• Published 25th Oct 2012
  • 852 Views, 2 Comments

The Few - Carmack21

Embracing the night has never felt so good.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The Few part 1
By: Carmack21
Editing: Mabbz

The Few.

"Who dares speak the name of our former self in such a way!" a voice roared through the hallways of the Canterlot castle. Just the sheer might of if could strike fear into even the strongest of solar guard.

"Y-your Great Majesty, I did not mean to offend you, b-but wh-when you were...*gulp*... Nightmare Moon, you mare-napped, your sister." a scared voice spoke with such little effect, it was comparable to a mouse.

The guards outside the court remained still. No emotion was seen in their faces; sure they felt sorry for the mare inside but what could they do, barge in there and place the princess under arrest for disturbing the peace? Nope!

The right side Pegasus guard with his last name etched in to his golden breastplate rather jaggedly turned to take a quick glance at his watch guard partner. They were old friends, but they were on duty so he couldn't ask for his thoughts. He snapped back into position but went limp; he was still being bothered by such a small thing, his eagerness to know what others thought. He opened his mouth but before one word came out he bit his tongue, he was on duty, guard duty. This was no time to ask idle questions.

"HOW DARE THEE!" the voice rang again, this time sterner, more emotional than the last time. Ceasing any thought the guard had.

By what the guard knew, the Princess was being accused of mare-napping, and high treason against the crown when she was controlled by the nightmare named Nightmare Moon. Although true, she had no actual influence in committing said crimes, but a few ponies saw it as a way to earn a couple extra bits. Even after Princess Celestia had informed everypony that she forgave her younger sister and stated that she was not in control of her actions, others still saw it as an opportunity.

"P-p-p-Princess, please forgive me, I'll never bother you again, I am sorry to have wasted your time." The voice was so fragile now just the slightest push could send her into full crying mode.

"Forgive thou?! Forgive THOU?! Others wait while you try to scrape a few bits from an event you never partook! You shalt never be allowed to come near this court again!" she screeched, far more annoyed by such insolence from a pony who wanted a few bits for her already full purse, while others starve.

The grand doors burst open knocking both guards against the walls and being squashed between the wall and the doors. The mare inside flew through the opening at full speed crying and sobbing. The two guards pushed the doors away and crawled out from behind them. They pulled themselves together, but before they were back in position the Princess of the Night stepped out the doors.

"Guards please walk with us." the Princess commanded in a surprisingly gentle tone.

"Yes Ma’am." they stated in unison.


The guards followed Princess Luna up a couple of hallways, each leading to a different part of the castle. Princess Luna stopped at a fork in the halls; she turned to get a good glance at the names etched on her guards’ armor.

The legible one was Ripspeed Deler, while the jagged written one was, Knight... Caster. She turned and started to walk again.

Being midnight court, the Princess usually took a burden off her sister by taking in the late arrivals or last spot open candidates. Mostly penny pinchers and bland requests. Tonight though she had enough accusations of being a mare-napper or a traitor. She wanted to take a walk and talk to someone who requested nothing, and who might wanna talk back.

"Ripspeed, that is an unusual name, but not as unusual as Knight Caster" the princess commented, trying get a short conversation going. "You are free to talk and respond openly to us; neigh, I command thee to speak openly amongst us." she stated.

"Yes Ma’am." the two said in unison again. This time a small frown crossed her face, and the temperature in the hallway seemed to drop slightly. Knight noticed the Princess’ mood, but said nothing; it wasn't his place to comment.

"So did my sister appoint you two to us or were you the unlucky ones drawn from the hat?" Princess Luna asked, hoping to get the conversation started, once again.

"Yes Ma’am." the two continued their tradition of replying with a 'yes' to all of her royal majesty's questions. But didn't actually answer the question.
Luna wasn't happy. How could she get a conversation started if they didn't answer her? "How would thou like to be the first ponies to be hanged in a thousand years?" the Princess asked followed by a little chuckle.

"Yes Ma’am" Ripspeed stated, not even thinking about what she had threatened him with.

"No Ma’am." Knight said. He knew she was kidding, but he wasn't going to say yes to a death sentence.

Finally, Something other then a 'Yes Ma’am!’

"Now, how did you come to hold this position?" she asked, putting a hoof on Knight’s shoulder plate.

He had never been touched by a royalty not even by Princess Celestia. This was very awkward for him; he started to panic turning scarlet red. Against all odds he managed to speak in a stern military voice. "I volunteered." he answered, knowing some pressure was being released off of him.

