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Chapter 1


The pale moon hung high over Equestria. Nestled in the sea of stars, it cast a cool glow upon the sleeping city below. Stores and homes were dark, and the streets were empty save for the few who called the night their own. Royal guards roamed the city ensuring the city of Canterlot was safe and secure. But the torches they carried were not the only lights within the city that night. Light spilled forth from one of the rooms within the castle, built into the mountains above the city.

The room belonged to Princess Celestia, the regal and undisputed ruler of Equestria. She looked out over the city through her window, her mane flowing behind her in a river of colors. Her body felt sluggish, and her breath came slowly. Her form was that of an alicorn: a regal pony with the wings of a pegasus - albeit larger - and the horn of a unicorn - though far longer and more deadly. Her white coat shone in the light, but it looked unkempt and ragged. On her flank, the sun still shone its full color.

At least Celestia knew what was happening. She had known since winter came to the kingdom she shared with her sister, Princess Luna. The sun was becoming harder to raise over the land; to fill the land with its light. She knew Luna had an idea of her condition, but her worry was still bottled within her. That would change tonight.

The royal princess lit her horn with magic, sliding her bed to the corner of the room. In its place was a previously hidden door which she pulled open. Inside was a full set of battle armor placed around a model of her figure. She slid the model into the center of the room, breathing heavily from the exertion. Celestia attempted to place on the armor, shoulder pads first, pulling with her teeth to secure the straps. The exhaustion crept up on her, and the grip she had slipped. Struggling with it for a moment did no good, and she was forced to let go of the ties she had in her mouth. The armor sagged for a moment before sliding off and clattering to the floor. The other parts jingled as she bumped into the armor on the model to lift the fallen piece from the door.

A soft knock on the door resounded in the room. It was followed with the voice of a trained stallion, “Is everything all right Princess Celestia?”

She sniffled, trying to stifle tears from forcing their way out. Her composure returned slowly.

“Princess?” The voice came once more, with more urgency than before.

“Yes.” Her voice wavered for a moment, before it came clear as day, “I’m quite alright; however I require your assistance this evening.”

The pegasus guard that once protected the chamber entered to see his ruler standing in the center of the room. Her armor glinted in the torch light and she moved her head towards its direction. “I have not been accustomed to wearing armor. Perhaps you would be able to show me how it is supposed to be secured?”

“Of course, your majesty,” he replied. His coat was grey and tough, but his eyes were a soft brown. He grabbed a piece of the armor in his teeth, and began to strap on the body first. His hooves were gentle, but firm. The guard pulled slowly, testing the tightness of the strap, before retrieving a new piece of armor.

“What is your name?” She asked curiously.

He pulled the cord on another piece taut, and let it drop from his teeth, “My name is Sky Shroud, your majesty.”

She nodded. Another piece was firmly tightened into its place. Her mind drifted away from the loyal guard attending to her, gravitating to the Throne Room where she held court during the day. Her thoughts flowed towards the one mind in the room, one which did not hesitate to accept them in kind upon feeling them.

Celly? Luna’s thoughts were rampant with surprise and concern. The voice she projected was that of a worried and curious sister. Its still very early for you to be awake, are you-

Luna’s thoughts ground to a halt when she paid attention to Celestia’s emotions. Sadness, courage, and... fear seeped through Celestia’s heart and mind into their mental bond. Luna, I need to speak with you.

No. No, no, no, no, no... Luna’s fear was bleeding into her thoughts. With each mental “no” Celestia could almost feel tears upon her sister’s face, and she fought to keep them from her own.
Luna. It is inevitable. It’s... Celestia took a moment to reign in her emotions, it’s the way it has to be.

Don’t leave me here...

I will be down in a moment.

“Your armor is secure your majesty.”

She opened her eyes and made her way to the mirror. Plates of gold armored her neck and chest. It wrapped around her legs and strung along her body. Her flank plates glowed brightly with crystals that bathed the cutie mark below in purple light. Crystals orbited her horn and adorned her shoulder plates.

“Thank you Sky Shroud. You may accompany me this evening.”

“As you wish, your highness.”

Celestia made her way from the tower, her iron hooves clopping hard against the stone. Sky Shroud followed at first behind her, and then accompanied her by her side. They walked in silence down the stairs and hallways towards the Throne Room. The torch light dimmed as she past, as if to mimic her own fading light. If Sky Shroud had noticed, he said nothing.

She was feeling her body drain more of her magic away as she walked into the throne room, where Luna sat, quietly crying in the dimly lit room. Celestia moved over to Luna’s side with great pain feeling it pulse in her side every time she took another step. She wrapped one armored wing over her sister’s shoulder, and Luna turned inwards to sob into Celestia’s body.

