• Published 17th Nov 2023
  • 570 Views, 5 Comments

Team Superstars: Winds of Change - Lulamoon-Crystal

Who knows that finding a filly on a beach can be the start of your journey? A stylist of Maretine Bay sure was not aware

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Stardust was walking down the street with a bat, yes, not a bar, a bat! Of chocolate. When she had overheard of some two random criminals being arrested. She felt a bit happy they had gotten a worthy punishment.But was worried on how long they’d last. Criminals were no joke. She didn’t have past encounters with those two, but she had a gut feeling that they’d be quite a duo to handle.

From what she had heard. Each day they had been stuck there, every time Zipp tried to get answers from them. One had only been angrily grumbling at her and refusing to answer any more questions and swearing revenge. It was the same every day.

Down the street. Stardust noticed Hitch walking up the street towards the station. She was a little curious on what he was going to plan next. She actually had no idea what was happening in the station, besides a pony named Zipp trying to talk to the thieves. Zipp was a unicorn, right? Surely they can do something, right? Those two thieves sounded dangerous, it’d be a shame if they don’t change their ways.

It was the afternoon when Hitch was on his way to the sheriff station, a box of donuts with them. One for Zipp, who was still trying to get answers. One for him, one for Sparky. He even brought one for Stripes. Just to be nice.

He hurried his walk up to the door of the station. With a smile on his face, he greeted cheerfully. “Zipp! I’m ba-“ He then proceeded to scream in horror, the station was far from how he left it. Papers were scattered, furniture scattered, objects from the desk on the floor. He dropped the box of donuts in shock. He looked at the cell. Bars were bent apart.

Stripes had escaped. By using a tool to bend the bars to create a gap!? How strong is she? What is she? How?!

His ears were back as he stepped forward. Wondering where Zipp was. Did she give chase when she escaped? Was she- could she handle them alone? Sure she discovered the her weakness was chilli. But did she have back-up?

Where was Sparky? “S-sparky? Z-Zipp?” He asked. Hoping for a response. Until he heard Sparky’s crying. Hearing his child cry, he dashed forward and spotted him pushing on something and trying to talk. The thing was… Zipp!

”Zipp!” He shouted in horror, seeing his friend on the ground, not moving. He raced over to her and checked her for any injuries. His heart was racing, hoping she wasn’t dead. “Zipp! What happened?!”

A tear appeared in his eye as she put his hoof down on her. Quickly recoiling as she made a pained squeak. Not realising he had placed his hoof on a massive bruise. She was hurt! What was he going to do!?What was he going to say to the queen?! But she was alive at least. But he needed to do something!

Her injuries didn’t seem too bad, thankfully. Just a bruised body. Black eye, bleeding muzzle and a messy mane. Feathers were torn from her wings and uh… Are hind legs supposed to bend like that? Yeah they are, just the angle, no sign of broken bones, thankfully.

Scrap that! This was horrid! She needed to be rushed to the hospital immediately! As he gently picked her up, he let some tears fall. Guilt of not being there to help her. His ears only perked up slightly when she felt her heart bead and her ear, body against his. After a few seconds of relief, he noticed that her wing twitched and an eye flickered opened. She coughed before speaking.

Her vision was blurry. She focused on the colour and shape of who she was looking at. It took her a moment. ”H-hitch? That you?”

He smiled a bit. ”Zipp! Y-Yes, it’s me! It’s me!” He cried with joy, heart still racing. His smile dropped as he looked at her with concern. “What happened?” He asked.

Zipp groaned as she put her head back. Her cheek was swollen, she needed help. He noticed how defeated she had sounded. “Th-they- They escaped. I was no match to them...” Zipp sounded disappointed in herself as she groaned, her muzzle was stained in her own blood.“I shouldn’t have turned my back. I-I shoulda known!”

There was a pause. She started shaking. She lifted her hooves and looked at them. Her breathing was now rapid as the memories rushed through her. "I-I-" Tears appeared in her eyes and she could hardly breath."I saw my life flash before my eyes... This is all my fault!"

”N-no- It’s not- I shoulda been here to help!“ Hitch’s heart was racing as he looked at his friend. “Do you know where they went?”

”No!" Zipp groaned and looked down at herself. Blood stained her white fur. "… The last thing I remember was… ugh… Getting punched so hard…And…” She mumbled as she closed her eyes. Trying to calm down as sweat soaked her fur. "Strangle... It..." She gasped for air. Then she snapped her eyes open.” H-hitch! We need to find them!”

Hitch didn't know what to say. He had never seen Zipp like this before. Why? ”Y-yeah. We can do that, we should warn the town. But first. Let’s get you come help!”

