• Published 5th Feb 2024
  • 213 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony Adventures Season 4 - Kayceejr91

After the Dragon tournament everything is peaceful in the magical land of Equestria, But not all as it seems for the evil King Sombra is getting closer and closer to his goal will Twilight and her friends be able to stop him and save all of Equestria

  • ...

It's a wonderbolt life

It was early in the morning at Tambelon castle. Soarin was watching over the Eastern Wall, and Thunderlane was there to make sure he did his job.

"It is always important to keep your eyes open," lectured Thunderlane, "Thought things seem peaceful now, you never know what may be out on the horizon."

All of sudden he heard snoring. Thunderlane turned to see Soarin leaning in on his spear. His eyes appeared to be open, but in actuality he had painted over his eyelids to make himself look awake. Thunderlane quickly grew red in the face.

He quickly kicked the spear aside, causing Soarin to fall face first to the concrete floor.

"Wait! What? What Happened!? What?" said Soarin looking around with a start.

He quickly looked up to see Thunderlane scowling down at him.

"Would you please take this seriously!" shouted Thunderlane, "A royal guard must always stay at attention!"

"Okay, okay," said Soarin yawing, "But you know I don't plan on being a Royal Guard forever...I intend to be a Wonderbolt!"

"A Wonderbolt's duty is to guard over the skies of Equestria," said Thuderlane rolling his eyes, "If you can't even handle guard duty, I fail to see how you can that!"

A furious look suddenly crossed Soarin's face.

"Hey, you don't know anything about me you jerk," said Soaring leaping to his feet.

"I know that you're lazy," said Thunderlane handing Soarin his spear, "Why can't you be more like Flash!"

Soarin glared at Thunderlane for a moment, then glanced down at the courtyard below. Down at the main gate Flash Sentry was giving order to the Tambelon Guards, an air of dignity about him.

Soarin's face quickly grew red and then he flew off in a huff.

Thunderlane rolled his eyes, "What is with that stallion."

Off in the shadows, a mysterious green pegasus with and orange mane was watching Soarin fly away.

"Looks like things between the traitor and his pony pals are growing tense," said Lightning Dust speaking into a walkie talkie.

"Excellent!" said a grey maned stallion in a bomber jacket.

He was leaning back in a chair in a dark room, numerous monitors in front of him. One of them showed an image Soarin flying over Tambelon Castle.

"The Wonderbolt's will be offering a position any day now," said Wind Rider cockily, "Then, we can finally use him to our advantage..."

Later that day, Soarin was lazing about atop of a cloud. The expression on his face suggested he was still upset with Thunderlane.

All a sudden, a downpour of rain splashed him in the face.

"Hey!" said Soarin shaking out his mane.

The stallion looked up to see Rainbow Dash floating above him on a little grey rain cloud.

"Hey slacker," said Rainbow Dash with a cocky smile on her face face, "Shouldn't you be guarding the gate with Thuderlane?"

"It was boring" said Soarin with a scowl, "Rrub salt into the wound why don't ya!"

Soarin began flying off in another direction still upset, but our rainbow maned mare followedafter him.

"Hey, what's got your tail in a knot?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I don't want to talk about it," Soarin replied

"Come on," said Rainbow Dash going him fake doe eyes "I've learn that talking can make others feel better."

"Ugh, Fine," Soarn said begrudgingly, "It's Thunderlane he said, 'You need to take things seriously if you want to become a Wonderbolt!' Can you belive the nerve of that guy?"

"Gee, who'd want to passionate about reaching their goal?" Rainbow Dash said sarcastically, "Thunder was just being hard on you is becuse that he cares."

"Well he did it in way that ticked me off!" said Soarin angrily, "Not to mention he compared me to Flash! I mean really we can't all life hooded to us!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Rainbow Dash curiously.

"...Nothing," said Soarin ending the conversation abruptly.

Rainbow Dash could tell Soarin was upset about something. She was about to bring it up, until suddenly a derpy eyed mail pony crashed into them.

"Ouch!" the the pegasi all said together.

"Oh, Hi guys." The gray coated pegasus said.

"Hi Derpy," They both said rolling their eyes.

"Crashing into things as always I see," said Soarin

"Sure am guys," chimed Derpy happily "Oh, I've got these letters for you two! It's from the Wonderbolts."

"Oh okay," said Rainbow Dash dusting herself off. "Thanks."

She hadn't fully grasped yet what Derpy had said. As she Soarin took their mail, two looks of realization suddenly came across their faces.

"The WonderBolts!" The two pegasi said in unison.

Both ponies suddenly opened there letters in excitement

"To Rainbow Dash!" said Rainbow Dash.

"To Soarin!" said Soarin.

"Congratulation," read Rainbow Dash.

"You have officially been accepted," continued Soarin.

"To the Wonderbolt's Academy," read Rainbow Dash.

"For full time membership as Wonderbolt's" screamed Soarin.

"Yes!" shouted out both ponies leaping up into the air.

Later that day at Rainbow Dash's cloud home a party was being held.

"Let's hear it for our favorite new Wonderbolts!" Everypony cheered.

Inside the house the mane six, stallion six, the CMC, Spike, Big Mac, the ponyville boys, and even Discord were celebrating Soarin and Rainbow Dash's becoming Wonderbolts.

