• Published 8th Feb 2024
  • 299 Views, 30 Comments

Ghosts of The Past - JeSuisLaPorte

It's just a short trip to Appleloosa. There's nothing to worry about.

  • ...

1. Out of my Comfort Zone

This was it, the moment she’s been dreading for weeks. The worst moment of her life. The scariest and the most stressful too. Olive had so much time to prepare and yet, when it came, it nearly paralysed her. When she woke up that morning, she felt her stomach turning inside out. Sweat dripped down her forehead, her entire body feeling uncomfortable. She wished she could just press an imaginary button that’ll skip one week ahead, so that she doesn’t face what awaited her.

Now standing on the train station, she tried her best to stop her hooves from trembling. The morning sun slowly raised, casting an amber light on the incoming train. Her saddlebag was heavy, further adding some weight onto her soul. She looked to her mother for help, tugging on her tail to get her attention.

Applejack looked at her, the mare’s eyes emanating such kindness and compassion. The earth pony lowered her head and nuzzled the filly before speaking softly. “Is somethin’ wrong, sugar cube?”

Olive nickered, hugging the earth pony with all her strength. “I don’t wanna go, mommy.”

Her mother gave a reassuring smile. “Don’t be scared. It’ll only be for a week. Plus, yer big sister’s comin’ with ya to watch over you.” Apple Bloom raised her head high, smiling proudly. She puffed her chest, fully embracing her role as a big sister, something she never got to experience prior to meeting Olive.

The pink unicorn stood on her hind leg, nuzzling her mother faster. “But I want to come with you!”

Applejack sighed, caressing her daughter’s mane. “Ya know ya can’t. Where Ah’m goin’s dangerous and... Ah can’t put ya in danger ‘gain. Ah already did far too many times. Ah think it’s fo’ ta best if ya learn to be away from me from time-to-time. It’ll make ya more independent.”

Olive whimpered, lowering her head. She felt her mother’s lips gently kiss her forehead. Each gesture of affection raised her morale more. Now, she only has to keep enough of that affection stored within her soul for one week. Should her reservoir go empty, she’ll curl up in a ball and cry for the rest of the trip.

“Ah love ya, sugar cube. Don’t get it wrong.” Applejack said, smiling sadly.

“I know. I love you too, mommy.” Olive said as she reached to kiss her mother on her freckled cheek. Her mother chuckled.

“It’ll seem scary at first, but ya’ll get used to it. It’s just how life works. There's nothin’ scary out there.” Applejack wasn’t sure if that last sentence was meant for her or for her daughter. The memory of that fateful evening she first met the filly was still fresh in her mind. A haunting reminder of what that poor thing went through to get to this point. But at least, the horrors she went through in the past won't ever be bested any time soon. The worst was behind them.

She didn’t show it, but leaving the filly alone for an entire week was just as stressful to her. But, as she learned with Apple Bloom, she can’t be overprotective. That’s not what this little unicorn needs, even if she clammered for it. Olive needs to become more independant.

If she stays like that, it'll only harm her in the future. This was a learning experience, a very important one.

The train came to a stop. Its doors opened and many passengers left. Olive watched the nauseating wave of ponies coming and going before feeling something touch her hind legs.

“Don’t forget yer luggage! Ah packed ya some meals for ta week.” Applejack informed, letting the filly levitate her luggage as she hesitantly entered the train with Apple Bloom, feeling her body shiver with each step she took away from mommy. The small unicorn glanced back one last time at her mother waving her goodbye right as the doors closed.

She quickly jumped on one of the seats and looked out the window. The train started moving, and the filly saw her mother slowly disappearing out of sight before the sunrise. “Mommy...”

Apple Bloom jumped on the seat, hugging her gently in the hopes it would ease her sister's anxieties.. “Don’t ya worry, sis! Cousin Braeburn’s super nice! Ya’ll love ‘im, Ah’m sure! Plus, there's also Apple Fritter and she's way into ta young Apples!”

Olive moaned, dropping on her flank. She pulled her big sister closer, holding her tightly.

Apple Bloom smiled, patting her little sister. “It’ll be fine! Ah used to be scared of travelin’ mahself, but Ah got it over quick after mah first visit to Appleloosa. It’s not as scary as ya think, lemme tell ya!”