The Princess kept her eyes on this stallion; he was the first to break the military conduct of repeating 'Yes Ma’am' to everything that was asked of him. "So, thou volunteered for such a task... Why?" the Princess pondered, why would someone actually volunteer to guard an alicorn that tried to ruin the whole society of Equestria? Was he sorry for her, was he proving his bravery, or was he just plan daft?

"Well, we were called upon to fulfil a royal task, your Majesty, and I saw it as a chance to learn more about the night." Knight answered truthfully. Revealing a little secret he kept from even his closest friend.

There was silence between the two guards and the princess. The princess looked towards the moon, before telling them to follow her; it was time to return to court.

The night time court lasted another few hours but the dawn was coming and the moon was setting. Knight and Ripspeed looked on down the hallway when the clicking of hooves was heard. A pair of Solar Guards accompanied by Princess Celestia emerged from around one of the bends.

The two well rested guards stood in front of the two non rested guards, Ripspeed and Knight opened the double doors, and then ceremonially they saluted as Princess Celestia walked through. Knight and Ripspeed then turned face to look at the replacements once more. Knight took two steps right, while Ripspeed took two steps left, leaving the replacements room to turn face and back in the guard position. Ripspeed and Knight Caster stepped forward, turned and stood in front of the new guards, Ripspeed saluted turned and started to walk away like he was suppose too. Knight though stood there, it was his duty to accompany the Princess of the Night back to her room.


"Sister, how goes it?" Luna asked as she sat sideways in her cushioned dais.
"Very good sister. How was midnight court?" her sister responded with a hint of interest.

"Another had accused me of mare-napping, and requested currency for the fright that was stricken into her fowl." she responded in a rather sadder tone. "But I have found a little glimmer of happiness tonight." she added.

"Oh," Celestia was interested in this gossip. "What's this 'glimmer of happiness' you've stumbled upon?" her sister asked.

"We shall not say" Luna didn’t want her sister to know anything... Yet.
Princess Celestia tried giving Luna her best puppy dog look, her eyes going big and soft, with a little sparkle in her eyes, lip quivering a little, but even this had not compelled her sister to answer. Finally, she relented. "Well then sis, I shall take over." she said reassuringly.


Knight looked straight at the doors, waiting for his princess to walk out... Any second now... Any second... Creak, the doors opened by magic. Princess Luna walked slowly out wearing a dark black cloak, closing the doors behind her. She peered around looking both ways, making sure no pony was coming and stepped beside her guard. Knight was supposed to swing by the princess's room, drop her off, then walk to the café, grab a bite, and then retire to bed. Simple... Or that's what supposed to happen, but it never does.

The Princess commanded him to take her to the park, as the last few minutes of night were fading along the horizon, and she wished to see it off.
The Princess led the way, Knight followed. They travelled through the halls past the barracks, past the Princess's room, past the café (which had such a great aroma of hay bacon, and flower burger, and other stuff that Knight could only imagine) and continued out the castle doors to the Royal gardens.

"Over here, we shall sit under the Royal Arch." The Princess said walking down the stone path.

After a Luna sat and Knight watched her, he couldn't help himself, "May I ask Princess, how do you make the stars?" Knight Caster asked with out thinking.

The Princess motioned for him to stand next to her, he stood a few feet behind her, and came a tad bit closer, but a still out of her reach. "Back before we became Nightmare Moon, and war, peace, and great feast were common, we had taken the finest warriors, the most diplomatic of ponies, and the greatest memories that covered the land, and portrayed them in the night sky for all ponies too see. But as time crept on and other significant events took place we started portraying them as well." she finished the short story. "All thou has to do is Embrace the Night."

Knight drew his attention to the sky, embrace the night... He could still see a few star formations, and a couple clusters but the coming sun had obscured the sky. Tomorrow while on leave he shall gaze upon the stars with new eyes, and see if he could depict a few of the events, warriors, and diplomats.

"Let us retire to our room." Luna said as she sat still gazing at the stars. She pulled her cloaks hood on, hiding her head from the coming sun.

"Yes Ma’am." Knight saluted and led the way back.

Princess Luna staggered behind a little; her emotions were getting the best of her, a single tear formed in one of her eyes. It made the quietest splash on the tile hallway. Knight’s ears perked up when he heard it; he turned his head just a little, so slightly it was unnoticeable. Was the Princess crying? No... Was she?

