• Published 19th Feb 2012
  • 756 Views, 5 Comments

Memoirs of a brony - travellingbrony

Yes it is a human in Equestria story, No it's not complete, yes its my first attempt

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Chap 1: The Start Of Something New

Memoirs of a Brony

It seemed so surreal when it started. Another day working at a dead end job which I hated, halfway round the world from the place I called home. Not that I overly missed it. No, I always felt that I didn’t really belong there. It was really exciting stepping out into the world on my own. Seeing so many different things and meeting different people. Then that one day when everything I knew came to a sudden halt, and I took a new path in my life that of which others can only dream of.

This is my tale. It is a tale of unbelievable power, impossible scenarios, and power which of the likes our world has never seen. By the time you read this book I will have disappeared from this world along with my closest friends. I am the Travelling Brony and this is the tale of my life. I bid farewell to my friends and hope this book will inspire you in times of need. May it be a reminder to never give up hope. To always trust in your friends. And most of all, that when faced with a difficult choice to always follow your heart.

That day when it all started I felt so run down. I had just finished a twelve hour shift at my job and wanted nothing more than to go home, relax, and crawl into my bed for some much needed rest. I’m not sure when I fell asleep or how I made it to my bed that night. But the light, Oh I remember the light that woke me. It was soft, like a flashlight with low batteries. It was strange to me; I knew my roommate wouldn’t use a flashlight to come home. And the weird angle it was at seemed to bath the room in a pale glow. Sitting up slowly in bed as not to alert whoever was out there, I saw a sight which still sends a shiver down my spine all these years later.

Standing in my living room was a purple unicorn. The soft glow emitting from her horn allowed me to make out the small dragon sitting on her back. At first I thought it must be a dream. I closed my eyes and tried to convince myself that when I opened them there would be no unicorn, no dragon, and no light. It seemed that I would never get that chance for as soon as my eyes closed I heard her speak. “Spike, I don’t know what happened with that spell but I have no idea where we are.” She said, voice cracking. “I don’t think we’re in Equestria anymore Twilight” The little dragon Spike responded. At that point I knew that saying something was the only thing I could do.

As I slowly got out of my bed I could hear them talking about the unusual sounds and smells. Living in the city I had grown accustomed to them. The car alarms, passing traffic, drunks enjoying a night out, the music coming from the night club, not to mention the smell of a city were normal to me. It was all new to those two, and looking back probably very frightening. Debating over my next course of action I slipped into the living room. What should I say? This shouldn’t even be possible. However, there I was looking at two characters from a TV show. Building up my courage and taking a deep breath I flicked the light on and managed a weak hello. Oh what I would have given to see the looks of utter confusion on everyone’s faces when they discovered the state the apartment got to in the next few moments.

As soon as I said hello both Spike and Twilight let out a scream and jumped in different directions. Spike flew into the flat screen TV which came off of its stand and crashed down on top of him. Twilight had jumped backwards and knocked over the table and chairs which served as the dinner table. All I was able to do was stand there shocked as I watched Twilight and Spike destroy my apartment. After a few seconds I snapped and yelled at them to calm down. It was at that moment I realized that Spike was down and out cold, trapped under my TV. I went over to him to remove the TV but quickly found myself staring down the point of a sharp and magically charged horn. “What are you? Stay away from Spike! Where are we?” Twilight screamed. Knowing that Spike must be suffering under the weight of the TV I quickly told her that I was a human and that she was in my living room. “How and why are you here?” was the first question that popped into my head, but I quickly pushed this to the back of my mind for the moment.

“Look, that TV is heavy; I just wanna make sure he is alright. I promise you I’m not going to hurt him,” I said. Watching me very carefully with her horn pointing right at my back she watched, or should I say studied me, as I slowly bent down and picked the TV up off of Spike. Tossing the broken TV onto its table I looked down at poor Spike. He was out like a light with a large lump forming on his head. Twilight ran over pushing me to the side as she looked down at Spike. Tears formed in her eyes as she stared down at her unconscious companion. “Twilight,” I said “He is just unconscious. Let me move him to the bed, at least he will be comfortable there.” She looked at me for a second as if she was deciding if I could be trusted. After a few moments she gave a slight nod of her head and told me to “go ahead but be careful”. I picked up the little dragon, who to my surprise was heavier then he looked, and carefully started carrying him to the bed in my room, Twilight following close behind. As I walked the short distance to the bed I ran through all the questions floating in my mind. How are they here? Why my place out of all the places in the world? How was I going to explain this all to my roommate? And many many more.

