• Published 10th May 2024
  • 646 Views, 95 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic The Movie: What If? - SuperPinkBrony12

(Takes place within my "What If?" rewrite series, familiarity with its volumes is recommended.) An alternate take on the 2017 movie exploring if scenes had played out differently, and some characters were written differently.

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Part 18: The Battle for Ponyville

As the Storm King was delighting in his newfound power and already thinking of ways he could use it to his advantage, he had no way of knowing that some very unexpected guests were about to put a crimp in his plans.

On the outskirts of Ponyville, Capper, Spike, the ponies, and their allies all appeared in the literal blink of an eye. And they were accompanied by a very large cake that had been baked seemingly out of nothing.

Capper had to take a moment to get his bearings. He was not used to instantenous teleportation, or telportation in general. "A little more heads up would've been appreciated." He remarked as he stumbled around a bit.

Fluttershy giggled ever so faintly. "Sorry, but that's Discord for you. If it works for him, he rarely thinks otherwise. Besides, if it wasn't for his help, we wouldn't have gotten back here so soon."

Spike, however, was rather nervous as he looked towards the horizon. He'd never seen Ponyville in such a gloomy, sorrowful state. "Are we really sure this is gonna work?"

Capper nodded. "Never known an evil king yet who turned down a free cake," He hurridly turned back to the cake, then looked to the ponies and whispered. "Remember, we have to make it look convincing. They need to think I captured you all. So look unhappy."

Pinkie Pie replied. "Well, I'll try. Frowning doesn't come as easily to me as smiling." But she put on a fairly convincing frown anyway as she and the rest of the ponies were all hitched up to the wagon that would haul the cake.

Spike, meanwhile, climbed inside the cake. "I hope this works." He said to himself.

The cat twiddled his whiskers with a paw. "Oh it'll work, one way or another. Now just relax, and let me do all the talking. If we play our cards right, we should stroll right up to that castle no problem. They'll never see us coming, until it's too late that is." And with that, the secret plan was set into motion. The wagon carrying the very large cake rolled slowly down a hill and into Ponyville proper.

All seemed to go well at first. The Storm King's guards saw the cake from a distance, but thought little of it as it approached.

Grubber, however, was anything but convinced once he saw who was leading the wagon. The little hedgehog had decided to spend time with the guards, and now he could see Capper approaching. He still remembered what the cat had done back when Tempest had been pursuing the ponies. Looking to the guards, he said to them. "Stand aside, I'll handle this. I don't trust that cat. He's too shifty for my tastes."

As Grubber approached, the wagon with the cake slowed to a halt. Capper stood at attention with an innocent smile. "Surprised to see me again, Grubber?" He greeted in a tone of voice that was supposed to sound friendly, but ended up sounding like his usual shifty self.

Grubber nodded. "Yeah. Last I remember, you were jumping ship with the pirates after Tempest found out you were a traitor. What are you doing back here, kitty cat? Trying to pull another one of your schemes?"

Capper innocently replied. "Oh no, no schemes. I figured the least I could do was try to get back into the Storm King's good graces," He gestured to the cake. "When I heard the Storm King was going to have a victory party, I thought I'd take the liberty of delivering the cake. Plus," The cat gestured to the ponies hauling the cart. "I captured these ponies who happen to be friends of Princess Twilight. I'm sure the Storm King would be pleased to know they're no longer a threat."

Grubber snorted. "Fine," He grumbled, apparently convinced as he turned back to the guards. "Let 'em through," But to Capper, he added. "I'm watching you, bud. So don't try anything funny!"

The shifty cat flashed a grin. "Oh believe me, if I try anything at all, it won't be funny." And then he, the ponies, and the cart they were hauling started rolling through Ponyville, past the ponies and other creatures still held captive.

Grubber kept his eye on Capper for a while. But soon, his attention was fixated on the very large cake being hauled through town. It looked so tempting, the sight of it made his mouth water. Against his better judgement, he approached the cake and asked in an innocent tone of voice. "Say, mind if I just have a little taste of the cake? You know, to make sure it's not poisoned or anything."

