• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 680 Views, 4 Comments

The Dividing Chronicles: Calm Before the Storm [Book One] - Moonshine9012

The first story of The Dividing Chronicles about The New Lunar Republic.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

But when will our leaders learn - war is not the answer.
-Helen Thomas

The night was stormy and cold. The rain pitter- pattered against the windows of the palace, producing the kind of music that only nature can make. Lightning flashed across the sky in a brilliant spectacle, followed shortly by booming thunder. The rain started to pick up and before long, it was drenching the land in a much needed source of life.

Princess Luna sat by the large window in her bed chambers, observing the unusual storm with alert eyes. She continued to watch as the storm raged and as she sat, she pondered it. It was very peculiar to have a storm of this size come this far from the Everfree Forest, especially at night.

The weather pegasis had spotted the storm quickly enough and had done their best to stop it but once the temperature had dropped, her sister had ordered them to safety. They were extremely reluctant but left non the less. That was over six hours ago and yet the storm still kept up.

It irked her to know that the night sky she was suppose to be watching was being covered by those ugly, dark clouds. It was summer time, which meant more ponies stayed up longer and were able to look upon the night more often than most normally did. Alas though, tonight would not be a night of beauty, at least for the Princess.

She looked out at the storm one last time before huffing angrily and turned about to head for the door. As she opened the large oak doors, her Nocturne guards snapped to attention and looked at her expectantly. Luna waved them off with a hoof as she turned and proceeded down the hall.

The guards relaxed again and continued to talk quietly betwixt themselves. As she walked, Luna thought about the strange things that had happened since she had gotten back from her banishment. Starting with her being cleansed by the Elements of Harmony seven years ago, she had to get used to coming to terms with modern civilization.

Then came the time when she achieved peak strength and was able to grow fully into the adult alicorn she was. This meant that she was about the size of Tia now. The transformation had happened about five years ago. Along with achieving full strength again, she was finally able to gain the trust and admiration from her subjects that she had yearned for.

She was able to do this only with the help of Twilight Sparkle, her dear friend. Twilight had been the first pony to accept her for who she was now and not what she had been in the past. With her help, Luna had been able to master both modern speech and the art of friendship.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the clip-clop of hooves that were not her own. Looking up, she saw another alicorn approaching her. The alicorn had a black coat, with black wings and a black horn. His mane and tail were black with dark blue highlights.

His flank was adorned with an interesting Cutie Mark: It was a double sided sword crossed over a shield at a diagonal angle. Wrapped around the sword and shield is what looked like tentacles of dark energy. His mane fell in front of his face, covering most of the right side.

He was about the same size as Celestia and Luna, after all he was their brother. The only difference though was that while her and Tia's mane were enchanted, his mane was like that of a normal pony.

Smiling, Luna trotted up to him and embraced him while saying, "Moon Shine, I'm glad to see you made it safely back from Zebriac! Was your trip successful?"

He broke the embrace and replied a little tiredly, "Yes, it was. The treaty has been finalized so everything should be smooth sailing from here on out."

"That is good to hear. I had feared that things were going to get out of hoof and war would break out. I see that my fears were in vain though." she replied with a grin.

He smiled a little and said, "Yes, thankfully they were. So what is with the storm out there? I didn't think the pegasus ever had a storm this big scheduled."

She frowned a little before replying, "I know but sadly, this storm is not the pegasus' doing. It came from the Everfree Forest, hitting Ponyville before coming here then spreading across Equestria."

Moon frowned like her and thought for a moment. Finally, he looked up and said, "Hmm, well I'll check into this in a few. It's very disturbing because I can only bend the darkness about fifty percent less now that the storm is here."

His sister became nervous upon hearing this. If her brother, the Prince of the Moon, couldn't bend the darkness like he normally could, then something was definitely wrong.

She put those thoughts aside though for a moment. Luna smiled again as she thought about why she was walking around in the first place, saying, "Anyway, I was just on my way to raid the kitchen of all of it's brownies, care to join me?"