She opened her saddlebag and took out two Cutie Mark Crusaders capes. She placed hers on, then Olive’s. “Remember, no matter how scary things get, Cutie Mark Crusaders never give in to fear. We’re in this together.”

Olive smiled thankfully, keeping her worried eyes on the window. The train ride was long, taking at least 8 hours. They were both given the bits necessary to pay for the food on board, though it wouldn’t fix the biggest problem these two had to face, boredom. And for Olive, the threat of having a heart attack. Seriously, she didn’t know if she could survive eight hours of this. She can’t hug her sister the entire way through, her forelegs would tire out!

Eventually, she broke the hug, opting to always stay by her. If Apple Bloom’s got to go to the bathroom, she’ll sit by the door and wait, maybe even stay inside.

“Hey, now that Ah just got ta idea.” Apple Bloom reached for her saddlebag again, pulling out a bow. “Ah wanna see how ya look with this on.” Placing the bow on her sister’s head, the earth pony took a step back and admired the adorable new look. “Hey! It looks great!”

Olive whined, feeling a new wave of anxiety building up. When it erupted, it almost made her want to shed a tear. “I don’t want it.” she moaned, taking the bow off with one quick swipe.

“Okay then... how ‘bout a book? It’ll help ya forget.” The young earth pony opened her sister’s saddlebag which contained a saddlebook, small enough to fit in a saddlebag! “Ah heard this book’s super sweet and cute!”

Olive eyeballed the saddlebook before levitating it. “Okay...”

The train ride was long, but the book helped in calming her nerves, though the anxiety persisted still. Going to someplace she’s never been to, away from her precious mommy, sleeping in a bed she’s not familiar with. Oh boy, it was stressful just to think about! It got so bad that she started to wish that this ride would never end just so that she wouldn't have to face the ominous future.

Every time she slept in a bed she wasn’t familiar with, it always led to insomnia, the worst thing ever. Spending eight hours turning and rolling in bed, waiting for morning to come is mentally agonising. She wished she could fall asleep easily or else it’ll be multiple days of being drained of her vitality, further prolonging her suffering. That feeling only got worse ever since she found a permanent home in Sweet Apple Acre.

Just thinking about it made her sweat. Oh, where was mommy when she needed her most? The more time she poured into that thought, the more she fed her fears. It got to the point that they were now on full display. Halfway through her book, she couldn’t focus anymore. Her breaths were fast and ragged, her eyes wide open and her forehead sweaty.

“Olive, are ya alright?” Apple Bloom asked. She didn’t know what to do. What words could calm her sister down? What gestures can make her feel safe? Oh, where was her older sister when she needed her? Applejack knew best how to deal with Olive's fears and traumas. Having no idea what to do, she opted to embrace her sister, hoping it would suffice.

Olive was slightly soothed by her sister’s tender love, but even something this powerful couldn’t beat her anxiety. Looking out the window, she could see the vegetation slowly changing, going from a cozy forest to an arid plain. They were approaching Appleloosa, slowly. Her eyes moved to the clock on the wagon. Four hours had passed, and four more were left in this torturous ride.

“I can’t do it.” She exclaimed in defeat, dropping her book.

“Yes, ya can!” Apple Bloom rebutted. “We’re in this together, remember? Ah won’t let anythin’ happen to ya.”

Beautiful words, but can she help her with her insomnia? That remained to be seen and until then, her worries were here to stay to the very end of the day. It is just for one day, she had to reassure. After that, things will get better. Maybe it will, that is, if she can believe her own words.

Finally, they’re here. Appleloosa, the town her mother spoke so much about this past week. Even with this knowledge, Olive was terrified to her core. She didn’t know why, but seeing the looks of the town, so different from Ponyville, so alien to her, it stressed her out. The building were all wooden, having a different architecture from the houses of Ponyville. The terrain around the town was yellow and deserted. None of the natural beauty of her home remained. It felt like she stepped into another planet. The filly stared at this unfamiliar location, unwilling to step out the train. Now that was a funny feeling.