"And thank you very much, for the totally awesome party." RD said with a cocky grin on her face and Soarin doing the same. "And we already know we were Wonderbolts."

"Well you're all getting a little to ahead of yourself aren't you," said Thunderlane speaking up, "You two got into the academy, not the actual Wonderbolts."

Everypony looked at Thunderlane with faces that said 'Killjoy'. Except for Discord who literally a 'Killjoy' sign.

"Well we are still in the Wonderbolt's Academy, so it pretty much still counts," Soarin replied before marching up Thunderland with a smug look on his face. He then pulled the out the letter he received from the Wonderbolts and waved it in Thunderlane's face. "I guess this 'Lazy Pony' has the right attitude after all! What do you say about that mister always takes things oh so seriously?"

"I'd say, just because you got in to the Academy doesn't mean you'll pass," Said Thunderlane.

"Uh fellas, let's settle down now said," said Applejack.

"Oh yeah well why I betcha I do pass!" said Soarin furiously.

"Buddy, chill out," said Flash Sentry

"I'd take that be," said Thunderlane rolling his eyes.

"Oh my goodness," said Fluttershy nervously.

"Oh yeah!" said Soarin, "Well why don't you put your money where your muzzle is."

"I'm listening," said Thunderlan

"This is just getting interesting," said Discord pulling out popcorn.

"I bet you here and now that I will get into the Wonderbolt's,"said Soarin confidently holding out his hoof, "and when I do, You'll take over my guard shifts for the next two weeks."

"Ha, I'll take that bet," Thunderlane said as he took the blue coated stallion's hoof, "but if you can't cut it, you'll take ove duties for the two weeks."

"Deal!" They both said as they shook hooves while glaring at each other.

"Okay, that's enough of that," said Flash cut them short, "Pinkie Pie, why don't you cut the cake!"

Flash quick got between the two stallion and pushed them away from the rest of the group.

"Okay, okay what is this really about?" he whispered

"Ask him," Thunder said with crossly, "This morning I was showing him how to do his shifts, but he wasn't taking his position and dozedoff."

"Well mister taking things way too seriously, was being a jerk and called me lazy!" Soarin replied in an angry voice.

"You are lazy said," said Thunderlane matter of factly

"Hey!" said Pinkie popping out in front of them with a cupcake in hoof, "This is supposed to be a party! We are supposed to be having a good time! And having fun! So no more being angry and mean talking."

The two pegasi glared at each other. They then turned and decide to just enjoy the party, neither one looking at the other..

"Well I thought it was fun," Discord said still munching on popcorn.

Fluttershy just glared at him, "Not helping Discord."

"Maybe I should talk to them." Flash said sighing

"Wait," Fluttershy then said taking Flash's shoulder, "I should talk to Thunderlane. A little kindness might give him a change of tune."

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash then said "And I'll talk to wonder boy, I can kind of relate of what he's going through."

The next day Soarin and Rainbow dash had arrived and Wolderfbolts headquarters. Spitfire was showing the two newbies around.

"Team briefings are every morning at—"

"0720," said Rainbow Dash, Interrupting Spitfire, "because there were twenty ponies in the original E.U.P. Guard that became the Wonderbolts!"

"Right," said Spitfire looking confused, "And I know you've seen the academy bunks, but these are the official Wonderbolts barracks."

"Built by Admiral Fairweather himself!" said Soarin proudly.

Rainbow Dash stepped forward making there way to the barracks. All of a sudden there was a large sharp tug on her tail, causing her to fall to grass with a thud. She looked up to see that Spitfire had grabbed ahold of her tail.

"Don't forget rule number one, newbie," said Spitfire pointing out the runway Rainbow had almost crossed, "Always check both ways before crossing the runway."

Rainbow Dash looks both ways confused, "Uh, sure, but... nopony else is here."

"They will be," said Spirfire sternly, "and most of the Wonderbolts like to make a flashy entrance, so stay alert."

"Right, no problem!" said Rainbow Dash picking herself up.

Inside of the academy bunk, Soaring and Rainbow Dash were both unpacking. As Soarin began putting items away in his locker, Rainbow Dash glanced at him curiously.

"So do you want to talk about what happened last night," she asked nonchalantly.

"Um no," Soarin replied looking annoyed.

"It seemed like you were upset about something," said Rainbow Dash taking her Wonderbolt's uniform out of her locker.

"Well I wasn't" said Soarin, zipping up his own uniform.

"You know, I bet Thunderlane would go a lot easier on you if you opened up to him." said Rainbow Dash putting on her mask.

"Well it's none of his business," said Soarin walking out the door, "and it's none yours either."

Rainbow dash frowned and quickly raced after him. The two ponies walked about the Wonderbolt's field, fully dressed in their new uniforms. Soarin was quickly getting annoyed of Rainbow Dash following him.

"I mean, come on...What do we really know about each other?" Rainbow Droned on, "I mean, I know you grew up on the streets with Flash and Cheese...But what else is there to Soaring? Where did you come from? Why did you want to be a Wonderbolt so badly?

"Rainbow Dash!" Soarin cried out with a sudden look of horror.