“No, no, no, no, no...” Luna spoke briefly, but it slowly devolved back into incomprehensible sorrow. Celestia smiled and held her close for hours, comforting and coddling the younger alicorn. As dawn began to approach the moon settled down towards the far horizon.

“It is time, Luna.” She said softly.

Luna looked up at her older sister, who had conjured several scrolls, as well as one in which she began to write in. Sweat soaked Celestia’s head as she strained to conserve her magical reserves.

Luna nodded sheepishly. Her horn began to glow softly and she levitated the quill from her sister. She signed the scrolls one by one and floated them down to the guard, who still stood at attention.

“Sky Shroud. As my last decree,” she paused. Sky Shroud turned to look at her, shock filling his face, “you shall complete the following tasks. Ensure that the first part of my will is followed. You are also hereby promoted to be Luna’s protector. Guard her with your life if necessary. Know that what is happening is not anypony else’s fault, and that I want the best for everypony, both here now, and still to come. You are the sole witness to my last hours, other than Luna.” She stopped to catch her breath. It came in laboured gulps now, “Lastly, ensure that this letter is delivered personally to my student Twilight Sparkle, and that she doesn’t do anything foalish. She will protect you both if it comes to it.”

“Y..yes, your majesty.” He managed the words at barely a whisper.

“Luna. My only sister. I hope that you will continue to cherish what you have.” She kissed the top of her sister’s head, hugging her tightly with one wing.

Luna began to cry softly once more, as Celestia broke the embrace to march towards the horizon. The moon disappeared below its resting place and Celestia began to well the power in her once more, calling on the sun, the body of warmth to rise and fill the world with happiness, and joy. A single tear streamed down her cheek as her iron hooves cracked the ground. Magic rippled from the ground an the air, joining into the light surrounding light.

“CELLY DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEASE!” Luna screamed, barely keeping herself understandable. Sky Shroud held onto the Princess of the Night, unable to truly comprehend the words she was saying.

Celestia cried as she gathered the memories of all of the people she had met; the young, the old, and those who were gone as well as the ones she loved and held dear to her heart. Twilight: her faithful student who was becoming a wonderful young mare in her own right. She called upon her studies to help her power one last spell.

She felt the warm light of her sun upon her face, even though it hadn’t risen quite yet. With a pained sigh, she released all of the magic at once. The sun rose over the horizon, and she turned to face Luna.

“I love you Luna, please don’t forget me.” She whispered.

Her eyes closed, and she fell to the floor.

“NOOO!!!” Sky Shroud could no longer contain the young alicorn, as she fled to her sister’s side. She wept over her body, shaking with each heave and heavy choked breath. Sky Shroud walked slowly over to the Princess’s body, his own tears splashing on the floor. He knelt down to Luna’s side and coaxed her off. With a tender grip he used every muscle to lift the Princess of the Sun into his hooves, beating furiously with his wings to keep steady. He flew slowly to the center of the room, and lay her upon her seat. He walked to the doors and slipped through them.

“FETCH THE CAPTAIN!” He called, flying from the doors.

Inside Luna crawled her way over to her sister’s body, still heaving from the tears that still came freely. She nuzzled her sister lovingly, feeling the cold plates around her sister’s body. “Please... don’t leave me alone...”


The bells in the tower rang, slowly bringing its toll upon the city. Clouds gathered in the sky as the weather patrol shirked their duties for the procession, and the news that accompanied it. Everypony seemed to be out on the street waiting for the gates to open, so they could see that smiling face one last time. The news spread like a plague among the city and out into the far reaches of Equestria.

The great monarch, the bringer of the sun, their dear Princess Celestia was dead.

Somewhere within the crowd, a group of musicians played a slow requiem as the procession opened the gates from the palace into the city. The lead figures marched to guard those others behind them, carrying the coffin of their leader. The clear crystal coffin allowed the crowd to see their beloved leader. It was wrapped in a golden frame encrusted with amethysts. It was built so that the light could reflect the color onto their beloved leader and be rebounded off of her armor.

Ponies around them cried or stared in shock and disbelief. Some young fillies tossed roses from baskets they carried, mixing red with the beginnings of a snow shower falling from the clouds above. Unicorns around them took the same lead and used their magic to change some of the falling snow to rose petals. All of the guards fell to one knee, and as the procession past they rose and followed closely behind Princess Celestia’s favorite chariot.

Luna was inconsolable. Sky Shroud sat beside her, as she still tried to weep, even after all of her tears had left her. She felt as if another hole had been torn within her, right where her heart should be. Though she knew it would be a long time until things were set right, Celestia had to bear it as well. She sobbed silently with the knowledge that she had to watch it happen twice.

The procession continued down the street until it was on the main road to the countryside. While the procession continued towards Ponyville, Sky Shroud left Luna to her grief to accomplish the tasks Celestia had given. At any cost.