Thankfully it seemed like luck was on my side. Not a few seconds after I laid Spike down in my bed my phone rang. Leaving Twilight to look down at her friend I went and picked up the phone. It was my roommate calling to let me know that there was a family emergency and that he was heading over to his sister’s as soon as he was done work. Taking note of my rare occurrence of luck (but still feeling bad about his family) I hung up. I stood there for a moment as my thoughts raced but turned when I heard Twilight come up behind me. “How is he?” I asked. “He will be alright after a bit of a rest,” she replied her voice a lot calmer then it was just a few minutes earlier. I asked her to have a seat on the couch so we could talk as I was sure we both had many questions that we wanted answers to. “How is it you know our names?” was the first but not unexpected question that she asked of me as we sat down on the couches. Knowing that I couldn’t tell her about the show I told her that I heard them speaking to each other while I was still in my bed. After that the questions turned more to my world. Now if this book somehow makes it there I won’t bother explaining the questions as you will already know them. However if you’re not reading this in my world then disregard as the information is classified and dangerous.

Looking at the clock hanging on the wall I realized that I had been answering questions for almost 2 hours. Glancing over at Twilight I noticed that she seemed to be more relaxed and a little tired. “Would you like a cup of tea?” I asked her. “Yes that would be nice” she replied. Getting up and walking into the kitchen I started to brew some tea. She followed me, curious. After explaining to her how we make tea in our world and getting her a cup we both returned to the living room and sat back down. While she was drinking her tea (via horn magic, which interested me greatly) I finally got to ask the questions that were on my mind. It turned out that during her studies into old magic scrolls Twilight had found a spell which seemed to be an advance teleportation spell. With it she believed that she would be able to teleport as far as Canterlot. However, just as she was about to test the spell Spike fell onto her back from the ladder he was using to place books back on the shelf. This caused her to break concentration and the next thing she knew she was standing in my darkened living room. Then I turned on the light, scaring her out of her wits and from that point I knew the story.

At this point I had to ask if she knew how to get back. She looked over at me and with a voice that was full of tiredness she told me that it shouldn’t be too hard. She would just have to reverse organize the spell, find the point it went wrong, and connect the destination to Equestria rather than just flowing randomly through dimensions. Her entire explanation was way above my head but I just accepted it and moved on. I looked at her falling asleep on my couch and suggested that she retire to the bedroom. She had a brief look of fear on her face but it seems that she was too tired to really care and got up. “Don’t worry about anything Twilight. I’ll make sure you and Spike stay safe while you are in my home.” I said to her as she headed towards the bedroom. Turning at the door she looked at me and thanked me for the tea, the bed and for looking after Spike. I told her it was no problem and to get some sleep. As the door closed to my room with a purple glow I turned and looked at the mess that was my living room. Giving a small sigh I did a slight clean up before grabbing a spare blanket and curling up on the couch to grab some sleep. I was sure that when I awoke it was all going to be nothing but a dream.

Waking up a few hours later from the sunlight streaming in from the open window my first thought was why am I sleeping on the couch? Stumbling towards my bedroom door to lay back down for some more sleep my brain was not prepared to see Twilight and Spike laying in my bed fast asleep. Closing the door with a soft click I took a few steps back and slumped to the ground against the wall. It wasn’t a dream and there are two characters from a TV show passed out in my room. I needed coffee; usually I worked first thing in the morning and got coffee there but it was my day off. After pulling out the French press and making myself a coffee, I sat down on the couch and thought about what I was going to do. There was no way to tell how long it would take for Twilight to figure the spell out. How would I explain it to my roommate if he came home and saw the place trashed with a talking pony and a baby dragon staying in my room? I wonder if he would’ve gone insane or just accepted it as normal after a brief shock. He was a pretty relaxed guy although he would be pissed about the TV, but I could pay to replace it.

Getting up off the couch I went and poured myself another cup of coffee and after a second poured one for Twilight as well. I figured if she was here she might as well try some of the things we take for granted. Grabbing a few apples from the fridge and placing them in a bowl I carried it towards my room (being a waiter has few but effective perks). I opened the door and woke Twilight up with a semi-quiet “Good morning”. Her eyes shot open and for a few seconds I could see the panic on her face as she tried to figure out where she was and who was speaking to her. No doubt she thought it was all a bad dream as well. After she calmed down and realized where she was I offered her the apples. As she started on the first apple Spike let out a soft groan and asked what had happened. As Twilight filled him in I started to think of a plan. Impossible, is what I thought at the time but since so many impossible things have happened in such a short time I figured I would give it a shot.

