• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 833 Views, 4 Comments

To Save Equestria: The Mysterious Virus - KalaAWild

Silvershot is needed again to save Equestria from a terrible plague.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Fantasia Cavallo

"What in Celestia's name are ya talkin’ about? Ah don't know anything about makin’ magical jewellery," Appleblom yelped.

"You won't have to," Silvershot said to her while giving his throwing star to Rainbow Dash. "All you have to do is to put the pieces together and say the command spell to combine the parts. You have to say it in Venturian."

"What do I have to say?"

"Parti sono caotico, insieme e armonioso," Silver Lancet sneered from his cage.

Despite hating his father and not trusting him at all, Silvershot knew he was right. The words were correct. "In Equestrian Common, it means 'parts are chaotic, together is harmonious'."

"Okay, Ah think I got it," Applebloom smiled.

"Good. Now go. I'll be in Canterlot with everypony soon. I have something to deal with."

"What do you have to do?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Danja. She's still alive somewhere in Equestria. I have to stop her from doing any more harm. I think I might know where she might be."

It was just a hunch, but it was his best guess. "Where do you think she might be?"

"Danja had been aiming for my loved ones ever since we started this quest. She captured you and Applebloom earlier and killed Finn. She almost killed everypony on the ship with me on it, but there is one target she hasn't gotten to yet."

"Fortress!" Applebloom realized. "Fortress is in danger!"

"Yes. I know this seems selfish that I am going to Ponyville to save Fortress instead of Equestria, but I want to be holding my wife one last time if our plan fails. Please. You have to save Equestria for me." He was near teary eyed when he looked at Rainbow Dash and Applebloom.

"Don't worry Silvershot. You can count on us."

"Thank you." Silvershot made his way to the doorway of the Crystal Prison. "Venturia made one of Equestria's fastest mining transport systems of all time. There was a system that directly led from the Crystal Mountains to Venturia. I just need to get to the abandoned train in the mine and take it to Venturia. I can be in Ponyville in ten minutes."

"Be careful Silvershot," a voice warned. Silvershot wanted to freak out because he heard the voice before on Finn's ship but the voice didn't just randomly come to him. She spoke to him for reasons. "There's a reason why the mines were abandoned."

"I think I'll be fine." Silvershot said out loud to please the mysterious voice.

"Silvershot," Applebloom said to him before leaving. "Just in case this doesn't work, I just want to say that Fortress is lucky to have you."

"Thank you."

"You sacrifice everything you have. Even if you lose everything, you still want to give. It's almost like-"

Silvershot interrupted her. "You're the element of sacrifice? Yeah, I think so to. Too bad we have to destroy it."

"Good luck Silvershot. See you later," Rainbow Dash and Applebloom said in unison.

When Silvershot got out of the Crystal Prison, he met the whispering ghost that had been whispering in his head. Sitting on top of the Crystal Mountain snow was the ghost. She was completely different from Armonia. Unlike him, who appeared to Silvershot in memories or as a vague apparition, the ghost was a full bodied pony that Silvershot and anypony else could see.

She was a very colorful pony for a pony from the Cavallo family. Normally Cavallo family members had grey or dark colored manes and coats. She had a pink cotton candy colored mane that was long enough to touch the snow. She had a white coat that distinctly showed her cutie mark: a pair of twin crossed daggers. She sat on a foldable beach chair while drinking something that looked like a Bloody Mare.

"Who are you? Shouldn't you be at the refugee site?" Silvershot asked her as he got closer to her.

"I wish I was, but I am not even real," the drinking mare responded. She opened her eyes wide to show Silvershot her blood red eyes that were like her drink. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person, Silvershot. Whispering in your ear was a pain."

"You're the voice? But...what?"

"Look never mind. I'm your…" She took a couple seconds to think. "I'm your great grandmother times forty eight. I'm Fantasia: the Warrior of the North Sea. I'm here to help you."

"How come you look so real?" Silvershot didn't ask how or why Fantasma was even there.

"Yeah, about that. I really don't know. Armonia was summoned because of the contact you made with the fake element of sacrifice. I am the protector of the Cavallo family and I appear whenever somepony of the family is endangered. How it happens, I really don't know why. I used a lot of my bodily magic to make a temporary physical body to help you so we better hurry up before I go back to sleep."

"What are you going to help me with?" Silvershot asked.

"Do you even know where the tunnel entrance is to the mine?" Silvershot nodded his head in dismay. "Exactly. I would imagine it being forbidden to reveal after the Armonia incident and the last plague."

"Why is it forbidden and how do you know where it is?"

"Before I died, I visited the mines. Armonia was very protective of the precious metals so he filled it with nothing but traps. I will guide to the mine, even if it kills the both of us."

Author's Note:

Sorry there was a lot of dialogue on this chapter. There had to be some goodbyes and some hellos with Silvershot. Chapter 14 will be the last chapter. Its going to end in an awesome way. So see you later everypony!


EDIT: I changed the name of the ghost... I just realized I already used the name "Fantasma" in Finn's name. Oops XO