"I'm not stopping till you answer some of my questions," said Rainbow Dash mockingly as she flew ahead of Soarin.

"No it's not that!" said Soarin in a panic.

"Come on buddy just tell me," said Rainbow Dash turning around to face Soarin.

She continued to fly backwards unaware that that she was headed twoards the runway.

"Tell me...Tell me, tell me, tell, me tell me!"

"Rainbow, no! Turn around! You don't understand!" the ponies began talking at once.

Rainbow slowly began flying across the runway, completely unaware of where she was. More importantly she was unaware of the Wonderbolt's who were coming in for a landing.


Before anypony even knew what had happened, Rainbow Dash in a nearby garbage can. Spitfire looked down at the newly disappointed.

"Whoa, most awesome entrance by a newbie ever," said Misty Fly one of the Wonderbolt's who had just landed

"Are you okay, Rainbow Dash?" said Soaring looking concerned.

"More like Rainbow Crash!" said Fleetfoot the other Wonderbolt who had landed.

Rainbow dash blushed as all the ponies around her began to laugh.

The next morning all the new Wonderbolt recruits were warming on the fields preparing for training. Soarin was doing wing exercises himself, when he suddenly noticed somepony was missing.

Soarin trotted back up to the barracks to find Rainbow Dash curled up into a ball in the corner, shivering.

"Uh Rainbow Dash," said Soarin looking confused, "You do remember that team briefing begin at 0720? Don't you?"

"Of course," said Rainbow Dash with a nervous smile, "I just need a few minutes of mental preparation."

Soarin eyed Rainbow Dash suspiciously. He waited patiently for her to put on her new uniform, and then lead her back onto the field. As they trotted out onto the green Soarin couldn't help but notice she was still shivering.

"So," said Soarin, "you're not still upset about what happened yesterday are you?"

"Me!?" said Rainbow Dash in a panic, "Why would I be upset!? You know Rainbow Crash...Dash!! It takes more than a simple Dash...Crash!!...to get me down!"

"Okay," said Soarin unconvinced, "Because you know, everyponys brobably forgot about it by now."

"Looks like Rainbow Crash slept in this morning," said Fleetfoot as she passed them by.

She and Misty Fly chuckled to themselves as Rainbow Dash's face turned red.

As Soarin made his way to runway he suddenly noticed Rainbow Dash wasn't behind him. He turned around to see her curled up in a ball in the grass once again.

"Come on Rainbow Dash.." said Soaring through his teeth. He was biting on her tail desperately trying to pull her towards the runway.

"...We've got to get there before..."

"Cadets!" A loud voice boomed out.

All the new Wonderbolt's recruits suddenly panicked as they raced their way to the runway. Soarin lifted Rainbow Dash over fish shoulders and flew her over just as Spitfire landed.

"You are to report at runway every morning at 0720 on the dot," said Spitfire pacing down the long line of new recruits.

"Anypony who acts otherwise," she continued eyeing Soaring, "Will answer to me..."

Soarin glared at Rainbow Dash, who slinked downwards more embarrassed than ever.

Spitfire the. turns to face the lineup of new Wonderbolt recruits.

"Let's get down to business"

"Become Wonderbolt's"

"Did they send me Stallions," Spitfire eyes a particularly muscular Pegasus who suddenly faints.

"Or a bunch of Colts?"

"You're the saddest bunch I ever met," she says pointing her hooves at the recruits one by one.

"But you can bet before we're through"

Spitfire gets directly into Rainbow Dash's face.

"Pony, I'll make a Bolt out of you"

Beads of sweat start to drip down Dash's face.

The new recruits began doing relays through the cloud rings above as Spitfire watched from down below.

"Tranquil as a raincloud"

"But on fire within"

All of a sudden Rainbow Dash noticed someone's chuckling up at her.

"Once you find your center"

"You are sure to win"

Rainbow Dash was so distracted she crashed into Soaring midair and sent all the recruits crashing down to the ground.

"You're a spineless pale pathetic lot" said Spitfire shaking her head.

"And you haven't got a clue"

"Somehow I'll make a Bolt out of you"

As the large pile of recruits picked themselves up from the ground, they all glared at Rainbow Dash. The blue pegsus' face was glowing redder than ever.

Later on that that day the recruits were flying through a raging thunderstorm, desperately trying to keep up with Spitfire.

"I'm never gonna catch my breath" thought Soaring as he struggled forward.

"Say goodbye to those who knew me" though the muscular pony as he was struck by lightning.

"Why was I a fool in school for cutting gym?" Thought a lavender mare, as the recruits struggle to climb up a mount face without flying.

Later on Spitfire was doing hoof to hoof combat with Rainbow Dash. Soarin watched as Spitfire tossed her aside easily.

"Spitfire's got 'em scared to death!" Though Soarin.

"Hope she doesn't see right through me" Though Rainbow Dash.

"Now I really wish that I knew how to swim" Though a muscular pony as swam through a raging river with the other recruits.

Later that night the recruits were dodging fireworks as they shot up into the sky.

"We must be swift as a bolt of lightning"

(Be a Bolt) Soarin was dodging them easily.

"With all the force of a great typhoon"

(Be a Bolt) Rainbow Dash, not so much.

