• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 973 Views, 23 Comments

A New Flame - Lostsong

Twilight has a very strong dislike for ponyville's new pony Dark Fire. A pegasus with too much arro

  • ...

Dark Fire

Twilight Sparkle Pov:

Ponyville was in its usual state of peaceful tranquility. The Pegasus Ponies had set the clouds far away so the sun shone brightly, and the Apple family could be seen hard at work at Sweet Apple Acres. Nothing was new or out of the ordinary. Nothing except...him. Dark Fire. A new pegasus pony who arrived to Ponyville a few months ago.

I watched as he stomed through the sky not caring how unorderly he made the clouds look. I shook my head... What arrogence! Why every pony swooned and sighed when he was around was beyond her.

"Hey Sparkles... do any magic today" I turned around and there he was. His coarse black fur... His night colored wings as soft looking as velvet... His red mane and tail dancing in the air like fire in the wind as he flew down to me. His cutie mark of three burning fire balls shone agianst his dark fur like the sun agianst the blue sky... Can't he just leave me alone.

"The name is Twilight Sparkle! If your going to address me, get the name right!" I became even more furious when I relized his eyes weren't even looking into mine! They were all over my horn! (Since there ponies I decied that males tend to loook at the horns for unicorns and wings for pegisi)

"My eyes are down here," I snapped, using my magic to move his head. He laughed and I turned my head away from him.

"Why don't you go home already? Ponyville doesn't need anyone like you around."

"Now now, Sparkles, don't be rude. Besides, Ponyville is home now. Manehatten was home once, Los Pegasus was a blast, and Fillydelphia loved me, but now I live here. If only I had a nice, warm house to live in. The clouds can get awfully cold at night," his eyes narrowed as he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"You can live with us!" Spike said from behind me. He was sucked into the Dark Fire craze too.

"WHAT!" I glared at Spike as he innocently looked up at me.

"Well... he needs a place to stay and it does get awfully cold at night... And you are the one always saying to help a pony in need..."

"What? Scared of little oh me Sparkles?" He teased.

"Believe what you want Dark Fire! But I refuse-"

"Well hello Twilight Sparkle. I very much enjoyed your latest letter on friendship. A pony in need is a pony in deed"

"Princess Celestia!" How could I have forgotten she was going to visit today?

I lowered myself into a bow and hissed at Dark Fire to do the same. For once, he listened to me. I guess it took royalty to get rid of his arrogance.

"Who is this?" Princess Celestia asked, looking at Dark Fire with interest.

"Dark Fire, your majesty," he said, nodding respectively as he did so.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Dark Fire. I'm afraid I don't recognize you. You are not from Ponyville, am I correct?"

"That's right, Princess. I was born in Cloudsdale, and I've moved around a lot since then. The most recent place I lived was Trottingham. I heard Ponyville was a great place for ponies looking for the quiet life, so here I am"

"It is a beautiful place isnt it? That is my I sent my top apprentice Twilight Sparkle here to learn about trhe most magic of all... Friendship."

"So Sparkles- um Twilight is your top apprentice?" He asked glancing at me eyes filled with mischief.

"Why yes, she had more power as a filly than our most powerfull unicorns do after years of training"

"Very intresting" Dark Fire smirked.

"So where are you staying Dark Fire?"

"Well Spike did offer me a place to stay but Sparkles here-"

"He's staying with me" I spat out. No way I was letting this jerk ruin my apprenticeship with the princess. Dark Fire looked surprised,but he kept his mouth shut.

"That is very kind of you, Twilight Sparkle, and you too, Spike. I'm afraid I can't stay around any longer. I have a very important Canterlot meeting." I bowed again and when I returned to a standing position, the Princess had gone.

"I guess I'll make myself at home then," Dark Fire smirked, stepping past me and into my library home. His wing brushed against my flank and I shivered slightly.

"Dont touch anything! I have everything organized in a specifc manor and I-"

"Dont get your tail in a twist. As if I'd touch one of your dusty old books Sparkle"

"The name is Twilight Sparkle!"

"Oh yes, the great apprentice of the princess. You must be very powerful, so tell me Sparkles, what is such a powerful magic user doing in ponyville?"

I glared angrily at him. "Princess Celestia told you. I was sent here to learn the magic of friendship."

"Magic of friendship?" he snorted.

"I'll have you know that my friends and I have used the elements of harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord. Friendship is more powerful than you think."

"I wanna meet these 'friends' and I'll decide how powerful you guys really are." Dark Fire leaned towards me, his eyes blazing. I couldn't help but think about him meeting Rainbow Dash and them getting along, maybe even getting married...

What was I doing? He didn't even know Rainbow Dash! Besides, Rainbow Dash had a thing for Hoops. (Yes... Me and my friend support HoopsxRainbow) Just because she had a lot in common with Dark Fire doesn't mean they were getting married. I was just being a silly filly.