After we finished breakfast Twilight informed me that she was going to start working on a way for her and Spike to get back home. I told her she could have my room for as long as she needed and to just give me a little bit and I’d clean it up for her. However I asked that she didn’t go outside as most people may have a negative reaction if they saw her and Spike. She agreed that this was best as the less people that saw her, the fewer disturbances she would have on our reality. She thanked me for letting her stay and I told her not to worry and that she was my guest. Anything she needed all she had to do was ask and I would go out and get it. I had already decided that until her and Spike made it home I wouldn’t be turning up for work. She asked very sweetly if she could have another apple, causing me to laugh as I went to grab another one. When I returned with a couple more apples (which she levitated out of my hands as soon as I got inside the room) I asked her that once she does figure it out she lets me know so I can say goodbye and throw a farewell party. She agreed saying that it was the least that she can do in exchange for the hospitality.

After breakfast I started to clean up my room as Spike took over dish washing duty. For a baby dragon he is really good at stuff like that. He said he does it for Twilight all the time as part of his number one assistant duties. As I was cleaning my room Twilight sat on the couch thinking about her spell and occasionally using her magic to write a few things down on some scrap paper I found laying around. Figuring my room was clean enough I made myself a mental list of the things I needed to pick up for my guests. After letting Twilight know that I was done in my room I headed out the door to pick up some paper, pens, apples, and other vegetables. Returning from the market across the way I came across an unusual and quite hilarious scenario. My phone was hanging in the air surrounded by Twi’s magic while a very spooked Spike was hiding behind the mares legs. It had rung while I was away scaring Spike, and Twilight had encased it in magic to prevent it from doing any harm. I had to set the bags down I was laughing so hard. I quickly stopped when Twilight looked at me with a hurt look on her face. “Twilight, I’m not laughing at you I promise. It’s just that it’s just a phone; we use it to communicate over long distances here. It is completely harmless,” I explained. This ended up becoming a long discussion on the communication devices we use in my world which I won’t bore you with here.

Never the less after a lengthy discussion she grabbed a few apples and retreated into the bedroom to focus. Looking at the number on the phone I quietly swore. It was my roommate; he may be on his way back right now. I quickly called his phone only to have him pick up and tell me that he will be staying with his family for the next week and has already taken time off work. I couldn’t believe my luck. As long as no one came into my apartment it should be ok.

After a day of magic Twilight emerged from the bedroom looking tired and extremely hungry. Spike had spent the better part of two hours teaching me the intricacies of vegan cooking. This involved multiple trips to the store nearby for the proper ingredients. After a dinner which I was quiet proud of and that earned praise from Twilight, the mare and the dragon retired for the evening. After I was sure they were asleep I started packing my bag. I knew that if Twilight saw me packing she would figure out what I was planning and I couldn’t have that, not quite yet. After throwing a load of laundry into the machine I settled down for another night on the couch and drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up in the morning by a very dragon like face inches away from mine. “You snore,” was all he said before heading into the kitchen to start breakfast. After waking Twilight up and eating a great breakfast I told them that I had to go out for a while and to make themselves at home. Taking my laptop and anything else I owned that I believed I could get a buck for I went and sold them at a pawn shop. If my plan didn’t work I would be travelling far away so my roomy wouldn’t kill me anyways, so I didn’t need them anymore. After a very aggravating eight hours selling my possessions to the local pawn shops and some random people who showed interest I returned home to a very happy Spike and an exhausted Twilight. As soon as I saw Spike I knew that Twilight had found a way to get back home. Helping Spike make dinner I asked Twilight how soon they were going to leave. She mumbled that she would need a couple days rest to recover the needed energy to go back to her own world. Holding an apple in my hand and avoiding looking at her directly I asked if it would take more energy to take other more than just her and Spike back to her world. She sat up at this and looked at me while I tried my best not to make eye contact. “Are you wanting to send us back with some apples or something from your world?” she asked in confusion. “Well, there is that,” I replied, “But I was also hoping that I could come as well.” Silence is all that greeted me. Turning to look at Twilight I supported Spike who looked as if he was about to fall off the chair he was standing on.

