• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 12,511 Views, 991 Comments

Bathtime for Ponies - Derpsanddinks404

A second-person fic where you give fillies and colts a bath

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Queen Chrysallis

You poke your head out of the bathroom and search for the filly. "Chrysalis!" you call out to the young changeling royalty.

The little black princess (and soon-to-be queen) appears from around a corner and hovers over to you. She has a skeptical look on her face while she lands at the door in front of you. You invite her in and she accepts, looking around the bathroom. When she sees the bathtub, even though she didn't see inside it, she instantly knew what was going on.

Reacting quickly, you shut the door and lock it at speeds Rainbow Dash would envy. Chrysallis runs straight into the door after you move, causing her eyes to derp and her mind to become dizzy. She shakes it off and looks up at you, very unamused. She looks down and for the first time ever accepts her defeat (and so easily too!).

Satisfied with her presence, you pick up the changeling and walk her over to the tub. When you place her in, she makes a weird face as the water flows through the many holes in her body. She shivers a bit, and then becomes comfortable with her surroundings.

When all is set to start, you grab the shampoo next to you and apply some to your palm. You then proceed to lather the filly's dirty-blue mane. The hair has a weird feeling to it, almost buggish (go figure). When you reach the bottom of the mane, you notice the holes in the mane and wonder how it was even possible for them to exist. Once you realize that you are washing multiple technicolor ponies and relativity doesn't matter to any of them, however, you shrug it away and continue lathering. A minute later, Chrysalis' mane is sudsy and ready to rinse.

Picking up a handful of water, you bring your hands above Chrysalis and release the liquid over her head. She flinches at the warm water falling on her. You continue nonetheles for seven more handfuls. When you finish a moment later, the changeling's mane is nice and... clean? You couldn't really tell, because despite your efforts Chrysalis still looks like her mane was made up of old, moth-eaten fabric. You sigh and continue your job, despite the nagging voice in the back of your head that tells you to wash again just in case (you decide that it'll always look like that, no matter what. Good thing Rarity isn't here you think).

Now would be the time that you'd clean a foal's wings (if they had any), but considering Chrysalis' wings are those of a bug, you move onto her tail instead. Lifting her behind and instructing her to keep it there, you grab the shampoo again and squeeze some of the gel into your opposite palm. You lather her tail similar to the way you lathered her mane, including the little moment of wonder as to how her hair could have holes. Another minute and another soapy bunch of hair later, her tail is finished lathering.

Cupping your hands and filling them yet again with the bath water, you begin the second and final rotation of rinsing. Chrysalis watches you blankly as you pour palmful after palmful of water on her tail. Her tail only takes six rotations instead of seven, leaving her tail looking exactly as it looked before.

With the queen done sooner than most royalty (because of her buggy wings), you decide you'll lay back for a bit and treat the poor dear to some play time. You reach somewhere behind you and pull out multiple toys: army-men-like changelings (about twelve of them, which you had picked up at Toys S Us), a small house and miniature figures of the Mane Six (who she doesn't know at this time, but are ponies anyway so they'll work). You give them to the young royalty and she accepts them with a sharp smile.

Now that she finally had an army, she lined them up and gleefully prepared them for an attack.

The Mane Six were encircled by millions of changelings. All hope was completely lost, for Queen Chrysalis had won the battle and the war. Queen Crysalis laughed from overhead at her triumph. She ordered her army to attack now without mercy. Her minions followed her order, and the Mane Six were all easily thrown around, kicked, punched, and so on. When the pesky ponies were out of sight and out of mind, she sent her troops to destroy a nearby building. They followed, easily overtaking the weak structure, and even flipping it upside-down!

Chrysalis is laughing both evilly and cutely, a combination that could rarely ever be pulled off. The changeling looked to the sight before her with devious joy: the unnamed ponies were underwater and defeated, the house was upside-down and slightly beaten-up, and her little "minions" were smiling back at her, glad to help their superior.

What happened next, though, you never thought you'd see.

Chrysalis took all of her changelings in both arms (some she struggled with because they got into her holes) and brought them up in an embrace. She kissed some of them, a look of happiness and motherly love on her face. The changelings (obviously) didn't react to this, but you guessed that in her mind they were doing the same for her. The queen of the changelings loved her "babies".

You softly squee at the sight of the not-so-evil foal caring for her children. Never had you ever thought she felt so close to them, mostly due to how other people portray their relationship on the Internet. You leave the filly in the tub for a minute more before you unplug the tub and pull her out, a few changelings still in her hooves.

Grabbing the towel by your side, you wrap it around Chrysalis and start to dry her off, beginning with her mothy mane. When that's done, you move onto her torso and wings. While doing this, you can feel the indentations of her holes and get inside them to dry her internally, shivering slightly at the alien feeling. When that's done, you move onto her tail and hooves, which also have holes that you have to dry inside.

When all is finally done, you unlock the door and dismiss the changeling royalty. Chrysalis smiles at you smugly and brings along her changelings, leaving the other toys for you. You watch her exit and smile warmly at the sight before you.

It was then that you realized that even the evilest of beings felt love for their children.