"Fine! I was supposed to meet them for a pet play date anyway with Owlowiscious."

At the mention of his name, Owlowliscious flew from his perch, landing lightly on my back.

"Hoo," he cooed.

"Spike, I'm leaving!" I called as I walked out the door. Dark Fire flew above me all the way to the park where Applejack and Winona, Fluttershy and Angel, Rarity and Opal, Pinkie Pie and Gummy, and Rainbow Dash and Tank were waiting.

"Hey you guys!" I called. I used my magic to teleport the last of the way so I could explain why Dark Fire was there.

"You guys know that new pegases Dark Fire-"

"How can we not know him" Pinkie Pie laughed.

"That new pony is handsom as a ripe apple fresh off the tree" Apple Jack Sighed.

"He's the besy flyer in Ponyville! Besides me of course" Rainbow dash nieghed.

"And that mane, he is so fabulous" Rarity cooed.

"He's not all that impressive..." Spike grumbled.

"What about him Twilight?' Fluttershy asked.

"You know... If you want to explain that is..." She added.

I opened my mouth to explain when Dark Fire landed in front of me.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy said, jumping backwards.

"Well hello ladies"

"Dark Fire... These are my friends Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and-

"HI! I'm Pinkie Pie! I know every Pony in Ponyville so I have to know you! What do you like, whats you favorite food? Do you like parties-"

"So how do you know Twilight?" Apple Jack asked, intrupting Pinkie Pie before she scared Dark Fire away asked.

"Im actualy living with her now" He smirked in my direction. God did I hate him. My friends all looked at me, shocked.

"Why didn't you tell us, Twilight?" Applejack asked, mouth hanging open.

"I can't believe you would hide this from your friends!" Rarity looked offended. Gosh she was such a drama queen.

"Its not what you ponies think! He was in need of a place to stay so I humbly decided to let him stay under my roof" Dark Fire snorted, and I considered kicking him in the chest. He needed a good kick, but I knew my friends wouldn't appreciate me kicking their obsession right in front of them.

"So Dark Fire wanna fly with me, see who has the better wings?" Rainbow Dash challenged. Dark Fire shook his head.

"No thanks, I have certain reasons to stay down here"

"Oh gag me" I huffed getting a smirk from Dark Fire. I realized what I said and shook my head.

"That's not what I meant!" I cried. Dark Fire laughed.

"Sure it's not, Sparkles."

"Believe what you want to Dark Fire! But there is no way in pony how that I could ever be intrested in you" I spat.

"I never accused you of being intrested in me, your the one spitting out rant after rant"

"Why dont you take your opinion and shove it-"

"Such course words for a lady under the apprentiship of the princess" He teased.

I glared angrily at him and called Owlowlicious over.

"Sorry guys, but I think I need to be alone." I snapped, leaving the park. I didnt make it far until a very unwanted voice came from above me.

"Careful Sparkles, keep acting like this and Im going to start thinking you dont want me around"

"And what a shame that would be," I grumbled sarcastically.

"Wow... you hurt me sparkles... right here in the pride..." (gestures to his heart)

"Funny, I thought all you had there was a black hole..." I snapped.

"Well, well, somepony is not in a very good mood today. What's wrong Sparkles? Wake up on the wrong side of the library? Oh I know, you can't find your favorite book."

"As a matter a fact I can't but right now thats not whats upsetting me..."

"Then what is it Sparkles? You can tell me,"

"Its the fact that you cant seem to say my name!"

"I can say your name Twilight... I just prefer not too"

"Uggg your so-" I started but was swiftly interupted.

"So what, Sparkles? Attractive, perfect, handsome?"

"More like annoying, arrogant, loud, obnoxious," I snapped. Dark Fire looked hurt and I felt bad, but only for a moment.

"Well maybe I need to show you some of my good qualities Sparkles"

"What the hell are talking abou-" The rest of my words were cut off as Dark Fire wrapped his hooves aroung my waist and using his large magestic wings lifted me in the air.

I nearly screamed, but Dark Fire slowed down instantly, making the scream catch in my throat.

"What are you doing?" I cried. Dark Fire didn't answer.

"Put me down NOW"

"What? And miss this view" He laughed gazing down at me.


"Sorry cant hear you over the wind in my ears"

"Funny... I can hear you perfectly fine" I muttered. We flew over Ponyville for a while and I had to admit, it was beautiful

To see all of Ponyville beneth me... framed by the clouds. It looked so peacefull... I glanced up to look at Dark Fire.. Who was looking strait ahead. His mane wildly flowing in the wind... his red eyes hot as coal. He looked so... so... He suddenly looked down at me... relizing I was staring at him I shook my gaze from his so fast I think I got wiplash...

"Enjoying the view" He asked. I was about to tell him off for being so arrogent when I relized he was serious.

"It's lovley"

"Not so bad from up here either" He smiled. Eyes traveling down my body. There was the Dark Fire I knew and loved...no, despised. I mean, I did despise him right? I had to. He was everything I hated in a pony. He was a showoff, he was arrogant, he was rude, a flirt...

