• Published 9th Oct 2012
  • 8,116 Views, 266 Comments

Fluttershy the Transcolt - Mintyluc

Following Fluttershy in first person though all the confusing and scary feelings of first coming out as transgender, all of the mane six react to her coming out in different ways.

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Chapter Two: Tea, Tears, and Tail-Twisted Truths

Rarity was waiting for me in my living room when I finally got her tea ready for her just the way she liked it. I set it on the table in front of her and let her cry until she was ready to talk.

“Fluttershy…” She called out, seemingly at the end of her tantrum. “It’s awful.”

“What is it Rarity?” I asked, thankful to get my mind off of my own internal dilemma for a while.

“Another Royal Guard got married, Fluttershy!” Rarity sobbed in dismay. Anypony else would have probably been looking at her blankly, wondering what had gotten into her, but I knew better than anypony that Rarity had her heart set on becoming a big somepony in any way possible. Marrying one of the Royal Guards was a quick way to that somepony status. One of the Royal Guards getting married meant her chances of her heart's true dream just got a little slimmer. Of my five best friends, Rarity was my best-best friend and so it hurt to see her so upset.

“Rarity, I am so, so sorry.” I whispered knowing nothing I would say could really help. She nodded as she took big gulps of tea, crying in between them. “Keep drinking Rarity, you can’t cry while you’re drinking.” Rarity looked up at me suddenly.

“Y-you can’t…?” I smiled,

“Not at all. Try it.” Rarity looked at me helplessly. As she started crying again, she took a drink of the tea. The tears subsided with her drinking as it had done before, she just wasn’t aware of it then. After a long drink she gasped,

“Fluttershy, you are an absolute gem. I really owe you this time. And this tea is divine.” I smiled, happy I could help my friend.

“Thank you Rarity. And don’t worry, you’ll find a high class pony to marry you someday.” Rarity smiled and sighed.

“Oh darling, I hope so.” She said, drawing out her words, making her eyes wide, “You have no idea what this town is doing to my…internal complexion.” I wasn’t quite sure what she was on about, but I still was willing to listen regardless. Rarity always was there for me when I needed her and I always made sure to return the favor. I sat with her in silence before she continued to speak, “You really are the Element of Kindness, aren’t you?” At this comment I blushed and giggled.

“Thank you Rarity.”

“Oh no Fluttershy, thank you. I’m feeling better already. It’s so nice to have a dear friend help me through these episodes…” She trailed off, taking more sips of tea. In the silence, I was left with my thoughts, which were going back to me being a transpony.

Then an idea came into my head. What if I talked to Rarity about it? She surely wouldn’t judge me and she would accept me completely. I’m sure that she would be able to give me an honest opinion for the most part. I looked over at Rarity and smiled, and she smiled back at me over her tea. She then set it down and I got up to pour her more. Once we were settled in again, she smiled at me.

“So what have you been up to today darling?” Rarity asked me. Oh no. I know I wanted to ask her, but thinking about talking about it and actually talking about it are two very different things.

“Uhm…nothing.” I muttered.

“Nothing…?” She questioned, raising an eyebrow at me.

“W-well, I talked to Post Haste today...” I was hoping she would leave it at that.

“Oh? He’s a nice stallion, I like him.” I slowly nodded trying to think of something to say. “What did you talk about?” She asked sipping her tea. I froze. Oh no…

“T-talk…about…?” I asked slowly and quietly.

“Yes dear.” She said nodding, “You said you talked to him.” I shrugged,

“Well…H-he gave me a letter…and then I made him some mint tea…and then he told me what it’s l-like to be a c-colt…” In a desperate attempt to not have her ask about the subject of conversation again, I added hastily, “Oh, and Angel asked for some carrots!”

“Mh….hmm.” She groaned. “What it’s like to be a colt? Why was he talking about that?” Rarity asked, catching on to my failure at trying to change the obvious subject.

This was it. There was no way I could get around this question without a lie and I couldn’t lie to my very best friend no matter how bad the truth is, even a truth of something like this. The truth was that I asked him and that was that. There was no elusive way to phrase it or anything, there was just the obvious that would lead into me telling her what I think I might be.

“I-I…I…asked him.” I whispered. I wasn’t even sure if she heard me until she said anything. She looked at me seriously and said,

“Fluttershy? Why would you ask about what it’s like to be a colt? Wouldn’t one think it’s rather obvious what it’s like to be a colt?” I nodded slowly.

“I wanted more detail…” Rarity seemed to be catching on, but there was no way I could say it out loud. She’d have to force it out of me. I couldn’t say it alone.

“Why would you want more detail of being a colt, dear?” She coaxed slowly, sipping more tea, now facing me. This was it.

“I-I think I…uhm…I….w-want…uhm…to…” I tripped over my own words. There was no way I could say it. She would hate me forever. She would think I was a freak.

“Fluttershy, you’re my best friend. You can tell me anything.” She said setting her tea down and putting a hoof on my shoulder.

“Can you keep it a secret for now?” I asked slowly. I trusted Rarity with lots of my secrets. This one wouldn’t be an exception. She had to know, she pretty much already knows anyway. Or she might have no idea, that’s always an option. I don’t know how she couldn’t know by now though, it’s so obvious.
But if it’s so obvious why can’t I bring myself to say it? This is my best friend after all and I know she won’t judge me.

“I promise.” She whispered. I looked over at the white mare and she was smiling like a princess. I knew she was being genuine. Okay, so maybe other times I told her secrets she would tell the other mares, but this time she knew it was really a big deal to me and I was sure that this time I was safe.

“I-I….” I almost got the words out, but a shock of fear hit me and I squealed and shut my eyes as I felt tears starting to form. Knowing that Rarity hates to see me cry, I had to be strong just this once. Before I tried again, Rarity took my face in her hooves and spoke, looking directly into my eyes the entire time. It was the most honest I’d ever seen her.

“Fluttershy, I know you’re struggling, but listen dear. I am here for you no matter what you’re about to say. I love and accept you already and nothing will ever change that. We are best friends and no one will ever replace you in my life. In a short while we’ve been through a lot and I can’t wait to see all the adventures we will have in the future. You’ve taught me so much and made me become a better pony. This one thing you’re about to tell me cannot and will not change any of that. Even if Princess Celestia herself came through your doors and told me to abandon you, I never would. Even if Discord threatened to take away everything else I treasure, I would be willing to face losing it all if it meant keeping you. No one has ever shown me pure kindness before like you have. I know I haven’t done much for you in the past, but right now I am owning up to those mistakes and making up for everything in the past. You can tell me anything right now, Fluttershy. No matter what it is, it is okay. I promise.” Everything Rarity was saying was so overwhelming and amazing and loving for me that I couldn’t help but blurt out what I was feeling all along in one stringed together word,

“Iwanttobeacolt” Then, as I let the words out, all my innermost feelings, thoughts, and desires all came flooding out of me at rapid speed. The entire time, Rarity stayed silent as I told her everything, including the hopes and fears that were stored down deep in the pits of my heart.