• Published 1st Mar 2013
  • 516 Views, 2 Comments

Don't Eat the Mushroom - Matoal

Do mushrooms actually do this to ponies?

  • ...

What is Love?

A typical day in Ponyville. All the ponies are going about their daily lives. One white, green eyed colt in particular was running home, giggling like a school filly, with a package on his back. Ever since he first arrived in in a crazy place like Ponyville, he knew he'd find something similar to the object he was carrying. He rushed as fast as he could into the library, busting the door open in the process. "Twilight!" he yelled. "I'm back!"

"Sugar! You need to stop breaking in like that!" Twilight scolded him.

"Sorry, but I finally found it!" Sugar smiled, placing the package down and doing a little dance around it.

"Found what?" She asked. She thought it was cute how he was now huggling the box.

"Something that I found that will briefly give you the knowledge of everything involving love!" He smiled opening the box. Twilight's interest peaked. Something that temporarily increased intelligence? She could use something like that. "I used it a few hours ago, and I gotta say. It was the best experience of my life. Too bad You forget once it wears off." He reached his hoof in, and pulled out a mushroom. Twilight's smile fell, thinking that it was stupid she got hyped up over something as simple as a mushroom. "I went to see Zecora about it. I asked if she had any mushrooms that had the effects I wanted. She looked at me like I was crazy. She said she had it, but warned me not to eat it. I told her about how I experienced it all before back where I'm from. And that's how I ended up with my magic shrooms." He was snickering at that last part he said.

Twilight looked in the box, seeing that it was full of mushrooms. He reached out to pick one up and observe it, but her hoof was slapped away by Sugar. "NO! Bad Twilight! Don't eat the mushrooms!" Sugar said, as if he were talking to a disobedient puppy. Twilight was surprised. Sugar had a serious look on his face As if saying, 'do it again, punk. I dare you!'.

"Why can't I have a Mushroom, Sugar?"

"Because these are magic mushrooms!"

"And that's why I can't have one?" She asked with a deadpan expression. Thinking it was stupid she couldn't have one because it was magic.


"What's the worst that could happen?"

"You'll find out what love is."

"And that's bad?"

"Yeah. Unless you've seen the effects the shroomie goodness before."

"So you're saying I have to eat the mushroom so that I can eat the mushroom?"

"No. Just know what you'll be expecting. But I'm serious. DON'T EAT THE MUSHROOM!"

"Fine. I won't eat the mushroom." She looked at Sugar curiously while he was still hugging the box.

The next day started rather well. Twilight got up out of bed. She saw that Sugar was still asleep under her bed. He sleeps there. Don't ask why. She decided to let him sleep, and went down for breakfast. "Good morning spike." She said to her assistant.

"Good morning Twilight. Breakfast is ready." He said putting the bowl of salad in front of her.

"Thanks, Spike." She smiled.

"So, what's on the schedule today?"

"I was going to visit Pinkie Pie to help her with a new cookie recipe."

Breakfast was eaten and Twilight left to see Pinkie. A while later, Sugar came downstairs. Spike greeted him, but all he did was pass by sleepily and moaning like a zombie. He opened the fridge, looking for food, when he noticed a small salad. Leftovers probably. He was about to reach for it when he noticed what was in it. Mushrooms.

"Spike!" he yelled. "Where'd you get the mushrooms for this salad?"

"I found a small box with them in it. I thought it would go great in the salad." Sugar immediately ran up to spike and started shaking him violently.


"No, but Twilight had some. Why? Is it poisonous?" He was worried he had just poisoned Twilight.

"No. But where's she going?"

"Sugarcube Corner to help Pinkie." Sugar calmed down once he knew where Twilight was going.

"Spike, we're going to Sugarcube Corner. Bring a bucket too."

Twilight was enjoying her stroll through town. She stopped to chat with a few ponies along the way. She had plenty of time to get to Sugarcube Corner. She noticed Princess Celestia ahead. She smiled and ran up to her. "Princess Celestia!" Twilight called out. The princess turned to her and smiled. "Twilight Sparkle. How are you doing this fine day, my faithful student?" There was something off about Princess Celestia, but it was hard to tell what was wrong.

"I've been doing great." Twilight said. "Although one of my friends has has recently obtained something that he says will help him learn something, but he won't share with me."

Celestia chuckled. "Twilight. I'm sure that there's a good reason that he won't share it. What was it he wouldn't share?"

"Some mushrooms he found. It sounds crazy, but he seemed so sure of himself that they would grant him new knowledge. If what he said was true, then I'd like to know the effects it has."

Celestia looked down at Twilight. "I know what mushrooms he's talking about. Would you like to know their secret?"

Twilight's eyes widened. "Yes! YES!" She yelled out. She nodded her head rapidly with a smile on her face.

Celestia burst into flames. Twilight screamed at the sight. She looked around for a pony that could help, but the there was nopony in sight. The town was entirely empty. "Somepony!" She yelled out. "Please help! The Princess!" The princess turned to Twilight.

"Twilight Sparkle!" The princess said. Twilight turned to the Princess, unsure of what to do. "What is love?" She asked.

Comments ( 1 )

This is fucking awesome.

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