• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 1,379 Views, 15 Comments

The Night Of Many Parties - Wubba dub

A true story about how nights can be remembered and forgotten.

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To Party Till Tomorrow

To Party Till Tomorrow

Two hours till midnight and Wubba Dub had many plans for the night to come. Walking near the outside of Honey Biscuit’s house on a chilly night were three ponies. Whippy Doodle, Con-fetti and Wubba were sitting there near the backyard pool, where Honey Biscuit and Bingles were rolling up a blunt with nothing but a toothpick and a piece of paper.

“Hey Honey Biscuit, what are you doing?” asked Con-fetti.

“Rolling up a blunt.” Bingles replied, while concentrating on his work.

Wubba walked towards the two stoner ponies, looking at them as if they were using a banana as a screw driver when rolling up a blunt.

“Why don’t you grind up the weed before putting it in a blunt...?” he asked.

“Dude we got this.” Bingles said.

“Yeah, we know what we’re doing”. H.B. said defensively.

“Okay, man... just sayin.” Wubba replied.

Wubba took a seat as Con-fetti and Whippy were checking their phone for an angry message from Apple Pop. As he sat there for ten minutes looking at the ponies, he struggled to make a simple blunt. Finally, H.B. took a lighter and lit the tiny burrito of weed, taking two hits before Bingles took the blunt. Bingles took one huge hit and handed Wubba the blunt. Wubba hated smoking, because he knew he was immune to getting high, but he politely accepted the offer. The blunt had been half smoked already, so he took two hits before coughing his brains out.

Bingles went inside the house to play Call-of-Duty Mare Warfare 3, and with H.B., minutes passed by like seconds.

“Let’s play Call-of-Duty with Bing... No... let’s get eye drops. Yeah, eye drops! Let’s go to Walgreens.” H.B. said, looking at Whippy.

Whippy, Con-fetti, and Wubba walked H.B. to the carriage that now reeked of weed. They drove to Wallgreens with three clean ponies and one pony thats higher than a cloud. With eyes red and breath that smelled like cheetos and vodka, the drugged pony spoke his mind.

“Whippy’s got a police radar... what a badass.” H.B slurred sarcastically.

“Hey I have a question... wait what am or are we?” H.B. said with his last breath

Before he looked out the window and started to trip balls, all three ponies looked at H.B. like he was kissing a walrus and they all laughed. The four ponies were listening to skrillex all the way to the only store that stayed up that late.

“Con-fetti... take this to get that shit for my eyes.” H.B. said, as he gave Con-fetti five bits.

When the carriage parked in a empty parking lot, the 3 ponies got out, leaving H.B. in the car alone.

“H.B., look at your hoof. Keep an eye on your hoof for me, okay?” Wubba said to H.B., to keep him distracted.

“Wubba stay in the car.” Whippy said.

“No, I’m thirsty, I'm gonna get something.” Wubba said.

Whippy rolled his eyes as Wubba followed the two ponies inside the brightly lit store.

Walking inside, Wubba felt as if he was floating through the aisles of the store looking for the arizona tea. Wubba looked at all the different drinks as if they were books on a big bookshelf. Watermelon flavored tea was Wubba favorite, so without hesitation, Wubba looked around for Con-fetti and Whippy only to find that they were already leaving the register with the eyedrops. Running towards them, he reached in his black saddle bag for 1 bit, taking it by the mouth.

Without any questions, Wubba spat the bit at the register as he galloped to the exit. The cashier knew the price of the drink and was okay with the sudden purchase, but he was disgusted by the silvia covered bit. When the three ponies returned to the carriage, H.B. was still mesmerized, looking at his hoof.

“Dude, why did you go in?” Whippy said

“I was thirsty.” Wubba answered.

“You smell like weed.”

“I’m not in trouble, am I?” Wubba said sarcastically.

While getting in the car, Wubba knew that there were other parties that needed to be attended. Instead of sleeping over H.B.’s house for the rest of the night, it was up to Wubba to find out where those parties were.

“Hey Whippy, can you drop me off where Jet Fire picked me up?”, Wubba said leaning in.

Wubba didn’t know where he would go, but after jamming to club-music for several minutes, his phone rang. Wubba turned down the volume, while using telekinesis, to answer his phone.


“Wubba, what are you doing?”

“I’m in a carriage with Whippy and Con-fetti.”

“You should come to my hut.”

“Who all is there?”

