• Published 30th Apr 2024
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The Legend Of Spyro And Spike - Dragonfan101

Spike gets captured by the Dark Apes during the day Ember and Thorax met, he is taken to a completely different world by them, but manages to escape somehow. He meets a purple dragon named Spyro, and this begins a life changing journey for them both.

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12: Adjusting

It's been a few weeks since Spike and Spyro had saved Cynder from her corruption and stopped the Dark Master from being freed, while they all have been trying to recover and rebuild the temple after it's attacks, they all need time to process what's happened to all of them.

Spike's still had a lot to process after going on this first adventure, he's stuck in another world with no current way to get home or contact his friends, he's been turned into a dark dragon that was almost fully corrupted by Cynder's blood, and on top of all that, Cynder is his birth mother, the one who gave him the life he has now, but after learning all of what's happened to him, Spike doesn't know how to process all of it, he never thought he'd ever find out who his parents are, but to suddenly know that he's the creation of dark magic and was born in a world where dragons have been at war for years.. that's a lot to take in.. and Spike doesn't know how to handle it all.

Spike was currently in the vision pool room looking within the pool, he was trying to see if there was anything he could see that could help him with his problem, but he hasn't found anything yet. Spike's body has changed thanks to the corruption, his scales are far darker and more scary looking, he has white horns on his wrists and neck, his spine stretched out more and it became far darker and sharper, his claws and tails became so sharp they're almost like a blade, and Spike's eyes were now a blood red color because of the corruption, Spike sighed looking at his reflection, and felt sad seeing his state.

"How am I gonna explain all of this to you Twilight? How am I gonna show you.. this?" Spike asked with fear while he looked at his claws, he felt so different compared to how he used to, and he felt a dark power within him that he's afraid to find out more of, because it could turn him into a monster like Cynder used to be.
"After all that's happened.. will I still be seen as Spike? Or will I be seen as the Dark Master's next monster if I'm fully corrupted.. just.. what's gonna happen with me from here out?" Spike asked unsure of what's to come next, he's felt a bad presence is coming after they saved Cynder, but Spike's noticed the Celestial moons are getting closer to eachother each night, and they looked like they were going to begin an eclipse.. a dark eclipse..
"I wish I had somepony here for this.. I just don't know what's gonna happen.. Twilight.. how can I explain all of this?" Spike asked shamefully while he started moving through the temple some more.

The place was currently being cleared out of any pests that made they're homes here, Ignitus and the Guardians may be old, but they know how to get the place together after a long time of collecting dust. Spike slowly walked through the halls and felt upset, even after this adventure he went on, the circumstances that brought him here made him feel like it was the start of his crisis, he doesn't know what to do, and he's afraid he and Spyro may not be able to stop what comes next.

"How are we gonna be able to stop this? What's the Dark Master's next plan? Where did he go, and what more is there to come after this?" Spike asked while he looked out of the windows, seeing the land trying to heal after such a long war is something Spike admired, a lot of Cynder's iron camps were being taken down by the residents around the place, and they've been trying to rebuild what was damaged, Ignitus and the others currently were out to get supplies to rebuild the place, and they would be gone for a few more hours because of it.

But as Spike continued making his way through the halls, a familiar purple dragon and dragonfly saw him moving down, and decided to see if he's alright.
"Hey Spike, you doing okay buddy?" Sparx asked which shook him out of his thoughts for a bit, he turned to his right and saw Spyro and Sparx were coming up to him..
"You okay Spike? You've been a bit distant lately?" Spyro asked concerned while they followed him for a bit, Spike sighed being asked that and didn't know where to start.

"It's hard to explain Spyro, after all we just went through with saving Cynder, I'm just having trouble adjusting to the situation I'm in, I don't know what to do." Spike said with worry while they made they're way into an old garden for a bit.
"Yeah, I can understand that.. we all can, I'm still trying to handle this whole Purple Dragon thing that's happened to us, and the other's have been trying to get a handle on what's happened too." Spyro said agreeing to this too.
"Yeah Ignitus and the other's have had quite the talks lately about rebuilding the temple, it's gonna take a while for any progress to start though.." Sparx added while they looked around the damaged place.
"Yeah.. to think this place was nearly destroyed when the Dark Army's attacked.. now look at it.." Spike said regretfully while they moved through another large door.
"Kinda hard to live here after what's happened huh? But I still see this place can recover, it's just gonna take a long time to recover.. a really long time.." Spyro said trying to keep the mood positive, but Spike looked at himself and didn't know how to respond.

