• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 1,723 Views, 54 Comments

What World Is This? - Insane Leaf Sonata

Aloe, Lotus, and Rarity are sent to the human world and befriend three college students

  • ...

Chapter 2 Going out tonight

Going out tonight

Italic are thoughts :I'm thinking right now, see?


Five minutes ago

Rarity's POV

Aloe, Lotus, and I were transported in some kind of vortex of fog that threw us into another world. Our bodies felt painful, so much that we fainted on our unknown destination.

Why me? Haven't I been through enough with Nightmare Moon, Discord and Queen swiss hooves!?

My body felt bigger, heavier, much taller. Lotus and Aloe were on the ground, but they weren't ponies. They were what that mint green mare at the coffee shop's delusion! Sitting up, I looked down at my hooves, which had now become hands.

Sweet merciful Celestia! I'm a monster!

The twins woke up and we all looked at each other; Then proceeded to scream our lungs out.

Present time

Alex Xylot's POV

"What do we do?" Leif asked us

I went towards the table and searched under it. A loud sticky ripping sound could be heard close by me as I took out Anna.

Leif's and Josh's eyes went wide in shock "YOU BROUGHT YOUR M1911A1!?" They yelled in unison

"It's Anna, my Heckler & Koch German USP..." Anna isn't an American! She a beautiful custom German USP!




I placed Anna back on the table, pulled the utensil drawer open and took a long, black knife.

Josh facepalmed as Leif twitched and told me, "no knives either!"

"It's plastic, what's the problem?" I said as I was juggling with it and throwing it over my shoulder.

"You could scare them, that's the problem!" Josh playfully (not really) punched me and took the (not so) sharp object away. "Now let go see those girls"

We rolled with Josh's idea and went to the room where the girls were. Leif opened the door, we looked around and saw the three women trembling and hugging each other in the corner of the room. They looked so scared of us, like we were some kind of aliens going to dissect them.

Leif took action, while Josh and I looked aside, as to not get pegged as perverts

"Do you speak English, or even better, French? We aren't going to hurt you." As my good friend said his last word his nose began to bleed, almost comically so.

Smart as I am, I took the hood of his shirt, pulled it over his head, pulled the stings and tied them so he couldn't take it off. "Thanks bro," I tapped his shoulder, he did a 180 spin and Josh pushed him out.

"Now, we want to know why are you girls were out there, knocked out and naked,"
That's when I said something that I regretted... kinda, "Were you raped?"

Josh thought that my lack of tack deserved a non playful punch the the face.

Thats what I get for saying the wrong thing around an American footballer!

I laid on the ground, half knocked out with the greatest view in the world, a girl's p-

Temporary POV change

Josh's POV

"Josh!" Leif sounded serious


"Go through Alex's stuff and find those girls some clothes!"

I don't know if I should be happy or sad!

I got up and headed to my blunt friends bag and rustled through his things,

Okay... PS3, Laptop, 3DS, Metal gear Solid 1 to 5, bunch of cables...

"There's no FREAKING CLOTHES!" I yelled at no one.

POV Changes back

Alex's POV

I'm getting a chance to be useful!

"Oh wait no, I found the clothes, they're in his suitcase"

You know what? I'll stay down... I got up My mind is all mixed up from that punch! "Okay, I'm back," I said but all of them just ignored me.

Leif stood there and said, "we are searching for clothes, you women have to wear them, it's kinda against the law if you don't, as well as being awkward as all hell to us."

You make me ashamed to be your friend sometimes!

"What he's trying to say, is that women aren't suppose to be naked in front of men. It's not proper." I said with confidence and my eyes closed.

"I am not going in public wearing those rags on myself and neither will my friends!" One of the well looking girl spoke, I assumed it's the purple haired one, I couldn't tell because of my eyes at the moment.

"Sorry Rarity, that's all we've got right now" I just made a horrible mistake...

"How do you know my name?"

Oh my sweet Celestia, She's either 'A', a cosplayer who lost her memory, or 'B', we got ponies on are hands... I mean hooves I mean.... AARRGGHH!

"That's your name? Wow, that's a sweet name I give to girls normally, that's a weird coincidence!"

"Are you humans?" A different spoke but I wasn't sure which one it was this time.

Josh was curious at this point, "Uh, yeah. Can you name someone who isnt?"

"Oh no, we got into Lyra's mind!" the same voice spoke, and then started to wail again.

"No sister, we've been transported to another world!" The two same voices started yelling in unison.

Something dropped. I opened my eyes for a brief moment to see what happened, Rarity (Or who I assume is Rarity) fell to her knees, looking at her two friend screaming in the corner of the room. I think she tried stand up or walk towards her friends because soon after she said, "I'm sorry girls, I wasn't like Twilight, I wasn't strong enough!" Sobbing was heard from the women.

or mares?

"Don't cry," Leif, like always, took action

NO! I'm not letting you this time!

"Let's get a cup of coffee and talk about what happened. No matter what, we'll believe you."

Take that Leif!


Sometimes later

Once the girls were dressed, they started to immediately complain about it.

"These underpants are so uncomfortable!" I couldn't control myself, I imagined it.

"are you sure that you gals can walk? It's sounds pretty hard for um... Ponies to do that kind of thing." I said concern about them. Seeing a none human fall, brake a leg, and go to the hospital without an ID card would be freaking bad.