“Me, Airshine, Timber and Green Leaf.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there.”

Wubba hung up his phone, cranked the volume to 25, and started to jam out again. But, the dancing and shouting in the carriage didn't last long, because they were less than a mile away. With H.B. stoned, and two deaf ponies in the front, Wubba was the only pony that felt fine when walking out of the carriage. Saying his goodbyes, Wubba was left a lonely pony in the night. It was black and lit by a most beautiful moon. Walking to Fizzy Drop’s Hut while gazing at the stars got Wubba thinking...: It doesn't matter if you're at a high school party or a tea party. If you’re with your best-est friends, then that would make it the best night ever./i]

Damn. I should tell that to Twilight, Wubba said to himself.

Walking on the dirt road to an unknown party, Wubba started thinking about where he would go after Fizzy’s house. He checked his phone to see if there were any missed calls or messages, but was left disappointed. So then he used telekinesis to text Fizzy.

“Should I just walk in?” Wubba texted.

Wubba was half-way to Fizzy house, but it was that awkward time when he was waiting for a reply. Wubba noticed that it was quiet, a little too quiet. The crickets in the grass had stopped chirping and the wind stopped rustling the leaves. Wubba looked around scared as if the world had stopped. Then suddenly, Wubba’s phone vibrated which scared the shit out of him.

“Yeah, but be silent.” Fizzy texted back.

As he was walking on the dirt road, he found a hut among some apartment buildings. Wubba, as directed, walked in slowly, as he was being welcomed by a turquoise pegasus pony with a Skrillex mane.

“Fizzy!” Wubba whispered with excitement.

“Shhhh... you’ll wake my mother.” Fizzy whispered back.

Walking up the stairs, Wubba knew the drill and went straight to the bathroom. He checked his mane, then cleaned his glasses and teeth. Wubba kept everything in his black saddle bag, even extra clothing. Putting on a new neon shirt and plaid shorts, Wubba looked flyer than Mick Jagger on a G6. With a spray of chocolate Axe, Wubba walked out of the bathroom fresh as morning dew. Stepping in the room, Wubba found two Colts and two Mares chilling on two haystacks stacked side by side.

“The party is here!”, he announced.

“Dude... Wubba.” Green Leaf said.

Hugging everypony and plugging in his Ipod, he decided to play hardstyle rave, but very quietly. Even in a room with 5 ponies, Wubba knew that anything could happen. Upon the two beds, there was a strange cloud called Hooka was that was filling the room. Wubba took a hit of the strawberry flavored cloud. He then took several more before dropping into a magical land of highness. Wubba felt like Princess Celestia floating in a rave costume made of fluffy clouds. In minutes, Fizzy Drop and AirShine got into a seductive fight while Wubba, Timber and G-Leaf got off the bed to watch the mares go at it, as if it was a dogfight.

“Dude....fucking awesome.” Wubba said, while taking a sip of apple cider.

Then after a few minutes of fighting and boners, the ponies grew ever so tired, that they collapsed back on the bed. Laying there tripping balls, G-Leaf got a text message from Tin Pan.

“Yo I’m at Green Pines Street I’m coming there now bro.” Tin texted.

“Yeah, we’ll come get you.” G-Leaf texted back.

“Hey, we have to get Tin from Green Pines.”

All five ponies got up, grabbed their stuff, and left the Hut in the dark of the night. As high as they were, Wubba started using magic to change pots, flowers, and even carriages, different colors. Green Leaf grew tired of walking, so Wubba picked him up and carried him on his back and carried him as if he was a feather. As they walked down the street, the five ponies passed Green Pines elementary school. Tin Pan was walking towards Wubba. But Wubba, being high, walked passed him, grabbed the black spray paint, painting “FUCK NO” on the school sign. As soon as Fizzy, AirShine, Timber, G-Leaf, and Tin pan saw what Wubba did, they booked ass in the other direction, and so Wubba followed them.

He started running, and by the time he got to the end of the street, he had already met up with the others.

“Dude, you’re a thug, man.” Tin Pan said.

“Dude, I feel like stealing shit... I mean it’s just sitting there, with no price tag.” Wubba explained.

“Dude let’s do it.” Tin Pan said.

