• Published 29th Dec 2023
  • 154 Views, 3 Comments

A Bright Sunny Breakfast in the Woods - Darth Plague

A griffon and a griffoness live together in the forest. This can only end one way. Or two. An Equestria at War story

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...or the ring of a Death Knell? (Ending 2)

The bell tolled as the morning prayer ended and the griffons began to head towards the doors, forming a small crowd as they exited the premises one by one. The day was still young and the sun arose slowly, its rays shining through the tall windows and making the coloured stained glass glitter.

The priests began to disperse as well, aiming to finish their other morning duties. As the church grew less crowded and more silent, a lone figure still sat on one of the benches with his head bent down. His claws rested on the backrest of the seat in front of him, clasped together in prayer. His eyes were closed and his beak moved fast, yet not sound came from within.

Indeed the building was now silent as the night, besides some noise here and there from further within the church. Indeed, for Ludwig, it felt like time had stopped. That the last few hours had not yet passed. He could still hear the torches and the roars. The anger within their voices and their raised claws, moving through the city like an ephemeral mist. Moving towards her to exact justice, no, to exact revenge.

And he could see her, her face morphing from anger to fear as reality and dreams clashed together in her mind in a deafening crescendo of sadness and unfairness. He could remember her faint whimpering, her petty cry for help. A plea, a silent whisper. For somegriff, anygriff.

For Glitterhoof. For Ludwig.

With a startle, his eyes opened once more as he heard footsteps behind him.

"They told me I would find you here. Why aren't you back at the palace?"

Knowing who it was, he was surprised that the voice wasn't angry but rather curious. Despite this, experience caused him to promptly answer with a slight tremor in his voice.

"Apologies, Grandmaster Grimclaw. I was just finishing prayer."

The griffon in front of him, Erik Grimclaw, stood stalwart in his resplendent knight armor as befitted the Grandmaster of the Argentumdämmerung. His golden hair glistened with martial youth and virile beauty, but his eyes were hard and had the look of an old veteran.

"Grandmaster, you say... well, that won't be for much longer. Soon, I shall be crowned King. King Erik Grimclaw of Katerin. I will need all my knights and soldiers of the order who helped paved the way for the true rulers of this nation to once more herald its course and saved the nation from the mad grasps of Diellza von Katerinburg. This is why we need you back, do you understand?"

"Yes, Grandmas--I mean, my King." Ludwig corrected.

Grimclaw beamed but didn't start to leave. Instead his eyes went towards the stained glass in the center of the cathedral. The trinity of Boreas, Proteus and Eyr shone brightly from the sun that was finally beginning to cast its light on the rest of the town. Bending on one knee, the former Grandmaster bent his head respectfully and formed the sign of the trinity before standing back up.

"As a knight order and a griffon king, it is our duty to hold fast the teachings and lessons of the gods, and devote ourselves to them. We are not just reforming Katerin. We are going to bring back the empire from its sacrilegious path and set it once more on the right track. And we will watch over its progress. So that it doesn't ever go down this road ever again."

He put a claw on Ludwig's shoulder as he faced him. An understanding look uncharacteristic of him was present on his face, which slightly confused the knight.

"Her death, in a vacuum, might have not been her fault entirely but it meant so much more in the grand scheme of things. Griffons needed to know that the era of madness and desolation was over. It was time for a change. We shall be the change. So cast aside doubt, brother. Atone by bringing the change we swore ourselves to, that we swore to the gods. And let them handle the rest. If the judgement is punishment, then I shall take them all for all of you. Until then, we have work to do."

With that, Erik Grimclaw left to be crowned king. In the distance, celebrations could still be heard. He very much intended to join them before the coronation.

Ludwig was left alone once again, ruminating in his thoughts and his master's words. Guilt and duty swirled within him, as the images of last night finally broke him; causing him to tear up and break down. In the house of the gods, the hero of the people cried in grief and shame.

As he left the church after a few minutes, his tears and emotions all dried up, a thought occurred to him. He flew up with his wings but did not head towards the palace. Instead, he took a left and headed towards the end of the town. He would be late for the coronation. Something told him that so would the Grandmaster.

Landing smoothly, he cast a look around. The West Courtyard, as it was called, was empty. Devoid of any griffons or creatures. But in the hauntingly quiet location, he could still hear the shouts and growls of the people. He shook out of it.

In the center was a raised platform with two high poles attached to it. A bar extended across them, connecting the two poles and a rope hung from it with a knot at the end. The body that hung from it was silent and unmoving.

Diellza's bulging eyes stared back at him accusingly.

Ludwig spent a few moments just looking at her. He noticed the wounds on her claws and body, one of it broken. Her wings were frazzled and one of it was half-torn. It reminded him of the time they had first met, in the forest as he had hunted for her. When he had decided to hide her for a year under a false story he told her broken mind of them being husband and wife.

He remembered the way he had to teach her how to do daily tasks, her former background denying her the opportunity to learn earlier. The day she could cook the fish he caught for her, he remembered how she jumped into his arms and he praised her incessantly on a job well done. Or when she bagged her first bison. Or when she caught her first fish.

When they made love for the first time.

From his bag, he removed a broken unicorn skull. Walking over to the platform he climbed on top of it and walked towards where she lay hanging from the noose. Keeping the princess's old relic under her, he flew back to where he stood before; not being able to bear the smell. Casting a final look back at the pair, he closed his eyes and prayed.

Here lay Diellza and Glitterhoof, forever joined in holy matrimony.

With the sign of a cross, he waved a sullen goodbye and flew back towards the palace; tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Thank you for reading this story. I didn't really give it time to go through it again so if you find any mistakes or discrepancies, please shout at me in the comments. Or just live a nice comment, I won't mind that as well XD.

This author's note will be the same no matter what ending, in case you only read one of them, so don't worry. I also want to say that this story was just an effort for me to get back in the groove and try to get something out as a promise to myself so if my writing is rusty and inconsistent, that's probably why.

In any case, I hope you enjoyed the story and have a nice day!

Comments ( 3 )

Nice story on an oft-forgotten character. I approve.

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