"Princess, are you still with me?" Knight found himself stopping to ask, and then trying to cover his mouth to prevent any other words from escaping.

"We hath no need of your sympathy, we are fine." Luna answered with slight harshness in her voice.

"Yes Ma’am." Knight was quick to respond. He then continued down the halls, past the café, then stopping at two dark coated doors with a lunar crescent in the middle. "There are no guards, and no locks on the door." Knight pointed out the obvious.

"That is correct. The night guard died long ago, but ever since we have been back my sister appoints guards to us... Or they volunteer." Luna used her magic to open the doors. The doors groaned open, and the Princess entered and shut the doors behind her.

Knight sat quietly, something seemed different. Embrace the Night? What had Princess Luna meant by Embrace the Night? Grr. "I could really go for a hay bacon supreme right now." He looked around, wondering where the day-time guard was. "I can't just leave her unguarded" he whispered to the door.

Maybe just a few more minutes.


13 hours later...

The dark doors slid open, the Princess stepped forward revealing herself in the candle light. "Guards? Where are you?" Luna inquired aloud. Wondering why no one was sent too awake her.
Knight stepped out from the shadows of a pillar, his eyes had bags under them, his stomach ached, his feathers were sticking out in random places, and his eyes were bloodshot. "Sorry your majesty... Follow me please." he said weakly.

"Thou art unfit to guard us. What bad luck was bestowed upon thee?" the Princess asked the sorry excuse of a guard.

Knight looked at her, gears in his head turning and grinding away. Ears turned back, and a small frown formed its way across his face.

"I stood guard at your room all day Ma’am, I felt it wrong to leave you unguarded." he recited, although knowing he was in no way or shape for guard duty. His mouth was dry, and his head felt heavy... Sleep... Sleep... Sleep! it moaned, yet he denied it.

The Princess didn't know what to say, nobody ever went out of the way to guard her, even the appointed guards switched off at exactly the appointed time.

"Grr." Her stomach growled at her. It was breakfast time after all, "What was your name guard?" she asked in a soothing tone. She had already forgotten his name, so unusual of her.

"Knight Caster Ma’am." he said feebly, his body ached with strain. Knight hadn't slept a wink since being put on guard duty for the princess two days ago.

"Grr!" both stomachs growled in unison.

"Sorry Princess Luna, please excuse my rough appearance. Now if you would follow me to breakfast Ma’am." he spoke with authority in his voice this time. His shift wasn't over until Oh-six hundred the next day, or 6am as most ponies would say. He could function till then, hopefully.

"Lead the way, guard." Luna’s respect for this guard grew more; the fact that he stood guard all day for her while no other would showed great potential. She looked him up and down when he turned to lead the way,
'What is that?' Luna thought as her eyes lay upon a scribble on his armor, one that she had not seen before. It was wrong too deface the armor that was provided either then writing ones name. On the back of his neck guard under the helm rested a crescent moon; small, but it was indeed a moon. Interesting...

The two walked through this hall and that, turning at this corner then making an immediate turn to the Royal dining room. He saluted the two guards, who looked him up and down. He was worse than rough, he was a mess, but his shift wasn't ov-.

"Guard Knight Caster," Luna addressed Knight in a soft voice, "You are hereby relieved of guard duty till you have cleaned up, please seek us after you have tightened up and received a clean cut." she commanded him, then with a flick of magic removed his helmet levitating it after her as she entered the room. His armor was also levitated off of him, following like ducks after the helm. His soft white fur faded and was replaced with an ash grey coat, and silver mane, which was cut low, like a military ranger. His body also lost a few muscles as well. His wings shrunk a few inches as well. As the white coat retracted, his flank was shown revealing his cutie mark, a crescent moon with a sword in the middle.

'What just happened?' Knight Caster asked himself, was she serious. He eyed the two unicorn guards who kept solid faces, both wondering the same as he, but too scared to ask, eyed him back. Knight’s mouth was ajar, his ears wilted back, he looked both ways and skulked down the hall... Shame, was all that came to mind, he tried to do something he thought was correct, but was not apparently. With his head down he continued towards the barracks, at least he will see his friend Ripspeed.


"What!" Knight yelled at the little sliding window for the barracks door.

"You do not bear her royal majesty's armor; I am on strict orders to allow no soldier in without solar armor since the attack on Canterlot by the changelings. It is harder for them to conjure up such objects." the guard on the other side of the door answered back, a slight bit annoyed.

