• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 306 Views, 6 Comments

The Hidden Story 2.0 - Cryogenii

What really happened when Luna was banished? What happened when she returned?

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A Voice in the Darkness

Nearly a thousand years had passed since Luna's banishment to the desolate moon. Time on that barren world moved differently, its eternal silence and vast emptiness a stark contrast to the vibrant and ever-changing realm of Equestria. Luna had endured countless mortal lifetimes of solitude, her once ethereal presence now bearing the scars of isolation.

The stars above had witnessed her suffering, as they glimmered in that unending night. The moon's surface, pocked with craters and untouched by the passage of time, bore the weight of her existence. Luna's once-majestic form had withered, her mane and tail flowing like a ghostly wisp in the void.

Her heartache and longing for her sister, for the kingdom she had co-ruled, remained a constant torment. In the depths of her isolation, Luna yearned for redemption, for a chance to mend the bond she had broken, and to rekindle the unity that had once defined the harmony of Equestria.

In this timeless prison, Luna's soul bore the weight of her past mistakes, and the passage of nearly a thousand years had etched a profound transformation upon her, one that left her dreaming for the day when she might return to the world she had lost.

In the timeless void of her lunar exile, Luna's only companions were the celestial bodies that danced across the night sky. The stars and planets, like a well-worn ritual of a loving family, performed their eternal journeys before her eyes. Their celestial paths, etched across the heavens, had become as familiar to Luna as her own heartbeat, their motions a testament to the relentless passage of time.

Each night, they weaved their intricate patterns, their movements a comforting reminder of the world she had lost. Luna's gaze, unable to wander elsewhere, remained fixed on this celestial ballet. The lines and trails they traced had long since burned themselves into her memory, a constant presence that provided solace in her unending isolation.

For many centuries, she watched as they rose and set, a silent audience to their celestial performance. They whispered stories of forgotten nights, the ebb and flow of seasons, and the timeless beauty of the universe. And while she longed for the return of her sister and the land she had once co-ruled, in the silent company of the stars, Luna found a unique kind of solace amidst the desolation of the moon.

On the silent expanse of the moon, each point of light in the night sky became more than just a distant star; they became companions to Luna's solitude. Over the centuries of her banishment, she had imbued each celestial body with a voice and a personality, a creation of her own mind in the absence of any other company. In the quiet hours of the eternal night, these imagined conversations were her only refuge, her only respite from the crushing loneliness.

Each star, each planet, had become a friend to her, their unique voices and quirks bringing a semblance of life to the desolate void. The brightest star, she imagined, had a gentle, calming tone—a reassuring presence in her solitude. A distant planet, glimmering faintly, was the quiet thinker, offering wise counsel in the stillness of the lunar night. The constellations, interweaving their stories across the vast canvas of space, became her storytellers, recounting tales of distant galaxies and forgotten worlds.

In the depths of her isolation, Luna had come to know these imagined personalities intimately. Their voices, though products of her own mind, brought a semblance of connection, a fragile thread to the world she had once known. They became her confidants, her companions, and the keepers of the stories that had kept her mind from succumbing entirely to the darkness of her exile.

And so, in the endless expanse of the moon, Luna found friendship in the imagined conversations of her celestial companions, their voices a lifeline in the eternal night, a reminder of the bonds she had lost and the world she still longed to return to.

As Luna contemplated the changes that might have unfolded in Equestria during her centuries of exile, her thoughts drifted through the vast chasm of time. She wondered how her beloved kingdom had fared under the rule of her sister's dictatorship, a regime she had once fought against but had been powerless to alter from her desolate prison.

Had society managed to prosper under the uncompromising rule of her elder sister, or had the weight of autocracy stifled the very spirit of the land? Luna's heart ached with uncertainty, for she could scarcely imagine the paths Equestria might have taken in her absence. It was a realm she had once known intimately, but the passage of time had the power to transform even the most familiar landscapes.