"With all the strength of the raging thunder" All of a sudden Dash was hit by one.

"Mysterious as the dark side of the moon" She crashed down to the ground right in front of Spitfire who shook her head.

The next morning all the recruits were doing a large amount of pushups. Spitfire was marching over all of them, watching them one by one,

"Time is racing toward us"

" 'Til your day arrives"

"Heed my every order" thought Spitfire as she noticed the muscular pony struggling

"And you might survive" all of a sudden the muscular pony collapsed to the ground.

Spitfire loomed over the muscular pony a glare in her eye. She leaned down and spoke to him directly...

"You're unsuited for the Wonder Corp."

"So pack up, go home, you're through"

"How could I make a Bolt out of you?"

The muscular snowflake quickly trotted away bursting into tears. As Rainbow Dash watched this happen beads of sweat began to drip down her brow.

Days went by and trying went onward.

"We must be swift as a bolt of lightning"

(Be a Bolt) The recruits had all but mastered the relay.

"With all the force of a great typhoon"

(Be a Bolt) Rainbow Dash and Soarin charged through the thunderstorm.

"With all the strength of the raging thunder" The lavender pony and her sister climbed up the mountain face with ease.

"Mysterious as the dark side of the moon" Soarin fought against Spitfire in hoof to hoof combat. This time the stallion was able to knock her back. Spitfire was impressed.

"We must be swift as a bolt of lightning"

(Be a Bolt) Rainbow Dash flew through the fireworks again, this time able to dodge.

"With all the force of a great typhoon"

(Be a Bolt) Both Rainbow and Soaring swam through the raging rapids.

"With all the strength of the raging thunder"

The Wonderbolts recruits all lined up behind Spitfire, all of them giving a salute.

"Mysterious as the dark side of the moon"

Meanwhile back in Tambelon, Thunderlane was chuckling alongside Runble and the Ponyville Boy. All of a sudden, Fluttershy swooped down and took him by the hoof.

"Excuse me Rumble, I need to borrow your brother for a moment."

Rumble and Firstbase watched as Fluttershy dragged him away.

"And that's why I'm never getting a girlfriend," said Rumble.

"We need to talk," said Fluttershy giving her boyfriend the eye, "You were very rude to Soaring the other night, and I think it's high time that you gave him an apology.

Thunderlane frowned, "I am more than willing to make amends with Soarin anytime he wishes...But he must make the first move."

Fluttershy crossed her arms, her cheeks puffing out.

"Oh Thunderlane, why do you always have to be so stubborn..."

"I am not stubborn," corrected Thunderlane, "I am dedicated...Unlike Soarin who never commits to anything."

"Mail call!" said the derpy eyed mail pony from earlier. She opened up her satchel and dumped a large pile of letters atop of Thunderlane and Fluttershy.

As the two pegasi popped their heads out from the pile, Fluttershy opened up a letter addressed to her.

"Well how about that," said Fluttershy giving Thunderlane a cocky look, "According to Rainbow Dash, Soaring just happens to be the top of his class at the academy..."

"What!?" cried out out Thunderlane, his face growing red.

"And what's more...Oh dear," said Fluttershy her expression suddenly changing.

"What is it," said Thunderlane concerned about Fluttershy's change in emotion.

"It says here that Rainbow Dash might not pass the Academy at all!" said Fluttershy in a panic.

Back at the Wonderbolt's Academy, Spitfire was reviewing the cadets progress one by one...

"Excellent work Soarin," said Spirfire reading her clipboard, "you're definitely on your way to the Wonderfbolts."

Soarin blushed a bit embarrassed.

"Cloudchaser, not bad," said Spitfire as she continued down the line of ponies, "Crash..."

Spitfire turned to Rainbow Dash who slunk down silently he face turning red.

"You've got a lot of potential Crash," said Spitfire looking disappointed, "But you need to pick up the pace if you want to make it in the Wonderbolt's. Tomorrow is your last chance to prove yourself. Dismissed!"

The new recruits all flew away one by one heading for the mess hall. All except for Rainbow Dash who slunk away heading back to the barracks. Soaring watched her trot away with concern.

Soarin entered the Barracks only to find Rainbow Dash sulking on her cot with her mask off.

"Okay what is going on with you?" said Soarin.

"Whatever..." said Rainbow Dash.

"Seriously," said Soarin, "In all the time I've known you, I've never once known you to unconfident or unmotivated, especially not when it comes to the Wonderbolt's."

"I said whatever.." snarked Rainbow Dash.

"You've been hounding since the day we got here about my issues," responded Soarin, "So what are your issues?"

"What-Ev-Er!" said Rainbow Dah hiding her head with a pillow.

Soarin frowned and then turned to walk away.

"Whatever yourself, Rainbow Crash."

All of a sudden a bright bolt of blue zoomed out of the cot directly at Soaring. The next thing he knew he found himself pinned against a locker by Rainbow Dash, fire in her eyes.

"Don't You Ever, EVER Call Me That!" She said.

Soarin smiled, "Finally a word beside whatever. Now we're getting somewhere."

Rainbow Dash sighed and let Soarin down from the locker.

"Look don't ever tell Anypony this," said Rainbow Dash, "Cause if you do, I'll deny it...But between you and me, I wasn't always the best flyer.