"But I told you Princess Luna took my helmet and plate armor and told me I would get it back when I've cleaned up a bit" his temper was growing, the only other place to go would be a... A... A bathhouse. He was not keen on going there.

"Sorry... Knight Caster, but with out a note from Princess Celestia you are forbidden to enter with out armor." the guard read rule seventy-nine out of the 'New Solar Guard Rule Book'. He then shut the window leaving Knight all alone.

"Humph" Knight eyed the ground once again. He seemed nervous, his ears wilted and he walked down the hall once more, this time out the castle doors and out of the castle walls down the street towards the closest bathhouse.

He came face to face with the La Da Da In A Tub... Great, even the name sounded pricey. But if that's what it'll take to get his job back so be it... Just as long as they don't treat him like a girl...


"So a hoof manicure, mud bath, standard bath, hoof soak, massage, seaweed wrap, cucumber over the eyes, and to top it all off, a bow tie?" the mare at the front desk asked Knight while she inputted the prices.

Knight was stunned, all he wanted was a gosh darn bath... But no one can enter a store to get a good or service with out being persuaded to get more than he or she bargained for.

"Just a bath Ma’am." he said with a low annoyance in his tone.

"One does not simple enter La Da Da in a Tub and order just a bath my colt friend. Now look at those bags under your eyes, we will need to take twice as long to get rid of those." she spoke firmly with a smile on her face as she was calculating the sum on her bit register.

What was so hard for her to understand, all he wanted was a dang bath. He eyed the desk mare; she was no different then any other mare, besides the cutie mark that portrayed bubbles, a ducky, and a brush.

"Ma’am all I require is a bath, that's final. That's all I'll pay for and that's all I want. Now please take these and let me go take a bath." he scrounged in his satchel for more bits then it cost to actually take a bath, but Knight was fed up with arguing.

He walked past door after door after door till finally coming across the public bath. "Finally." he grabbed some soap and towels and slithered into the bath. The natural heated spring water felt good, but he had no time to waste.

He got right to work, cleaning his head and mane, followed by his face, then his neck and chest and back, trailing down to his flank and then his legs. He then doused in cooler water, got out and dried. He spent a total of six minutes, in and out, a new personal record. He gathered his things as others who soaked in the water watched; he hadn't noticed others in there until he looked up and caught a few eyes staring back at him. He blushed a little; he gathered the last remaining bottle of soap and took care of it.

Knight stowed his towel in the basket and trashed the empty soap bottle, and quickly made for the door. He was a little more presentable, only one last thing to do... EAT! Without saying a word to the mare at the desk he bolted out the doors, glad to be away from that mad house.

Knight knew where there were great places to go for grub, but he was in a hurry. Any place would do on the way back to the castle. He had twelve bits remaining. That really didn't buy much here in Canterlot, but he just needed a little grub. Enough to get him through till dinner, which is technically breakfast.

Aha! The tavern 'Loose hoof', perfect. He never went there, but it was always busy, and loud.

He eagerly crept to the door; the light shining through the cracks of the warped wood gave a delightful feeling. He pushed the doors aside, revealing the makers of the noise. They were all mares, no colts, no fillies, just mares. Had he just entered a mare bar? Grr! His stomachs barked the order to push past the embarrassment, and get a to-go burger or what ever they served.
"Hey, what are you doing here!" a voice behind Knight spoke with the slightest hint of anger. It seemed that everywhere he went without his armor, everyone was hostile.

He turned and looked at the accuser, sizing them up. Medium height, little broad in the shoulder, a small frown, green eyes that had a hawk like look to them, and a low trim military hair style, like his, and she was a Pegasus.

Her coat was a soft white with a few specks of black around her eyes, her mane was sort of a mix of white and black, and her tail the same. She eyed him suspiciously, as if he might pounce on her at any given minute, but she wore a stern frown as she questioned him.

"I... I am a solar guard, I’ve just came into grab a bite before heading back to guard duty." Knight answered
truthfully, hoping his guard stats would earn an ok from her, but he knew that never worked... Ever.

"Uhuh, and I'm Princess Luna’s guard. Come on, give me the real reason why your here." she tried to drag the answer from him.

Other mares started looking, the noise and music slow stopped and all eyes focused on the two starring eye to eye. Knight’s ears wilted back, and he started backing up. 'What did I just get into?' He questioned himself.

