• Published 17th Mar 2024
  • 149 Views, 4 Comments

Of Sherry and Cherries - Hupla222

Teenage blank flank Sherry Merry is taken to a farm in the hopes of finding her true talent and passion. If only she wanted to go.

  • ...

Switching Gears

The past week has been more of the same for Sherry. Wake up after some annoying knocking. Eat breakfast. Go set up baskets with Pastry. Everyday it was the same thing. And the job became no less tough with each passing day. Well, physically that is.

Much as she hated to admit it, she was actually beginning to warm up to the irritating blue colt. Sure he never knew when to stop talking, but he meant well. He always tried to put a smile on her face, no matter how many times he failed. It was kind of admirable in a way.

And his laughter. No matter what she was doing or how she was feeling, his laughter always made her smile, even if just briefly. Something about the sound of it just warmed her, inside and out. It was also contagious. More than once she stifled her own giggle, though she knew Pastry heard it anyway.

She also began to learn a little more about him. Like that he was homeschooled and that he was the same age as her. Though he always seemed to know when she was going to ask about his family. Every time she tried to ask he started rambling on about something else. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but it really got on her nerves. Today was no different.

“Your family is a really nice bunch, aren’t they?” she asked

“They sure are. One time Ah was feeling pretty sick. Don’t know what kind of sickness. Probably just a cold but it coulda been somethin’ else. Coulda been the flu you know. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. You know, since symptoms vary and all that. Also coulda been hay fever but Ah doubt that. Or maybe it was…”

There he goes again. Sherry bitterly thought to herself. Last time was about what flavor the first pie he baked was. And the time before that it was about whether cherries or bananas are better. She was sick of it. She was just about to snap at him for wasting her time when she looked at him. He had such a pleasant smile on his face. She didn’t really feel like squashing it. So she swallowed her anger and kept working.

It was while she was working that she got an idea. Why bother asking Pastry about his family when she could just ask them directly. It was such a simple solution that she mentally kicked herself for not thinking of it earlier. Sure she’d have to convince Pastry to swap partners but that wouldn’t be too hard.

She spoke too soon.

“Why? Is it because Ah’ve been doin’ a bad job? Ah’ll do better Ah promise. Just tell me what Ah’m doin’ wrong, okay?” Pastry said, his smile gone from his face. They were currently standing in the family barn.

“Look. It’s not that you’ve been a bad teacher or anything. I just think I need a change of scenery. Clearly I’m not getting my cutie mark in basket setting,” Sherry replied, trying to keep her tone as neutral as possible.

“Then Ah can show some of the other chores that Ah do. There’s no need to bother my folks,” He quickly shot back.

“But you have to set up baskets,” she said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. He was persistent, she’d give him that. “You can’t just skimp on a job as important as that.”

“Ah can show you after Ah’m done,” he responded instantly.

Sherry struggled to come up with an excuse for that one. She thought hard and hastily said, “I learn better first thing in the morning”

Pastry cocked his head in confusion. “Ah thought you hated the morin’, seein’ as yer always uppity with me when Ah come an’ wake ya.”

“I just don’t like that way you wake me up,” she said, her facade starting to crack as sweat gathered on her face. She couldn’t keep this up for much longer.

“Ah can just wake you up differently then. All gentle like. Would that be better?”

“Um...um…” Sherry fumbled. There was nothing she could say that wouldn’t hurt his feelings. She shook her head. Why did she care about not hurting his feelings? He’s annoying, right? She should want to. But she didn’t. She shook head again. She could worry about that later. Right now he needed an answer.

She sighed. She had to tell him the truth. “You caught me alright,” He opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off. “It’s not because of chores that I want to switch. It's because I want to get to know your family.”

She expected some kind of anger but that’s not what she got. What she got instead was laughter. Strong, hearty laughter. She felt herself flush at the sound. In embarrassment of course. At least that’s what she told herself.

“Is that it?” he asked after he calmed down enough to speak. “Why didn’t you just say so?”

She thought for a moment. Why didn’t she just say so? It would hurt his feelings. Her thoughts told her. She shook her head for the third time that day. There’s no way that was the explanation.

“‘Cause you’d laugh at me, like you just did,” she said in an annoyed tone.

Pastry’s smile fell. “Hey now. Ah wasn’t laughing at yer request itself, just the silly way you tried to avoid sayin’ it an’ all that.”

“Likely story,” she spat, turning away from him.

Pastry walked over to her and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Ah’m serious,” he said, his usual smile returning “Ah didn’t mean to laugh. Really. You were just acting too darn silly.”

Sherry relaxed a little. Of course he would say that. He’s a nice colt after all. It’s not like him to hurt ponies on purpose, at least from what she’s seen. “Plus,” he continued. “Ah thought my laughter might make you laugh too. It’s a pretty sound you know.”

Despite every thought in her head telling her otherwise, Sherry couldn’t stop herself from smiling. It was such a sweet sentiment. Sweeter than most of the things she’s been told. Never before has anypony told her that her laugh is pretty. She felt her face begin to flush again. At that moment she was glad her coat was so dark.

“Anyway,” he said, removing his hoof. For a brief moment, she wished it was still there. She quickly stomped out that wish. “Ah’ll make sure that you get to spend time with my folks the next few days. One on one too. That sound good?”

She nodded. He smiled brightly in return. “Alrighty then. Glad that’s outta the way.” Pastry walked towards the exit. “Come on, we still got work to do.” Sherry sighed and followed. She really hated setting up baskets.