Capper became rather nervous as he saw Grubber approach the cake. "Uh, I'd rather you'd didn't. This cake needs to be delivered in pristine condition."

"Aha!" Grubber exclaimed as he rushed up to the wagon! "That settles it! You're definitely trying to poison the Storm King! Well, not on my watch, bud!" He scrambled up to where the cake was, and used a paw to grab a part of the culinary creation, promptly stuffing it into his mouth as bits of frosting started to dribble down his cheeks. The taste was so overwhelming to his taste buds, in a good way! "Oh, wow!" He exclaimed, dropping any pretense of doing anything else!

"Hey, what are you doing?"! Capper turned around and tried to shoo the hedgehog away from the cake! "I told you not to touch it!"

The little hedgehog was too busy eating to pay any attention to anything Capper or anyone else said. "Well, it's not poisoned." He said in between bites. As he kept eating away at the cake, he was unaware of some eyes starting to poke out from it, watching him with suspicion and concern.

"Seriously, pal, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Capper tried to warn.

Grubber waved a paw and shrugged off the remark, completely unconcerned. "Relax, I'll just have a few more bites. Heck, I'll help you patch it up before we serve it at the victory party." Yet mere seconds after he said that, he was suddenly grabbed from behind and pulled into the cake! A claw went across his mouth, preventing him from speaking or shouting.

Unfortunately, the hole in the cake was now becoming noticeable. And some of the Storm King's guards were starting to become aware of what was showing through it. They quickly moved to block the cake's way, also preventing Capper from moving ahead as well.

Capper tried to play it off. "You're just imaging things. There's nothing wrong with the cake. Now let us through, or do you want to tell the Storm King why his victory party doesn't have a cake?"

The guards were anything but convinced. They pressed their spears up towards Capper and grunted, demanding to see inside the cake.

The jacket wearing cat sighed. "Guess the jig is up."

A second or so later, the cake burst open completely! Out from it emerged Captain Celaeno and her crew with their swords at the ready! Princess Skystar also popped up, accompanied by several well trained hippogriff soldiers! And of course, now that all pretenses of pacification were off, the ponies quickly unhitched themselves from the cart as Spike jumped out to join them!

"So much for the element of surprise," Spike sighed in brief dismay. "But we're getting to that castle one way or another!" And just like that, a fight broke out!

The sound of a scuffle quickly drew more of the Storm King's guards to the scene, many of them abandoning the cages that they had kept watch over up to this point. Just like before, they began to surround the ones rebelling, clearly intent on stopping them through superior numbers.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy exclaimed when she saw one of the guards. "You look tense. Perhaps you'd like to talk about it?"

Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, began rappidly pelting one of the other guards with cupcakes! As she did so, she started to laugh, clearly enjoying herself!

Even Rarity got in on the action, using her legs to hold her own and topple more than a few of the guards when they tried to strike her. "We have a friend to rescue! We're not going to let ruffians like you get in our way!"

Yet it was soon clear that all the fighting was accomplishing very little. There seemed to be no end to the amount of guards who showed up to take the place of those who were taken out of the fight.

Captain Celaeno and her crew were the first to realize this, and they shouted to the others! "Get out of here! Keep going! Don't let them stop you! We'll fend them off as long as we can!"

"No, we're not leaving you guys again! We can stay and fight!" Rainbow Dash protested.

Captain Celaeno would hear nothing of such an argument. "You need to get to the princess. We'll create an opening for you, but you must hurry!" And then she shouted to her crew! "Come on, scallywags! Let's teach these landlubbers a thing or two!"

Sure enough, with the pirates flying overhead and more or less wrangling and corraling the guards into smaller circles, an opening was created to let the other members of the rescue party through.

Fluttershy had to be called away after she had managed to reduce one of the guards to tears just by talking to him. "Sorry to leave you like this," She sincerely apologized. "Come see me after this fight is over, and we can resume our discussion at my cottage."

But the now reduced in numbers rescue group didn't get far before they found themselves being encircled again. The Storm King's army showed no signs of thinning out anytime soon.

Princess Skystar immediately plucked up courage! "Shelly! Sheldon!" She pulled out the colored clams with eyeballs painted on them. "Help me out!" She tossed the shells at the guards, tripping them up and making them fall to the ground!

