• Published 11th Feb 2024
  • 171 Views, 0 Comments

A mother's curse - Liefline Stories

For some time now, more and more children have been disappearing from Ponyvill.

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Missing Children

It's been two weeks, two weeks since the first foals disappeared. Two weeks where everyone is looking for the little one and no pony knew where they were.
Two weeks in which every Pony asked themselves whether their own child was safe.

First to disappear was a little girl named Toola Roola. She was on her way to school but never got there. Her parents were worried sick and immediately started looking for her, but to no avail.

The search lasted for 3 days before the next foal, a boy named Tender Taps, also disappeared, this time on the way home after playing with friends.
The whole village started searching again but again without success, even special magic to find missing Ponys had no success, it was as if the little one had been swallowed by the earth.

From that moment on, no child was allowed to be outside alone, only in groups of at least 3 children or under the supervision of an older child or adult.

But despite the precautions and increased supervision, children continued to disappear.
No pony knew what else they could do, some were of the opinion that they shouldn't let the children out of the house anymore and others even wanted to build a wall around ponyville. In the end, all ideas were rejected; they wanted to protect the children and not lock them up.

"Children need to be able to play outside with others, otherwise it will harm their development!", shouted a mare with a green mane and orange coat.

"The children will no longer have any development if they continue to disappear!",replied a stallion with a light brown coat and black mane.

"Every pony be quiet!" Twilight shouted over the crowd of angry ponyes. She stood in front of the town hall with the mayor, who also tried to calm the crowds.

"We promise we will do everything in our power to find the missing foals and prevent more from disappearing." said the mayor, her face full of determination.

"Promises are of no use to us! We have to do something now! My little Petunia has been missing for 5 days now and we can't find her anywhere!" cried a crying mare while her husband tried to calm her down.

"She is right!" another mare agreed.

"Little Scootaloo disappeared two days ago and despite all our efforts we couldn't even find a small trace of her!" Murmurs of agreement went through the crowd.

Scootaloo was a very conspicuous child and was always out with her friends, her disappearance shocked many Ponys.

"I'm telling you this is dark magic!" an old Mare called out from the crowd.

"It's not dark magic!" Twilight shouted, looking seriously into the crowd.

"We searched the areas where the foals disappeared with special spells and we couldn't find any traces of magic."
She explained calmly as she continued to look at the crowd.

"Whatever is causing the foals to disappear it's not magic which means we can stop it and bring the children back home."

The Discussions continued for some time before it was decided to dissolve the meeting for the day. Sighing heavily, Twilight descended the stairs in front of the town hall. Her friends were already waiting for her.

"Oh Twilight." Pinkie gently took the mare in her arms.

"Don't worry Pinkie, I'm fine." Twilight reassured her friend and pulled away from her hug.

"Are you sure? They gave you a lot of trouble up there?" Rainbow Dash asked, also worried.

"Yes, everything's fine, I'm just worried about whether we can really find the little ones." Twilight admitted quietly, looking at the ground.

"If anyone can do it, it's yousugar cube." Applejack said firmly and put an arm around the unicorn.
"Yea! And we will help you, you can count on us!" Rainbow Dash agreed firmly.

"Thank you, sometimes I don't know what I would do without you." Twilight smiled and looked at her friends and felt the determination gathering within her again.

They would find the foals no matter where they were.

"Where is Fluttershy?" Twilight asked after she had regained some motivation.

The yellow pony with the light pink mane is nowhere to seen.
"She wanted to ask Discord if he could help us with the missing ponies, she said he would definitely have an idea." Rarity explained, but you could tell she didn't believe Discord would help them.

"I don't know if he will be of much help to us." Rainbow Dash said what the white unicorn was thinking.
"I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind the little one's disappearance just to play a prank on us."

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight said clearly, looking admonished at her friend.

"Discord is our ally and he has proven several times that we can trust him. If Fluttershy thinks he can help us, we have to trust her decision."
Not entirely convinced, Rainbow crossed her hooves over her chest but didn't say anything else.

"Twilight is right! If Fluttershy trusts Discord, we should too." Pinkie said and smiled encouragingly.
"I'm sure he knows ways how to find ponies that we haven't thought of yet! We just have to think positively."

"Pinkie Pie is right, we need to start thinking positively again." Twilight agreed with the party pony.

"But what if she don't manage to convince him, what options haven't we tried yet?" Applejack interjected worriedly, the thought of her little sister disappearing next had been plaguing her and her family ever since the first disappearance.

"Don't worry Applejack, I'm sure she can do it and if not I'll personally go to the princesses and ask them for help." Twilight replied to her friend.

The only reason Twilight hadn't gone to the princesses yet is because she was afraid of bothering them with her problems, she wanted to try to solve the problem herself before going to the godlike ponies.

"I hope you're right about that, sugarcube." Applejack said and looked at Twilight worriedly.

"I'm sure Applejack." replied the purple unicorn and smiled encouragingly at her friend.

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