• Published 19th May 2024
  • 159 Views, 5 Comments

Help Wanted - JiggyWiggy

Scootaloo and Rainbow Blitz are taking care of each other during the Zombie Apocalypse.

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Chapter 1 (The Beginning)

Author's Note:

I was just rewatching the gameplay for The Walking Dead Telltale Game and suddenly got this idea. Let me know what you think. This probably will be a multi chapter story.

In the bustling town of Philadelphia, Rainbow Blitz, a well-mannered and athletic Pegasus stallion with beautiful cyan-coloured fur and a rainbow-coloured mane wearing a white button-up shirt and pair of jeans, was on his way home from work, driving along the freeway. Noticing a traffic jam ahead, he decided to take an exit for a quicker detour. As he navigated through the city streets, the car radio began to emit a series of beeping and buzzing noises. Curious and slightly alarmed, he turned up the volume. His heart sank as he heard the emergency broadcast:


As he heard that panic started to surge through Rainbow Blitz. He stepped on the gas, desperate to get home as quickly as possible. Suddenly, a figure darted in front of his car, forcing him to swerve sharply. He cursed as the car veered off the road, tumbling down an embankment and crashing onto a nearby suburban dirt road.

Dazed and with his head ringing, Rainbow Blitz felt blood trickling down his temple and cheek. Pain radiated from his trapped legs, a sharp reminder of the crash. “Fuck… Where am I?” he muttered, pushing open the crumpled door and crawling out of the wreckage.

Surveying his surroundings, he saw an eerily deserted street, littered with abandoned cars, bloodstains, and scattered debris. He tried to stand but could only manage a painful limp, using his cyan hand to brace against the busted tire of his totaled vehicle. A large gash on his left leg throbbed with each step.

“HELP! Anybody there?” he shouted, his voice echoing through the empty street. Desperation clawed at him as he limped towards a nearby house. He pried off a few wooden planks from a fence and maneuvered himself inside, hoping for shelter.

Entering the backyard, he spotted a wooden door leading into the house. He stumbled through it, finding himself in the kitchen. The quiet of the house contrasted sharply with the chaos outside, but he knew he couldn't let his guard down. He called out but received no response.

He glanced at a picture lying on the kitchen counter. It depicted a mare with a blonde mane and peach-colored fur, wearing a white blouse and jeans, a stallion with a brown mane and khaki fur in a blue shirt and jeans, and their daughter, a Pegasus like him with orange fur and a bright purple mane, wearing a Wonderbolts shirt, shorts, a helmet, and kneepads. The realization that this was their home and he was in it without permission sent a shiver down his spine.

Rainbow Blitz continued his search for medical supplies, entering a bedroom adorned with Wonderbolts posters, football memorabilia, and various toys and skateboards scattered on the carpet. It was clearly the filly’s room. As he rummaged through drawers, he heard a faint whimper.

“Who’s there?” he yelled instinctively, gripping a mug that he found on top of the drawer for protection. A small, frail voice responded, “Don’t hurt me!” A figure emerged from beneath the bed.

Rainbow Blitz stumbled backward, dropping the mug on the floor which made it shatter into a thousand pieces all over the ground. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light. The figure was the filly from the picture, now trembling and holding a skateboard defensively. She was sobbing, clearly terrified of the stranger in her home.

“Hey, hey. I’m not going to hurt you,” Rainbow Blitz said, trying to sound calm and reassuring. “Where are your parents?”

“They’re dead,” she muttered through tears. “The monsters got them.”

Rainbow Blitz’s heart sank. “What do you mean, ‘monsters’?”

“Those people,” she said, her voice shaking. “They attacked my parents while they were out. A neighbor tried to help, but they got attacked too. I’m alone.”

Rainbow Blitz’s expression softened with sympathy. “I’m so sorry, honey. Is there anyone who can take care of you?”

“No,” the filly replied, her eyes brimming with tears.

“I'm Rainbow Blitz.“ “What’s your name?“ he asked gently. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m Scootaloo,” she said, wiping her tears with her wrist. “I’m not hurt, but I’ve been here alone for days.”

Without warning, Scootaloo lunged forward, hugging Rainbow Blitz tightly. “Please don’t leave me alone with those monsters! I’m scared!” she cried, burying her face into his still-bloodied and dirty white shirt.

Rainbow Blitz, still frightened and surprised, held her gently. “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll be fine. We just need to find help.”

He took her hand, and they ventured outside together, determined to find safety and survive in this new apocalyptic world.

They both stepped out of the house, only to be greeted by a horrifying scene. The neighborhood was completely abandoned, with cars overturned and dead bodies strewn across the streets. The sight made Rainbow Blitz’s stomach churn, and he instinctively placed his hands over Scootaloo’s eyes to shield her from the gruesome horrors surrounding them.

“Hey, maybe we should check on your neighbors. They probably have something that can help us, right?” Blitz suggested, holding Scootaloo’s hand tightly as they walked together.

Scootaloo’s expression turned somber as she looked down. “Are they still alive?” she asked, her voice trembling.

Blitz’s face reflected his concern. “Probably. But we need to try,” he said, trying to sound hopeful.

Blitz pulled out his phone from his pocket, hoping to call for help, but the screen showed no signal. The possibility of calling emergency services was out of the question. Frustrated but determined, he looked at Scootaloo with a reassuring smile. “Are you hungry?” he asked gently.

Scootaloo nodded, her light purple eyes still wide with hope.

Blitz rummaged through his pocket and found a Slim Jim he had saved for a snack during lunch. “Here, eat this. You probably need it more than me,” he said, offering it to her.

Scootaloo’s face lit up with gratitude as she took the beef jerky. She hadn’t eaten anything in days, having holed up in her parents’ house for so long. She tore off the packaging and eagerly started gnawing on it. She had managed to drink some water earlier, as it was still running in the taps, but food had been scarce.

“Thank you,” Scootaloo said softly, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. She held Blitz’s cyan-coloured hand tightly, finding comfort in his presence.

As they walked down the desolate street, Blitz kept a vigilant eye on their surroundings. He knew they had to find a safe place soon. “Stay close to me, okay?” he instructed, squeezing her hand gently.

Scootaloo nodded, her trust in Blitz growing with each step they took together. Despite the overwhelming fear and uncertainty, she felt a glimmer of hope. With Blitz by her side, she believed they could make it through this nightmare.

They continued walking toward the horizon, determined to find safety and help in the midst of the apocalypse. The bond between them was starting to grow stronger with each passing moment, giving them the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Comments ( 5 )

Interesting premise, cant wait to see where this story goes!

I'm not usually one for "anthro", but I'll make an exception.
This is starting out pretty good.
And Rainbow, well, Blitz I guess, and Scootaloo are perfect for a mock-up of the main characters from the TTG game.

Thank you. It will take a very long time to complete since I'm gonna be very busy with some other stuff currently.

Yeah. I figured if I turned Rainbow Dash into a guy then the story would be a bit more similar to the game.

yeah no worries, I'm busy with college at the moment, so my next story wont be out for a while as well.

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