She’s spent so much time in the train that she was now more comfortable in it than outside. Olive would rather spend a week in there rather than Appleloosa, no offense to the ponies who live there.

“C’mon, we’re finally ‘ere!” Apple Bloom exclaimed excitedly, springing back to life the moment the train stopped. She picked up her luggage and gestured her little sister to do the same.

Olive nickered but did exactly what had to be done. She followed her big sister closely despite her mind begging her to stay. There’s no use in going against her mother’s wishes. She must stay in Appleloosa whether she liked it or not.

Stepping out, the pink filly noticed many Appleloosan waiting at the station. The most striking feature of these ponies had to be their cowboy hats. Practically all of them had one of various shape and size. Her mommy wasn’t kidding when she said that the ponies there are like the Apples! Meaning, she’ll be the odd one out. Perhaps the only pony here without the accent?

“There! That’s cousin Braeburn!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, pointing at a yellow stallion wearing a cowboy hat and attire. He had the full kit unlike the other townsfolk.

Olive titled her head to get a better view of the stallion’s cutie mark. Sure enough, it was an apple, the mark of her family, the best one in Equestria mind you.

“Howdy, Apple Bloom!” Braeburn greeted, hugging the small earth pony. He glanced over her flank, blinking. “Oh, Ah see ya still... well, nevermind tha’.”

Apple Bloom’s smiled dropped. “Yeah, Ah know. Still no cutie mark.” Looking at her little sister, her mood was lifted. “But Ah do ‘ave somethin’ much better than a cutie mark!”

“’Bout time Ah finally meet ta new Apple!” Braeburn turned his attention onto the newcomer. A pink filly he’s learned so much about through his cousin’s letters and of course, through the filly’s greatest achievement which was now widely known throughout all Equestria.

An adorable little hero stood before him, staring at him with her beautiful olive eyes. “Um, h-hey-”

“Why, hello there lil filly! Ah heard lots ‘bout ya! Hay, Ah could even say Ah was dyin’ to meet ya! Mah name’s Braeburn, but Ah’m sure ya already knew that.” Without giving her a second to breathe, he reached a hoof to shake hers.

Slightly taken aback, Olive awkwardly touched his and shook it mechanically. “Um, m-my name’s Olive Apple.”

Immediately, the stallion’s eyes converged to one spot on her body, that being of course, the most unflattering spot. Olive moaned, avoiding his eyes as she was tempted to cover it immediately. The residents of Ponyville were used to it, but not Appleloosa. She hoped it wouldn’t attract much unwanted attention. Her face grew warm as she decided not to cover her scar.

Braeburn’s bubbly attitude quickly faded as he struggled to find the right words. He was torn between feeling apologetic and gushing over the filly’s adorable sound. “Oh, and, uh, Ah do know ‘bout most of what ya went through s-so... Ah’m sorry.”

Now that confused the little filly. Sorry? Sorry about what? It's not like he did anything to her. “It’s fine. I’m okay now.”

Braeburn couldn’t help but smile. When her cousin Applejack described the filly as “ta sweetest thing in ta whole world”, he believed her. Simply meeting that soft look in her beautiful olive eyes lifted his spirit. Fearful, nervous eyes, but with a hint of perseverance and determination. “Ah don’t doubt it.”

“Of course!” Apple Bloom added. “Mah sister ‘ere is a superhero! She fought and defeated Anarchy alongside three princesses!” She puffed her chest, proudly presenting her sister to her cousin. She couldn’t be happier to have Olive as a sister. A filly that’s so compassionate, so full of heart yet also strong and willing to fight in the direst of circumstances. Now that was what a Cutie Mark Crusaders should embody!

“Yeah, Ah can see she’s also a crusader like ya!” Braeburn added, glancing at the pink filly’s makeshift cape.

Olive smiled as she adorably presented her cape. “I-I didn’t make this cool cape.” she thought to add. How humble of her.

The stallion leaned closer. “Maybe not, but Ah heard yer a little artist! Ya make clay models of ponies?”

“Well, um, y-yes. I-I do it... sometime, about ponies I like.” The filly’s face turned red as her eyes avoided those of the stallion.

“Then maybe ya’ll make one of me eventually!” He patted the filly on the head. "Ah'm sure we'll get along just fine!"