”But-“ Zipp coughed and put a hoof to her chest and wheezed.“O-okay- G-good point…”

That afternoon, Posey was sipping on some tea, just on the balcony of a cafe that was built above a tea shop named Min Tea. Stupid name but great tea! She smiled to herself as she looked at the view. A nice lush forest and mountains in the distant. Birds were singing ponies were being not annoying. Before she knew it, her friend Windy sat on the chair besides her.

“Bloom…” Windy smiled. Being one of the only ponies Posey allowed to call her that. “You’re right. The view of this cafe is fabulous at sunset. You can just sit back and relax.”

”Of course! As if the owners could have chosen a better place!”

”You're right, Posey”. Windy said as she sipped her own cup of tea. “Nice place for two besties like us to chat. Glad Minute and Teabag didn’t change their mind on the location when they opened their new store in Maretine Bay!”

Posey nodded. Slowly understanding the name of the store. Named after their owners and making a pun on ‘Minty’ smart… Cheesy, actually. But the name wasn’t gonna stop Posey from enjoying it. A blur of a white pony zipped right past. A few sheets of paper flying from her and onto the balcony.

“Sorry!” The voice called out, being the elder princess of Zephyr Heights. Zipp.

“Suppose she’s called Zipp for a reason.” Windy said with a slight smile. She turned her focus to the paper that fell near her cup of tea. “Wonder what this is about..” She said quietly as she picked up the paper. Face turning from curiosity to concern.

“Warning. Dangerous pony on the loose. If seen, please note whereabouts to Hitch or Zipp.”She read the text. There was a picture of a pony, Windy recognised it. Having her call her cheap and rude for getting her hooves painted by Jazz, who they didn’t like for some reason.

She didn’t understand why, the ponies that were at the salon were so lovely, better than a few salons at Zephyr Heights. The ponies tried too hard to be posh and professional. But at Mane Melody it was more relaxed and the workers were able to just be themselves.

”Some sort of warning poster?” Posey asked as she leaned over to take a peak. She gasped as soon as she saw the poster. Recognising the two ponies immediately. “That stripey pony!?”

She had an encounter before. She had asked her if she wanted to help them on their mission. She refused at the time since she had better things to do, but she had heard they had harmed Jazz who proceeded to go into a panic attack.

Sure it must be embarrassing to walk around without something that’s supposed to be part of her anatomy. But a panic attack?

Posey looked down at her hooves. She never thought that something so small could send some pony into a panic attack. Not really knowledgeable on the subject, but she had heard from others how bad they were. According to some ponies she overheard it felt, like they were literally about to die.

She also felt a bit of guilt too. She may have not been the nicest pony to her as a foal and may have abandoned her as a friend. But she never even thought someone she was impolite to in the past would suffer like that.

”Something wrong, bestie?”

”Oh? Yeah, just thinking…”

Before the two could say anymore, they looked around and saw a white filly dancing on an empty table. Dancing with a ukulele. It appeared she was trying to sing a song as she hopped on her hind legs and strummed.”

”Two lil birds, sitting in a tree

Singing just for you and me

Two lil birds, sitting in a tree

As you can see, this is my story!”

”Having a warm cup of tea

Just near a tree

Just beyond is the sea

Why don’t you just sing with me?”

She was soon interrupted by a teen pony wearing a backwards hat. He had on a vest and stared up at the filly.

”Excuse me. But fillies dancing on tables while playing a ukulele, while singing is forbidden here. It says in the rule book.”

”Fine…” Stardust jumped off and continued to sing and dance. A few customers were slightly amused. But some, were pretty annoyed and rolled their eyes. Seems she made the song herself as no one recognised it. But it was a lil wonky, at least she tried, tho.

”One lil bird, sitting in a tree

Singing just for you and me

“One lil bird, sitting in a tree

The cat ate one and he is not sorry!”

Windy smiled slightly as she sipped her drink. The filly was so goofy. Posey wasn’t so pleased as she realised who this was. It was Stardust. The strange filly. When she appeared so did some other suspicious things. Like Stripes. Chances are she took her with her. Right? There wasn’t much she could do. But she wished she’d go home soon.

”Having a warm giant pea

Just near the sea

Just beyond is my tree

Why don’t you just sing with me?”

Windy tapped her hoof on the table to the beat of the song she was playing. Wasn’t bad. But the cat eating the bird was a bit...

”No lil birds, sitting in a tree

Singing just for you and me

“No lil birds, sitting in a tree

The cat ate them and he is not sorry!”

She rose her hooves happily. Then did a bow. Some ponies clapped with joy, even Windy. Obviously, it wasn’t amazing, but she was cute and brave for getting up and doing that. The song had a nice tune, too!