Fizzy took Airshine and Timber and ran back to the hut as G-Leaf, Tin and Wubba went on a one-hoof-discount shopping spree, on some ponies’ lawns. First, Wubba unscrewed an Equestrian flag, took it, and waved it around as if he was gonna riot. Then Wubba, Tin and G-Leaf took Celestia powered night lights, that were busy lighting up the path way, for themselves. With a hoof-full of stuff, they reached Fizzy’s Hut. Setting down the night lights, Wubba took the flag and the night light in with him as he walked in the hut and up stairs to Fizzy’s room.

“Look what I found.” Wubba said, pulling out his newly acquired prizes of the night.

“OOO! My Celestia! Did you really take an Equestrian flag?!” AirShine said in shock.

“Hell yeah we did.” Wubba said with swagger.

After settling down, Fizzy decided they all needed some more blankets from the basement. And as everypony who has been in Fizzy’s hut, knew the basement was haunted by The Mysterious Mare-Do-Scare. So with that, they all crept down to the basement, just like the Scooby Doo Gang, holding the Equestrian flag in one hoof, and a night light in the other. Like any other basement it was cold and dark. Luckily AirShine and Wubba used their magic to light up the place. That way, they could all look around for a blankets. Instead, Wubba found a two swords and some throwing knives. After a while the place, didn’t seem all that haunted, and so being idiots, AirShine and G-Leaf started throwing the knives at a dartboard.The knives bounced off the dart board, but barely missed everypony.

Grabbing the swords, Wubba threw one to Fizzy. Then while holding his own, he lunged at her with no warning. A huge sword fight had begun, and before they knew it, the two ponies were drenched in sweat, panting for air. But just like any other idiot, Fizzy let her guard down for a split second to adjust her hair clip, cutting her hoof. Ever so scared, Wubba dropped his sword and begged for forgiveness. Even though it was just a scratch, he knew Fizzy would overreact. Wubba was right and wasn’t surprised when Fizzy didn’t take it to kindly, so he defended himself with the Equestrian flag. After being chased around for 20 minutes, Wubba saw that Fizzy had chilled out and decided it was ok to give her a hug. AirShine finally found the blankets under a rug, so all six ponies went upstairs to the room where they could snuggle.

With all six ponies on the bed, Fizzy lit up some Hooka and shotgunned it to AirShine. It was really obvious that Timber, Wubba, G-leaf and Tin Pan were sitting there, chilling with boners. Time flew by like Rainbow Dash’s sonic rainboom, and before Wubba knew, tomorrow was approaching. Sitting there, with blinding strobe lights and rave music blasting, Fizzy’s mother quickly came into the room horrified. Yelling, she kicked Wubba, and the rest of the colts out to the curb without a warning! Wubba quickly grabbed his black saddle bag, the nightlight, and went on his way, taking the flag off of its pole. He wasn’t sure what would happen next, but he thought he was getting an idea as Timber walked toward a carriage across the street.

“You have a carriage!,” Wubba said gratefully.

“Yeah... now get the fuck in,” Timber said.

Just like that, the four ponies were in the carriage, going wherever the night would take him. Driving in the night, Wubba decided to call his friend Apple Dip.

“Apple Dip.”


“Where are you?”

“...Don’t laugh...”

“Where...are you?”

“PROMISE you won’t laugh...”


“Alright, uh, I’m kind of stuck in a tunnel at the playground.. can you like...please come save me?”

Wubba tried to suppress his laughter, but failing, his laughter burst out hysterically.

“Uh... how did this happen?” Wubba asked, snickering.

“You said you wouldn’t laugh!” Apple Dip said, sounding very annoyed, “ ...How about you ask Green Leaf?”

“Uh...okay, hold on Apple Dip... G-leaf! Why’s Apple dip stuck in the playground?!” Wubba asked.

“Oh, um...about that...” Green leaf answered, laughing his ass off.

“WUBBA! Please come get me, it’s really cold...” Apple Dip whined.

“Alright, text me where you are, I gotta go though, but we’ll get you in a minute, I promise!”, Wubba shouted into the phone, while hanging up.

He quickly pressed some buttons and listened to the phone ring as he waited for his friend to pick up.

“Sweet Tree?”


“Can you help Apple Dip get out of a playground tunnel?”

“WHAT! What is she doing in a playground tunnel?!”

“Wait...why aren't you laughing?”, Wubba asked shocked.

“HEY, being stuck in a tunnel is a serious business. Would you be laughing if you were all alone in a tunnel with no way out, except the way you came in, but you had forgotten which way that was and now your only hope was your friends who you trusted so dearly to your young little heart!?”, Sweet Tree replied seriously.