"What are you doing here?" The white mare asked again, edging closer to Knight. A few other mares stepped in as well, blocking the path as to not allow him to slip out.

"I told you I came in to grab a bite, that's all!" he repeated.

"That’s it! Girls, get him!" The mare yelled as she leaped along with a few others piling on top of Knight.

Whack! The double saloon doors flung open when Knights head smacked them open. He went sailing four to five feet out the door before landing on the ground.

"And stay out!" the mare yelled as she shut the doors and the music started back up again.

"Ugh! What is going on! I can't get in to the barracks, I can't get a bath, and I can't get into a bar!" Knight yelled to the sky.

He slowly picked him self up, dusted off his coat and mane, and blinked few times. His stomach ached, but he couldn't feed it. With his head down he made the little track back to the castle. Maybe Ripspeed could snag him a bite of something.

He slowly started thinking about the night time sky, how beautiful it was, and how peaceful. 'Embrace the night.' Princess Luna’s words slowly crept back into his head.

Standing still looking up he started connecting the dots revealing simple formations, but as he stared longer the larger more complex ones began to show.

Battle scenes that would scare even the toughest of tough ponies, exquisite dinners fit for a king and queen that would last days, and great diplomats that devoted their lives to peace and prosperity.

Pulling his eyes from the sky felt awful, the moon was full and gave plenty of light, but he had a task at hand. On the way back again he caught himself staring at the sky, mostly the battle scenes. What drew his attention to focus on those few formations was a mystery, but they told the best stories.

His favorite constellation was of a stallion named Nesser Wall. He was a Captain in the Royal Army back before his great grandfather's time. He wasn't the strongest stallion, but he wasn't weak either. He was smart when it came to war and he always brought his brothers home. Then when he entered his last battle in what is now know as the Everfree Forest, he was struck down by an arrow to the neck while he leaped in front of Princess Celestia.

Either Princess Luna saw it as a way to secure his place in the history books, or Princess Celestia requested her sister to immortalize his glory, Knight never knew.

He had finally reached the castle walls and his heart started pounding for joy. He could get back to work and might learn a new thing or two about the night and stars with Princess Luna.
"Halt! Who goes there?" A voice hollered at Knight.

Oh come on! Just once can something go my way today? Knight cursed his brain. "Knight Caster, Private in her royal majesty's guard!" he yelled back, "Now please open the doors!"

"Open the gate! Gerts and Tercy go check him!" the voice brought a little hope back to Knights self-esteem; finally something was going his way.
The two recruits exited the doors; walking side by side they barked orders at Knight who complied. He was spread out on the ground his belly rubbing against the ground and his legs stretched out. The two patted him down, clearing him and giving the ok nod.

Knight got up saluted the two, and walked into the gates. He was well on his way to see the Princess at Midnight court, and reclaiming his armor. But maybe one quick stop, the cafe was still open and he knew the short cuts like the back of his hoof.

Arriving at the cafe Knight fought the urge too rush in and claim a bounty of food for his lonesome self. Pushing the doors aside and talking to the guard on duty he walked to the trays. Claiming his he started to fill it with food.

Hay bacon sandwich, hay fries, daisy soup, a bottle of apple cider, a rainbow colored cupcake, and a couple napkins. Selecting a seat was the next part, being without his guard uniform he felt out of place. Moving too the edge of the cafes small tables in the corner he began to eat and drink. With no time to waste and his stomach finally full, he dumped the trash, stacked the tray, and off he went to Midnight court.
His heart beat matched the clopping of his hoofs against the tile floor. Every step bringing him closer to his goal. Just a few more turns and a few more doors. Aha! Two twin wooden double doors stood between him and his armor.

Walking casually up to the doors he saluted the guards, thankfully they were the same ones from when he was relieved of duty. Using their magic the two unicorns pushed the doors open for him and he stepped in.

Luna was busy scribbling on a scroll, trying to reach a decision on some matter of state. Knight crept forward slowly, had she not noticed that he was here? He looked around; all the other ponies that help make decisions were gone. A noise behind him drew his attention; the unicorns had closed the double doors. He was trapped with no way out. He started thinking about backing up, but he stood fast he wasn't going to give in.

'What is the Princess planning to do to me, a hanging, a poison, or is she just going to tear me apart piece by piece?' his brain thought of the worst possible answers.

'Neigh, we shall do no such thing.' a voice entered his head. The Princess lifted her head from the scroll with a solid face.

