• Published 10th Mar 2024
  • 128 Views, 10 Comments


The history of the founding of the Tambelon Empire by Emperor Grogar and his associates, Tambelon in just one century turned from a small fortress into the Capital of a Huge Empire, but only 10 years of uprisings, intrigues and civil strife were need

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In the beginning there was the Void, boundless and formless, immersed in eternal darkness, where the sparks of the future world smoldered. Thus began the Creation, when Ea, the Supreme Creator, came from the abyss and the light to create the world out of nothing. his word was law, his breath was life, and his will commanded the world to arise from darkness.

From the rays of the first light, two higher races arose - Alicorns and Eterns, essences of light and magic, the crown of Creation and keepers of secrets. Alicorns, with wings that shone with fire and horns that shimmered with gold, rose to the skies, becoming the defenders of true wisdom. Eterni, with flame in their hearts and magic in their eyes, gained their power on earth, dominating the elements and creations.
Boreas, Eternus, the lord of the winds, created the Griffins, warlike and proud. Zandra, the alicorn keeper of knowledge, created the Zebras and Antelopes of the Southlands

Chiron, the Etern teacher of quests, called upon the Centaurs, entities with strength in their hearts and wisdom in their eyes. Arcturius, Eternus, lord of the skies, wove the Hippogriffs and Harpies, the essences of the airy spaces.
Eir, Eternus the patron of metallurgy, found his wisdom in the creation of Minotaurs and Diamond Dogs, embodying strength and devotion in them. Lorana, the alicorn personifying Light, filled the World with Magic with her light, giving life and strength to everything that touched her breath.

Together with the Alicorns and Eterns, a great wealth of magic descended to the earth, filling the world with its miraculous breath. magic flowed through every vein of the earth, giving life and strength to everything that touched its magic. It was a time when rivers of light and shadow began to flow together, creating amazing creatures and phenomena.

But on the path to Perfection we encountered darkness and betrayal. Maar, an ethern, immersed in the darkness of the Dark Dimension, intended to subjugate the world to his power. With the power of the League of Dread, he tried to capture the hearts of the Alicorns and Aeterns, fomenting war and chaos.
Coming together in a fight, the Alicorns and Eterns were able to defeat Maar, an Etern who turned to Evil in his greedy desire for However, even in the darkness of darkness, the light of truth could not be extinguished.
in the last battle, they defeated the League of Terror, expelling evil into the Dark Dimension, where it should have resided.

After defeating evil, the Alicorns and Eterns settled across three continents - Equus, Griffonia and Zebrika, continuing to elevate their peoples and fill the world with magic and wonders. ea, the creator of the universe, helped defeat the League of Terror, but then went into silence, leaving the world freedom of choice and independent development.

Thus began the first centuries of the world, where light and darkness, good and evil, wisdom and betrayal intertwined in the great dancing symphony of fate. and the Chronicler, Elarion Telgmar, became the guardian of history, recording the annals of creation and predicting the fate of worlds and races, wisely connecting the past, present and future in the eternal cycle of time
After the victory over Maar and the League of Terror, the world was shrouded in grace and peace. Alicorns and Eternas, having joined forces, restored balance and harmony on earth. The great wealth of magic that permeated every corner of the world became a source of strength and inspiration for all inhabitants.

Over time, new generations of Alicorns and Eterns began to emerge, possessing their own unique abilities and gifts. The wisdom of older generations was passed on to the young, and the knowledge and secrets of magic became more accessible to study and understanding.

On the continents of Equus, Griffonia and Zebrika, diverse civilizations and cultures flourished, each with its own traditions and customs. Trade and the exchange of knowledge between nations became commonplace, contributing to the development and prosperity of all societies.

However, in the shadows of the world, new threats began to awaken. rumors of strange entities calling on power from the depths of Darkness spread among the nations. Mysterious portals leading to unknown worlds began to appear in various parts of the earth, causing concern and anxiety.

Should a new generation of Alicorns and Aeterns confront these new threats? will they be able to maintain the peace and harmony that their predecessors fought for so long? Only time will tell what trials and adventures await the peoples of this wonderful world in their quest for a bright future.
Two centuries after the victory over Maar, three powerful Eterns - Grogar Krogan and Quirin - decided to go on a long journey to the continent of Equus. Their hearts were filled with a thirst for new discoveries and the desire to create something great.

upon reaching the shores of Equus, they discovered a unique place, which was washed by a sea of ​​​​magic and filled with the power of ancient elements. It was here, at the junction of heaven and earth, that they decided to found a city, which became known as Tambelon.

Tambelon became a symbol of wisdom, strength and prosperity. majestic buildings, combining elements of magic and architecture, towered over the city, as if addressing the highest heavens. The inhabitants of Tambelon were the heirs of the wisdom of those three Aeterns who laid the foundation for this earthly paradise.

Grogar, Krogan and Quirin became teachers and protectors of the new city, passing on their knowledge and skills to younger generations. Under their wise leadership, Tambelon became a center of magic and knowledge, attracting scholars, adventurers, and those who sought to understand the secrets of the universe.

Thus, Tambelon became not only a city, but also a symbol of the unity of different peoples and races, where magic and wisdom reigned over everyone. Building their civilization on the basis of ancient knowledge and the power of the elements, the inhabitants of Tambelon continued to explore and understand the world in search of harmony and perfection.
The kingdom from which Grogar, Krogan and Quirin came was called Etherion. Wisdom and power reigned in Etherion, and its inhabitants, possessing unique abilities and knowledge, sought to create a civilization based on the principles of justice and light.

Having arrived in the empty lands of Central Equus, the Etherions decided to found their new kingdom and take on the role of Rulers of these lands. A small army and a group of colonists arrived with them, ready to take part in the construction of a new city.

they declared themselves Rulers and protectors of these lands, promising to create a place where magic and wisdom would rule over all. Beginning with the construction of a small fortress that would later become known as Tambelon, the Etherions set about creating a new center of knowledge and culture that would become a symbol of their great heritage.

Thus, the Etherions, who arrived from the distant Kingdom of Etherion, brought with them their wisdom and power to create a new harmonious society in the empty lands of Central Equus, where Tambelon became the personification of their ideals and aspirations

Aetherion was a kingdom inhabited by various creatures, among which were Capricorns, Sheep and other amazing creatures. It was a developed and powerful kingdom in which the inhabitants were enlightened and highly cultured. they had their own architecture, writing and wisdom, which was passed down from generation to generation.

Grogar, Krogan and Quirin went to the empty and wild expanses of Equus with the goal of developing these lands and creating a new center of civilization. For many years they traveled throughout Griffonia, gathering their followers and preparing for the great undertaking.

During their travels they met Argos, a powerful Arimaspian and sorcerer who was renowned for his knowledge and power. Argos joined Grogar, Krogan and Quirin, seeing in them leaders capable of leading their common cause to success.

Together they began construction of a fortress that later became known as Tambelon. it was the start of the great history of this great city, which became a symbol of wisdom, strength and unity between different peoples and races. Thus began Tambelon's path to becoming a great and powerful center of magic and knowledge in the land of Equus

Author's Note:

I apologize for the poor quality of the text, if the story becomes I will try to improve the quality, this is a prequel to my story, write your opinion and criticism in the comments, this is very important to me