“Woah, ok ok, I wouldn’t be laughing after that... just go and save her, please.”

“Where is she? Tell me her coordinates.”

“I don’t know. You call her.”

“Ok. I will be her justice.”

Sweet Tree hung up the phone and Wubba looked to Tin Pan while putting away his own.

“Tin, where are we going now?” Wubba asked.

“To Raindrip’s house!” Tin said excitedly.

“Yeah dude, we're gonna chill there.” G-Leaf said.

“I can’t. I have to be home by midnight, remember?” Timber said.

Wubba would like chilling with Green Leaf and Tin Pan, but would enjoy partying any time of the week.

“Hey... what kinda drinks does he have?” Wubba asked.

“Four Loko.....I think.” Tin said.

At this point, Wubba was thinking of what might happen at this party, because the Gala ended at 11:00. So, he wondered if everypony would be in bed around now. However, it wasn’t long until the four ponies arrived at Raindrip’s house. Pulling up to the house, Timber stomped on the break to drop the three party ponies off. It was the middle of the night as Wubba followed Tin to the back of the house, and who knows what could have happened next.

They walked through a broken screen door, into a basement. Topped with an empty bar, workout equipment, a three-pony hay-couch and a massive pool table. They expected a huge party to be blasting, and braced themselves. But opening their eye, Wubba and Tin entered a room with four sleeping ponies.

“Raindrip! Get the fuck up, we’re here!” Tin yelled angrily.

Next to the pool table, Wubba set down his black saddle bag and pulled out The Bass Cannon. He agreed it was time to play some Bob Marley dubstep. After minutes of head bobbing, G-leaf found two big cans of Four Loko and hoofed one over to Wubba.

“Dude...let’s do it.” Wubba insisted.

“Yeah, dude.” G-leaf said already half slurred.

“Wait! I have an idea.” Wubba said with a smile.

Wubba pulled out his american colored vuvuzela and hoofed it to G-leaf.

“Four Loko beer bong!” Wubba yelled at the top of his lungs.

G-leaf went first as usual. Wubba dumped Four Loko down the horn for a minute straight, yet G-leaf didn’t even flinch. Finally downing half a can, G-leaf got up wiping his snout, and pointed a hoof at Wubba.

He was next. Wubba knelt down under the horn, but before he could calm himself, G-leaf started to pour.

At first Wubba was shocked by the strong taste. It danced across his tongue leaving a tingly feeling. But, after 2 gulps Wubba wanted more. It was only a few seconds till Wubba had emptied his whole can of the magical drink. Licking his lips, Wubba suddenly had the urge to dance. Wubba was a part of the Colt Breakdancing League, so, like a boss, Wubba did what he did best. He breakdanced and headspined like never before. He was so drunk, every move he made felt like the waves of the ocean during a hurricane. After dancing wildly for what felt like hours, Wubba made his way over to watch Tin and G-leaf play pool with cigarettes in their mouths. Wubba knew that if he were to pass out at that moment, he would be sprawled across the pool table. But suddenly, all the ponies stopped talking as they heard slow hoofsteps upstairs. With every step they became louder and louder, and Wubba could tell they were headed downstairs. Everypony held their breaths, and waited quietly. Could it be the police to end their night?

A thousand breaths of relief were let out across the room as they saw it was only three black mares all dressed up from the gala.

“Hey colts!” All of the mares said.

One of the mares grabbed a stallion and crept into the nearest room while slamming the door. Another one of the mares began making out with the closest colt and decided to follow the first couple’s example. They found their own room, and shutting off the lights, closed the door to block the noise of the bass cannon. The other two Mares introduced themselves to Wubba. One of them was named Cotton and the other Silk. Both sat on the couch next to Tin Pan and Wubba. The night was only getting started.

G-leaf checking his phone for any sign of a high school party.

“Hey, does anypony wanna go to a high school party?” G-leaf asked.

“Naah man, I won’t make it.” Wubba replied, already having a good time.

Wubba turned to Tin ready to ask him a question, only to find he was already making out with Silk.

“You ponies look busy... I’m gonna go, but I’ll be back.” G-leaf said over his shoulder as he walked out.

Sudden realization hit Wubba like a train. Throughout this entire day, he had been fully satisfied, even though everypony-else was at the biggest party. He’d had the best night ever, because he was with the ponies that mattered to him the most, and so the rest of the night was blackened in his memory.