Just then, he noticed a stallion eyeballing Olive as he left the train. He moved away, constantly glancing over his shoulder.

Braeburn blinked, suddenly remembering a very important fact. The filly’s power to transform, that was in the newspaper for entire days. Ponies kept talking about “the monster filly” but that thankfully died down after Anarchy’s demise. Now, Olive is being viewed in a more favorable light, though that doesn’t mean everypony openly accepted her as a hero. Everypony's afraid of monsters, no matter how nice and sweet they seem on the outside.

Some were still irked by the mere existence of the monster, despite having never seen it before. He just hoped that Appleloosa won’t treat his new cousin horribly for that. It’s his town, it’s got to make a good impression.

Inside the now repaired castle of Canterlot. Princess Luna wandered the halls, her eyes glued to a letter she had just received this morning from a very anxious pony. Reading through its content, she couldn’t help but smile. It reminded her so much of her youth.

Following Tirek's rampage through Equestria, the Canterlot dungeons were busted down, freeing all the inmates. Interestingly enough, not all of them fled the city. Some of the locked up Anarchists willingly stayed in their cell even when the bars were torn open. That gave Luna an idea.

She turned her attention to the stained glasses of this hall, particularly on the newest one. Each depicted Equestria’s greatest triumphs against evil and recently, a new one appeared, Anarchy’s demise at the hooves of his own daughter. Behind the mad stallion laid the triumphant transformed filly standing beneath the sun. That was quite the show, a sigh she'll never ever forget.

Her recent visit of Olive led to something unexpected, the filly began writing to her on a weekly basis, detailing the most important things she did as well as her worries. It was cute and heartwarming to the lunar princess who never truly had some correspondence before. She began to feel like her older sister, constantly reading and writing back to her students although, Luna wasn’t sure if she should get a student of her own.

Well, if she ever changed her mind, Olive would be a good start.

“Another letter from Olive?”

Princess Luna nodded, too absorbed in its content to pay much attention to her sister.

“It would appear you now have a faithful student.” Princess Celestia mused, stopping before the stained glass.

“Certainly, I wasn’t expecting a letter this soon. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to be urgent matter, well, at least not to Equestria as a whole.” Luna remarked.

Her sister blinked, sticking her head out to peek at the letter. “Oh? Something’s wrong with her?”

Noticing her sister attempting to peek, Luna moved the letter closer to her. “No, she’s simply traveling to Appleloosa. She must really love Sweet Apple Acre if she’s that scared of traveling.”

“Didn’t you tell me she used to travel often with her father?” Celestia pointed out.

Luna skimmed through the note. “That I did. Then again, she’s changed a lot in just a month. I almost believed I was speaking to a different pony when I met her in pony after the battle.”

The two alicorns heard hoofsteps slowly approaching them, though one of the hooves in question sounded different. It was lighter, not cladded in armor like the other one. Captain Mango emerged from the dungeon, now accustomed to his sturdy wooden leg. He saluted the two alicorns with his wooden leg. “Princess Luna, the two inmates you requested are now ready to leave for Appleloosa.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Inmates?”

Princess Luna’s eyes widened. “Oh, well that’s a bit of a problem now. It appears we have a certain visitor coming to Appleloosa. One that might not jive with the two inmates in question.”

The captain blinked, quickly catching onto the problem. “Oh! Olive’s going to Appleloosa?”

“Lulu, must I assume this is one of your efforts to reform the Anarchists?” Celestia asked calmly, but not without having a little bit of disapproval in her voice.

In response, her younger sister raised a determined hoof. “Naturally. I see some good in the ones that didn’t flee during Tirek’s rampage. I believe that, with enough time and effort, they can contribute greatly to society. Their resolve and strength are considerable, if only they could place them in the right places.”

Princess Celestia smiled. “I suppose you’ll want to achieve this by yourself. In which case, I’ll let you handle their cases.” The taller alicorn left the two ponies to discuss the problem, heading towards her throne.

“Okay then, should I call the operation off? Maybe bring the inmates someplace else.”