She was shocked that much I knew, but the hard work she had been doing plus me springing that on her seemed to have broken something. It took me a few minutes of calling her name to get her to snap out of it. The whole time I was trying to get Twilight’s attention Spike was stammering incoherent versions of why and what. Finally when she snapped out of it she asked if we could discuss it tomorrow after she had some sleep. It was just too much for her to handle at the moment with her being as tired as she was. I agreed as long as she promised not to disappear in the night and we actually talked about it the next morning. After an awkward dinner she got up and Spike helped her to the bed on shaky legs. After she was tucked in he came back out and told me that he hopes she says yes because it would be great to have someone who can cook and not burn the place down. I told him that I hoped she would let me too, and to get some sleep because tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

When morning came I slowly rolled off the couch wondering how to state my argument when the time came. Hoping for a few moments to get a coffee and perhaps a bite to eat before Twilight woke up I made my way to the kitchen. Spike, who I noticed loved sleep, was already cooking breakfast and had made a pot of coffee. Hearing my entrance into the room he turned and with a smile informed me that Twilight is always more agreeable on a full stomach. After helping Spike finish breakfast, and downing a few cups of coffee, I went and knocked on the bedroom door and called Twilight for breakfast. After a few moments the door opened and a ragged looking Twilight appeared. “Wow, Twilight, you look like you haven’t slept a wink all night,” I told her. “I fell asleep at some point but I spent the rest of the night wondering about what you asked and I want to know, why do you want to leave your world behind? There is a chance you may never be able to return.” As we ate breakfast I started to explain how I came to my decision.

“You see, my world is full of senseless violence. A person walking down the street could be mugged, even killed for nothing more than the five dollar bill in their pocket. War is rampant everywhere for reasons no one really knows. They say it’s because of this reason or another, but in all honesty it’s nothing more than foolishness. From what I learned from Spike, your world is much more peaceful and the notion of fighting for no other reason than to cause harm to others is absurd. That’s one of the many things that make me want to go with you. Another is the fact that I’ve never really felt at home here. I admit I haven’t traveled all over the world but no matter where I go and the people I meet I never really feel like I’m where I belong. The idea that there is another place for me to go, where no human has gone before, gives me hope that perhaps I will find a place there with friends that I can hold dear to my heart. I’ve already sold most of my possessions to cover the cost of the TV and the other expenses that have occurred while you’ve been here and regardless what you decide I will be leaving this place. The last couple days have been incredibly fun and I don’t think I would want to stay here anymore know that I wouldn’t be able to talk to you two again.”

As I finished speaking my part, breakfast long over, she stared at me and sighed. “There are a few other things you should know. I cannot guarantee that you will survive the teleportation, nor can I guarantee that you will even be allowed to stay in Equestria. This has never happened before to my knowledge and the princess may ask you to leave, and I may share that fate,” she said a frown appearing on her face. “Twilight, there is no guarantee that by staying here I will be alive tomorrow, and even if I am forced to leave Equestria I will continue to travel and find my own place I can call home,” I explained “now with regards to the princess I will accept any form of punishment or the like which she wishes to place upon me, and if she tries to punish you in any way I will take the blame. I’ll say I accidentally got transported with your spell or something, but I won’t let you suffer for this if you decide to let me come.”

After a few moments of silence between us as she stared into my eyes, she informed me that she was still too tired to perform the spell anyways and she will make her decision by dinnertime that night. Retreating to the bedroom for a well needed nap she looked over her shoulder and told me to be fully packed just in case. Spike smiled and said that was a good sign at the very least, then returned to the kitchen to clean up. After he was gone I pulled my bag out and started putting things inside that I assumed I would need in the upcoming journey. Since I already had lots of clothes inside the bag I decided I would add a few other things just in case. So I put a bag of coffee, my jacket, the pocket knife my father had given me, and a larger survival knife. After about an hour of me packing up my stuff and putting the stuff I wasn’t taking into another pile to be donated or whichever my roommate decided, Spike came out of the kitchen and asked if he could bring some tea back as Twilight really seemed to enjoy it. I told him that he is allowed to take anything that belongs to me but that he cannot take my roommates stuff. With a large smile he ran back into the kitchen and I could hear sounds of things being dragged out of the cabinet. Satisfied with my packing I went out to buy a few things for dinner and it being Twilight and Spike’s last night in my world, and hopefully my last as well, I bought a cake to celebrate.

