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Wild Canyon

*Applejack's POV*

I was pacin' 'round and Principal Celestia noticed me.

Rarity asks "Anyone seen Sonic, Roll, Michiru, Danyelle, Rainbow or Vice-Principal Luna?"

Celestia asks "Knowing her, she's concerned about her family, one of them being Sonic at the moment. So she went off. But what troubles you, Applejack?"

"It's Knuckles, he's doin' his job again and that worries me." Ah answered.

Nazuna spoke "The five haven't come back yet... And I'm worried about my friend."

Celestia spoke "I may be able to teleport you to them, but my magic might be a bit rusty."

Sonia spoke "No great auntie, I sense the five of them got caught by G.U.N."

Celestia facepalmed. "Why did I not see that coming?"

Shirou growls "They did WHAT?!?!?!?!?"

Celestia spoke "Shirou, calm down. If you go there and attack in a frenzy, things will only get worse."

Though invisible, a brown haired male spoke "They took my friend too."

Pinkie asks "Oh, who’re you?"

The male spoke "Oh sorry, you kinda can't see me right now since I'm invisible. It's sort of a trick that Latias and Latios beastmen have to avoid being spotted."

Celestia spoke "Ah, right. Poké-Beastmen prefer to hide themselves from both humans and Beastmen."

The male spoke "Latias and Latios Poké-Beastmen are on the verge of extinction though. I'm Lan Hikari by the way."

Celestia spoke "I see."

Lan spoke "I'm worried about Maylu..."

Pinkie giggles "Ya love her, don’t ya?"

Lan spoke "*blushing* Yeah..."

Kita's left ear twitches.

Kita asks "Hey dad, you hear that howl?"

Shirou spoke "…Yeah."

Rarity spoke "It sounded like a wolf...."

Celestia spoke "Hmm... Perhaps I should teleport one of you to where that howl originated from."

Rarity spoke "Wait, I wanted to show something."

I spoke "That might have been Knux though, he's a Direwolf beastman."

Rarity giggles "Then you can give him this and don't worry, I made it comfortable for beastmen."

Rarity gave me a box.

Rarity spoke "*Smirk* Besides, I bet you'd think he'll look dashing in it."

I spoke "RARITY!"

Rarity teasingly stuck her tongue out. "Don't leave your knight in shining armor waiting."

I growl "Ah hate ya so much right now Rarity..."

Celestia spoke "Whenever you're ready, Applejack."

I spoke "Very well."

I give Rarity the stink eye before being teleported to where Knuckles was.

Knuckles asks "AJ? How'd you get here?"

I spoke "School principal's an alicorn beastman. Plus the Latios has one o' the shards yer lookin' fer."

Knuckles spoke "Well, as long as this Latios doesn't do anything with that shard, I'll let it slide. But right now, we need to find three in this environment."

Then I remembered the gift I had.

I spoke "Lan's just a kid though but that pesky batgirl wouldn't dare agitate 'im. And Ah heard that Sonic, Roll and three others got caught by GUN... Oh, this is fer ya though, Rarity made it."

Knuckles asks "He ran into her too?"

I spoke "Oh heavens no, Latios Beastmen tend to be aggressive if angered."

I gave Knuckles the box as he opened, revealing a glide suit.

Knuckles spoke "This’ll definitely help me get around, especially if that bat girl can fly."

I tease "If ya weren't mah boyfriend, Ah could have sworn ya had it bad fer the batgirl."

Knuckles spoke "Hey! She was after the Master Emerald! Eggman would’ve gotten away with it if I didn’t shatter the Master Emerald myself."

I giggle "Ah was just teasin' ya though ya knucklehead but yer mah knucklehead."

I give Knuckles a kiss on the cheek.

Knuckles spoke "*Playfully punches my shoulder* Hehe, don’t make me pound ya when this is over."

I blushed madly, knowin’ what he meant by that as he started putting the suit on.

I spoke "Ya dummy."

*Moan* It started becomin’ harder ta control myself as I was glad to have taken a birth control pill. But when I saw Knuckles wearin’ the glide suit fully, I… I couldn’t hold myself back no more!

Knuckles asks "You okay AJ?"

I then tackled Knuckles to the ground as my tail was waggin’ nonstop. “The pieces can wait, Knuxy-Wuxy.”

Knuckles spoke "There's no goin' back after this ya know."

“Don’t worry, Knux. Ah’m in heat, so ya can have yer way with me.” I assured my lover.

*Some time later*

I yawn a bit "Hey Knux."

Knuckles asks "*Pant* Yeah?"

I spoke "We should go find those shards before the pain in the neck bat finds them."

Knuckles spoke "Right. Let’s go."

The two o’ us got our clothes back on before Ah noticed another glide suit in the box, and it was fer me as Ah saw a note on it from Rarity.

Can’t let your lover fly alone, can I?

I mentally groan "{I hate that cat...}"

I then put the glide suit on before noticin’ Knuckles blushin’ at me.

I tease "Like what ya see Knux?"

Knuckles shook his head, snappin’ himself out of it. “It does look good on ya, Jackie. But let’s go.”

I giggled as we started the hunt and found a piece right in front of a giant floor fan.

I swoop down to grab the shard before riding the wind back up.

Knuckles spoke "There may be more shards above ground."

I glided to a flat rock before throwing up what I had recently eaten.

I groan "Ah should've known that the pill wasn't tested for Beastmen yet..."

I noticed Knuckles flying up before gliding down as I followed him before we climbed up and found a chest. My boyfriend punched it open, revealing a piece as he grabbed it.

Knuckles spoke "One more to go."

I spoke "Ah'm gonna have ta talk wit' Redheart after this."

We then glided to the “Lonely Statue” area before climbing the rocks as we smelled a piece close and got onto a platform above, finding the scent comin’ from a flying robot as it readied ta fire at us.

I lifted a small chunk of rock before throwing it at the robot, downing it.

Knuckles then leapt at the robot before punching it, making it blow up as he got the last piece of the area. “We’ve found them!”

“Yeehaw!” I whooped.

Knuckles spoke "Yeah! This is perfect!"

I noticed that something was off about the sun and moon.

I ask "Is that normal?"

Knuckles spoke "Not sure, but we should get back to the others before heading out again."

I spoke "Yeah."

The two o’ us then started heading back to Canterlot City and Canterlot High.

I spoke "Hold on Knuckles, it won't be easy gettin' back into Canterlot City with the beastmen haters around."

Then my phone rang as I brought it out, seein' that Principal Celestia was callin'.

"Yeah?" I asked.

Celestia asks "Did you find out what was going on?"

I explained nearly everything to Celestia.

Celestia spoke "Since we're communicating right now, I should be able to teleport you and Knuckles back to Canterlot High."

I spoke "Ah don' think that'd be a good idea though Principal Celestia... Ah don' wanna risk throwin' up again."

Celestia spoke "I know, but this is the safest way to get through the anti-beastmen."

*Sigh* Had ta admit, she had a good point.

I spoke "Mah stomach's a tad queasy."

Knuckles gave me an empty vomit bag. "Just in case."

I spoke "Thanks..."

The both of us were teleported back to Canterlot High as I felt my stomach gurglin', but I managed to keep it in.

I immediately threw up into the bag.

"Welp... *Urp!* Better see Nurse Redheart..." I groaned with a green face.
