• Published 19th Feb 2024
  • 271 Views, 13 Comments

Cadance's solstice - Rainny Night

After experiencing painful losses over the past nine hundred years, Celestia sees a new light emerge in her life.

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New light

Author's Note:

I don't really know what I'm doing, this is my first My Little Pony fanfiction.

Celestia had already experienced many losses in her long life, first having lost her teacher after he made a sacrifice for the safety of Equestria. A few years later she lost a great friend, almost a sister to Celestia, Princess Amore, tragically murdered by a dark pony. Next was one of her first apprentices, Radiant Hope, who ran away in search of her best friend. All these losses caused Celestia a great shock, but none of them had caused her as much pain as Luna's banishment.

Having to banish her own sister was already a difficult fact to deal with, and it becomes more distressing when she realizes that it was completely and completely her fault that things had gotten to that point. She was so busy with herself, with her tasks, with her greatness, that she had ignored the fact that Luna was also shaken by the losses they suffered, was shaken by the loneliness she felt every night, wishing she had the same attention as Celestia receive during the day just to not feel so alone.

Now all that was left was a huge palace, packed with guards that decorated the palace more than actually protected it. Having meetings and stacks of papers to take her mind off her problems, Celestia now found herself on her throne, distracting herself with two stacks of documents to be signed and delivered on the same day. Her attention was taken away from the paperwork when she heard the door to the throne room being opened abruptly by one of her guards, a robust brown stallion, he seemed shocked by something, catching his breath briefly, the stallion said:

"Your highness! There was a landslide in a village near the frozen crystal mountains northeast of here..." The guard maintained his apprehensive expression.

Celestia quickly put aside her pen and papers and jumped up from her throne, shocked and as worried as the guard. "Has the search team been sent yet? Are supplies on the way as well?"

"Yes, your highness, it turns out that..." the guard looked at the door and once again at Celestia, even more apprehensive. "When the team got there, they were told that everyone in the village was out of danger."

"Oh, that's a relief..." Celestia's agitation subsided. Her wing feathers, once ruffled, were now smooth.

"However... A filly, she... Your highness had better see for herself. Powder Bomb! Bring her to the princess." The brown stallion called.

From the other side of the door came a unicorn stallion, bluish gray, a little more robust and taller than his colleague, right behind him came a pink filly, with a colorful mane, she looked terrified, that touched Celestia's heart even though she was still confused about the situation. At first, the filly looked like a normal unicorn, until she decided to open a pair of fuzzy, comb-shaped wings, with a dark purple gradient at the tips of the feathers. Celestia was shocked, not believing what her eyes were seeing. The guards saw the expression of shock in the princess's eyes and looked at each other without knowing what to do. Powder Bomb stepped forward.

"Your highness, we... We found her in the crowd of the village, from what we understand from the residents, this lady was the one who saved them from the landslide." The blue stallion looked at the filly, giving her a reassuring smile. “Come on, don’t be shy…” The guard extended his hoof towards her. The filly accepted and approached the blue stallion.

"What's your name, young lady?" Celestia lowered herself until she was at the filly's height. The filly still looked scared, she flinched at Celestia's proximity.

"M-Mi A-A-Amore Cadenza, but you can call me Cadance..." She looked away, still nervous.

Amore? Is it possible that there is some familiarity? Celestia thought. "Powder Bomb and Ginger Pie, I ask you to leave." The guards nodded and left the throne room without question. Now Celestia looked at the filly, keeping her expression as neutral as possible. Cadance's eyes, despite being scared, had a familiar glow to the princess. "Cadance, okay? Well, follow me, you need to calm down a little." Celestia smiled sweetly at Cadance, who responded with a shy smile.

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Celestia prepared a cozy room so that Cadance wouldn't feel so threatened, in the room there was a huge dark blue circular rug with some burgundy pillows and right above it there was a small table with two cups of tea and a plate of cookies, around the table. The room had large shelves filled with old books. The filly took a sip of the tea, feeling the heat of the liquid ease the tension that was consuming her.

"Do you feel better now?" Celestia smiled at her. The filly waved but said nothing. "Cadance, what were you?"

"Hm? What do you mean?" Cadance looked confused.

"I mean, what were you before you became an alicorn?" Celestia took a sip of her tea. "As my sister and I were the only alicorns until then, we never entertained the idea that other pony races could achieve the power of one. I say this because your wings are unique."

The filly looked at her own wings and blushed when she realized that her princess was praising her. "Well... I was a Pegasus before all this happened, the village has a large number of Pegasus, although we also have earth ponies and unicorns."

"Interesting, what are your parents' names?" The princess froze when she noticed the look of sadness on Cadance.

"I don't know... I never met them, I'm an orphan." Cadance bit into one of the cookies, hoping they would take the bitterness out of this part of her life.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you with that question." Celestia felt like punching herself in the face.

"It's okay, I don't have parents, but in the village there are ponies who take in or simply give food to orphan ponies, I'm one of the orphans who receive food and that's enough for me." The pink mare paused. "Princess... Will I be a princess too?" The mare seemed apprehensive about the matter.

"Maybe yes, you proved yourself worthy of having such power and now everything will depend on how you use it. Now tell me, how did your transformation happen?" Celestia took another sip of her tea.