Soarin rolled his eyes, "I believe it.."

"In fact," said Rainbow Dash choosing to ingnore that, "Back when I was at Junior Speedsters Flight School, I was one of the worst fliers ever!"

"Oh come on," said Soarin, "It couldn't have possibly been that bad."

"Oh yes it was!" said Rainbow Dash tears appearing in the corners of her eyes, "I more times, and into more object than I could ever possibly count! And the other fillies and colts used to call me...!"

"...Rainbow Crash...Rainbow Crash...Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow Crash..."

Floods of past memories began to haunt Rainbow Dash. Pretty soon she curled up in the corner yet again, quivering. Soaring sighed feeling sorry for her.

"Well there are a lot worse things somepony could call you," he stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" said Rainbow Dash picking himself up and and raising an eyebrow.

"I just saying, they could have called you worthless," said the Pegasus stallion his anger growing, "or loser, or a No Good Waste of Space that Would Have Been Better Off IF IT HAD NEVER BEEN...!!!!

Soarin suddenly stopped himself realizing what he had said. Rainbow Dah was looking at him suspiciously concern in her eyes.

"Somepony called you those thing," she said in disbelief.

"No," said Soaring smiling sheepishly, "Of course not! I was just giving an example..."

Rainbow Dash walked over to Soaring looking concerned, "What's going on Soarin?"

"Nothing said Soarin" swiping her hoof away, "Forgot I said anything...It's your life, you live it...I've got to go..."

Soarin scurried his way over to the door. Rainbow Dash watch, an angry look growing on her face.

"Hold on" said Rainbow Dash Zooming over and cutting him off, "I told you what was going on with me! Now you have to tell me what's going on with you! It's only fair!"

Soaring sighed, "Your right, the truth is...

All of sudden, Soaring lifted up for takeoff and zoomed out the window.

"Oh No! You're not Getting away That Easily!" said Rainbow Dash zooming after him.

Rainbow Dash Chased after Soarin with precision and Speed. She chased him through the mess hall where the other cadets were eating. Soarin tossed biscuits at her to try to lose, but Rainbow Dash dodged them easily much to the amazement of the other cadets. She then chased him through the relay course, blowing through it with ease. She even chased him through Spitfire's office, causing stacks of paper to go flying about the room.

Spitfire lowered her glasses as she watched Rainbow Dash zoom out the window off into the night, her jaw literally dropping.

Rainbow Dash flew off to the highest point over the Wonderbolt's Academy. She surveyed the grounds in the dark of the night trying to find Soarin.

"Soarin? Soarin?" she said unable to spot him.

Rainbow Dash raised up and her head and screamed to the highest mountain tops, literally parting the clouds.


From down below, Soarin watched Rainbow Dash, from a nearby bush. A hoof draped in pitch black fabric was wrapped around his muzzle. As Rainbow Dash zoomed away to keep looking, Soaring picked himself up from the bush.

"Thank's for the save, I guess," said Soaring sarcastically, "How'd you manage to sneak your way onto the grounds?"

"You know us," said the pony rolling Soaring out of the bushes.

She wore a uniform just like his, except pitch black and purple. From beneath her mask a lightning orange mane stuck out, as well as a light green muzzle.

"We blend in with the Shadows, that's why they call us Shadowbolts..."

Soarin scowled, "What do you want Lightning Dust?"

The mare smiled, "An old friend wants to see you..."

On a dark part of the mountainside not to far from the Wonderbolt's academy, several ponies in Shadowbolts' uninformes were sitting by an open fire. Lightning Dust led Soarin over to the group.

"Short Fuse...Rolling Thipunder...It's good to see you again..." said Soarin.

"Wish I could say the same," said the crazed looking dark blue Pegasus with a scar under her eye.

"Let me at Him! Let me at Him!" said a tiny red Stallion flying up into the air in a blind rage.

Two other Shadowbolts had to hold him back. Soaring rolled his eyes at the same old scene.

"You guys have a lot of guts have a lot of guts camping out this close to the Wonderbolt's Academy.." said Soarin.

"You're one to talk," a mysterious voice said.

From out of the shadows, an aged Pegasus in a bomber jacket appeared. He had a light blue coat and a graying mane.

"Wind Rider," said Soaring in disbelief, a twinge of fear on his face.

The leader of the Shadowbolt's approached Soarin, a cocky smile on his face.

"That uniform on you kid," Wind Rider said as he paced Soarin, "Almost as good as it looked on me. Gotta say I was impressed to hear that Wonderbolt's actually offered you a spot. Never thought I'd see that day. Only problem is, you decided to side against us..."

Wind Rider suddenly turned to look Soarin directly in the eye.

"You really are such a disappointment..."

Soarin glared back at the old Stallion, gritting his teeth.

"Right back at you Dad!"

Wind Rider smiled down at his son for a moment, then turned around to continue pacing.

"You could have been a great Shadowbolts," continued Wind Rider, "One of the best! But you just had to run away from home like a scared little filly..."

The other Shadowbolts all snickered around Soarin.

"Great?" asked Soarin raising an eyebrow, "One of the Beast? Gee dad, you've called me a lot of name over the years, but those two defined weren't among them."

