• Published 6th Jan 2024
  • 335 Views, 5 Comments


This is a tale of a guy that lives on an island a few miles out of the state of Rhode Island. He meets an unexpected visitor from another world and comes to terms that there are aliens in the galaxy. Lets see his story shall we?

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CH. 4 Voyage of the Cessna 172

Time: 3:15
Date: January 3, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Twilight Sparkle

"Oh... well... OK then, show me. Prove to me that animals here are just mindless beasts." I say to Carl.

"OK, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see any animals except dogs, birds, and cats. I have a friend in Maine who has a ranch with a bunch of animals."

"OK, but what is this Maine? Some kind of country?"

"Oh no no no Maine is not a country, its a state. You have states where your from right?"

"Uhhhh, no, but we have provinces, I think that's similar."

"OK good, but if you want to know where Maine is I have a big map of the world in the basement."

"OK, thanks, but let me eat this salad first."

"OK, enjoy your meal." Carl said, walking away to do who knows what, leaving me alone with my salad and my thoughts.

'I wonder what this planet looks like, It could look exactly the same to equiss for all I know, but that is a very very very very almost inconceivable chance, so it may look more like a big blob of landmasses, or one continuous one that stretches' around the whole planet with a gigantic lake in the center. Or-' as I go into more and more theories of what this planet looks like, I don't notice my salad was already done and that the sun got closer to the horizon faster than it was supposed to.

"Oh, salads done, that was quick. what time is it?" I look around for a clock and see a weird screen? It seems to have the time on it, but a whole landscape behind it. It then suddenly changed from a frigid winter landscape to a tropical island landscape.

"Whoa, what was that? How does that happen? Maybe its a illusion charm? No, it can't be Carl said his people don't have magic. Maybe its technological in nature, if so, Humans are very advanced in comparison to Equestria. Anyway, what time is it? 4:01?! How long was I thinking?" I shoot a quick glance out of the window, to see the sun is in the wrong place it should be than from where it should this time of year. "Who controls the sun in this world? They are very irresponsible on how to control it, its not in the right spot. CARL!" I yell, hoping to get a response from him.

"yeah?" I faintly hear from upstairs ( I haven't gone up there yet, I should soon.)

"HAVEN'T YOU NOTICED? THE SUN IS IN THE WRONG SPOT!" I hear nothing for a few seconds, then a door opening and his irregular hoofsteps stomping down the stairs.

"What do you mean the sun is in the wrong spot? Its in the right spot for this time of year" he says irritably.

"The sun should be higher than that, that sun is half of where a sun should be."

"Well our sun is different that your sun it seems, how does your sun work?"

"Well its very complicated, First of all,-"

"I want the short version please, I don't understand all this nerd shi-crap, I don't understand all this nerd crap." He cuts me off.

"OK then, so basically I grab the sun with my magic, and pull it across the sky."

"What? Its very simple! you should know this. Doesn't somepony here control the sun?"

*Sigh* "Twilight, no-one controls the sun, the sun moves on its own."


Time: 4:02
Date: January 3, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Carl Votomopa

Honestly, I'm just playing dumb for Twi's sake. I know perfectly well how the sun works in her world, I just don't want her to know I know because that will cause her to think I'm spying and trying to trap her here because in her mindset, if I know what's going on on her planet, then I know how to get there, and I'm purposefully hiding it from her. Anyways, after a brief explanation on how orbital mechanics work ( I listened in high school, I know, I'm smart, clap please) I got dinner for both of us. I decided to go vegetarian for this one. Because I have an intelligent herbivore in my house, and made more salad.

*clink, clank* "So... did you get to see the map?"

"Oh yes, I did, while you where making dinner."

*clink* "How was it?"

"Honestly? Very shocking. Finding out that your planet is 8,000 miles in diameter is very disorienting."


"Yeah, our planet is only around 3,000 miles."

'How' I thought ' never mind, its magic.' "Ok, did you find Maine?"

"Yes I did, and the spelling and sounding of Maine is very similar to the sounding and spelling of our Mane."

"Hmmmm!" *Clink, clank*

That was the only conversation of the dinner. There where some little points here and there but they where to insignificant to mention. After dinner we went our separate ways. I went to get washed up and Twilights went off to read more books or something. The next time we met was when I was cleaning my guns.


