• Published 3rd Jan 2012
  • 1,252 Views, 10 Comments

Speak to My Attorney - BronyGuy

Octavia x OC shipping. Hetero-ship. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!

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At The Gala

The crowd practically went wild after the final song was played. Octavia beamed at the sight of so many ponies enjoying her music. She slowly bows, relishing in the spotlight and the pride she feels. As she rises she catches a glimpse of the entry and the sign reading, sold out. Yes, another successful concert performed by the one and only. She’s pulled back to reality and quickly hurries off stage, where she meets Vinyl. They greet one another and hug, Vinyl telling her how much of a great job she did.

“Way to go Octy!” Vinyl said as she patted Octavia on her back.

Octy… that was what she always called her. From the very first time they met so many years ago, up until now. It felt like such a private word to her, like a word that only Vinyl was allowed to say. Octavia knew that it was a silly notion, but still it made her feel closer to Vinyl some how. Octavia gives Vinyl a smile, and watches as she walks on stage for her own performance. With nothing left to do, Octavia decides to check out the main lobby. As she walks by, she begins taking notice of all the couples tonight. She doesn’t know why, but there’s something about it that pulls at her. She’s never really tried to get a stallion of her own, it’s not that she doesn’t want one… well… they just don’t feel like “wasting” their time with a mute. She could read and write just fine, even mouth the words out. But something had happened when she was a filly and she lost the ability to use her vocal cords. It was a miracle she met Vinyl after being alone for so long. She forgets about the thought, and realizes she’s been single for most of her life, in fact. Octavia decides not to muse over the subject a longer, and looks at the calendar. She mentally curses as she finds that the Royal Canterlot Ball is only two nights away. It would explain the decor and the festive mood everypony’s in. She felt her brow begin to sweat. Hopefully this dance won’t end up like the Grand Galloping Gala. What a royal failure that ended up being. And that pink pony, what was the name? Pinkie Shy? No, no. Pinkie… Pinkie… Pie? Pie. Yeah Pinkie Pie! She felt a small shiver, oh no not Pinkie Pie. Nopony ever annoyed Octavia, but Pinkie Pie… oh she was something else. Obnoxious couldn’t even begin to describe her. Always in your face… loud… so very loud, it was something that Octavia did not like: Loud noises of any kind. Vinyl would always poke at her, ‘you don’t like loud noise, yet you play with an orchestra?’ Well that was completely different! Not only were they sounds and not noises, but also they weren’t very loud. Crescendo was the word Octavia liked to use. Well… if she could use words anyway. She walked passed the lobby and made her way to her room. It wasn’t anything special just a suite given to her by the C.E.O. of the hotel. It had a great view though, something Octavia really liked about the living space. When one walks out by the over hanging porch, they’d be struck by the magnificence of the lights that Canterlot has to offer. She sighs, enjoying the cool summer breeze as it flows through her mane. ‘Just a few more days.’ Octavia thought, ‘until the ‘party’ starts.’


“Alrighty then. Here’s your key to the apartment.” Said the scruffy looking stallion as he hoofed the silver key to Steel. He wore a great smile, ‘at longy-long last, Octavia! I can finally meet her!’

“Thank you, my good stallion! Hope you have a great day!” Steel said as he waved to the pony. He just shrugged and walked back to his office. Steel placed the key inside the bolt, and turned slowly opening the door to find a not-too-shabby suite. It had taken some time consulting Brace, but Steel convinced him to buy this suite. Now it officially belonged to Steel Thunder. He takes a big sniff of the air, and slightly gags, rushing to the nearest window and hastily opens it up. He lets out a sigh, “Jeez, they really need some air freshener.”