He smirked and said, "Never lost your sweet tooth now did you? I am afraid I must decline, I have to go and write up a report on all this nonsense. I'll see you later big sis."

With that he trotted away, humming an old tune he had learned from his time on Earth. Luna shook her head and grinned, thinking, His time away really got to him, didn't it? She chuckled to herself and continued in her way to the kitchen. She passed a great deal of Nocturnes in the palace halls.

All of them looked agitated, as if something that was in the air that bothered them and made them itchy and jumpy. Twice she had almost scared the living night out of herself and a group of Nocturnes. She would just be walking and then they would turn a corner, all nervous like.

Upon seeing her, they would jump and start shouting for her to put her hooves up. Being the fearless Princess she is, she would scream and put her hooves in the air before remembering who they were and where they were. Coming to her senses, she would put her hooves down and shakily proceed on.

It would take a moment or two before the guards remembered for themselves and move on in the same manner. After the second encounter, she shook her head in frustration and turned into an almost invisible purple mist. Content on knowing she would have no more surprises, she continued on to the kitchen.

Must be the storm that's got them riled up she thought as she arrived at the kitchen doors. The doors were also made of oak but were smaller than the Princess' own. While Luna's were intricately carved with designs depicting her and the night, these doors only had a single, large carving of an earth pony frosting a large, delicious looking cake.

Reverting back to her normal alicorn state, she went to the door and knocked five times fast then waited for a reply. The chef and Luna had always been good friends, both being advent lovers of chocolate. They made a knock that would let the chef, Cherry Tart, know it was her.

After a few seconds, two knocks came from the other side and the door was pulled open. There Cherry Tart stood, his mouth full of chocolate and an apron with flour all over it around his waist. Grinning through the delicious treat in his mouth, he opened the door wider to let the Princess in.

Cherry Tart was an earth pony with a white coat and a cherry red mane mixed with a dark green. His mane and tail were the reason he got his name: Cherry Tart. He was a middle aged pony of about forty five and had a wife and two foals.

"Ight isc glkfd tolp sie ynpd!" the chef slurred through the chocolate mess.

Luna laughed, a good hearty laugh that only a best friend can do. "I'm sorry, come again?"

Realizing his fault, Cherry quickly swallowed the goo and tried again. "I said, it is good to see you!"

He walked over and embraced her. As they broke, Luna looked at the counters and, feigning mock shock, said, "You were going to eat all the chocolate brownies without me?! Cherry Tart, I am insulted!"

Chuckling a little, the chef went along with the antics, saying in an equally shocked tone, "Of course not! I was just having a taste test, to make sure they were satisfactory for a Princess such as yourself."

"And? Are they worthy of the Princess of the Night?"

"Taste for yourself."

Luna went over to a batch sitting on the counter that had just come out of the oven. She engulfed a good sized brownie in her magic and proceeded to take a bite. She chewed slowly for a moment, pondering the taste of it. After a few seconds, her eyes got wide and she looked at the brownie in delight.

Thunder boomed outside as she scarfed down her brownie and dove for the rest of the batch. The Princess attacked the batch, the one beside it, and the one beside that in a rather unceremonious manner. After she stopped long enough to breath, she noticed what she had been doing.

Looking over at Cherry Tart, his jaw on on the floor, Luna smiled sheepishly as she slowly got off the counter and walked over to the chef. Picking his bottom jaw up and placing his mouth shut, she sat and waited for him to say something. She sat for about five minutes, trying various ways to get his attention.

Failing, she fell back on her rump and said, "This is hopeless!" *Hic!*

Luna covered her muzzle with both of her hooves, as Cherry turned to stare at her.

"I am so *hic* sorry" she said, just before she accidentally let a burp go in the Royal Canterlot voice. "BBBUUURRRGGGGGGGGGGPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The force of it shook the room and drowned out the raging storm that was engulfing the land. The Princess and the chef both stared at each other, eyes wide. Then, after a few seconds, they both broke down in spontaneous laughter. Not a regular kind, no, the loud chortle that's coupled with "guhafs!" and snorting. The drawn out one that brightens up your day, or night in this case, no matter what is going on.