Luna shook her head. “No, just... give me a minute to think about it.” Her eyes returned to the stained glass, more specifically, the transformed filly on it. Her triumphant pose over the evil carcass of her father was inspiring. A tale sure to traverse the succeeding generations about the heroic deed of one unicorn filly with an iron will. Weeks have passed since then, maybe Olive has buried the hatchet. Maybe he has too.

“We’re sticking to the original plan.” She finally announced to the surprised captain. “Though I will ask you to keep a close eye on them. We shall see if I’m right. If things go wrong, don’t hesitate to do whatever is necessary to keep our subjects safe, understood?”

“Aye aye, princess.”

Strong Hoof and Dreamcatcher. Oh dear... I’m fairly certain of the outcome and yet, I can’t help but fear the worst. Let’s hope they prove the world wrong for once.

Appleloosa was a vastly different town from Ponyville. The architecture, the heat, the land, this place could only be described as the total opposite of her favorite town ever. Even the ponies there were different. Every time she heard one of them speak, it was always in the same accent as her family. These ponies lived off apples and rodeo, one of these things being almost deadly to her.

As such, she spent the entire trip here glued to Apple Bloom. Her tail even wrapped around her sister’s. From now on, until they get inside, they were inseparable.

Apple Bloom didn’t seem to mind. In fact, she loved it, citing this gesture as proof they were really good sisters. That, Olive will not deny. Apple Bloom was a great pony to make her feel safe. If Applejack trusted the little earth pony to protect her, then she will trust her sister’s abilities.

Braeburn was stopped by a mare who waved him hello. “Hey, Apple Fritter! Ta new filly’s ‘ere! Come welcome ‘er!”

Olive’s eyes widened, her mouth agape. Not another introduction!

A yellowish mare with a green mane came to greet her. Olive moved to get a better view of her cutie mark. Apple fritters, as expected. Judging by her name alone, she must be part of the Apple family, aka the best family ever.

“Aw, Aj never told me how cute she is!” Apple Fritter gushed. The pink unicorn was surprised to see just how much effect she can cause simply by existing. Adults always gushed over her, even when she was doing absolutely nothing. Was it her eyes? Or perhaps her curious nature that always got her on their good side?

Cousin Braeburn laughed. “Ah’m fairly certain she did! Kept talkin’ ‘bout how much she was proud to raise ‘er!”

Apple Fritter kneeled before the filly. “Hi there! Mah name’s Apple Fritter!” she said in a bubbly voice, sounding almost like a cartoon character talking to their audience.

Internally panicking, Olive glanced over her sister for reassurance. “M-My name’s Olive, um, A-Apple.” She internally screamed at herself for messing her introduction up. That was even worse than with Braeburn!

“D’aw!” Her new cousin patted her head, not minding the fumbled introduction. “Welcome to Appleloosa, Ah’m sure ya’ll come to like it soon enough. It’s a wonderful community, ya’ll see.”

Braeburn nodded in approval. “That it is. We Appleloosan are a tight knit community. Ya don’t have to be anxious ‘round us! We’ll be glad to help ya if anythin’ wrong!”

Feeling the pressure increasing, Olive forced a nervous smile, hoping that they would stop focussing solely on her. She never walked in Ponyville by herself, much less without an adult she trusted. Here in Appleloosa, she’s on her own, even with Apple Bloom around. The less attention she received, the better.

Thankfully, salvation came in the form of Braeburn’s growling stomach. “Ooh, Ah believe it’s time for dinner.”

Dinner came. As her mother predicted, there was mainly apple related meal on the menu hence why she prepared food specifically tailored to avoiding the filly’s allergies. While her sister and cousin feasted on a delicious apple pie, she took out a container and opened it. A delicious and healthy meal awaited her. However, she wished she could at least taste an apple without suffering a terrible allergic reaction. After all, she was an Apple. It’s her namesake and yet, she can’t eat one.

Despite that, her mother had no problem with her specific diet. Olive was a very picky eater; Applejack came to learn that in no time. It was mostly a slow process of elimination until she could write a comprehensive list of what food she could offer to the filly.

Everything that was on that list was now inside her many lunch boxes. She had enough food for the whole week, but unlike her sister and cousin, hers was limited. If she ran out of snacks, she had not much option in Braeburn’s fridge. 80% of what’s in there is a potential death sentence.

