• Published 2nd Dec 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! The Sword and the Scoob - ponydog127

In the season two finale, the Mane 5 reunite with Mystery Inc and travel to the time of King Arthur for their biggest adventure yet, involving in the shocking return of Opaline, Paradise's reformation and the true meaning of friendship and family.

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Chasing After the Deed

Once Morgan was secured in the back of the Mystery Machine colored, horse-drawn wagon, the group set off through the forests back to Camelot, and upon their return, the peasants of the kingdom cheered wildly in excitement. “Thank you,” King Arthur said to the group with a happy smile. “And even though this Opaline is still a threat, because of you, we can wake up to a brighter tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Velma! The picture!” Zipp suddenly turned to her, suddenly remembering that their future could still be intact. “Has it come back?”

Velma took out the phone, but to the group’s dismay, it still displayed a black screen. “Nope…”

This could possibly be the worst kind of news in Pipp's opinion... other than her phone needing an incredibly long update. “Oh no… you mean we’ve destroyed the future?”

“No more video games?” Shaggy questioned. “No more double cheeseburgers?”

“No more Scooby Snacks…?!” Scooby blubbered before he and Shaggy burst into tears, and Izzy and Misty tried to comfort their downtrodden friends. “And no way for us to return home,” Fred realized sadly, causing the others to become downtrodden as well.

Now what would they do?

Luckily, King Arthur had somewhat of a good idea. “Don’t worry, Sir Fred. You can join me and my Knights of the Round Table. All of you can. Together, we can make the world a better place. Create a kingdom where everyone is welcome as long as they fight on the side of right. Together, we can make Camelot a beacon on the hill, shining a light into the darkest of places.”

“And together,” said Royal, “we will reclaim all of the stolen cutie marks and stop this Opaline Arcana character once and for all, making sure she will not harm a single pony again!”

As the townspeople then cheered, Velma clapped slowly and approached the king and Royal, smirking. “Bravo… bravo.”

“Velma? What are you doing?” Daphne asked. “Oh, just applauding these fine performers,” Velma answered, looking at the king. “I guess that’s the end of your little show then, isn’t it?”

Royal looked a little confused at this, and the cheering fell silent as people looked at each other in confusion, the gang included. “Royal?” Phoenix said as she, Aspen and Platinum approached. “Do you know why Velma said that?”

“No… I don’t,” Royal spoke. “Probably because you’ve been staying in this castle for the last year and have never really been in the outside world,” Velma said as she approached the wagon. “Observe.”

Velma climbed into the back of the cart and pulled off Morgan le Fay’s mask, revealing her to be someone the gang recognized back in Norville o’er Morgania. “Mrs. Wentworth?!” the gang and the Mane 6 cried out. “Was she trapped back in time too?” Shaggy asked. “No, Shaggy,” Velma answered. “She’s not back in time, and neither are we.”

“What?” Aspen couldn’t believe it. “But… the photo on the phone!”

“Forgot to charge it,” Velma shrugged. “It just went dead.”

“But all of Morgan's magic! The flying, the lights!” Hitch agreed, baffled. “Heck, when Opaline did that spell to freeze me!” Fred agreed. “It’s like I thought-- the so called 'Morgan le Fay' no magic,” Velma explained. “It was all just wires, sleep gas, and the light show that the mayor said the town was going to show us later on. As for the freezing, we all know you're kind of impressionable when someone yells in your direction.”

“What? That’s not--”

“JUMP!!” Velma cried, and like she figured he would, Fred jumped a good six feet above the group. “Okay…” Misty nodded slowly. “That’s good to know... I think.”

“Royal? You guys had no idea about this?” Hitch asked. “Honestly, we didn’t!” Platinum shook her head. “We’ve stayed in the castle without going out for over a year! We just… thought it was just… a medieval village of sorts that we could call our home…”

That's when Pipp developed a question of her own as the others comforted their new friends. “So… the people-- they were what? Actors?”

“Not just any actors,” Velma climbed down from the wagon and approached King Arthur. “This in none other than that wonderful British thespian, Winston Pilkingstonshire.”

“Winston Pilkingstonshire?!”

Upon recognizing the name, Daphne gasped. “He’s the actor who plays Thundarr the Barbarian on TV, right?”

“Right,” Velma nodded. “I got even more suspicious when Arthur said ‘demon dogs’-- one of Thundarr's catchphrases.”

“You know, you say the same lines for 30 years, they’re hard to shake,” Winston admitted. “But,” Velma said, “what really gave it away were the abs.”