He takes in the sight of his new suite the dark green couch at one end of the room, matching with the lime green carpet, matching with the regular green curtains. It was a green mess of green on green on green. Greenception? At any rate, Steel unpacked his three suitcases with quick succession, two of them being for his clothes, and essentials, while the third being his work suitcase. He set his work down and viewed his next client’s information. It seemed like just another hit-and-run case, involving a certain pony’s mailbox, and a reckless driver. Steel chuckled, ‘well this is going to be an easy case.’ Steel thought as he put down the paperwork. He looked outside, taking in the view. Lights all over Canterlot danced in front of him, as the sun had set a few hours ago. Being that there wasn’t much else to do, Steel happily decided it’d be fun to check out the city. He got his keys, put on a lavishing light blue on white vest, and merrily walked outside. He’d lived in Manehatten for over a decade, but nothing came close enough to these buildings. The sheer size of the buildings, complemented with the elaborate architecture, made him feel like a small ant in comparison. Steel walked along the sidewalk, eyeing the neat knick-knacks sold at incredibly expensive prices. The citizens seemed as if they all had a place to go, as they almost shoved passed others trying to get to their destination. He walked inside a clothing shop, and looked over the fine vests for sale. One especially caught his eye— a ravishing light-turquoise jacket with pure white trimming. It made him want to pick it up and buy right on the spot, had it not been for the price tag…. and the sticker labeling it as a ‘Mare’s Dress-Jacket.’ “Eeep!” Steel squeaked as he quickly surveyed the area to find he’d been in a mare’s clothing store. Thankfully nopony noticed him, making his quick escape undetected. He continued his walk, and found a massive wall of fliers from all over. There was a flier for Sweet Apple Acres showing an orange pony with a blonde mane smiling as the scene of a hard day’s work of apple bucking had paid off. He saw another flier displaying a grayish pony flying through the clouds with a sack of mail on her side. After a minute Steel finally distinguished the pony, and couldn’t help but give a broad smile, “Derpy…” Steel said as he picked up a copy of the flier. ‘Derpy would love to get her hooves on this!’ he thought excitedly. He held onto the flier and carried on with the wall, stopping ever now and then whenever a particular one caught his eye. He stopped short when the mare of his dreams was right in front of him. It took a second, but he managed to realize it was another flier advertising the upcoming “Royal Canterlot Ball” is due in just two days. It says tickets are sold at City Hall, while seats are open. Steel reads this without any emotion. At least not all at once. Not only does he have the opportunity to meet Octavia just by being in Canterlot, but also his chance is only two days away! He forgets everything he had planned to do, and begins trotting through the streets, careful not to bump into anypony. He was not going to miss this chance at happiness, and he was certainly not going to let it slip by because of a few ponies in his way. He stops on a corner and looks around for some kind of indication to a City Hall. If the whole city is purely palatial, Steel couldn’t begin to imagine what the City Hall would look like. He reads sign after sign as he passes by, and finally reads “Canterlot City Hall.” He smiles and runs up the steps to the main lobby, where he asks a ballpony where he can get a ticket.

“Oh well if you’d like I can show you where.” The ballpony says. He ushers Steel to a large room filled with ponies. He walks up to the desk, “excuse me, but are you still selling the tickets to the Canterlot Ball?” Steel asks.

“Yes, that will be fifty bits.” Says the stout pony. It didn’t seem too pricey; in fact it seemed like a good price for Steel. He mentally thanked Celestia and paid the necessary amount. When he walked out of the City Hall, he had a brightly shinning ticket encased it what looked like aluminum. Now all he had to do was wait for two measly days and he’d get the chance of a lifetime.





It would be hard to forget, but Check.


He’d been carrying that for ages now, it hadn’t left his side since he purchased it, Check.

He was ready! Steel opened up the door to his suite and walked outside, closing it quickly and quietly. He walked out of the hotel and followed the large crowd of ponies. He was positive that the huge line would lead to the Ball, after seeing how they’re all dressed. After some time Steel’s guess had been correct, and he watched in awe as the massive palace loomed over him. He got up to the ticket booth, and presented his ticket. With a quick swipe he was allowed inside. The orchestral music, accompanied by the elegant furnishings and carpet made him feel like a big shot. He looked at everything, taking in the sight of it all. The soft red carpeting showing shades of purple, red, and blue. The vases placed ever so carefully on top of short pillars eye level with him. And most importantly, the food! Rows and rows of snacks, from simple peach-spinach rolls doused in a glossy sweet liquid to little daisy sandwiches. He looked up at the stage where a group of musicians played on violins, trumpets you name it. He couldn’t wait to see that magical pony, Octavia, where he knew he’d ask her out the first chance he got.