Time: 5:00
Date: January 3, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Twilight Sparkle

While I was looking around upstairs I stumbled into Carl's room. He was sitting on his bed, Cleaning a black stick similar to the brown sticks in the living room.

"What do you have there Carl?" I ask.

"You don't wanna know." He said


"Just 'cause. And these are very dangerous."

*chuckle* "How can a stick be dangerous Carl?"

"You really wanna know huh?"


"Well wait until tomorrow, and ill show you what these "sticks" can do" Carl said while making a strange motion with his pointer and index fingers.

"Ok then, I guess ill get to bed then." I walked back to the couch, climbed under the blanket, and went to sleep.


Time: 5:05
Date: January 3, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Carl Votomopa

"OK then, now that Twilight is asleep, I can make phone calls to Mark and my boss." I put down the M16A2 I was cleaning and picked up my phone. I called my boss first to see if I could not come in tomorrow, He said yes. We don't have much any ferries booked tomorrow anyways, and I then called my friends Mark. I told him about Twilight making a crater in my back yard (he is also a brony) and told him to not hint that we watched the show. I also told him that we are coming tomorrow so he better be ready.

"Alright, now to doom scroll on my phone for 5 hours until I go to sleep." I proceeded to doom scroll until 2 in the morning.


Time: 7:00 AM
Date: January 4, 1010
Location: Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Celestial Bedroom
POV: Princess Celestia

"She's not back yet." I say as I stare out the window into the sprawling urban center of Canterlot. "I should send a letter to her friends telling them to come here. Were going through.


Time: 7:00
Date: January 4, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Carl Votomopa

I was having a perfectly normal dream about a centaur that has an F-35 and uses it to terrorize Zimbabwe when I was interrupted by the sound of my dastardly alarm going off. I grab my phone and fumble with it until I turn the damn thing off.

"Alright, time to make breakfast." I say as I crawl out of bed as slow as humanly possible due to my tiredness and creep downstairs, trying to not wake up my special guest. I stand for a while in the kitchen trying to decide what to make. I eventually decide to just make coffee first as I'm to tired to do anything else. I use the manual crank one instead of the electric one because the noise will wake Twilight up. After I drink my coffee I just get some cheerios. instead of making something. As previously stated. I eat my cereal as I get water and snack for the 4 hour plane ride to Bangor, the closest place that has an airport to where Mark lives. I get my plane keys and stuff them in my pocket. By this time Twilight is still asleep.

"Ahh, fuck it." I whisper, going over to shake her awake.


Time: 7:13
Date: January 4, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, 601 Corn Neck Road, Rhode Island, USA
POV: Twilight Sparkle

I woke up abruptly to a shaking sensation on my back. Strange, Spike wasn't normally that strong. I then remembered the events of the past day and shot out of my couch.

"What! What is it," I say nervously.

"I was about to leave you on the couch but we gotta go. Airport's gonna open soon and I wanna get there as soon as possible. Its a 3 and a half hour flight."

"Flight? I thought your species didn't have wings?"

"Oh no we don't have wings. Its more complicated than that. But I'm to tired now to explain it so you should just see it for yourself. But you'll have to hide in my bag."

"Hide in your bag?! Why?!"

"If other people see you then they will freak out and call the police or animal control. I don't want that to happen."

"Oh, ok. But how will we get to Maine? Will we walk?"

"No, its to long to walk to Maine. We'll fly."

"But you just said that your species don't have wings?"

"God dammit, I said I'll explain when we get there. Now lets go."

"Ok, just let me climb in."

"Ok." I climbed into his bag. Good thing it is so big, or else I wouldn't have fit. It was full of things like food, water, and other essentials. I zip it up but leave a hole so I can breath and so I can see what's going on.

"Dang, your heavy. OK let's go." Carl walked over to the front door and went out of the house. I was hit with the smell of sea salt immediately after the bag got outside. He walked over to the strange carriage I saw him get out of the day before. He unlocked the door and got inside. He set me down in the passenger seat and put a strange contraption on the bag.

"Hey Carl?" It came out a bit muffled because of the bag blocking some of the sound but it came through well enough.


"What is this thing we are in? And what did you put of the bag?"

"Oh this is a 1957 Thunderbird. It can clock up to 121 MPH and has a range of 28,000 miles. I don't use it on long trips due to its age, but its good for getting around the island. And the thing I just put on you is a seatbelt. It prevents you from flying out the windshield when I brake extra hard when were going fast."