"You okay there Sparkles you look a little distracted... Its not a good look on you" I shook my head.

"I'm fine." I muttered.

"Just... take me back down" I sighed. These thought Im having about Dark Fire... It has to be the thin air... Yeah. Its messing with my head...

"Just when I was having fun" He grinned but flew me down gentle as a feather on the wind back to my house.

We landed near the Everfree forest and I examined Dark Fire carefully. The weird feeling I had felt up in the clouds was thankfully gone, but I was still worried. I couldn't like him.

It would be wrong... I mean I was orginized... Controled.. Paitent. And he was... well none of those.

"Wanna go inside" I asked as we approched my house. Surprising myself.

"Wnt your friends wonder where you are?"

"There smart ponies, they'll figure it out" I shrugged.

Dark Fire shrugged and followed me inside. We didn't say a word. We didn't need to. We both knew that the flight had changed something between us.

"So how long have you lived in Ponyville?" He asked, obviously enjoying the silence as much as I was.

"A few months" I responded.

"You ever miss Cantalot"

"Theres not a day i dont"

"Any family up there"

"My older brother... Shining armor. His wife, and my parents."

I sighed. "What about your family?"

"Never knew them all that well," Dark Fire said with a shrug.

"Im sorry..." I generally felt bad for him.

"Its nothing. Its because of them I move around a lot. ts because of them I met you..."



"Who knew that mister big bad pegases had a heart" I smiled.

"I have a lot more than that Sparkles" He leaned in... He ws going to kiss me. And for this one instant I was going to let him. His muzzle was a feather distance from mine... I could feel his warm breath agianst my face...

"THERE you are Twilight! You kinda dissapered on us and when Owlowiscious came back without yuo we got worried and I-" A voice squeled from the now open door.

"Pinkie Pie shut up!" Rainbow dash snorted.

"Ummmmmm Twilight... are we interupting somwthing... cuz we can go... if you want us to" Fluttershy whispered.

"NO! I mean no... its fine. There was nothing to interupted." I spoke quickly trying to put as much distance between me and Dark Fire as possible.

I ran up to my study and with magic slammed the door behind me. How could I be so weak? I almost let him kiss me... nd if Pinkie Pie hadnt interupted... I shook my head to clear my thoughts... I would not think abouyt that! Anything but that... I wouldn't have let it happen. I would've stopped him. That would have been the logical thing, right? I mean, we were so different. We would never work!

"You okay Twilight?" A voice came from behind me. I turned to see my assistent and best friend Spike.

"I'm fine, Spike," I sighed. He wouldn't understand, even if I told him. He was to young. He was only a baby dragon after all.

"You hatched me Twilight... I can tell when your lying... Not that your good at it in the first place" Spike pointed out.

I glared at Spike, annoyed that my feelings were obvious.

"It's nothing. I'm working on it okay?"

"You can't work on everything to make it fit the way you want it to Twilight" He frowned. I sighed and layed down on the floor of my study. Spike took the hint and left, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

I coundt like Dark Fire... It eas theoreticly impossibe... I was one way and he was another. It didnt add up at all! So why did I feel so... Happy when he was around,. Well I guess happy isnt exactly what I'd call it... More like exitment mixed with annoyence and awkward... and good. What was I thinking! No this is wrong! This is-

"Sparkles, you in here?" Wonderful. He had followed me.

"Go away, Dark Fire," I begged.

"Sorry, never heard that term before" He smiled. God that stupid smile!

"Oh Im sure, every pony cant get enough of you can they?"

Dark Fire looked taken aback. Clearly nopony had called him out on it before.

"Look I now I can be arrogent sometimes-"

"Sometimes!" I snapped.

"Look Im trying to apologize... which is harder for me that you would think..."

"Oh I can imagen"

"ohhhhhhh You Sparkles are so-"

"Attractive, perfect, beautiful?" I sneered mocking him

Dark Fire's eyes blazed and suddenly he was kissing me angrily. I didn't know what to do, how to react. My anger drove me to kiss him back, but my sanity recovered and I pulled away.

"What are doing!" I hissed.


"You kissed me!"

"You kissed me back" He stated.

"No I didn't!" I growled.

"I think I can tell when a mare is kissing me back" He smirked,

"That was a mistake" I huffed.

"If that was a mistake I never want to do the right thing agian" I shook my head at his comment.

"We can't, Dark Fire. We're just too different,"

"Oppisites attract," He stated.

"Thats just dome superstition"

"Says the unicorn who does magic for a living"

"Thats diffrent"

"Well, you like proof? Then lets conduct an experiment"

"What kind of experiment?" I asked.

Instead of awnsering he kissed her agian... Her logical side told her to push him away... To get away from him. But somthing diffrent... Told her to let him do this... So she kissed back and for this moment... She would let her heart lead over her mind...