• Published 4th Jan 2024
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The Tales Of Spike - Empress Of Evil - Spyro_Story

An evil alicorn rises and finished what she started long ago.

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Chapter 14: Good Vs Evil part 2

The battle on the land of Doma rages on when two sides of good and evil are fighting against each other. The Canterlot and Crystal Empire army had tried their best to take down the undead armored skeletons with all they got, but those things just keep on coming back in pieces together. Even the Pillars also do their best to took all of them down too.

At the dark tower, the two princesses have made their way inside the Empress of evil's throne room. They move forward to keep their distance for Empress Ravahna on her throne chair. "You know, I had thought I have wiped out every remaining alicorns before, but it seems I am wrong, there are more who are thrives." She said.

"Yes, Starswirl had once told us of your story." Princess Celestia said. "You've committed a crime against Equestria by threatening all the kingdoms, perverted your own nature, and the betrayal of your own kind."

"Betrayal... BETRAYAL!?" The Empress shouted in anger while she stomped her hoof on the floor. "It was them who betray me, not after that day."

*Empress Ravahna's flashback*

I was once a princess, proud and royalty among all the alicorns, watching all the subjects worshipped their glorious rulers with prayers and respect. I knew I too wanted to have own kingdom and subjects I deserve.

I convinced them to let me have I wanted as they all do, but then... they refused. Telling me 'I'm not ready to have anything I want and my magic is weak' and then... turned their back on me... betrayed me. If they think I am truly weak, then I will show them I am not weak.

It has taken me weeks to created the vessel of my own along with the dark magic and of course... the part of my soul. I infuse them both for my powerful relic to make me stronger and powerful than before. Changing me. It was only the matter of time to prove all the alicorns wrong.

In time, they see me of what I've become... a monster. I realised now why they never let me get what I deserve and shunned me, because they wanted everything for themselves. If they will not let me have glory, then I will no choice... but to take it from them with deliciously Revenge.

*Flashback End*

"But of course, there are more of you remains, and I'll be gladly to destroy you next." Empress Ravahna finished the story when princess gives an attitude face, except for princess Luna because she been there before ever since she became Nightmare Moon.

"I know what it is like to be evil, having all that power and vengeance. But will now not end very well, you will find no peace. Believe me... I know." Luna said when remembered that day which makes her older sister to remember the sad time.

"How touching, but enough of this nonsense." Empress Ravahna said while getting up from her throne. "Once I am victorious, I shall reign my rule in the entire Equestria once again. The peasants will worship me for generations yet to come, singing and praying for me. But the two of you... you and your beloved mentor... won't live long enough to tell them."

"Even if it means it's too late to change your mind, then so be it." Princess Celestia said while she and her sister both taking their battle stands for preparing the combat.

"Hmhmhm, come forward, I will show the true power of the alicorn!" The Empress chuckled when she glowed her horn, her eyes, and her amulet.

The two princesses began take flight to charge at the Empress of evil with all their might when their horns are also glowed.


Meanwhile, Spike and Sparx have almost to the dark tower without getting into the battlefield. "Boy, this is very brutal to be in the battlefield, but we still need to get to the tower." The baby dragon said while landed on the ground and then sneak their way when they see the dark tower's catacomb. But suddenly, two armored skeletons jumped in front of them by surprise. "Sparx get back!" He shouted while the armored skeleton attack first. However, the baby dragon immediately jumped back to dodge. "Now it's my turn, take that!"

Spike takes a deep breath and releases his two fireballs on those armored skeletons, simply taking those two armored skeletons down into pieces. "Well that was easy." Spike said to his little buddy. But unfortunately, they didn't know that the armored skeletons are recovered back the pieces together. "Oh boy, this can't be good. Let's get out of here before they recover." He thought of it while fly away to begin headed to the dark tower. But before that, he kicked one skull on fifty feet away from the body skeleton.

By the time they got here, there is an opened catacomb, guarded by two more armored unicorn skeletons. Spike knew that he and Sparx had to go inside. But first, the baby dragon need to deal with those guards. "Hey, up here!" Spike shouted while one armored skeleton guard looked up and then... Spike landed on it into pieces which he caught it by surprise. Sparx distracted the other one, giving Spike a chance tackle an attack. Spike and Sparx high five at each other proudly for their great successful by defeating the guards. "Now we head inside and help our friends." They've now enter the catacomb but before that, the baby dragon look back to see the battlefield, wishing the Canterlot and Crystal Empire army for good luck.