"That's if we can move on from all that's happened, we still have the rest of the Dark Master's forces to deal with, and I still need to figure out how to use my dark powers.." Spike said unsure if he can even tap into them after they used Aether.
"I see your upset about what's happened Spike, but I still believe we'll all turn out fine in the end, no matter what challenges come our way." Spyro said with a level of hope, but Spike still looked upset about all of this.
"Come on Spike, just tell us, how've you been holding up after becoming a dark dragon?" Sparx asked worried for him, Spike looked at his claws again and felt guilt for not being able to stop this corruption.
"I don't know how to describe it guys.. I do feel a lot stronger then I used to be.. and yet.. I feel.. weak and afraid.. I feel something dark in me Spyro, something that makes me feel like I'm gonna become a monster.." Spike said with fear as he couldn't shake off this feeling.

"I'm really sorry you feel this way Spike, we tried finding a way to cure you, but we were only able to do so at the last second.. but what's important is your still here, your still you, and that's what matters most." Spyro said as they both sat near the ledge together while the sun was almost setting.
"Am I Spyro? Look at me.. I've become so much like my.. mother.. I don't know if I'm even the same person.. Cynder's blood didn't just corrupt me.. it helped bring me to how I was supposed to look like when I hatched.. if it wasn't for Twilight's magic, or Cynder's own magic to suppress my powers and form.. I would've looked like her from birth.." Spike said shamefully while not thinking of anything positive right now.
"Do you really think that's a bad thing Spike? Look at Cynder now, she's so much like us, which means your like her, and that's nothing to be ashamed about. She's your mother Spike, even though we went through a lot together, she still cares for you, she cared for you even when you were corrupted, you wouldn't be here if she didn't, but now that she's back, it gives you and her to make up the time you've lost because of this war." Spyro said while they looked over the view outside.

"Spyro.. I was the creation of dark magic.. my entire existence I was born was because of dark magic, I was never born naturally.. I wasn't properly hatched by a dragon and didn't ever know how to properly be one, Twilight's the only reason I was hatched, even then my egg was a part of an experiment to hatch a dragon egg, she could've hatched any other dragon egg, and if that's the case.. what's so special about me?" Spike asked while putting his head down from shame.
"Spike, buddy, you shouldn't let that stuff get in your head, look at what you've done, you helped Spyro save the lands from the Dark Master, you saved your mother from corruption, and you've made new friends here, like us." Sparx said while trying to make him feel better.
"Sparx is right Spike, you've done so much no other dragon could've done, you think any dragon could stop the Dark Master from emerging back into this world to destroy it? Of course not, you and I did it together, even though were in the aftermath of all of this, we still did so much for everyone, and now it's important we look out for eachother when recovering. You've done something no one could do, your special because of the courage you had to keep going, and if that's special.. I don't know what is." Spyro encouraged which actually helped Spike a bit.

"You really think that guys?" Spike asked while he started looking up at them again.
"Of course buddy, we're here for you, no matter what." Spyro assured which did relieve Spike a bit, and he started to stand up to try and think this over.
"Thanks guys, your the best, I'll meet up with you on the balcony for some sleep later, we should try and rest while we can." Spike said with worry as he still saw the two moons growing closer and closer..
"Sure thing Spike, take care of yourself." Spyro said while he and Sparx began to leave, Spike turned away from them and began heading down the halls again, and wondered what to do next.

Spike walked down the halls some more to think about what Spyro said, even though he was the creation of dark magic, what's happened to him during his life was because of the people who cared for him, even if he came from such a dark origin.
"If Twilight and the other's knew about me from the start.. would she still have raised me from the start?" Spike asked again as he just had so many questions going through him, even with Spyro's assurance, he didn't know what to do, and he didn't know where to go next.. but that's when he remembered, Cynder was near the training room and needed time to herself, maybe a talk with her could help him feel better.
"Hope Cynder's feeling alright enough to see me.." Spike said hopefully before he went down the halls to find her, she's felt nothing but regret for what's happened, even with the other's comfort, she doesn't know what to do after all that's happened.

Spike made his way to the training hall hoping she was there, even though Cynder is his mom, she doesn't know how to properly spend time with him after what happened, but Spike hoped a talk with her could help them open up to eachother more. Spike made his way through another large door and went into the training hall, he saw the dragon statue was lowered and Cynder was in the ring, she was trying to attack some of the dummy's to keep up with her skill, but she had a look of shame still. Spike sighed seeing this and went into help her.
"Hey Cynder, you doing alright?" Spike greeted which made her stop for a moment, she turned to him and started to look more sad the closer he got.
"I'm.. okay Spike.. I'm still not used to all that's happened right now..." Cynder replied while they stepped out of the ring to talk.