Octavia fumbled with her mane. After getting bed rest like that she was glad to see it wasn’t a complete mess, just a few nicks here and there that could be easily dealt with. She brushed her mane about five times later, and with satisfactory, put the brush down and put on her tie. She quickly tied it and took one last look in the mirror, and hurried out the door. She makes it to the stage and begins setting up her gear. There’s not much to set up— thankfully— as she played the Cello so it only took a few minutes. After she double checks to see if everything is in order, she decides to try her luck and mingle. She steps down from the stage and walks up to a lone stallion wearing a dark orange vest that shows off his eyes. He is talking to another stallion which seems to be going well enough as they’re both smiling.

“Alright well I should get going, gotta find some tail to nail, em ah right George?” Says the other stallion as he pats George on the back.

“Yeah I’m crossing my hooves to find one with a nice plot!” Says George brohoofing the other stallion

The other pony departs leaving the stallion to himself. He smiles at her, and walks up to her where they meet half way. “Greetings, the pleasure is all mine.” He says bowing. “To what do I owe this honor?”

Octavia blushed and bowed. As she got up she looked dumbfounded. Stupid stupid stupid! How could she have forgotten that she couldn’t speak? The feeling of socializing really took a toll on her, as Octavia has never forgotten about her speaking problem. Embarrassed she looks at the ground for something to do. The stallion notices this, “Pardon me, but what is your name?” That had done it. There was no way she could come out of that. She waited for him to say that awful word she dreaded so much. “Bah. I knew it, nothing but a lone mute.” He said the word with obvious disdain. He walked away, leaving her to herself. She shook him off, ‘well… it does him no good. In fact it’s a loss he didn’t… didn’t get to know me.’ Octavia thought. She fumbled on the word loss, as if she were just hiding the truth: She was nothing but a disgusting mute, only here because of her talent with the Cello. She tries again with many other ponies, mare or stallion, couple or single, but none giving her anything but sheer hatred of her. She gives up and sits down at a nearby table, studying the designs etched into the hardwood top.

Steel could have swore he’d seen her somewhere. He looked around but wasn’t able to see any sign that Octavia had been anywhere. Then he saw her, sitting at a table, looking sadder than ever. If hurt Steel to see the love of his life this way, so he walked over to her. “Hello. My name is Steel Thunder.” Was all he could say.

Startled, Octavia looked up and sunk down a little further. With a hung head she waved to him.

Steel pulled up a chair and sat with her. “Are you alright?” Steel could easily see she wasn’t alright, but he just wanted to talk to her in case something happened and he lost his chance.

Again another shake of her head.

Steel brought her head up to meet his eyes with his hoof, and asked, “Why?”

Octavia shuddered and gazed into his eyes, feeling something tug in the back of her chest. She pushed his hoof away, and shook her head again.

“Oh.” Steel said, looking at the ground. She didn’t want him; it was that simple to see. “Well I’m sorry I wasted your time. I know I’m not much to look at, but uh… well sorry…” Steel said as he slowly got up from the chair. Octavia looked up and shook her head, also getting up to meet his eye level. “What?” He asked.

She shook her head, and mouthed something. He couldn’t place what she was trying to convey. She mouthed again something… speak? Can’t? Can’t speak— She couldn’t speak?! “Wait you can’t speak?” Steel said taken aback. “You’re a mute?”

Octavia looked at the table again. Steel brought her head up, “Why would you be so sad about that?”

She mouthed, “I’ve tried talking to others. They all don’t like ponies like me.”

Steel was shocked. How could anypony not like the one and only Octavia? “Well trust me, there’s nothing wrong with you. If anything, they’re the ones with problems! You’re sweet and a great mare to be around, don’t listen to them one bit.” He finished with a smile. Finally he was talking to her, so many years ago he’d vowed on his grandfather he’d at least say “Hi,’ and now here he was, trying his best to reassure her.

Octavia smiled at what he’d said, feeling that weird tug again, wanting to stay and “talk” with him some more. But time had its ways, and soon the bell rung indicating time for her show to go on.