"Is that what this is all about?" said Wind Rider nonchalantly, "I was tough on you. You have to be thought to be the best."

"You mean best at being a lackey for Sombra?!" said Soarin.

"Hey now, we're a freelance agency," said Wind Rider looking offended, "We work for whoever pays us."

Soarin glared at his farther not buying it.

"But now that you mention it," said Wind Rider, "Sombra has recently commissioned us with a very important mission..."

"Which is?" said Soarin raising an eyebrow.

"Long story short," said Wind Rider, "Sombra is on precipice of something big, and he needs the Wonderbolt's out the picture to accomplish it. We've got all our chapters from Manehatten to Las Pegasus poised and for the attack. The only problem is that the Wonderbolts have an alarm system, in case emergency. If any creature even attempt to attack their base of operations, the Royal Guard will be there to back them up in seconds..."

"How unfortunate for your payday..." said Soarin.

"That's where you come in kid," stated Wind Rider.

"Excuse me?" snapped Soarin.

"It's quite simple," continued Wind Rider, "You sneak into the control room. You cut the wires to the alarms. We storm the base, and nopony is ever the wiser...They don't even have to now you helped us. Good thing you were enrolled when you did, otherwise we'd all be in big trouble."

The Shadowbolts all chuckled.

Sorain then chuckled. "You guys thinks funny huh? You though I'd honestly help you!?"

"Excuse me?" Said Wind Rider

"You the same old stallion that you were when I left you." Said Soarin "Will to do anything to get a head, that's how you git kicked out of the wonderbolts, I dont plan on making the same mistakes, So forget!"

"You my boy, we've could have cut you in. But you made your choice." Siad Wind Rider. "But how for a girlfriend?"

Wind Rider then revealed a bound and gagged Rainbow Dash.

"Dash!" Soarin said in shock.

"Don't move!" Wind said "One step closer and this filly loses a wing."

One of the Shadowbolts who was holding her pulled out a a feather from her wing.

Soarin and RD locked eyes with each other for a moment. Then Soarin sigh, "You win."

"Of course I do I always win." Said Wind Rider.

The next day Back in Tamplon Castle, the remaining stallions, mares, and Spike were in the dining room having breksfest.

"This is bad, This bad, This is bad!" Pinkie said repeatedly pacing about left and right. "Rainbow Dash is not going to be a Wonderbolt!"

"Pinkie chill!" Cheese said stuffing a relaxing pancake in her mouth. "RD is our friend too and we are all just as worried about her right guys."

The others ponies all nodded their heads in agreement.

"And I'm sorry but panicking about is not going to get us any sing."

"Okay," Pinkie said after she finished swallowing her pancake.

All of a sudden, a lightbulb popped up over the pink ponies head.

"But what if we were there to support her in pony!"

The other ponies all looked at each other and than at Flash.

"Well today is our day off," thought Flash, "And I've always wanted to see the Wonderbolts HQ."

"So have I," agreed Twilight, "Anypony else?"

"I'm in!" agreed Applejack.

"I'm in!" agreed Rarity.

"I'm in!" agreed Spike.

"I'm out!" said Thunderlane reading his newspaper.

"Oh no you're not." said Fluttershy giving him the stare, "After all you do owe Soarin an apology mister."

"Aright maybe I was a littler hard on him." Thunderlane Admitted groaning "I'll go an apologized to the guy..."

"Then It's settled" Twilight declared. "We'll all go to support our friend Rainbow Dash and Soarin! TrenderHoof, get the Blimp!"

TrenderHoof rolled his eyes twoards TroubleShoes, "Why do we always have to take them places?"

Meanwhile at the Shodowbolts hideout, Rainbow Dash was still bound and gagged next to the camp fire. Short Fuse and Rolling Thunder wereguarding her.

"I don't believe this guard duty!?" The short pegasus yelled, "WE should be out there, breaking things!"

"Will you relax," The taller dark blue mare said, "It's just a simple job, watch this shela."

"Well it's not like she's going anywhere." Short Fuse replied "Look she's literally tied up, Hooves and wings! We even gagged her to shut her up."

"Mmm! Mmmm!" Was all Rainbow Dash could say.

"Still can't believe Soarin got himself a girlfriend," Short Fuse said "I mean the guys ego is huge."

Rainbow was blushing at what he just said.

"Well given what I've heard, this one's ego is even bigger," chuckled Rolling Thunder.

Rainbow growled at what she said.

"Well then, quit your whining," said Rolling Thunder, "We're only watching this one until Commander Windrider gets back. As for old Clipper he's going to regret the day he ever left."

Back at the Wonderbolts Academy

Soarin was walking though the fields, upset at himself of what his about to do.

"If only there was someway out of this," he thought to himself, "At least nopony I know is here to see this..."

"Yo Soarin," a familiar voice called out.

Soarin turned to see Flash, Thunderlane, and the rest of the gang all there on field.

"Hey, it's everypony I know..." said Soarin sheepishly.

"Glad to see you buddy," said Flash trotting over to him, "We all came up to support you and RD!"

"By the way, have you seen Rainbow Dash!" asked Twilight, "We've been asking around and nopony has seen her since last night."