"Huh?" he asked her, obviously confused about what just happened.
Luna lifted a hoof to her mouth and made a quiet shush noise, before returning her attention to the scroll. Apparently she didn't want to talk aloud.

Knight gathered his thoughts, 'Princess Luna, I have done as you have requested. I have taken a bath, ate, and have come before you to request my armor back.' Luna sat in her throne like chair, still scribbling on the scroll. 'What's so important about that dang scroll?!' He thought, forgetting that Princess Luna could read his thoughts.
Luna signed the scroll at the bottom, and then her attention focused on Knight. Using her magic she levitated the scroll to him, 'This is for Princess Celestia, we request you to bring it too her, then meet us at the royal arch.' she mind thought to him.
He focused on the levitating letter, he dare not touch it. Luna pushed it closer to him, 'Take it.' she said in her mind while staring at him.
As he cautiously took it, the double doors opened by magic and a number of political ponies stepped in and took their desired seats. 'Where can I find Princess Celestia?' he thought, but received no answer. He turned tail and headed out the doors. 'I guess it's up to me to find her.' he thought.


"Princess Celestia?" Knight knocked on the door for the Princess.
Creak! The door opened and a white head with a tricolor mane and a horn poked out. Her eyes had a little hint of annoyance in them but she answered his question. "Well hello my little pony, what seems to trouble you at this time of the night?"

Knight had forgotten that his shift was at night, and he had just woken the Princess. "I am sorry I woke you Princess Celestia, but your sister Princess Luna sent me to drop this letter off to you." he said, passing her the rolled parchment.

Celestia used her magic powers to lift and unfurl the scroll, she read line by line, then stared at Knight, and then back to the paper. Knight saluted then turned to head back to court. The Princess saw this and used her magic to levitate Knight off the ground and back in front of her.

She read the last line then magically zapped the scroll away. "Well then, Guard Knight Caster you are here by relieved of duty," Princess Celestia brought a paper and a stamp in front of her. She signed then stamped it. "You are required to report to my sister, Princess Luna with this." she handed him the paper.

Mouth agape at the word relieved, he reluctantly took the scroll.
Fear was stricken on Knights face as he walked down the hall. How had this happened, was it for insubordination in the act staying awake to guard the Princess? Slowly he made his way back to midnight court, his mind racing with thoughts of what Princess Luna wrote in the first scroll, and of what Princess Celestia wrote in the other. The one that was held in his teeth.

'Maybe a little look.' he questioned the parchment. His curiosity was getting the better of him. 'No! I shall not look!' he thought again.

He made it the rest of the way back without another thought of what fate was contained for him in the scroll.


There he stood face to face with the Princess of the Night no other pony remained in the room. His ears wilted back but after the night he had little fear of what might happen next, be it a beheading or a hanging.

"Knight Caster, we have seen you as a good friend to us." she paused looking at him, once again he was a little dirty, he had not received a wink of sleep yet, and he had a bruise on his shoulder from when he was thrown out of the bar. "But you have been removed from the ranks according to thy sister." she smiled devilishly.

"Yes ma'am." he recoiled with his military trained response.

"Yet you still stand here before us, and awaiting what comes next." Luna poked her head over the paper. Eyeing the stallion. "Before I go any further I would like you to meet one of my personal guards." she waved a hoof to her side. Out of the shadows stepped a devilish mare. He hadn't even noticed the silhouette of the mare in the shadows.

Her armor was of some sort of metal that Knight had never seen, and to add to that it was purple and metallic blue, instead of gold. Her coat was grey and her teeth were jagged. Her eyes were a golden orange, and her wings were bat like.

She eyed Knights every feature, after a few seconds she had already found each and every weak spot and was able to see his strength. She looked towards Luna and removed her helmet. Her grey coat dispersed to be replaced by a clean white one. Her true eye color came back, and her mane turned from grey to black and white. She knelt down showing submission to Luna, then rose and awaited further commands.

She turned her green eyes towards him, filling him with fear, 'Not again.'

"Please meet our personal guard. You might have met her earlier in the night? No?" Luna directed her attention to her single guard. "You shall follow her, learn from her, and then join her." Luna unravelled the mystery of the whole night.

Knight remained quiet for moment, before repeating what Luna said. "Join her?" he asked blankly. Usually if anyone did that they would be sentenced to clean the latrines.

"Yes, you shall join the ranks of the Midnight guard. You showed us that there are still a few who care about our night."

End Part 1