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Chapter 3: Pinkie Pie - Eoh of Laughter

"This sturdy cling-twiner will do, I expect," the bright pink figure said brightly to herself, stretching to grab a thick vine that was hanging down in front of her. She glanced into the canyon that stretched before her below. For a moment, a small bit of doubt almost crossed her mind ... almost. She shook her head with enough speed to imitate a humming bird's wings and grinned. "No second-think, just go . . . !"
With that, she leaped off the tree branch overhanging the yawning chasm. She swung herself half-way across, then let go. Momentum and her out-stretched wings carried her in a graceful arc over and past the gorge.
She laughed in delight as she landed cleanly on a nearby tree.
"Now that was fun!" she exclaimed.
She hadn't been sure she could make such a leap. But now she knew at least one thing: the air was her friend!
She didn't know much else. She knew her name was Pinkie Pie. At least she thought so. She liked the name - it sounded fun and exciting.
'Pinkie Pie: laughter-queen of know-nothingness, she thought with a smile, That's me!'
She glanced down at herself, at her strong limbs the color of bubble gum. Her wings were strong and, she had previously discovered, perfect for slicing through thick underbrush or twining foliage. Though she couldn't see it, she knew her cutie mark was a single colorful balloon; perfectly reflecting her happy-go-lucky personality.
Her smile faded as her mind flashed back to the dreams. Was that all they were? Dreams? She hoped so - for they had been dark and chaotic, and filled with fear. Normally, or so she imagined she would normally do, she would just regard the unhappiness with a smile; and watch it melt away ... but not this, this wasn't just unhappiness this was ... advanced unhappiness.
"Oh well..." she sighed. "Time enough for dark-thought later. It's time for some answer-finding."
Pinkie Pie had immediately found herself drawn to the lush, dripping jungle. Now that she was here, she felt at home.
As she reached the edge of a large stand of apple trees, the pegasus jumped onto a slender branch. The motion flung something out of a nest of feathers and twigs further along the branch.
She cried out in dismay, realizing that she had just ejected a baby blue jay out of it's nest. Without thought, she flung one wing upward through the air in the direction of the falling bird.
"Upsie-daisies you go!" she cried,
For a moment she thought the baby bird was flying away, then she realized the truth. No, not flying - floating! And emitting a cheerful collection of happy chirps that Pinkie Pie recognized immediately as laughter. The bird's lungs had filled with so much laughter and happiness, that it swelled up like a balloon; and floated serenely back to the branch.
Leaping across to a closer branch, the pink pegasus reached up and caught the chick gently in one hoof and placed it carefully back in it's nest.
"Now, what kind of happy-luck was that!?" she smiled, hopping up and down in happiness; nearly knocking the nest out of the tree again. "Or was it!?"
Struck with a sudden impulse, she flung up her wing in the direction of a clump of foliage. Leaves swirled as if a strong gust had just passed through the branches; then the unmistakable sound of a thousand some insects and primates and birds cackled in a sudden feeling of great glee.
"It was me!" Pinkie Pie breathed in amazement. "I did it. Their lungs answer to me!"