I always hated stairs. Now I got a better reason to hate those things!

The three supposed ponies looked at each other, "Trust us dear, three ponies who are in fashion would know the standard two legged walk." the beautiful blue eyed, silky purple haired, curvaceous women spoke from those cushiony lips of hers.

Leif and Josh both said at the same time,"That's great! "


"So, where do we go to get the coffee?" Josh asked us "Starbucks?"

Leif and me looked at each other and replied "Starbucks" "Tims!" now they both look at me with evil stares.

"What, I like icecaps, they're good," they both looked at one an other and gave a 'well, he right' grin.

"I don't care!" the pink haired one yelled out, "I want a Coffee with tons of sugar!" Rarity and the blue haired one gasped in horror. "I need sugar after my break up, and ice cream too!"

What a needy brat!... wait did she say break up?

I took my two best friends by their necks and pulled them down in a circle so I could whisper, "She in the after break up phase! Imagine a personal hell!" their eyes went wide. "you thought about it? Now imagine that was heaven!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!-hmft!" Leif screamed out loud but quickly covered his mouth by my hand.

"Are you crazy? don't yell," I sighed and told my agitated friends, "sorry but Timhortons is the best choice, Large icecaps with whipped cream and chocolate on top is the closes to coffee and ice cream we can get her!" they nodded mu buddies and I turned to face the girls, er... ponies, ah forget! "we found a plan girls!"

"we're going in town and get some treats! The bill's on us too!" Josh said with that stupid grin on is face while looking at the pink haired one.

They have no money you randumb, of course it's on us!

"let's get to the car then!" Leif turned around while rubbing his hand.

"You are not Driving my car!"

"damn it..."


So we got in the car, the three girls were seated in the back, Leif and Josh in the front and me "WHY DO I HAVE TO SIT IN THE TRUNK!?" stuck behind everyone....

"Because Josh was too cheap to buy the seven seat model, now shut up!" Leif was still mad he couldn't drive the car

"What is this contraption going to do?" Rarity was clueless of the whole car thing.

"it's like a chariot but it goes way faster," I commented from my makeshift seat "and I it's legal for me to be back there!" Josh is a good driver but sometimes he's a bit... show off... and he showed that

from what I could see in the mirror, a devilish smile grew on Blondie's face "It's their first car ride, and I'm going to do the same thing my dad did my first time!" He stepped gently on the accelerator and the motor growled, tell me he's not... it growled again, Oh shit... HE IS!!!! the car spewed sand as the tires rolled and made us depart at a speed that made us grab the seats and overhead bars, well, everyone except me; I was sent flying back onto the back door.

Everyone screamed but, Josh who was laughing at our pain.


"We're here!" Josh said a little too happily.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I pinned him to the wall and told him, "YOU MIGHT DO AMERICAN FOOTBALL BUT I'M A BOXER AND I'M NOT SCARED TO BASH YOUR FACE IN!" I was more trying to impress the girls and take my revenge for those two punch he gave me than actually being mad at him. I punched the bricks wall next to his head angrily, he's my friend, I can't kill him! yet "Lucky for you, I don't use my techniques on chumps... and my friends" Blood was dripping from my hand, but I didn't really care. I patted Josh's shoulder and unpinned him. "Don't go pissing me off, please, I don't want to put someone in the hospital, again."

"poor Jude," Leif replied thinking of that guy who called my ex girlfriend a F****** C*** B**** W****. "Never saw your fist coming."

"Never saw him again either..." Josh didn't seem too mad.

I guess that's how man talks work?

"Let's get inside!" the pink haired one was becoming more and more impatient, so we got inside and took seats.

"Now, before we order you gals some food and drinks, could you tell us your names?"

"I am Rarity, but you already knew that."

"I'm Aloe, and the extremely grumpy one next to me is my twin sister Lotus"

"Give us food already!" (Guess who said that, and Leaf will give you a cookie)

"Good! I'm Leif, the guy who almost killed us is Josh, and the guy who almost killed the guy who tried to kills us is Alex" I waved after my friend finished introducing us.

I got up and said, 'I'll get Lotus a large icecap alldress with a nice veggie soup." little sounds of drips followed me as I walked to the cashier.

Dang blood!


After our little lunch we decided to go to the mall, the 'ponies' needed some real clothes

"OK! You girls need some more suitable clothes, and we aren't cheap! who wants to come with me!?" Leif took situation in hand again.

Wow, is it just me or is he taking charge more often than usual.

Aloe went with Leif, Lotus went with Josh, and Rarity got stuck with me.


They took their (partners) hand and went forwards.

forwards into target...

I shook my fist at them "CHEAPOS!!!" my friends went running in the target so they could lose me "grrr..........hksnlwsindDIEewodmwowipakzKILLibowinwdilnndSTRANGLEiowfjmletwh!!!" I mumble words to myself as I grabbed Rarity's arm, "Those guys are cheap! let's go to Reitmans instead!" I intensely regret that move...


At the end of the day

We went back to our beach house after a couple drinks at the bar which was in the mall. I was the designated driver 'cause, well, let's just say that I can't buy gas for my mustang this week or anything...

End of the day bill:

Josh: $284.35

Leif: $262.77

Alex: $779.99