In her isolation, Luna had often found herself consumed by questions. Had the ponies of Equestria been content, or had whispers of discontent grown into a revolutionary force seeking to set them free from the dictatorship? The idea of a rebellion offered a glimmer of hope, but she couldn't be certain if it had ever materialized or if her subjects had endured the unyielding rule for all these centuries.

Her longing to know and the thirst for understanding, remained unquenched, leaving her to contemplate the vast and inscrutable expanse of time she had been separated from the world she had once co-ruled.

In the stasis of her prison, a subtle change began to permeate Luna's existence. For how long it had been there, she couldn't discern, but over time, the interruption had grown in clarity and urgency. There was something new, something compelling, tugging away at her consciousness—a voice unlike any she had known during her centuries of isolation. It was a voice that had once been filled with rage and vengefulness, but now, it seemed transformed into something different, something that Luna couldn't quite place.

This voice, once an embodiment of bitterness and anger, now held a quality of understanding, of empathy. It had mellowed with the passage of time, just as Luna herself had. It seemed to be calling out to her, not in wrath, but in a plea for reconciliation.

In the stillness of the moon, Luna's heart quickened as she listened to this new, yet familiar voice. It was as if a door had opened, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of her enduring solitude. The change in this voice hinted at the possibility of redemption, of a chance to heal the wounds of the past.

And so, in the eerie silence of her lunar exile, Luna found herself drawn to this voice, this transformation that held the promise of a future she had scarcely dared to hope for.

“Can you hear me sister? Oh please speak to me, let me know that your mind isn’t truly lost”, came a melodious voice which held warmth and compassion within it.

“Thou… thou art real?” stammered Princess Luna, barely knowing how to bring forth the words in her mind.

“Yes Sister. I have been calling to you from the darkness, pleading for you to hear my voice. I feared you were lost.”

“Lost? Where else could We be?” came the weak reply, "Our imprisonment is eternal."

“You had not answered in such a long time, Sister.” the speaker seemed to be overwhelmed. "We could not reach you."

“Thy voice was hidden in the voices of the cosmos. Alone here there are so many speaking to Us. The stars and planets. The screams of comets. The Tantabus.”

Celestia paused, uncertain of whether her sister’s mind was irretrievably broken. “You are alone Sister, and have been for neigh on a millenia.”

“Sister? We had a sister… but art Thou the dictator of Equestria?”

“Oh Luna, so much time has passed and I need you. I've grown and see the mistakes I made, and that you've paid the price for the folly of my youth. This path that I chose has placed such a heavy burden upon me."

Luna almost scoffed at the thought that her sister could even contemplate comparing the toll of ruling Equestria for a thousand years to that of her banishment to the moon, a literal vacuum devoid of any freedoms. In the face of Celestia's declaration that she had grown, that she was no longer the power-hungry filly of their past, Luna grappled with a mixture of emotions.

Could her sister still harbour anger over the act of rebellion, an act committed during a time when they were both different ponies, separated by a lifetime of change? Luna had spent centuries in isolation, her heart heavy with regret and longing for reconciliation. She couldn't help but wonder whether Celestia had carried the bitterness of those past events, refusing to see the changes that time had wrought in her own sister.

Inwardly, Luna was torn by conflicting thoughts. On one hoof, she yearned for the bridge of understanding and healing to span the chasm between them. Yet, on the other hoof, the revelation left her with a nagging doubt about whether Celestia's wounds from the past ran deeper than she had anticipated. The passage of time should have allowed for forgiveness and transformation, but Luna couldn't help but question whether the memory of that rebellion still held its grip on their relationship, despite Celestia's claims of growth and change.

"So what doth thou desire of Us?" Luna asked, trying not to offend and lose this unprecedented spark of company.

“I've sensed a coming darkness,” Celestia replied, “there is a storm approaching that will threaten Equestria. To have the power of three alicorns to draw on may be necessary, and a greater number if it were possible”

“Three alicorns, Sister?” exclaimed Luna in surprise, “dost this mean Thou have another in Equestria as we speak?”

