• Published 31st Dec 2011
  • 1,098 Views, 8 Comments

Roof of the World - FireHawk

Yes this is an HiE but im trying to make it as original as possible

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Chapter 1

Note:I do not own My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic or any of the characters in this fanfic

Roof of The World Chapter 1

"So could you tell me again what it is your trying to do?" Spike asked, while bringing several very large books off the ladder. The little dragon nearly collapsed under the tremendous weight, but was spared when a lavender glow engulfed the books and they floated to a small table. Sitting at the table, with her horn giving off a slight purple light, sat Twilight Sparkle with her face buried deep in a spellbook. She sighed at spikes question.

"I've already told you twice spike! I was looking thru one of the new books that princess celestia sent this morning when I noticed a spell that would allow me to see thru another ponies eyes." Spike sat up and looked at the mare, concern obvious on his face.

"But that doesn't explain why you've been in the library all day. I mean cmon we missed lunch and I haven't had a chance to start on dinner yet because you won't let me out of the study!" he was almost yelling now, and his stomach seemed to agree as it gurgled audibly. Twilight continued as if he hadn't heard a single word.

"Normally it wouldn't have been a big deal, but then I remembered that starswirl the bearded once learned to combined certain spells. That got me thinking, what if I put the sight spell together with a locator spell? I would be able to find lost ponies or even see thru the eyes of aliens! Imagine it spike!" she exclaimed gleefully "We could be responsible for discovering an entirely new race of sentient life forms!" Spike only sighed as he stared out a window into the cold of night, illuminated by lunas shining moon.

"Ok but wouldn't someone have already tried that by now?" Spike said.

"Maybe" Said twilight, "But I doubt any of them were taught by princess Celestia herself. Ah-ha!" she exclaimed, putting her hoof down on a page of the book. "Here it is: StarSwirls guide to dual casting." She read wildly thru the page stopping only to re-read it again. Soon she would find the aliens and perhaps write a book on their culture.


Cold. That was the only thought that was going thru my head. (God dammit!) I thought. (Why on earth did I let Sawyer talk me into this?) I was standing on the peak of the worlds largest mountain: Mt.Everest. The frigid air chilled me to my very core. It didn't help that it was hard to breath at this elevation. I had long ago emptied his first tank of oxygen and had taken my gloves off. I was about to change the tank again when a sudden wave of nausea hit me like a brick wall at 60mph. I knew that, at this height, nobody would be able to save me. I needed to change my oxygen tank before I passed out. But as I fumbled for the valve, I felt my consciousness slip away and the world around me faded into darkness.


Twilight Sparkle, having finished with the spellbook, was busy gathering the necessary materials for the combination of the spells. Once completed the spell would send a shockwave of magical energy that would continue to spread until it came into contact with any kind of sentient being not found in equestria.

She finished drawing out the ancient runic symbol on the floor of the library, which by now was slowly being brightened by the sun as it glided gracefully across the sky.

Spike was asleep on the floor and so he was startled when the lavender mare cried out in victory.

"Yes! It's done! Now all i need to do is wait for the girls to arrive." she said while moving along and being careful not to disrupt the delicate chalk drawing on the floor. She was about to sit down when a loud knock on the libraries front door shook her from her concentration.

(Oh that must be them now!) she thought as she walked happily over to the door. It was soon encased in a soft purple glow as she casually flicked it open with her magic. With the path now clear four out of five of her closest friends walk into the library. First was the orange earthpony AppleJack, followed closely by the dress maker Rarity, after her came the bubbly bouncing mass of pink known only as pinkie pie, then the cyan pegasus rainbow dash, and finally a blood red pegasus with a black mane and tail that sported a bright red streak. On his flank was an image of a hurricane made of fire.

"Ah hello everypony!" Twilight Began "Thank you all for coming on such short notice."

"Ou darling it's not a problem at all!" Said Rarity "Although I do want to know why we are here, you letter didn't explain much."

"Yea an who is this?" Pinkie Pie said motioning to the red pegasus."Oh oh oh! Is he new!?!? I gotta throw you a party! Let's see I'll need streamer and balloons and a banner, oh and of course a cake!" She said while hopping excitedly around the room, before being pulled down to earth by AppleJack, who held the pink mass of energy's tail in her mouth.

"Whoa Pinkie calm down your gonna give him a heart attack! This is my cousin: FireStorm, he's here from Stalliongrad to help with the weather patrol." said Rainbow while FireStorm cowered behind her in an attempt to escape his certain, delicious, cake filled doom.

"Yes now, about why I called you here, I am working on combining two spells into one. In order to do this I need a significant amount of magic, magic that I don't have. That is were you come in, see the spell requires six ponies: two earth ponies, two unicorns, and two Pegasi."Explained Twilightas she motioned for each pony to get in their respective corners of the rune.

At this point it was FireStorm who spoke "And since your friend, fluttershy, was to busy taking care of her animals you asked Rainbow to bring me along?"

"Yes that's correct FireStorm." Said Twilight "Now if there are no further questions, I would like to begin."

With that her horn began to glow with a soft purple light and the floor emanated the colors of the six ponies. The light from Twilights horn intensified tenfold and, in a brilliant flash of lavender, they found themselves on what appeared to be a mountain. They could only see a few feet in front of them due to the blizzard, but it was enough to make out the figure that stood before them.

It was about a foot taller than big Mac, it's features were covered by a kind of mask that engulfed it's head. It wore a large dark blue winter jacket with baggy black pants and oversized gloves. It appeared to be in some sort of distress as it fumbled with a contraption on a grayish metallic cylinder, with a tube running from the top to the things face mask. It pulled the gloves off of it's...Claws? No not claws, the ends were to stubby. Soon however the large alien collapsed and fell unconscious.

Twilight began to panic, exerting power she never new she had towards the beast. Suddenly another of the strange beings charged in from behind and past right thru the six startled ponies, this one was a bit smaller than the first and carried a similar device on it's back. It rushed to it's fallen companion and began to change the cylinder of the unconscious alien.

The energy that had gathered in Twilights horn burst out and engulfed the two aliens, the smaller one screamed in pain as her body began to deconstruct itself in preparation for the teleport. The larger one, having awoken when the spell hit him bolted upright and dissolved into a magical energy as they were lifted off the mountain and into the library.


I awoke in immense pain, never a good sign, and some one was screaming like they'd had there legs cut off, also not a good thing. The first thing I noticed was the girl next to me on the ground writhing in pain. Then I saw that someone (probably the girl) had changed my oxygen tank. However I didn't have time to react as I felt myself flying up and saw the mountain that we were on shrink.

My head was pounding and rendered me useless as I could not move. I slammed rather unceremoniously onto the hardwood floor. Wait what? I opens my eyes and quickly surveyed my surroundings. I was in what appeared to be a library of sorts. It appeared to be somewhat early in the morning, and sunlight filtered thru the half open curtains.

There were books scattered everywhere, be they on shelves or left on the floor. The ground under me began to move. No not ground, I was laying on someone. I looked down and gasped, I was laying on a freaking horse, a blood red horse with....were those wings?!?! Looking around again I saw more of the weird horse things plus the girl that came with me. My brain over loaded and I struggled to untangle myself from the mass of red. As I attempted to stand my uncovered hand brushed up against the things wing. We were suddenly bathed in an intense red light as we lifted from the ground and flew to opposite sides of the library.

Waves of energy began flowing from the horse (Pegasus?) to me, I felt a sudden, intense pain centered on my back and I felt the skin break in two spots. My vision began to blur as I fell to the floor. For the second time that day, I passed out.