“I’d know those abs anywhere!” Daphne sighed dreamily. “Whoa!” Fred exclaimed. “Will you sign my tunic?”

“Yes, it’s me, and my abs,” Winston took off his disguise and opened a bottle of water with his abs. “But we couldn't have done it without this marvelous medieval Renaissance troupe. Everyone, please, take a bow.”

The villagers then did so with happy expressions, happy their work was noticed. “Velma, amazing deduction. It’s true,” Winston admitted. “I was hired to be the inaugural actor to play King Arthur in Norville o'er Morgania's newest tourist attraction, Camelot Reimagined.”

“Camelot Reimagined?” Misty asked. “What is that?”

“It should be obvious, Misty,” Velma told her. “Do you remember when we first arrived at Norville o'er Morgania? We reached that roundabout with the one road blocked off for construction. This must be some sort of immersive attraction built right next to the town to attract tourists. In fact, with the way that Camelot is centered in this small valley to obscure what's on the other side of that stand of trees and how the castle only has windows facing one side, I'm willing to bet that Norville o'er Morgania is actually only a couple of miles away.”

“She’s right,” Mrs. Wentworth stood up and put on her glasses. “And you twelve are our first guests to take part in what we hope will be a very lucrative entertainment experience.”

“Lucrative entertainment?!” Zipp said furiously, catching everyone offguard. “For the past year, you've tricked Royal, her cousin and her friends into thinking they were in some fantasy realm, and our cutie marks, except for Sunny and Izzy's, were stolen! Plus, teaming up with an evil alicorn kinda makes things worse!”

“Yeah! Using the terror that Opaline spread to your own advantage?” Daphne asked. “That’s almost TOO cruel.”

“At first, we just assumed she was just part of some new sideshow,” Mrs. Wentworth explained. “But then, when her attacks became more extreme, we had to step up our game and make it look even more real.”

“Yeah, but did they have to knock us out to pretend it was real?” Shaggy asked. “Actually, they did, Shaggy,” Velma answered. “All because of you.”


“Whoa whoa, wait a second, Velma,” Misty said. “What does Shaggy have to do with this scheme?”

“Do you any of you remember the legend of Sir Norville?” Velma asked. “It said that if Norville or any of his line returned, they would lay claim to the land of Camelot. When the mayor found out about Shaggy’s lineage and saw his ancient medallion with the inscription of Camelot, he was convinced that Shaggy was here to lay claim to the town.”

“Precisely,” Mrs. Wentworth nodded. “After he met Shaggy, he organized a town meeting and told everyone they would have to do whatever it takes to get you to sign over the deed for the land to the town.”

“...now the townfolk’s reactions made sense!” Pipp realized. “And I bet that dragon Mrs. Wentworth turned into wasn’t a dragon at all!”

“No, it was more robotic than anything,” Mrs. Wentworth explained. “I had no idea that Opaline could seize the fire from it, whether it was a real dragon or not.”

“Well, now we know what really went on,” Zipp said, “and now, Shaggy could have the entire town in his name with the flap of a pegasus wing!”

“But that’s just it, Zipp,” Shaggy admitted. “Like, I don’t wanna own real estate.”

This surprised the ponies greatly. “You don’t?!”

“Man, no way! Do you know how many creepy, evil people we've met that do weird things just for a piece of land?” Shaggy asked them before turning to Mrs. Wentworth. “No offense, but I'd gladly sign over the deed. Just give me the paperwork.”

“That’s very sweet, Shaggy,” Mrs. Wentworth smiled before pulling the deed out of her pocket. “Luckily, you’ve already signed the deed… over to me!

Mrs. Wentworth quickly leapt from the wagon, grabbing a knight’s sword and pointing it at the group, forcing them to stay back. “Um… this was definitely not part of the script. I know,” Winston said, “because I memorized the entire thing, everyone's parts. I always do. It's just a thing.”

“These ignorant townspeople put everything into this King Arthur experience,” Mrs. Wentworth said, moving closer to the tents while using the sword she had taken to keep the group back, “wanting to split the profits between everyone. But you know what's better than splitting profits with hundreds of people? Splitting them with no one! Once I send this to the proper authorities, this town and the money it makes will be mine!”

Mrs. Wentworth then ran behind one of the tents in the arena, laughing wickedly, trying to make an escape. “She’s trying to get away!” Fred shouted. “Get her!”

But the group was forced to move aside, cause Mrs. Wentworth got behind the wheel of the Mystery Machine and charged out of there at top speed. “And there goes my retirement,” Winston groaned under his breath. “All she has to do is mail that deed and the town is hers!” Sunny realized. “We have to stop her!”