“There is, yes,” came the astonishing answer, “she has recently ascended… Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.”

“Much has changed,” came Luna's wistful reply, “and We know naught of it. Is this all, Sister? Thou desire an army to command?”

“No sister, I believe we will need more than this,” Celestia sighed, “we will need powerful allies and to marshal ancient powers. We need to restore the Elements.”

If Luna could breath, this would've elicited a sharp intake of breath. “What hast befallen the Elements of Harmony, Sister? They seemed to be of great power when Thou bested Us.”

“My use of the elements that night… defiled them,” confessed Celestia, “to use them as weapons of vengeance was not what they were meant to be. They have been inert ever since.”

Luna's heart hammered as she tried to process this news; if she could only have slipped her chains, then Celestia would've been defenceless. A millennia of torture could've been averted. The indignation of this boiled up in her heart, and it took all her reserves to calm her mind as she addressed her sister once more. “Can the Elements be rekindled? Dost Thou have a plan for this?”

“I do, yes,” answered the elder alicorn, “are you willing to help me defend Equestria?”

“We are sure that there are conditions Thou wisheth to be met. What are Thy terms, Sister?” Asked Luna, “what tithe must We pay?”

“You must swear fealty to me”, Celestia replied. “If you will accept that My rule is absolute and serve me, then I wish for you to once again be the custodian of the night and my right hoof on the throne.”

Luna expressed her surprise, “Thou wish that We proclaim Our fealty to Thee and kneel at Thine pleasure? In exchange for this Thou will release Us from our chains?”

“Yes, Sister”, said Celestia. There was a long pause, as Luna seemed to be overcome by the prospect of freedom. Her heart longed for the land she had been separated from for centuries, for the realm she had once co-ruled with her sister. The idea of returning home, of shedding the shackles of her exile, was a tantalising dream that beckoned her with the promise of redemption.

But as she considered her options, a fierce internal battle raged within her. On one side stood the fear of living with the shame of her own perceived weakness, the idea that she would have to submit to return home. It gnawed at her pride, the thought of bowing to her sister's terms, of admitting her rebellion had been in vain. The spectre of that humiliation loomed large, casting a shadow over the allure of freedom.

On the other side lay the harsh reality of the consequences of her defiance. If she chose not to submit, she would be condemning herself to eternal imprisonment, a solitary exile on the moon. Her pride and stubbornness could potentially result in an immortal lifetime of solitude, a punishment perhaps even harsher than what she had already endured.

In that moment of contemplation, the weight of the decision pressed upon Luna, and she found herself caught between the hope of freedom and the bitterness of pride, her heart torn by the choices before her. The outcome of her decision would shape the course of her future and the destiny of her kingdom.

Celestia's heart raced and she unconsciously held her breath, waiting for Luna's response to her offer. The weight of uncertainty hung in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to suspend time itself. The question that loomed over Celestia was whether her sister could ever acquiesce to her wishes after all these years of estrangement.

It had been so long, if the bitterness and resentment that led to Luna's rebellion had continued to burn for all these years it seemed impossible that there could be reconciliation. The thought of mending the bonds that had been broken, felt like an impossible dream. The scars of the past ran deep, and Celestia couldn't help but wonder if they were too entrenched to be healed.

Would Luna accept what Celestia was offering, on her terms? It was a question that weighed heavily on both their hearts, a pivotal moment that could determine the course of their relationship, and the future of Equestria. The answer remained shrouded in uncertainty, a decision that would shape the destiny of both sisters and their kingdom.

Finally Luna spoke again, “We will do as Thou wish, Sister. To be free to move and draw breath will make the bondage of serving Thou seem like nothing.”

“Oh Sister, you will see I have become a kind and just monarch. I’m not the monster you feared all those centuries ago."

“Release Us then, that I may be amongst Thy loving subjects.”