Steel sensed this, “Oh uh, hey would you like to um… just kind’a…” Come on spit it out! “Meet me later for dinner?”

Octavia smiled and nodded.

Steel blushed a crazy bright red and a little too loudly said, “Thank you! How about meeting at the “Daisy Diner?”

Octavia chuckled and agreed, walking up to the stage where she met her band mates. From the stage she eyed Steel walking back to their table, and suddenly knew what that feeling was. It was something close to love. When the lights came down, and the spotlights came up lighting up the stage, she had a new feeling of passion. To play for him, in his honor. It had been so long since she’d felt any kind of feeling like this, and it felt wonderful. Her band mates started her off, and she played like she’d never done in a long… long time….


The performance was spectacular! Steel couldn’t believe how she had played. Not only how she played, but also how she looked when she played. It was truly something else. The songs still danced in his mind as he waited for her at “Daisy Diner.” Steel didn’t have much to do, leaving him to his thoughts. He played over and over how the night had come to this, one minute looking at the décor, the next having Octavia over for dinner! Nothing could ever compare to the glory of this night. Minutes pass, and he looks over the restaurant taking in the sights, and smells. Hours pass, and he grows worried whether or not to get up and look for her. Finally after what felt like an eternity Steel gives up and walks back to his suite. The only thought that rang throughout his consciousness was “She stood me up. She doesn’t care. She stood me up.” Steel got back to his room, and ordered three bottles of hard cider. Steel had never drank before, but he was aware of what it would bring when indulged. Right now he needed something to help drown these emotions he was feeling. He thanked the waiter at the door, and placed the bottles near the bed. He stares at them, delaying the inevitable. With a tear streaking his eye, he grabs the first bottle and pops it open. He doesn’t bother with a cup, too much trouble getting one, and resorts to drinking it straight from the bottle. It burned like nothing he’d experienced before, but at the same time it felt warm. Like a blanket whenever it got cold, or a cozy fireplace in the winter. He brought the bottle down and took a deep breath. After a few seconds he downed the bottle, letting the sweet flavor of grapes and the pain of the burn engulf his being. He brought the bottle back up and threw it across the room. He looked at his suitcase filled with paperwork and also chucked it at a wall. ‘Everything I’ve been through,’ Steel thought with clenched teeth as he remembered going up against Ballpoint. ‘Everything I had to put up with,’ He remembered Wing Seed and how she almost ruined their family so long ago. He brought the bottom of the bottle upward and gulped down the Cider. ‘How the only thing that kept me going was the dream of seeing Octavia’s sweet face, and now she doesn’t even want to see my own.’ He couldn’t take it anymore, with blinding speed he grabbed a hold of a chunk of glass and dug a gash into his hoof, letting the sanguine blood run down his foreleg.


Octavia hurries through the door, ‘stupid paparazzi,’ she thinks as she dashes though the large hallways of the palace. She sees a nearby wall clock and curses, ‘AND I’m late… really late…
‘ She pushes the thoughts aside, ‘no matter I need to get there… besides: Better late then never?’ At last she arrives at the diner, she checks over each and every chair, every booth, every bench she can see. With a shudder of distress she gets a pen and paper, and writes down a question. Octavia rushes to the lobby of her suite and shows the bellpony the sheet of paper:

I’m looking for a pony by the name of Steel Thunder.

The bellpony nodded and said, “Well just go up to the forth floor and he’s in room 307.

Octavia smiled and bowed for him, and hurried up to the elevator. No good— it was out of order. She quickly takes the stairs up to floor two…. floor three… and finally the forth floor. She takes the last step and trots passed each door, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, and 307. She stops to catch her breath and knocks on the door. The can smell a strong lingering scent of alcohol. It hadn’t come to mind until now, but it was a miracle that Steel lived right bellow her own suite.

Steel shot up from his position. He heard a knock, that’s all that he could register. He sluggishly got up, and walked to the door, trying his best to keep his balance. He put the bottle down and slowly opened the door. There she was, standing perfectly still as though time and space has cease to move forward. She looked up at him and mouthed, “Hello.”