As the onslaught of hilarity died out, the two both stopped to catch their breath before going over to eat more of the amazingly good brownies. After eating half the brownies in the royal kitchen, which adds up to about two thousand brownies in all, they sat in some chairs and talked.

They were so hyped on sugar, they might as well have been drinking. They talked about anything and everything, from their personal lives to gossip. Eventually, they got onto a topic that made Luna perk right up.

"So did you hear about all the disappearances that are going on right now?" the chef asked.

Luna was pulled from her sugar induced high upon hearing this. "What are you talking about Cherry? There haven't been any disappearances lately, at least to the best of my knowledge."

He shook his head and chuckled, saying, "Well then, you've been kept in the dark my dear friend, no pun intended. This has been going on for quite some time. But that's not all of it. Every time somepony goes in search of the already missing ponies, they end up missing themselves."

The Princess didn't answer, she was too deep in thought. How could this be happening and me not know about it?! I wonder what else I don't know...

Luna opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Cherry as he continued, oblivious thanks to the brownies. "That's not even the weirdest part either, oh no. Every time the guards go looking at the pony's last known whereabouts, all they find is a symbol carved into the ground."

Luna was able to speak this time, as she spoke right after he finished so as to not get cut off again. "What kind of symbol?"

The chef thought for a moment. Apparently the sugar high was affecting how well he used his brain. "I remember them saying it looked like a triangle except the bottom was curved into an arc instead of being straight."

The Princess started to think about it but was cut off as she suddenly thought something else. "Cherry, who is 'them'? How did you find out about this anyway?"

The chef blushed and stuttered, saying, "Umm w-well, I m-might have b-been sneaking a-around when t-the guards r-reported to y-your sister...."

Luna laughed and said, "Is that all? Oh chef, there's no reason for you to be nervous telling me this. Don't worry, it's our little secret."

Cherry smiled sheepishly and said, "Phew, thanks Princess."

She laughed and said, "You're welcome. Now going back to the symbol, how big was it?"

Convinced he wasn't going to get thrown in the dungeons for eavesdropping, he smiled and said, "Uhh... well.... I think they said it they varied. Sometimes they would take up a space as wide as a road. Other times they would be as big as the bottom of an average ponies hoof."

Luna began to think about it more. She had seen something like these symbols before but she could not remember where. Finally, the answer started to dawn on her and she did not like it one bit.

"I'm sorry Cherry but I must be leaving now." Luna said as she rose.

"So soon? I would have hoped you could stay and help me bake. Keep me company while this storm is going on."

"You're not scared, are you chef?" she asked with a grin.

"Oh course not!" he said. "I just enjoy having somepony to bake with, that's all."

She laughed and said, "Whatever you say. I am afraid I can't though, I have some urgent business to attend to."

As she walked to the door and opened it, she looked back and said, "Thank you for the brownies, they were absolutely scrumptious."

"You are most welcome Your Majesty" he said as he bowed.

Luna shut the door behind her and stood by it for a moment. From what Tart had told her, the Princess had a pretty good idea who was behind all this or at least partially. She turned left and started down the hallway to the east tower. Remembering what happened earlier, she remained alert while walking through the halls.

She was determined to not be surprised again. Yet still, she ended up surprised....again. She was rounding a corner when, surprise, surprise the process started all over again. Only this time it was worse because it just so happened to flash with lightning then boom with thunder.

Luna screamed out of fright and instinctively turned into the purple mist. She hurried the rest of the way to the tower, leaving some very scared and confused Nocturnes behind. Upon coming to the base of the stairs leading up to the top, Luna became whole once again.

While she could easily teleport to the top or go up as the mist, she prefered to walk. Luna liked having a fit and in shape body because she did not plan on becoming a fat or overweight Princess anytime soon. It took a few minutes but she finally made it to the top of the stair well.

