• Published 14th Oct 2012
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The Wonder Cake - Vetnern

While on a trip to collect a cake Rainbow Dash discovers the truth about her strange happenings

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As the sun starts to fall, the sky gets wrapped in a beautiful haze of colours. The clouds around the town of Hoofia are painted to match the wonderful sunset.

"Reminds me of when I was younger, Big Mac and I would watch the sunset and pretend to ourselves that the sun was a magical god that was resting, in hopes that the night could calm the people into deep sleep." Said Applejack while reminiscing in memories of her childhood.

"It really does look gorgeous" said Rarity, as the rest of the gang began to discuss former childhood moments twilight went to search for a hotel to book into for the night. As she entered she was greeted by the hotel receptionist, she started looking at pictures from the towns history. "Is this you" she asked, she looked at the nameplate and was questionable at the names Alina and Kiwi.

"No dear, Alina was an old friend of mine, I think you may have heard the stories about the fabled Alina" replied Kiwi, "Yeah, I was hoping to find out more about her, I'm a big fan of past events". "Do you have any books related to her" asked Twilight as the gang started to enter the hotel. "And could I book some rooms for tonight please" she added. "I do have a book on the history of Hoofia ,there is a page in it written by her daughter and yes we have rooms available on the 3rd floor" replied Kiwi. "Thank you" said Twilight gracefully. While the rest of the ponies went to sleep, Twilight and Spike decided to read the book labelled "The Story Of Hoofia"

I am writing this to tell the world that they were all wrong about my mother, she was a kind, loving person who cared for everyone. She was born in Ponyville and had the loving support of her mother and father, when she was 7 years old she discovered she was very talented at playing the piano and became a great success within the town. Unfortunately she bore no cutie mark and was bullied by all the townsfolk and eventually was labelled a burden by everyone, her parents had been utterly disgusted by everybody's reaction to their daughters "Blank Flank". When she was 23 she could take no it longer and decided to run away from all of the hate, she wrote a note to her mother and father saying how sorry she was and that she is going to live a better life, a life were the ponies wouldn't call her names or hate her because she has no cutie mark.

While I'm unsure of this my mother was found by Kiwi's parents and treat at the hospital, when my mother awoke she was greeted by the doctor who said she had been attacked by something while in the outskirts of the city. My mother thanked the doctor and was released a few days after her treatment, she decided to stay in this town and became friends with the locals very rapidly. She eventually stayed for good and settled into a house with a charming young man named Platinum, when she was 34 she gave birth to two daughters name Starshine and Alina but sadly had to give Starshine up for adoption, I have yet to meet my sister.

My mother would always give me bubbles to play with, she said they were her favourite thing when she was a child, Guess it runs in the family.

She worked at the school teaching children about the History of Equestria, I came in one time and helped her with props and stuff for her play. 3 days after he birthday she fell ill and had to be rushed into hospital, Me and my father gave her regular visits, but they would always end in tears. While in hospital she made me a hand woven portrait of our family to show how much she cared, I kept telling her she was going to be fine and the doctor would make you better, but i knew this wasn't a fairytale...

A few weeks after her 42nd birthday my mother passed away, my father was so upset he had to take a second job just to keep his mind off of it. I've heard there is another town just past the mountain, I am going to visit it and hopefully spread word of how amazing my mother was. I am going to leave this page in an envelope addressed to my father hoping he will understand why I have to do this. This was the story of my mother Alina and how much she cared for her family, I hope this story shows you that my she was more than just a "Blank Flank".

Twilight closes the book and wipes a tear from her eye, "Does that mean Alina is Derpy's sister" Spike asks. "I don't know spike, we should get some rest, we have a long walk through the mountain tomorrow" She replied as she walked to her room. Spike shrugs his shoulders and starts reading more of The History of Hoofia.

While everyone was sleeping Rainbow Dash was thinking back to what happened on the train and what Rarity was talking about. Could this ghost town really exist, she shook her head rapidly to shake off what she was thinking and got out of bed. She decided to take a walk around town and admire the scenery and such, she walked to the town hall and started reading the stories on the news board. "Another pony lost to the city of Valhalla", "Stay away from Valhalla" the board was littered with warnings about a city named Valhalla. "Could this be the city Rarity was talking about" she thought to herself. While reading more of the warnings she was interrupted by the town mayor "Y'all best be careful about going through the mountain to Valhalla, I don't know if the townsfolk decided to stay or if they really did get absorbed by the city but that place just doesn't seem right" Said the mayor, "Did you lose someone too" asked Rainbow Dash. "My daughter Alina went to the city to tell the tale of her mother, but she hasn't returned for years".

Rainbow Dash gave him a look of sympathy "I'm sorry for your loss mister" she said, "It's fine, she did what had to be done, I just hope my other daughter Starshine lived a happy life" he replied, "What is your name" she asked, " My name is Platinum Hooves, I'm the mayor of Hoofia" he replied while gazing at the shocked face of Rainbow Dash "That's weird, we have a friend staying at the hotel with the same last name" she said, still holding the shocked expression. She heard footsteps and turned to see Derpy wandering through the town eating a chocolate muffin, Platinum notices the bubbles cutie mark and tears start to fall from his face. "I have to go" he said sharply and quickly went to his home. "What are you doing Rainbow Dash" asked Derpy while enjoying such a blissful muffin, "Uhhh, nothing... Just taking a walk" she replied.

"I was talking a walk too, but then I saw this muffin just sitting on a table at the hotel and I was like, wow this muffin looks amazing" she squealed in delight. "Hic... Aww now I have the hiccups" she added sadly. "Have fun on your walk" said Rainbow Dash walking back to the hotel "You too hic.. Rainbow Dahic..." she replied while waving to her friend.

"Man can this night get any stranger" said Rainbow Dash to herself, she quickly stopped in her steps and looked to her right to see a door in between to shops, what scared her the most was the door itself. It wasn't attached to a house, it was just a bare door. She approached this door and could hear voices coming from the inside, she opened the door and stepped inside, "Hello" she said loudly, She entered what seemed to be a house of some sort, the door slowly closed behind her as she took further steps into the house.

The house had a family in it that were happily making dinner for their children, Rainbow Dash walked to a room and glanced inside to see two small pony's playing with toys, the house was filled with happy talking and laughter from the children, she decided to walk back to the door and she got there the house fell silent, her body filled with fear and she turned around slowly and realised she was now in an empty burned out home, the laughter of the children was still ringing through the house. She tried the door but it was locked and burnt out like the rest of the house, after calming herself down she walked through the house checking each room for signs of life. She remembered what happened on the train, "What in Celestia is going on" she thought to herself.

While checking through the rooms she hears the something come through the letterbox on the door, she investigates this strange noise and finds a letter on the floor addressed to her. She slowly opens it and reads the short paragraph inside. "Rainbow Dash, I cant believe you did it. The whole town is proud of you but they say you have about 2 months, come back Rainbow Dash... Please". Rainbow Dash begins to hear the laughter of children coming from upstairs, she slowly climbs up to investigate and sees the same door she saw earlier. She walks toward it, the laughter getting louder with every step and opens the door. She is surrounded by a beaming white light and quickly shuts her eyes to avoid it hurting them, the laughter stop and she opens her eyes to be staring at her hotel door. She walks to her bed and tries to get some sleep for tomorrow.