The hippogriff soldiers rushed to Princes Skystar's side a moment later! They seemed quite intent on following the order to protect her, regardless of what the current situation was.

The hippogriff princess just hollered back to her friends! "I'll catch up with you again after I teach these creeps a lesson! You ponies have to keep going! You're almost to the castle!"

"We'll come back for you if we can!" Pinkie Pie hollered, before she rushed ahead with the rest of her friends!

But when Capper, Spike, and the ponies drew close to the castle and ready to approach its doors, they were shocked to find yet more guards from the Storm King's army waiting for them!

"Again?!" Applejack groaned in disbelief! "Where do they all keep comin' from?! Did they all clone themselves or somethin'?!"

Rainbow Dash grit her teeth! "Well, we've come too far to be turned back now! We have to get to Twilight no matter what it takes!"

"But how? Our army's already falling apart, and there's so many of those guys!" Spike exclaimed in disbelief! "What are we gonna do now?!"

Capper seemed to get an idea as he looked to Spike. "Hey, you're a fire breathing dragon, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't see how that's going to..." Spike began, then the realization slowly dawned on him. "Oh... yeah!" He giggled, putting his claws together! "They won't be expecting that!"

Capper grinned. "Exactly!" He grabbed Spike and held him close. "Okay, dragon, let 'er rip!"

Spike eagerly obeyed, spewing forth flames from his mouth! Capper then pushed him forward, turning Spike into a makeshift flamethrower!

This, coupled with the actions taken by the ponies, seemed to work as intended. Slowly but surely, they were clearing a path towards Twilight's castle, ready to rescue her.

Meanwhile, high up on the castle's balcony, Twilight had been trying in vain to fend for herself against the Storm King's magic. He tossed her out onto the balcony like a rag doll, and her skid was halted only when she hit the balcony rail!

The Storm King just made a tsking motion as he strolled up towards the weakened alicorn. "Gotta say, princess, you're really not living up to my expectations. Come on, you gotta have at least a little fight left in you! Make this interesting!"

Twilight groaned, slowly rising to her hooves as she breathed heavily. "If this is your idea of fun, Storm King, it's no wonder you don't have any friends."

The evil stayr coldly replied. "Friends? Who needs 'em? They just get in the way. Better to be feared than to be loved," His eyes narrowed. "And I see such fear in your eyes, princess."

"I may be afraid," Twilight defiantly replied. "But I refuse to let you intimidate me! You won't break me that easily!"

The Storm King gave off a wicked laugh. "That's music to my ears, 'cause we're just getting started! Look at me!" He lifted up his staff, waving it back and forth! "I can control even the sun and the moon, now! No one's a match for me!"

Yet the king and the princess then became aware of the sound of a struggle directly below them. They both looked over the balcony, and saw the most unbelievable sight!

There were Twilight's friends, along with Spike, Capper, the pirates, and Princess Skystar and some hippogriff soldiers. All of them were fighting valiantly against the seemingly endless number of guards from the Storm King's army.

Seeing the battles was enough to fill Twilight with renewed hope. All was not lost after all. "It's... beautiful!" She exclaimed as her eyes flashed with optimism for the first time in quite a while. "It's the magic of friendship!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" The Storm King jeered and rolled his eyes. "Friendship, and magic, and ponies," He stuck out his tongue. "Bleugh!" Then he brought his staff down. "I've had enough of this nonsense! It's time to end this! Let me show why they call me the Storm King!" Lifting his staff up towards the sky, he shot a beam of blinding white light towards it!

With a clap of thunder, the skies began to darken rather ominously. The clouds came together and began to rotate as the wind picked up. Seconds later, a massive tornado formed and touched down on the castle grounds! The roar of the funnel filled but the Storm King with a sense of dread!

Author's Note:

In the original movie, Grubber is the one to uncover the ruse with the cake, the only scene for which he is relevant. And it's a scene that could've gone to any character at all. So that's why I've been trying to give him a better role throughout this rewrite.

Other than that, I only really wanted to tweak the fighting scenes a little.