“Where’s the nearest mailbox?” Fred asked one of the actors. “What’s a mailbox, Sir Fred?” the actor asked in return, still thinking they were doing their act. “We’re not acting anymore, you twit!” Winston said with a serious expression. “Oh, right, mate. Sorry, sorry,” the actor then apologized. “It's about two kilometers that way in the center of Norville o'er Morgania.”

“Aww, shoot!” Zipp huffed. “She’s too far away! Without our cutie mark magic, we’ll never get there in time!”

“We might be able to, princess,” Winston stated, lifting a banner and pressing a button on the wall, causing a fully mechanical dragon, like the one they faced back in Morgan’s Keep, to rise from a trapdoor. “Ariel! Ookla!” Winston cried out one of his catchphrases as he got on top of the dragon’s back. “Ride!”

The gang looked at each other excitedly-- this was gonna be fun.

So, not wasting another second, they began to climb onto the dragon’s back, with Royal, Fred and Zipp getting on first. “Do you wanna?” Daphne asked Velma as she helped Hitch and Sparky on. “No,” Velma declined. “You be Ariel.”

While they debated on this, the rest of the mares got on behind them, followed by Scooby and Shaggy. “I’m Ookla, naturally,” Shaggy shrugged. That’s when Winston put a key into the dragon’s ignition, and revving it up, they soon set off after the Mystery Machine.


Along the road, Mrs. Wentworth was smirking wickedly as she drove at a rapid speed. “Those fools,” she muttered, clutching the deed with her other hand. “With this deed, there's nothing to stop me from owning this town once and for all.”

That’s when she noticed the dragon speeding up and gaining on her, causing her to accelerate her speed. “This was your idea?” Fred asked as they tumbled along. “Don’t worry, love, it’s just a converted lorry,” Winston assured. “A baby could drive it.”

He proved this by having the dragon leap over the hill, knocking a tree out of the ground in the process. “See? What did I tell you? Easy peasy.”

All along the ride, Shaggy and Scooby and Izzy and Pipp found their excitement rising as they rode the mechanical beast, which they thought was real… until a little while ago. “Like, this is amazing!” Shaggy exclaimed. “Wheeeeeee!!!” Scooby cheered, giggling in excitement while the ponies cheered as well.

But the dragon was picking up speed rather quickly, and soon, the dragon leapt over the Mystery Machine, missing it altogether and causing Misty to suddenly yelp. “She’s getting away!”

“Wha--?” Mrs. Wentworth watched as the dragon spun round and round in circles before accidentally falling off the cliff, causing Winston to try and bring it up by flapping the wings. “We’ve gotta bring her down!” Hitch shouted. “Don’t worry!” Royal spoke reassuringly. “Winston’s got this!”

The dragon quickly began to dive, causing many of the group to scream. And as Winston got closer to the ground again, they went through the arch to the town, tearing off one of the wings and causing their descent. “Hold on, everyone!”

Everyone held on for their lives as the dragon crashed to the ground, causing them to fall of as the dragon was shredded to pieces. “Lords of light, that was fun!” Winston said, optimistically rising. “Ooh, let’s go again!”

“Ariel rules!” Daphne cheered. “We made it!” Shaggy couldn’t believe their outcome as Scooby uncovered his eyes. “We, like, survived!”

“Phew!” Scooby sighed in relief. Winston, Shaggy and Scooby then joined hands/paws, laughing and spinning in circles, happy to still be here. “But you failed in your quest!” Mrs. Wentworth prepared to stick the deed in the mailbox. “Not yet we haven’t, vile sorceress!” Winston took out Excalibur and kissed it’s blade for luck. “Fly true, my beauty!”

He then flung the sword straight at the mailbox, puncturing it as soon as Mrs. Wentworth put it inside. “And for good measure…” Zipp turned on the dragon’s fire breath feature, causing the mailbox to burn to ashes. “What?” Mrs. Wentworth was shocked. “No fair!!

“Oh my, what’s going on here?” Mr. Saunders asked as he, Sandi and the police arrived. “Well, mayor,” Velma explained, “we know about you and the town trying to gaslight us into thinking we were trapped in the Dark Ages in order to claim this land as your own. But, then, you didn't think your town librarian would try to steal the deed for herself.”

“I would’ve gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids,” Mrs. Wenworth sneered as she was stuffed into the back of the police van. “And… and…”

Misty could only smile as she responded for the gang. “A little bit of Scooby Gang magic.”