"It all started when the group of Pegasus in our village started arguing with the group of unicorns, they fought because they had decided on a different route for migration. The Pegasus wanted to go to the west because there were fewer mountains, while the unicorns wanted to go to the East because it was warmer, the Earth Ponies wanted to stay in those lands because they were fertile and rich in minerals, but none of them reached a consensus." Cadance paused, trying to remember the correct order of events. "It went from an argument to a riot and then to a fight involving personal frustrations. I had noticed for some time that the ponies in the village had a resentment towards each other, but I never thought it would escalate to anything like this..."

· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·

The previously peaceful village was now filled with turmoil, the Pegasus flew low so that their wings and hooves hit some unicorn or earth pony that was right below them, the unicorns shot lightning from their horns or levitated some solid object so that they hit the Pegasus, the earth ponies used kicks and farming tools to poke the Pegasus. Cadance was horrified by that situation, she took the youngest colts that were lost in the middle of the conflict and took them to a hill away from that confusion.

"Are you guys okay?" The pink Pegasus turned her attention to the group of foals in front of her.

Some were just dirty with crushed vegetables and fruits, others had some bruises from being hit by stones, and others had scratches from farming tools. The breeze from the hill gradually became a cold and sharp wind, Cadance looked around trying to find the source of the wind and when looking at the sky she saw a huge whirlpool forming in the clouds. That didn't seem to be the work of Pegasus, there weren't enough flyers to make a whirlpool of that magnitude.

"CADANCE! LOOK!" A small earth pony pointed towards the mountains.

Cadance turned to look at where the pony was pointing, her eyes widened as she noticed the tons of snow and ice falling from the tops of the mountains, heading towards the village. "Children's, stay here!" Her wings opened and in an instant she gained momentum to fly towards the village not so far from where they were. The strong and cold wind was making it difficult for her to stay stable in flight, she felt the tips of her feathers start to freeze. She stopped above the confusion, she quickly looked back, seeing the huge fog slowly approaching.

"YOU HAVE TO STOP! PLEASE! AAH!" Cadance tried to call out to them, but all she got was a rake to the side. "STOP PLEASE!" She tried to call out to them once more, looking up, she saw three ghostly horses flying over the confusion, bringing increasingly cold.

Fear caused a tightness in Cadance's chest, as she looked back, she saw that the slide was getting closer. She fell from the sky and fell in the middle of the conflict, her wings froze due to the change in weather, now there was no way for her to save herself either. "LISTEN TO ME, YOU HAVE TO STOP!" Cadance screamed as much as her throat could bear, she couldn't bear to see that disunity, the lack of love in the hearts of the ponies would be the cause of their ruin. Her heart beat harder, became brighter, a strange aura enveloped her and lifted her off the ground, accumulating on her forehead. That made the crowd stop and stare, shocked at what they were seeing. The magic enveloped the ponies and levitated them into the air, without being aware of what she was doing, Cadance took them out of the village, placing them on the same hill where the younger foals were. As soon as they became aware of what had happened, they saw all their huts being buried by snow and crystal clear mountain debris.

· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·

"I didn't know exactly what had happened and the next thing I knew, I had this, this and this..." Cadance pointed to the horn and the colorful feathers on its wings, then quickly stood up and showed the mark on its flank. A blue crystalline heart, with a golden support on the sides.

Celestia, who was taking a sip of her tea, gasped when she saw the filly's cutie mark. She composed herself and wiped her lips and the table with a napkin. "A thousand pardons Cadance, my goodness... Your mark..." Celestia coughed, trying to get rid of the feeling of tea stuck in her throat.

"What? What about my cutie mark? What does it mean?" Cadance was worried and perhaps as shocked as Celestia. Will it be something dangerous? What's dangerous about a heart? She thought to herself.

"Cadance, I think your transformation goes far beyond an act of altruism..." Celestia cleared her throat. "Your brand symbolizes love, unity and especially protection, this is something truly good and powerful, as you have a special power to unite ponies."

"Really? But if it's just that, then why the shock?" Cadance frowned.

Celestia stood up, spread her wide, rounded wings, showing her grandeur even more to the young filly, who swallowed hard at the thought that she would be punished for having said something foolish. "Cadance, from now on, everything I can tell you will only be said in class. I want to make you my student." Celestia gave a confident and encouraging smile to Cadance, who returned it with stars in her eyes.

"Student? I'll be your student? B-but I... I don't even know how to use my horn..." Cadance seemed incredulous at the Princess's statement. "I don't even have a home anymore, how can I stay here?"

"And that's why I want you to accept me as your mentor, learning to use your horn will be part of your training and if you allow me... I can take you in as my niece." Celestia held Cadance's chin with her hoof and slowly lifted it so that the filly was looking into her eyes. "I see in you the determination, courage and altruism that a great leader needs to have, just as I see in you the look of an old woman of mine, who was as determined as you."

Cadance smiled, her eyes brimming with tears that she forced herself to hold back, flying she reached Celestia's neck and hugged him. The Princess sweetly hugged her, after so many years, feeling a new light emerge in her life. "I'll take that as a yes... Your classes start tomorrow." Celestia pulled her away from the hug.