• Published 1st Dec 2023
  • 770 Views, 13 Comments

Godzilla x My Little Pony: -0.1 - Horror Pro5555

A creature is coming to Equestria, he is something that has never been seen before a monster that strikes fear into all. Ponies all around in the end will agree that at the end of the day: This year will be known as..... MINUS ONE!

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Chapter One: Things starts to get weird...er....

"Equestria was recovering, that was for sure, the things that they have gone on surely messed up with their little minds haven't they my fateful reader?" questions Discord aware of YOUR presence. "It's interesting how fast ponies can recover from something that just happened everyone was happy, well.... Not really".

Discord can be seen wandering around Ponyville as he is giving glares and he is nervous now about showing up. Sure he might have been the reason the last key for the chest was unlocked but of course, it wasn't an entirely happy ending. Twilight's brother was MAD and Discord hates to admit it but he doesn't blame him. His sister's home has been destroyed, and the effects of betrayal were pliable, even with her friends, not Fluttershy but still.

"I wish life would give me a break, I have fallen for Tirek's lies, I'll probably talk with Shining soon, in fact, the princesses don't have too much trust in me, especially Lulu". Says Discord continuing with his narration, as indeed the princesses are recovering all that time in Tartarus was not a good experience and Luna was the one who most disliked it, thus her tolerance with Discord was lowered, as for Celestia, she was glad that Discord apologized for betrayal and gave her a flower which surprisingly it never withered 24/7 it was healthy as it was and Celestia doesn't know it but it's a flower of chaos magic and a little bonus it was linked with Discords emotions and during moments, she saw it was gloomy which the signs of guilt and sadness with also switched with dark red with symbolized his anger.

"Oh Discord, I'm sorry for the rush of emotions that you are going through, if I had known that this would happen I should have sent somepony with you maybe you wouldn't have been tricked so easily and in doing so you have caused betrayal through all of us and the trust in you as gone down though it seems as this was a true sign of friendship as Twilight has forgiven you and in the process the token that was given too you was the last key to the chest this whole time so, we owe you for that". Celestia states as she looks at the floor as it repeatedly changes colors showing his emotions of guilt, sadness, anger, regret, and confusion.

Feeling down Discord decided to visit Fluttershy's place as a way to let out his feelings as he trusts Fluttershy the most out of all of her friends, since she could be so understanding Discord likes to talk about emotions and thoughts with her. He heads to the front door politely knocks on the door and yells out "Fluttershy, your favorite draconequus is here"!

Fluttershy peaks through the crack of her door and when she sees him she goes into a lighter mood. "Oh, Discord your here".

Discord enters the cottage and quickly sits down on the couch as Fluttershy prepares tea. "How are you Discord did you need to talk to me"?

Fluttershy asked as Discord responded "Oh I'm fine I guess, I know that it has only been a few days since the huge issue with Tirek but the emotions that I'm going through are not pleasant I try to put a smile on my face in public but yet I still get glares from other ponies including your friends. "Perhaps other ponies should see how I feel". Discord finishes as Fluttershy starts to try to make Discord feel somewhat better.

"I'm so sorry Discord what are the emotions that you are going through?" Questions Fluttershy as Discord states the emotions that he is going through.

"Oh mainly regret, guilt, anger, sadness, and confusion I've been trying to mask these emotions in front of your friends and everypony else but it seems like they need to know how I feel perhaps I would get some sort of pity".

"Oh I see, indeed bottling your emotions is not a good thing Discord, I know that you trying to get things back to normal, but you just being you just causes others to... well let's say not positive vibes towards you that also includes some of my friends and others have been saying some harsh things to me". Fluttershy finishes as Discord realizes what she said.

"What kind of harsh things"? questioned Discord as he started to get a little mad and Fluttershy noticed and shuddered.

"N n n - nothing at all". Discord continues to pressure Fluttershy as he continues. "What do they say?! he states louder, over and over before stating "WHAT DO THEY SAY!"

Discord yells as Fluttershy yells back, "THEY SAY THAT I SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN FRIENDS WITH YOU!! Discord stops and has a blank face as he stumbles back taking in the words that his best friend in the world just said.

"Wha- wha what, why I, I" he mutters as he stumbles a bit more and for the first time in a long time a tear leaked from his left eye and decided to leave.

"Discord where are you going did I upset you"? Discord looks at her and says "no my dear Fluttershy I just need to go and think about something, see you next time." Discord finishes as he snaps his fingers teleporting away as Fluttershy herself begins to well some tears.

Discord teleported to a cliffside outside of Ponyvile and stood there for a while thinking about everything and his anger started to bellow in anger as he thought about everything all the annoyed looks he would receive, the groans and sighs he would get and it all came to him as he bellowed out loud a yell which could be heard to Canterlot and back. "YAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!!”

The large bellow sent a shockwave that went through and every single creature and pony heard it and wondered what it was that caused the very loud and clear yell which was full of emotions mostly negative. It reached the castle Celestia heard the bellow and looked at the flowers as they erupted in a very dark red and lit a flame Celestia backed up before returning into a calm state as she looked out the window and asked into the air "Discord?"

Meanwhile, somewhere in the sea, a portal showed up as a creature a large one that began swimming towards the area of Equestria, we can see a small ship and two ponies sitting on the boat as they start to notice waves, but the waves went higher and higher before a large head appeared and the two screamed as the last thing they heard before death was:



Author's Note:

The King of the monsters has arrived and discord is going through emotions that he has never gone though before. How will Godzilla's appearance affect the ponies and Equestria as a whole? We will see.......

This by the way is the first part of my Godzilla 70th Anniversary for and a celebration for the release of Godzilla Minus One released in the U.S. on December 1st ,2023 hope you enjoy this new story I will update this story once I'm done watching Godzilla Minus One in theatres see you next time and... I'll See You In The Fog!