She quietly knocked on the door and waited. After a minute or two, she heard the rustling of sheets and the clip-clop of hooves nearing. The door opened to reveal a dark grey Nocturne stallion. He had a jet black mane and tail, with dark gray Nocturne wings to match his coat.

His eyes were red with slitted, black pupils that seemed like they could stare into your very soul. His Cutie Mark was the reason Luna was there: it was a black triangle but instead of the bottom of it being straight, it was an arc. He was a little taller than the average pony and well built. He looked about in his early thirties.

"Night Bringer, we need to talk." the Princess said.

The Nocturne stared off with a glazed look over his eyes, seemingly oblivious to Luna. She waved a hoof in front of his face till he shook his head and snapped out of it.

"Oh, sorry Princess, I was kind of out of it for a second there. What was it you were saying?" Night said.

"I said that we need to talk."

He looked at her quizzically and said, "Right now?"

"Yes, right now." As if to emphasise Luna's point, thunder boomed right after her statement.

Looking over at the window of the tower then back at her, he said, "Well, I'll take that as a yes."

He walked back into the room and the Princess followed. Going over to the bed, Night nudge the sleeping form in it.

"Octavia, love, I need you to get up." the assassin said to his wife.

The grey mare mumbled in her sleep before turning over to face her husband.

"Night? What's going on? Is it the storm?" she asked groggily.

"No Tavi but Princess Luna is here to see us and I think she would appreciate it if you were awake to hear" he said with a grin.

Octavia instantly sprang up from under the sheets, knocking the Nocturne to the ground.

"Ah! Princess! I was just- uh..."

Luna chuckled and said, "It is quite alright Octavia but it looks like you might have hit your husband a little hard upside the head."

Looking back and realizing what she had done, the cellist rushed to Night's side and helped him up, whispering apologies in his ear.

Rubbing his head, the assassin walked with his wife over to the Princess and pulled a few chairs over from the table nearby. All of the present ponies sat and stared at each other in silence for a moment, just listening to the sound of the storm outside.

Finally, Night cleared his throat and said, "So Princess, what was so urgent that you needed to speak about?"

"Ah yes. Well Night, I have just come across some very disturbing news. Apparently there have been disappearances lately throughout Equestria." Luna replied.

"Yes, I've heard about them."

"How does everypony but myself know about this?!" the Princess exclaimed.

The Nocturne blushed grinned slyly and said, while motioning to himself and Octavia, "Well Princess, we are assassins. We tend to know about things."

Luna smirked and said, "Yes and that is exactly why I came to you. As I am sure you both already know, every time they go to the ponies last known whereabouts, all they find is a symbol. And can you guess what that symbol is?"

He looked quizzically at her and said, "Uhh.... the 'me gusta' face?"

"No, the- wait, did you say the 'me gusta' face?"

He shrugged and said, "Moon Shine told me about it."

The Princess face hooved and mumble, "Ugh, I'm going to have to have a talk about human memes with him."

"What was that?" Octavia inquired

Lifting her head up, she said, "Oh nothing, just talking to myself." Looking between the two, she continued, "At any rate, no it was not that. It was the symbol of the Assassins Order. The very same symbol that adorns your flank Night."

The Masters eyes got wide as he looked at his flank. He looked back at the Luna and said, "No! We didn't know that actually."

Luna raised an eyebrow and said, "You're the Grand Master's successor, how can something be going on and you not know about it?"

He shook his head and said, "I don't know. Whoever did this is either rogue, under a spell, or under orders that I have no knowledge of."

Luna rested a hoof under her chin, deep in thought. After sometime, she picked her head up and said, "Hmm... this is all very disturbing. I will have to discuss this with my sister in the morning when she awakes. For now, return to sleep my friend, I will contact you both when I need."

The two assassins nodded their heads as the three rose. As the couple settled back into their bed, the Princess quietly shut the door behind her. This time opting for teleportation, she went to her bed chambers and settled onto the top of her bed.

What is going on here?! she thought. Outside the storm raged on, merciless against the land.