right?"

"He,yeah...wait a second...WHAT SHOW?!?!?!?!?!"

"Huh? Oh, I umm, I-I, IGOTTAGO!!!"


"Somepony has just bumped me and he or she (although I'm preety sure it was a he becouse his voice was very deep) just flew off withought another. WHAT IN CELESTIA'S MANE JUST HAPPENED?