“If only it was so simple as a remorseful sister, forgiven and returned from banishment,” Celestia said, her voice tinged with sadness. Luna's heart sank as the weight of her sister's words began to settle in, "the story of your banishment has changed with so many tellings. You are the villain in my subjects' imagination."

"How can this be," gasped Luna, the joy at the prospect of returning home was eclipsed by the stark reality of how the world had come to see her, "We acted for naught but the defence of Our subjects, and paid a heavy price for that love"

"What was the nightmare on the moon has become a tale of a monster known as Nightmare Moon," Celestia continued, her voice heavy with regret. "The cult of personality that has grown around me has painted you as a tyrannical force, defeated by My righteousness."

The realisation struck Luna like a lightning bolt. She had been transformed from the princess she once was into a mythical creature, a feared and misunderstood entity that haunted the tales and nightmares of the ponies she had once loved. The pain of knowing that her name had become synonymous with darkness and fear was a heavy burden to bear.

The truth had been twisted and distorted in her absence. The world had turned her into a legend, an embodiment of darkness, while Celestia was hailed as the virtuous ruler who had vanquished this evil by her acolytes.

“Nay Sister, 'tis not true!" Howled, the anguished prisoner, "We quarrelled over Thine own desire for tyranny.”

Celestia paused, as she wrestled with the complex emotions that had been defined by their history. The sting of her sister's betrayal still cut deep, a wound that had yet to fully heal. However, in the silence of that moment, she also needed to confront the truth—the role her own desires, a millennia ago, had played in their shared tragedy.

It was an admission she could no longer avoid. The ambition she had harboured to be the supreme monarch of all Equestria had caused Luna immeasurable pain, a torment that extended beyond mere years or centuries. It was a torture that would've destroyed a lesser being than an alicorn, but instead, Luna's very immortality had perpetuated her suffering.

Celestia understood that the scars ran deep on both sides, and she was no exception to the toll their choices had taken. In that moment of reflection, she carried the weight of her own past actions, the realisation that her aspirations had set in motion a chain of events that had led to her sister's exile and the lasting pain Luna had endured.

“Yes Sister, but history is written for the victorious. And so, you became the monster.” sighed Celestia regretfully. She conjured an image of Nightmare Moon into her sister's mind, a haunting visage of Luna's reputation, into her sister's mind.

As Luna gazed upon the spectral image, she couldn't help but feel a profound sadness more than the rage that had threatened to overcome her. The reality of the perception that had been crafted around her name felt like a mortal blow. She had become a symbol of fear and darkness, a distorted reflection of her true self.

"How doth thou let this falsehood stand, Sister!" Luna cried out, her voice filled with frustration and anguish. "Slitted eyes and fangs? We are a demon to Equestria's ponies!"

Celestia met her sister's distress with a heavy heart, understanding the depth of Luna's pain. "Every hero needs their nemesis, and you were to be mine," she explained, her voice holding a hint of resignation. "The endless retelling of the tale has twisted your image, and I've done nothing to correct it for it served my purpose."

The truth hung in the void, an acknowledgment of the consequences of their shared history and the role Celestia had played in shaping Luna's distorted image. Luna's pain was undeniable, and her sister could no longer ignore the gravity of her actions, the way they had perpetuated the myth that had come to define her sister's legacy.

She paused, seemingly struggling to find the words, before continuing with a regretful tone, "I see now that my lie of omission has turned from a convenience to a trap. I'm sorry, Sister."

"Then there is no hope for Us, Sister. How dost a monster return?" Luna's voice trembled with a mixture of despair and fear, the realisation that her identity was held hostage to the political manipulation of her sister weighing heavily on her.

"Have hope, Sister, for I have a plan for such an event," came Celestia's reassuring reply. But Luna couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation, the knowledge that her future was bound by her sister's design. It was a plan that could either lead to her redemption or further political manipulation, and the uncertainty of the outcome terrified her.

In this moment, Luna grappled with the conflicting emotions of hope and fear, torn between the possibility of reclaiming her true self and the unsettling notion that her fate was entangled in her sister's self-serving intrigue.