• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 416 Views, 15 Comments

The Egotistical Gamer - Pachi

Jin Isagi was a regular 15 Yr old. He lived his life normally, until one day, his Mom forces them to suddenly move to the USA for a new job in a backwater town called Equestria! Also, his life turns into a game... Yep, totally normal

  • ...

Eclipse × Timeskip

[Quest Complete: Eclipse

Stay for 5 minutes within this world, calling upon the wrath of The Goddess of The Moon, for fun

Rewards: Skill [Portal Force Open], Skill [Portal Force Close]

Punishment: N/A]

I did it?

Oh cool

Now wha-


Well that can't be good


That was Luna’s voice, no doubt… and for some reason, i suspect that's ‘my’ Luna

I Dash forwards to the origin of the voice

And in front of a strange mirror, was a ponified Luna wearing her work clothes

“Jin you motherfucker! Why are you here?”. Heard her yell into my ears, using some form of magic to pull on them, bringing me to her

[Passive Skill ‘E+fG∞’ has begun its ##########]


I felt the grip loosening as i began to explain myself

“Look, it's not my fault! I received a quest!” She looked at me oddly

“Just because you got a quest, does NOT mean you can go about doing whatever you want! Now come on, we've got about 2 minutes before the portal back clos-” She started to nag at me with the experience of a well read vice-principal

“Oh, i got a skill for tha-”

“As if, Gaia’s Abilities don't work in this realm… Wait did you get the quest IN this world?”

“Well, yeah-”

"Jin, I thought you got the quest to go into the portal… what skill did you get?”

“Uhm, [Portal Force Open] and [Portal Force Close]”

She sucked her teeth in annoyance

"If thats the case… I need to apologise to someo- Somepony” She says out loud, before walking towards Twilight, who was behind us. She flinched as my Luna Approached her, before my Luna began to bow “I’m sorry for scaring you before, its just… this brat is a bit of a handful, as well as new to the abyss, so i may have acted a bit overprotective…”

Other Luna was a bit shocked by this, and so was other Twilight, as they both looked a little lost for words

“Well, We’ll be taking our leave, thank you for looking after him” another small bow and she grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and pulled me through the mirror

She talked as if i was just some kid…

Well its not wrong, but still!

Getting driven home by Luna was a bit awkward, the radio was turned on and on full blast

We were listening to a random song, before being interrupted

“BREAKING NEWS! Japanese Football Super Star ‘Isagi Yoichi’ and his sister have recently been comatosed after a rogue drunk truck driver crashe-” Luna turned off the radio as I simply sat in my seat

“H-hey… was that…?” I asked with a small smile on my face “An April Fools jok-”

“-It’s September” Luna responded

“Then why…” I felt My throat thickened, and my eyes began to wet, yet they felt incredibly dry at the same time, as I looked towards Luna

The words turned to chalk in my throat

“Is the radio telling jokes? I mean, Uncle Yoichi was technically part of the abyss according to the system, so there's no way he would…” The words got lodged in my throat “...to something like a rogue truck, right?”

She stayed quiet

“You’re a part of the abyss, you know how strong the people there are, right?”

She stayed quiet

She stayed quiet and that's the worst part

Luna can't lie for shit. She can't make a bluff to save her life, yet, her not speaking, is essentially the same as her confirming my suspicions

[Skill 'Gamers Mind’ Has Levelled Up]

Well, at least they aren’t dead…

But I should probably get some payback for them

Wiping away the tears from my eyes, i take a deep breath and root myself


“Sure” Without even letting me answer, she agreed


Taking a U-turn we continue the rest of the way to the hospital

Sitting in Luna’s Car with a yawn, I roll down the window, allowing the cold october air to slap me in the face

It's been a month since the incident, and 3 Weeks since i last went to school

“Ready for your first day at Canterlot High?” She says with a smile

“I guess?” I say with an exasperated look on my face “How did you even get me to change schools anyway?”

“I have my secrets…” she says in a sinister tone

“Do you know if Celestia has caught any new leads?”

“Nope, but she did say she came across a small breakthrough…” Luna replied

“Well, are going hunting later today?”

“Yep, its Knolls this time”

“Knolls? Haven't fought those in ages…”

“Yeah, which is why we’re doing it, Genius, Also, you've got the Charity Match Later today…”

"Yeah yeah yeah” I roll my eyes as Luna begins to park the car. This charity match was going to be pretty average, with the BL11 splitting up into two teams and filling the gaps with highschool students for fun, but since… “the incident”... i've been chosen to substitute for Uncle Yoichi

I leave before she even gets a chance to finish doing that

“Hello Canterlot High, nice to meet you…” I sighed and rubbed my eyes “I’m Jin Isagi”

I walk into the building…

Currently it was lunch

I look at the three women at my right side

[Adagio Dazzle - The Sealed Siren: Lv17

[Aria Blaze - The Sealed Siren: Lv15

[Sonata Dusk - The Sealed Siren: Lv16

Are they joining this school too? How peculiar

“Well well well, if it isn't the ‘boss’ of this area…”

I hear Adagio say with a smug tone

“Be quiet, Goldfish” I say with a cold tone

’Sharp Aura’

I saw all three of them flinch as a smile dragged itself across my face

[Sharp Aura: Lv 25- LOCKED% Mastery
Type: Active

The precursor to Bloodlust, Sharp Aura is caused by enforcing your EGO onto another creature]

Lv 25

All skills i've gotten have been capped at 25

Which is incredibly annoying

My stats have been capped at 50, which was expected but they won't even let me increase it through stat points which is a major bummer

I walk into the school as I spot my supposed guide.

[Sunset Shimmer - Reformed Magic Genius: Lv 20]

“She Demon?” I let the words escape my mouth in surprise, and i see her flinch slightly at it

“Oh, well it seems you've already heard of me…” She sounds… guilty? But i honestly don't care

“Yeah yeah, giant hypno demoness that got yamcha’d” I brush her off and begin to walk around the school

She seems to brush me off as well, or at least after she recovered from my statement, instead focusing her attention to the now recovered to sirens

I just continued wandering in the front

I had gotten a private tour by the vice-principal inside of a protected space, so i already knew my way around

Walking into the cafeteria, i pick out a small snack from my inventory, that being an apple, and bit into it, examining the people around me, before landing on a familiar face

“Jin?” it was a certain orange haired, messy dread head dryad…

"Treehugger? You go to this school?” Shit. Due to all the shit happening in my life, with the training and levelling up with Luna, Studying the basics of Abyss Culture with Celestia, and the search for the perpetrator of the “Incident”, i completely forgot about how i was supposed to go to her yoga class a while back… or the fact i had her number and could call her to talk about my absence…

Wow i really fumbled the bag HARD with this one

“Yeah, of course I do” She says, not really sounding all that bothered by how i had basically just disappeared for a month

“So…” Quick! What do well adjusted people normally talk about? "Learn any cool spells lately?”

Fucking Nailed it

Author's Note:

I got through some important plot points and the main story is finally beginning to start, instead of stagnating like before, so i think thats a win for me.

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