As soon as they already inside, Spike and Sparx looked around too see which direction are they were about to go. But sadly they don't. "Okay... so where are we supposed to do now?" Spike asked, but his little dragonfly friend shook his head meaning that he do not know where.

But suddenly, they hear the sound coming from in front where the stairs is. Spike knew that they would have head to the source. "Come on, our friends has up there... somewhere, but let's keep our eyes open for anything." He said while he ran to the huge and long way of stairs while Sparx is following him. But always be on alert of any signs of danger of what awaits for them... especially Nemnok and his Dredoks.


Back at the throne room, the fight rages on between the two sun and moon princesses against the Empress of evil. Celestia and Luna had try their best with everything they got, blasting, block the attacks, and teleported. Always held their ground with all their might. But they never what Empress Ravahna is capable of. The exhaustion overwhelms the princesses, but they won't give up a fight. "Hmhmhmhm, is this the best what you all have? Ha, child's play." Empress Ravahna said to mocking them. She then cast her magic to create an illusion of duplicates of herself.

"Sister, she is far to powerful to be beaten." Princess Luna admittedly said in exhaustion to her older sister, before she uses her magic moon light ball beams and then shoot, easily destroying each and every illusion of duplicates of Empress Ravahna, but none of them are real Empress.

"I know, but we must not let her win or this will be the end." Princess Celestia said in exhaustion. The sun princess has the only option left to defeat the Empress of evil.

"Together now!" They each light their horns with magic for the biggest move. Princess Celestia cast a spell to bring forth the solar beam and princess Luna also cast a spell to bring forth night star beam.

But the Empress is not the only one that she too cast the spell to bring forth the dark green and black beam. The two princesses unleashed their magical beam combined to double it, so does Empress Ravahna unleashed her beam as well. Both beams collide by pushing each other with full power. The sweats dripping down on two princesses's cheek, struggling to push back with all their strength. The Empress make it so easy to pushed back their beams without breaking a sweat, getting closer and closer to them.

"Celestia... I can't... hold on much... longer!" Princess Luna barely said, gripping her teeth really hard.

"Just hang in there... a bit more Luna." Princess Celestia barely said. But suddenly, their beams ate getting weaker and smaller. On that moment, Empress Ravahna's beam have managed to break their magic beams. And now, the Empress of evil has the opportunity to finish them off with a fatal blow.

The blast had immediate hit Celestia and Luna, causing them to feel the pain and screaming in agony by the beam like they're bodies are burning. They fell on the ground really hard, but barely alive and too weak to get up on their hooves. Princess Celestia's eyes opened heavily too see the Empress in front of them. "You both call yourselves a rulers of Equestria, your subjects would be ashamed of your failure." Empress Ravahna said while she lift princess Celestia's chin up. "No matter how many they are to challenge me, you all will tremble before me." She began to laugh to enjoy her victorious fight against the two princesses who has fallen.

But something has caught the Empress's attention on the left. Princess Luna has standed on her hooves, covered in some sort of black magic aura. Celestia knew mean one thing. "Luna... don't do this." Princess Celestia barely said in worry, reaching out for her younger sister.

"I'm sorry Celestia... this is the only way... to stop her... but I must... control!" Princess Luna shouted while the black magic has completely exploded and transforming into what Celestia has feared again... Nightmare Moon. Empress Ravahna was impressed to see this for the first time. "You hurt my sister, but now you will shared our pain!"

"Then show it to this new magic of yours to me." Empress Ravahna said with smile of her face, accepting Nightmare Moon to fight.

"Oh, I intend to do." Nightmare Moon said with a grin smile on her face.

And so, the fight between good and evil has remained, never know how long will it lasted. Will Nightmare Moon be strong enough to defeat the Empress of evil? Can the armies of Canterlot and Crystal Empire hold long enough to fight against the Empress's army? And can Spike and Sparx reach for the top to help and save their friends in no time?Their destinies will find out soon enough.

To Be Continued...