Within a few hours, a group had been summoned to the grand throne room in the castle. The wind still howled against the windows and walls, battering it as a reminder of the tone of Celestia’s peace. It was barely such within the room. A large table was set up in the center of the room, with eleven distinguished ponies around it. Only one was a pegasus, the rest were unicorns.

Unicorns of the highest magical potential from around the kingdom of Equestria had been summoned by the final Will of Princess Celestia.

Sky Shroud sat at the head of the table, reading from the scroll, “... for the betterment of Equestria. You who have been chosen are to form a council of advisers and supporters to the kingdom. Under the rule of my sister, Princess Luna, you shall assist her in both governance and in her magical duties of raising both sun and moon. Henceforth, you shall be named the Council of Sun and Moon. These duties shall end upon the disbandment of council during the future time of Rebirth. Humbly, and graciously, Princess Celestia.”

A long pause followed, as Sky Shroud wrapped up the scroll, passing it over to the Captain of the Guard. Some of the unicorns shifted nervously in their seats, and others looked deep in thought.

A light blue coated unicorn cleared his throat, “I for one, shall accept the new responsibilities that have been requested of me. I am not particularly fond of... how this has come upon us all, but it would be disastrous without the necessary talent.”

“I agree,” concurred another, with a thick accent, most noticeably from Stalliongrad. He was a deep grey unicorn, with a rough white mane. He was built like a workhorse with thirty years of hard labor deeply rooted into his form. He had red-orange eyes that seemed to burn when he spoke, “Professor Yorsets is right to accept a most gracious offer. Princess Luna is most certainly capable, but is in need of good, strong hooves.”

“While I concur in the fact that the dear ‘Princess’ needs assistance, I am not confident that she can perform these duties at all. She grieves as we all do, but there may not be a chance for her to fully recover.” This unicorn was wearing a fine business suit over his beige coat, stifling his green mane from being let out. It was slicked back with an unnecessary amount of hair gel.

One other spoke up, his deep voice smoothly seeping over the table, “It brings her dangerously close to becoming a beast once more. If she isn’t already her.” The unicorn had a violet body with steaks of silver and gold in his blue mane. His eyes were a deep red, and they slid across the table towards Sky Shroud.

Sky Shroud was losing composure, “Dying of natural causes seems out of order with what you imply, Starfall. I would be careful with your foalish misconceptions.”

Several of the unicorns shifted uneasily in their seats once more.

“What proof do you have that it wasn’t an act to make foals of us? As I recall, you have no training in Magical Arts, while I have a better idea of such possibilities. I am the headmaster of Princess Celestia’s foremost school in magic.” He began to raise his voice, “If Luna has allowed herself to become Nightmare Moon once more, and hide her appearance, she would go unnoticed. She is an alicorn, and one who has proven to be unstable and unsuited for sole ruler-ship!”

Sky Shroud slammed his hoof into the table, “Nonsense! Nopony who was as vengeful or spiteful as Nightmare Moon was would stand to act in the same manner. If you do not wish to believe this true, then you can decline the will of the leader you served so loyally!”

The room was silent. It was minutes before Starfall began once more, “I will consider this when I form my answer.” The words dropped the room by a couple of degrees. Sky Shroud backed away from the table, “You have until tomorrow morning to accept or decline. Luna will return by then, and will be coronated as the leader of Equestria, so that she can at least preside over her sister’s funeral.” Sky Shroud stormed out of the doors of the Throne Room, and set off for Ponyville to deliver a particular letter.

When the doors closed, the other guards exited the room.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts,” Starfall began. “It appears that we have much to discuss, and more to fear than before...”


Twilight Sparkle sat dumbstruck in the Ponyville library which she called home. Her hooves shook as though she had nearly died, moments ago. What she had seen...

Nopony else was in the library. Even Spike was absent, and Twilight hadn’t the faintest idea of where he was. She had spent hours pulling books off of the library searching for anything that would disprove what she had seen - something that would burn away her memory as if it had only been a nightmare. Her teacher, the Princess of the Day couldn’t possibly be... But she had seen her. It haunted her thoughts, and kept her awake and numb.

A soft knock at the door did nothing to change how she felt. There was no movement from her. The knock came once more, but she still stayed seated.

“Twilight Sparkle. I have something important for you. A final letter from-”

She snapped back into her own world. Of course! A letter from Princess Celestia, proof she was still alive. Everything was just a horrible dream. She trotted over to the door and opened it. In the doorway, a fully armored pegasus stallion held a scroll in his teeth. He was being bombarded with snow flakes, whipped around by the wind outside.

She levitated the letter to herself, uttering a, “Thank you,” before closing the door.

She ripped off the seal and opened the letter. As she read her reality crumbled around her. She was dragged back to the urgency of the letter’s contents, and the sliver of hope it promised. It was all she needed to start digging through the shelves of the library.