Returning home I went straight into the kitchen to start cooking dinner. I could hear Spike talking to Twilight in the other room and thought it best to leave them be and surprise them with a nice dinner. About an hour later, and a little help from Spike, I served dinner and let them enjoy a nice meal while I headed back into the kitchen to prepare the cake. A little while later I brought the cake out, this received a puzzled look from both Twilight and Spike. So I told them that no matter what the decision was, I enjoyed their company from the very start. And that I will always remember them and regard them as good friends. Spike ran over and hugged my leg while Twilight sat there with a slight smile on her face, tears appearing in her eyes. I told her not to cry and that as eager as I am to hear what she had decided, it could wait until we had all enjoyed some cake and a nice cup of tea. The cake gone, we sat at the table as Twilight explained her decision. “I have thought over the matter many times and as much as I enjoyed my time here we will be leaving tomorrow. I’m not entirely sure what the princess would think of me bringing a creature from another world to ours and I can’t even begin to imagine the implications it could have on both worlds. However, as I want to learn more about you and your world and you are going on your own accord I cannot see a reason why it shouldn’t be allowed. That being said I will have no say on any decision Princess Celestia makes, nor can I guarantee you will even survive the teleportation process. You have already shown that magic is not evident in your world so I cannot say if you will make it. So you may come, we will leave in the morning after breakfast, make sure your bag is packed and you are ready to go. You’re a good friend and I would love to have you along.”

I swear I could have done back flips at that point. I hugged Twilight hard and thanked her at least a million times as Spike was cheering on the ground beside us. Lifting him up I told him that now he has to teach me proper cooking as my cooking probably won’t be sufficient enough for a long period of time. As me and Spike where talking about all the things he would have to teach me and the many things he wanted to show me I caught Twilight whispering under her breath. “I hope that he is able to stay and that nopony is too worried about me.” It was then that it dawned on me how much she must have missed her friends while she was trapped in my world. As soon as Spike fell asleep and Twilight floated him into bed, I told her that her friends know that she is capable of taking care of herself and that if anything they will probably throw a party to welcome her home. She smiled at that and gave a small laugh. “Once you meet Pinkie Pie you will understand.” she said in response to my slightly confused look.

Offering Twilight another cup of tea we sat down and she told me all about her friends and her mentor, the Princess. She told me of the adventures they had had, of Nightmare Moon (Princess Luna), her life growing up under the princesses’ tutelage, and the many areas of ponyville that I would have to get familier with. She went into great detail about the library, which I asked many questions about. Most were along the lines of what I could do to help out with her work and what I could do to make some money (bits) so I wouldn’t have to be a mooch. She told me that working for the library I would make enough to live off of and that most of my tasks would be re-shelving and cleaning. This lead into her describing the many times Rainbow Dash had crashed into her shelves causing them to topple over and spill books everywhere. Noticing the clock on the wall I suggested that we head to bed as we had a big day ahead of us and we should both be well rested, especially if Pinkie Pie was as energetic as Twilight said. Twilight returned to the bedroom and I turned out the lights, lying down with a large smile on my face as I closed my eyes trying to find sleep. It finally claimed me an hour later as I was laying there like a kid waiting for Christmas morning.

When morning came I shot out of bed in a flash. It wasn’t until I got to the kitchen to make coffee I realized it was only dawn. Feeling like a fool but being wide awake I settled down on the couch and watched the sun rise through the window. As beautiful as it was tinting the few clouds in the sky a rosy colour, I couldn’t help being glad that I wouldn’t see it again. As the morning went on Spike appeared from the bedroom and we started on breakfast. It wasn’t long before we had breakfast steaming on the stove and Twilight emerged from the bedroom well rested. After finishing up breakfast we started to make preparations for our leaving. Spike appeared with a bag from the kitchen full of fruits, veggies and teas to which I added the last of the coffee.

Twilight spent the time that me and Spike spent gathering the things we wished to take, to gather her magical energy through concentration. It was around ten in the morning when she announced that it was time. I put on both my jacket and my bag and asked twilight what I needed to do. “All you need to do is to hold onto my mane, I think,” she explained, “Spike always gets teleported with me while he is on my back so you should be brought along, but we will do a test first just to make sure.” Holding onto her mane I felt a warmth flow through my body and within a few seconds I found myself looking at the place I was standing just moments before. It left me a little dizzy but I decided not to say anything which could damage my chances of going.

Knowing that the teleportation would work I took one last look at the room around me, and the city through the window. Twilight asked if I was ready to which I gave a nod and a steady yes. Grabbing hold of her mane once again I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth spread through my body once again I felt myself getting pulled away from my world. After what felt like hours but was more than likely just moments I felt solid ground beneath my feet. Opening my eyes, I looked around a dim library, the shelves filled with books, light filtering in from a few windows. It had worked; I had left the human world behind, never to return.