Soarin glances upwards. High above the training fields, a tiny grey storm cloud hovered ominously. A bolt of lightning flashed within it revealing the silhouettes of Wind Rider and Lightning Dust.

"Rainbow Dash," said Soarin sweating nervously, "I don't know what to tell you. I haven't seen RD all day..."

Thunderlane looked at Soarin curiously, his eyebrow slowly raising upwards.

"Anyway," said Soarin pacing in place, "I gotta get going. Spitfire wants to see me in my office or something..."

Soarin quickly trotted away leaving the others dazed and confused.

"Well that was a bit huffy," said Fluttershy, "Wasn't it Thunderlane?"

Fluttershy turned only to see that Thunderlane had disappeared.


Soarin race across the academy trying to get as far away from his friends as possible. When he finally he'd made a safe distance, leaned back against the wall, of a barrack his heart pounding as he tried to catch his breath.

"Ahem," a voice said.

Soarin looked up to see Thunderlane floating just above him.

"What's going on," the Stallion asked as he land himself.

"Going on," said Soarin nervously, "Nothing's going on."

"The tone of your voice, the sweat on your brow, and the fact that you can't eye contact all suggest otherwise," said Thunderlane.

Soarin sighed heavily, "...Just try not to judge me too much alright."

Back at the hideout Short Fuse just about ready to blow his top.

"How long down does it take to shut down an alarm system?" the pony said turning redder than usual.

The Shadowbolt was so preoccupied, he failed to notice Rainbow Dash chewing through her gag.

"Relax mate," said Rowling Thunder, " We called our old pal Clipper under of hoof."

"Clipper this! Clipper that!" said Short Fuse ranting, "I don't even see why we need Clipper in the first place!?"

"Excuse me," a voice chimes up.

The two Shadowbolt's turned to see Rainbow Dash, her muzzle now free.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you keep calling Soaring Clipper?" the pony said with an innocent smile.

"Oh it was hilarious," said Short Fuse chuckling, "On his first day of flight training, the guy clipped his wing on a flag pole, and he had to spend an entire week in the infirmary."

"Oh, so that's why you call him Clipper," said Rainbow Dash, "That's really small thinking..."

A sudden look of blind fury crossed Short Fuse's face.

"What did you just say?" the pony asked.

"Nothing," said Rainbow Dash, "I'm just saying it's small thinking."

Short Fuse, suddenly left up into the air and pinned Rainbow Dash against the wall.

"Easy Short Fuse," said Rolling Thunder, "she's just trying to mess with you."

"I don't care!" said Short Fuse, "I'm about to teach this pony a lesson she'll never forget."

"Stallion's first," said Rainbow Dash revealing her hooves were free.

She quickly use her hind legs to kick Short Fuse right into Rolling Thunder, causing them to both to land on the bonfire.

"YeeeeeAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!" They both shouted.

Rainbow Dash quickly soared away, as the two Shadowbolts race about with their tails on fire.

Back at the Wonderbolt's Academy, Soarin had just reached a large door that said control room. He opened it to find a Pegasus in a blue cap sitting before a number of screens.

"Hey you're not supposed to be in here," the guard said.

"Commander Spitfire wants to see you," said Soarin, "Say's it's urgent."

A panicked look crossed the guards face as he quickly race out of the room. Soaring slowly trotted over to the control panel, his focus on a large flashing button that said 'Alarm System'. The stallion gave a heavy sigh and then pressed the button.

Up in the sky Wind Rider and Lightning Dust looked down from their storm cloud.

"That's the signal," said Wind Rider, "Go! Go! Go!"

One by one Shadowbolts began to peek their heads from out of the clouds. Hundred's and hundred's of Shadowbolts.

Down below Twilight, Flash, and the others were bumming about wondering when Soarin and Thinderlane would could back. All of a sudden a darks shadow was cast over the whole academy. Ponies looked up in terror to see legions after legion of Shadowbolts headed straight for the academy.

"Invasion!" shouted Spitfire, "Sound the Alarm!"

Sirens sounded out of the numerous megaphones that surrounded the camp. One by one the Wonderbolt's put on their uniforms and charged at the oncoming assult. Twilight and the other's watched as Shadowbolts and Wonderbolts did battle in the skies above.

"What's going on?" asked Twilight in a panic.

"It's the Shadowbolt's," said Rainbow Dash making a quick landing, "Their invading the academy!"

"Come on! We've got to help!" said Flash Sentry drawing his sword.

He quickly flew up horde of Shadowbolt's, Twilight Sparkle right behind him blasting out bolt's of magic. Back on the ground Cheese and Pinkie fired their party cannon and oncoming hordes. Troubleshoes and Applejack tried to lasso as many as Shadowbolt's as they could. Trenderhoof, flew his blimp directly into to horde while Rairty and Spike fired the cannons.

Fluttery tried to join on the fight alongside Rainbow Dash. All of a sudden a bright flash of orange, pinned Fluttershy down to ground. Rainbow Dash looked down to see Lightning Dust on top of her oldest friend.

"You leave her alone," said Rainbow Dash charging down right at her.

Just as she about to reach her, another Shadowbolt pinned Rainbow Dash to the ground.

