• Member Since 5th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Comments ( 13 )

I already read the story on ponepaste but its nice to see this on fimfiction


Yeah, I'm excited about this one because I had the chance to edit it a little and iron out some of the rough edges I didn't like. It's pretty much the same story, but there were a few mistakes and some bits that didn't fully make sense in retrospect.

Hello awf,

great story so far. It seems to promise to become a great read like off duty was.
Keep up the good work and have a nice day

I binged all chapters within 2 days because the dialogue is so satisfying. The writing structure is ideal, the characters have their own lovely quirks and do not go out of character which is awesome.

The story does have the ‘violence’ and ‘profanity’ tags, but they are so minimal that it gives the idea that the story is 50/50 on slice of life and mystery instead.

The profanity in stories always bugged me as it takes away from the immersion, or is too excessively used in most cases, the lack of it in here just makes it all the better while making the main character just as soft and lovely as the ponies.

This story needs to get featured more. Please keep writing, I haven’t found many fics that get me engrossed as much as this one does!:twilightsmile:


Thank you, it's great to hear you're enjoying the story! There's is a bit more violence later on (although not excessively so), hence the tag.

So Twinkleshine comes with a present for Greg to apologize, and just so happens to be friends with someone in the Silvermane family.....something doesn't feel right about this

Will that website that you find a story on

Maybe you could put more scenes like this one in future chapters so far there's only this one


There is some more of this later, yes :)

Well... Shit. If that's not Celestia... then Chrysalis? Are changelings behind all of this after all?

You should have kept the thing going

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