And so, she ate her meal quietly, trying her hardest not to look at their plates for fear of being overtaken by jealousy.

I hate this trip... I just want it to end.

Night fell, it was time to go to sleep. Olive and Apple Bloom arrived at their new bedroom for the week. It looked nice and clean which made it slightly more bearable to the pink unicorn. However, there was still the problem of being in an arid, hot land far away from home, in a bed she’s never tucked in before.

She observed the architecture of the bed, feeling her anxiety growing stronger by the minute. The bed was nice, but nowhere near as great as the one she slept in at Sweet Apple Acre. The room was smaller than hers, less decorated. Lastly, and the biggest offender, no plushies. Her nocturnal protectors were missing. She was defenseless, naked here in this unknown town in the middle of nowhere. She looked outside, searching for the moon. The only familiar sight in this place.

It didn’t help much that Apple Bloom couldn’t understand how she felt. Her older sister hopped in the bed, happy to finally rest after a long day of traveling and eating apple pies. She didn’t seem stressed at all! Olive was truly the only one having this problem.

Yawning, her older sister rested her head. “Aren’t ya comin’? Ah’m tired.”

“Okay.” Olive climbed on board, rubbing the blanket to get a feel for it. She didn’t like how it felt at all, it repulsed her. But she had no other choice than to lay in there. Reluctantly, she tucked herself in bed, shivering at the abysmal feeling it gave her.

“Goodnight, ‘sis.”

“Goodnight, Apple Bloom.”

Olive turned to face the open window, gazing at the moon for comfort. It reminded her of Princess Luna, the pony she wrote to often. Hopefully, she’ll get a letter soon, one that’ll ease her mind. Minutes passed and eventually, the pink unicorn decided that now was the time to sleep.

She closed her eyes and waited for the night to take her away.


Any second now.

Maybe she’s not in the right pose. Olive rolled, now facing her sleeping sister. She closed her eyes again or else it’ll feel weird to stare at her this close. She thought about many things; her plushes, her favorite toy, Princess Luna... mommy. An unknown amount of time passed. A really long time and yet, nothing.

How many times has she rolled and turned? Probably in the dozens by now. And yet, she can’t sleep. She still felt it, stress and anxiety combined. They grasped her heart and kept their grasp firm, not loosening even for one second.

She was hot, too hot. Olive lowered the blanket, but it only served to make her upper half feel exposed, awkward. So, she pulled it up again and was back to suffering from the heat.

So she kept on thinking about her mommy, Princess Luna and apple pies. Wait, apple pies? Why would she be thinking about apple pies? Cheerilee? Maybe that’s the connection, but it doesn’t help at all with falling asleep nor does it make any sense!

The poor filly moaned, struggling to clear her head. Maybe the problem lied in the fact that she was thinking too much. If she closed her eyes and emptied her head, maybe then could she fall asleep.

Minutes passed and no progress. Emptying her head isn't as easy as she thought. The littlest of movement or feeling will sent her spiraling down an endless staircase of thoughts. She was still wide awake, staring at the moon with her eyes closed. If she opened them, it would undo all the grueling efforts she placed into falling asleep.

Hours passed. How many? Three? Four? Maybe even five? There was only one thing she knew for certain. Her biggest fear had just been realised. She was suffering from insomnia. She was doomed to stay here for hours without being able to do anything. And the next day, she’ll be too tired to enjoy herself.

Stuck here, unable to do anything. Olive longed for home. Never has she longed for it more than now. The images of Sweet Apple Acre flooded her mind. She was homesick, she only wanted to go home. Nothing else mattered right now but home. Her shelter, the one place she wasn't afraid to be in. She missed the green grass, the Apple family orchard, the barn, her friends, all of Ponyville!

Having succumbed to her fears, she whimpered until morning came.

“M-Mommy... Take me home.”

Author's Note:

There we go! One of the three sequels I promised for Never Alone is now here! With this chapter alone, I've introduced most of the prominent characters, though three have yet to show up, that should be a fairly easy guess. Anyway, I don't have much to say and I'm hungry, so imma head out and leave you to stare at this Luigi Mansion looking ass font on the cover art.