One by one the rest of the Mane Six, stallions, and Wonderbolts were pinned down as well. Even Commander Spitfire was brought to her knees. As the dust settles Wind Rider brought himself in for a landing, and trotted right over to Spitfire.

"Well, well," said Wind Rider, "If it isn't my favorite student."

"Wind Rider," said Spitfire gritting her teeth, "You traitor..."

"I still can't believe they gave you my old job," said Wind Rider dusting off his hoof, "You were barely a filly when I left the Wonderbolts."

"You didn't leave," said Spitfire, "You were kicked for leading an invasion on the Storm Kingdom!"

"Hey, somebody had to put that old goat in his place," said Wind Rider, "Not my fault things went wrong..."

"We're running the Wonderbolt's Academy now," said Spitfire still on top of Fluttershy, "And we think we're gonna like it here!"

"I don't think so..." a voice said.

Everypony suddenly looked up to see Soarin and Thunderlane, the entire Canterlot Royal Guard behind them, including Balius and Xanthus.

"What!?" said Wind Rider in disbelief, "But how!??"

"Soaring told me all about your invasion," said Thunderlane, "While he was distracting by shutting off the Alarm, I was out getting the Canterlot Royal Guard..."

"Are you going to get off our mountain?" said Xanthus raising an eyebrow.

"Or are we gonna have to make ya!?" said Balius with a wicked grin.

The Shadowbolt's all looked at each other.

"RUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!!!" one of them leaping up into the air terrified.

All at once, the Shadowbolt's flew up into the air, trying to get as far away from the academy as they could.

"Get back Here!" said Lightning Dust shouting up her comrades, "You Cowards!"

Wind Rider shielded his eyes from the dust of fleeing comrades. As it settled, Soarin and Thunderlane landed right in front of him.

"It's over Commander," said Soarin sarcastically.

"You think so, Cadet," said Wind Rider with a cocky smile, "It's might interest the Wonderbolt's to know that their newest recruit is..."

"Your son," said Thunderlane abruptly.

A stunned look crossed Wind Rider's face.

"He told me shortly after he filled me in on your invasion," said Thunderlane.

"We don't judge ponies by who they're related to around here," said Spitfire coming to Soarin's defense, "Just by the strength of their character."

Wind Rider looked around the campus. Literally everypony in the air and on solid ground was glaring at him. He was clearly outnumbered and unwanted.

"Hehehe," said Wind Rider chuckling to himself, "This isn't over..."

And just like that, he and Lightning Dust took off into the sky.

Later that day the Royal Guard was tending to the wounded all over the Campus. The Mane Six, Stallions, and Spike were gathered near the Barracks relaxing.

"You know, you could have just told us that huge jerk was your dad," said Flash to his buddy.

"I didn't want you to judge me," said Soarin, "Anymore so than usual."

Fluttershy glared at Thunderlane. The Stallion sighed and stepped forward.

"It's not easy for me to admit when I'm wrong," said Thunderlane, "But when I am, I admit it. Soarin, you are a dedicated and truly loyal friend. You're going to make a great Wonderbolt."

Soarin smiled.

"I'm glad to hear that," said Soarin slyly, "Because now that I'm a Wonderbolt, I'm going to need somepony my guard shifts for the next two weeks. We had a bet remember?"

"Actullay," sighed Thunderlane, "I was hoping you'd forget."

"CRASH!" a voice called out.

Everypony turned to see Spitfire storming over to them. Beads of sweat began to drip down Rainbow Dash.

"I want to talk to you about what happened last night!" said Spitfire getting right up in her face.

Rainbow Dash sighed, "I'm really, really sorry..."

"You'd better be sorry," said Spitfire, "Why didn't you tell me you could fly like that?"

"What?" asked Rainbow Dash confused.

"Why haven't you been flying like that this whole time?" continued Spitfire, "Have you been holding out on us?"

"But, I thought guys didn't want me on the Wonderbolt's," said Rainbow Dash.

"Are you kidding me," said Spitfire looking at her and Soaring, "We've wanted you both ever since you helped stop Sombra."

"But, you kept calling me Rainbow Crash," said Dash blushing.

"So," said Spitfire, "We all have embarrassing nicknames. It's kind of a tradition here."

"Wait, seriously," said Rainbow Dash in disbelief.

"You wanna know what my nickname is," said Spitfire with a smile.

She leaned in and whispered into Rainbow Dash's ear.

"Whoa!" said Rainbow Dash in shock, "That is so much worse than Rainbow Crash."

"Well," said Soarin putting a wing over Dash's shoulder, "It looks like you'll be a Wonderbolt after all Rainbow Crash."

"You too Clipper," said Dash with a sly smile.

A looke of panic suddenly crossed Soarin's face.

"Who told you?" he said glaring at her.

"Short Fuse," Rainbow Dash said slyly.

"I'm gonna kill him," said Soarin furious.

Everypony laughed except for Soarin.

High over the skies of Equestria, Wind Rider and Lighting Dust flew away.

"Well that was a total bust," said Lightning Dust in a huff.

"Not entirely," said Wind Rider Cockily.

He pulled out a large key with the letter S and L on the handle.

"I snuck this out of the Wonderbolt's vault," he said, "I have a feeling Sombra's gonna pay a hefty price for it..."