"Ok, thanks." We pull out of the houses walkway and I finally get to see his house from the outside. It's a big, 2 story house with a wrap-around porch and another much smaller house to the right of it that has a doorway to big to live in. On a hook just above the porch there is an unfamiliar banner with 7 red stripes and 6 white stripes with around 50 stars in a blue box in the top right hoof corner. Carl turns some knobs on a strange black and white box with numbers on it. IT suddenly spews out static for a second or 2 until it turns to a pony saying something.

"Welcome back to the 95.5 WBRU, where all your classic rock songs are here 24/7! Now lets listen to some tunes!" It changes from that to a strange song coming from it

The strange but fun song lasts the whole ride to the Airport. That's what Carl said, but I still have yet to understand his strange mannerism's, like cleaning what looks like metallic sticks, and strange sayings like airport.

"Alright were here. Just stay in the bag until we get to the plane, there you can move around." I was relieved to hear that as it was getting quite cramped in here. We walked through the doors and I see Dozens of humans going around. Most to what seems like a diner called Bethany's Airport Diner but some are going to the counter or outside. We head outside to what looks like a strange, small, metal Airship but with the Prop in front and no balloon, instead it has a metal wing structure that sits above the contraption. I deduce that that is the plane Carl mentioned a minuet ago as we are going straight towards it. He opened the door and put me in one of the rear seats, closed it, went around the supposed aircraft, and climbed into the front left seat. Now that I notice, the front is full of more of those weird black screens that I saw back at Carl's house just, smaller. It is also full of knobs, switches, levers, and dials that I cant deduce the meaning of. I climb out of the bag, zip it back up, and take a seat next to it.

"Here, take this." He says, hoofing me what looks like a pair of ear warmers.

"Why would I need ear warmers?"

"They aren't ear warmers," Carl says while taking off his coat, to show a jacket and shirt underneath, "There headphones. The prop gets loud so we need these to protect our hearing and to talk to each other without shouting at the top of our lungs. They are also used to communicate with Air Traffic control. But your on a different frequency, so you wont hear anything except my side of the conversation. Just put the mic, that's the black ball on a stick attached to the headphones, and point it down towards your mouth, Ok?"

"Ok, I got it." I say as I'm putting the mic down over my mouth.

"Alright, can you hear me?" Carl's distorted voice says through the headphones into my ears.

"Yes, I can, but with all the wonderful technology you have you cant make the sound less static?"

"I'm sorry but its unavoidable, with interference in the radio wave going around the world several times a second it interferes with the sound."

"Ok, but it is very annoying."

"Get used to it, your gonna have it on 6 hours today." And with that, we stopped talking for a little while, in such he goes over what he calls a "Pre Flight Checklist", wonder what that is, but it seems to be him checking if the thing still works and if it needs maintenance. At least that's what he said. After that he turned on the black panels that showed themselves to be like what showed the time at his house. Just not time but altitude, speed, and the route. It was around this time that he called out "Engine startup sequence." In which he flicked a few levers and pressed a couple buttons. That triggered the prop in front to start rotating clockwise. He then said "Changing frequency to Pilot Frequency." I don't know why he needs to call everything out, but I think its to reassure himself.


Time: 7:30
Date: January 4, 2024
Location: Block Island, New Shoreham, Block Island State Airport (BID), Rhode Island, USA
POV: Carl Votomopa

"Hello this is Cessna - 4235, I'm calling in to see if anyone is landing at BID in the next 20 minuets."

"Cessna - 4235 this is EJ100 I am landing at approx 7:50 AM local time."

"Copy that EJ100 I am holding short of runway 1 0. Feel free to land."

"Copy Cessna - 4235 starting my decent from 1,500 feet now."

"Copy that EJ100." A few minuets of silence follows that statement until around 7:46 when he calls in again

"Cessna - 4235 lining up for runway 1 0 will touchdown in the next 2 minuets."

"Copy." During that period he landed at 7:48 and taxied off, where I was free to line up for takeoff. All that time Twilight was moderately quiet, only asking questions about the aircraft and the conversation that just took place. I answered all to the best of my ability. I think she is thinking about stuff now that she has time.

"Alright Twilight, hold on. We are about to take off." We take off with no problems. A few minuets pass until I level at 10,000 feet and start our journey to Bangor International, the closest airport to Dover-Foxcroft, where Mark lives.