Spike felt awful for what's happened to her, she's been through so much pain and feels nothing but regret for what's happened, even after they saved her, she still can't properly recover from all of it.
"Yeah, I'm having trouble too.. I still can hardly believe I'm in another world, and I can't contact my friends either.. if I had some way.. maybe they could help us.." Spike said sadly while they sat next to eachother.
"I don't think that will be possible Spike.. this world is far from Equestria, it may take decades for them to even find you, even then we'll still have this war to worry about, you and Spyro still have to regain your powers, and find out how to stop the Dark Master.." Cynder said while feeling regret for taking him from his home.
"Yeah.. decades.. without any way to contact them.." Spike said sadly while he looked at his corrupted body yet again, he and Cynder looked so much alike now, and it really showed that they're mother and son from the looks.

"Spike.. I know you've been questioning so much about yourself, I have too.. I can't stop feeling regret for what's happened, every night I remember the horrible things I've done, and the only thing I keep remembering is how I had you.." Cynder said regretfully while she came closer to him.
"Mom.. you said I was the first thing that made you feel joy, that I may have helped you find a way to escape your corruption.. did you really believe that could happen?" Spike asked unsure if she meant it.
"Every word.. having your egg in my claws made my heart feel something I never felt since I was born.. joy.. the feeling of maybe being a mother.. the thought I could raise you as my son.. and maybe break away from all I've done.. it gave me a spark of hope I've never felt before.. and yet.. after all I've done.. I don't think I should be even called your mother after all of this.." Cynder said shamefully while they both reflected on what's happened.

"Cynder.. I'm so sorry for what's happened, maybe If I was born in this world from the start.. I could've freed you from your corruption much sooner, but what's important now is that you are free, and we could start over.. right?" Spike asked hoping she felt the same way.
"I don't know Spike.. I tried to kill you and Spyro.. what kind of mother tries to kill her own son? On top of how I tortured Ignitus and the guardians.. the people I have killed.. I still hear they're screams of pain in my sleep Spike.. It's just.. so much.." Cynder said as she began to cry, and Spike came in and gave her a hug to help comfort her.
"It's okay mom.. you need to remember it wasn't your fault.. it was the Dark Master's.. he did so much to all of us.. and you went through the worst of it.. but your finally free, and I want you and me to try and properly grow from this.." Spike said with tears of his own too.
"Was it really his doing? Or was I doing this out of joy for the pain of others? Did I really have a choice from the beginning? If so.. why didn't I take the moment to escape since I was so much stronger?" Cynder asked while she looked at her claws.
"Mom.. if you were completely in his control, you wouldn't have had me.. even if I came from a dark origin.. you had me because it might help you move away from this, and now that that's all over.. and your free now, we just need to try and adjust.. and hopefully move on." Spike said while they hugged eachother.

"Do you.. really think I can move on from this? People still call me the Terror of the Skies, and I still see myself as that monster.. I don't know if I can move on.." Cynder said still unsure of this.
"That's how they see you, but you can't let what they say get to you, it never ends well. What's important is that you need to push through it, and try and see the bright side to all of us.. and I do too.." Spike said while they looked at the dragon statue above them, Cynder thought over this, and she knew he was right, despite all that's happened, there's some hope for her to move on.
"Thank you.. son.. no matter what I've done.. the choices I've made.. having you was the best choice that I could ever make.. and I'm so happy for how you turned out.. as the strong and caring dragon I hoped you could be.." Cynder said as they both started feeling a bit better, and they kept hugging eachother like a mother and son.
"Thank you so much.. mom.. I promise that no matter what comes next.. we'll make it through this.. I promise.." Spike assured while they both had tears in they're eyes, but also had small smiles too.
"I hope so.. son.." Cynder said hopefully as they took in this moment together, but even after this.. Cynder couldn't get what she's done out of her mind.. and even with her son.. she doesn't know if they can push through what her master has planned...

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I know this chapter was a lot shorter, but I wanted a nice small chapter that helped Spike, Spyro and Cynder with how things are going, and how they feel about it, Spike has a lot he needs to work through, and these next games will dove deeper into what this chapter was setting up, we're gonna be heading into the Eternal Night soon, but I just wanted a chapter like this to help give the character's time to interact, so I hope you don't mind it, thank you all for reading this and hope you look forward to more!