”Whats your name?’

”Stardust L. Crystal. And this is my story!” Only Stardust new what the "L" stood for in the made up last name she made for herself.

When Stardust arrived to her treehouse that night. She found Dahlia looking at the bar; with a sad smile. “Hey Dahlia!” She greeted her.

”O-oh! Stardust- I was just uh…” She put her hoof on the tree. “Checking the strength! That’s it! Making sure it won’t collapse!

Taking this for an answer, she got a bit curious and approached. “How do you do that!” She had a look where Dahlia’s hoof was and saw she was looking at a drawing I braved in the bark. It was of four ponies. There was a name above each one. ‘Dahlia’ ‘Jazz’ ‘Sugar’ ‘Posey’ and numbers at the bottom. Stardust assumed this was the ages they were when it was drawn. In the same order as the drawings and names. The numbers were 9, 5, 13 and 12. Such a range in age groups.

”Are these your friends?” Stardust asked.

Dahlia looked at the picture sadly. Knowing it wouldn’t hurt to tell the truth. After a sigh, she thought on what to say.

”They were…”

Stardust looked at Dahlia’s solemn face. “What happened?” She asked, concerned.

“We were together for seven years… Sugar and Posey left us when they both turned 14 for better things. So Jazz and I remained, playing here. Till I was about 15, Jazz was only Twelve. I don’t know what happened exactly. Just that she lost a part of her one day. One day she just stopped coming to the treehouse…”A tear rolled down her cheek.

Stardust looked down and back up. “Where was Sugar and Posey?”

”Sugar was 20 at the time, and Posey was 19… So they had graduated and I rarely saw them. Sugar was busy chasing her dream of modeling while Posey was still looking for a job… So they had not known." She looked down.

She rarely saw them after they graduated. Back then she missed them. But no days she does still see them. But they are a lot different from what they used to be like. Posey become more grumpy and serious, she doesn't like nonsense as much anymore. Laugh at a cartoon and she'll tell you off. Also, she hadn't had a chance to talk to Sugar since the return of magic.

"But I remember seeing them on the way home some day, scoffing Jazz aside and telling her she wasn’t their friend anymore… Blaming her and laughing at her for her earlessness. I didn’t do anything. But I should have...” She looked down in guilt.“I didn’t want any part of it… But I was older than the bullies from her clas, at least. I could have stood up for her. Why didn’t I?”

Stardust still sat down next to Dahlia. She had visited in the nights before, but Stardust thought it was just to check the health of the tree. She looked up at the drawing in the bark sadly. The ponies in the drawing looked so happy. It was so crudely drawn, but it didn't matter It looked like it was made by a group of friends.

She even found a few old drawings and things in the past when she moved in the treehouse. Her heart ached as she thought about all the fun times. Even Dahlia's face was full of pain. All that stuff, the treehouse. A beloved hang out spot. Just abandoned like that.

What puzzled her was what happened with Jazz? Sure Sugar and Posey may have grown up and moved on to more 'teen' stuff. But Jazz was still young. Why was she bullied so much she couldn't go back?

”But why? Why were they so mean to Jazz all the sudden? She seems polite.”

Dahlia sighed, not knowing what the say next. “I assume it’s because she lost her ears in an accident. Everyone felt she didn’t belong and made sure she felt like it too…" She looked down. "It’s been seven years since the incident… Since she came back here. She left one day and never returned. Never acknowledging me when we saw each other. Till we were adults... I feel bad..."

”Why don’t you talk to her?”

Dahlia put her hoof on the Jazz picture embedded in the tree. “I have…”


”But it was on other things like trends or styling, mostly business… we never brought school, our childhood or the incident up. But I want to spend time with her again… I want her to be my friend again…”

Stardust remembered the time she was found on the beach. They seemed to have gotten along well. “When you found me. You seemed good together.”

”We do get along well. But the guilt of her abandoning me like that still remains.”

Stardust yawned, “Well, I think she still likes you seeing she’s happy to be with you and style you!”

”I suppose so…” She looked at her, then smiled slightly. “I think it’s bedtime for you. You had a long day of singing and dancing again, didn’t you?

Dahlia helped Stardust get into the treehouse. Unknown to them was a wanted pony hiding in nearby bushes.

”Look at that… That loser has a treehouse?…” Stripes told herself and smiled. “I will not attack now. I’ll do it when I’m least expected… But first. I’ll study this world. They’ll never know what hit them!” She said, proceeding to run away, leaving the bay.

Zipp sat on her bed in the bright house. Holding one of the many wanted posters of Stripes. Unaware that this would be the last time she’d see her again in ages.

”We will catch you.” She said. Pointing at the picture.

Izzy exclaimed, “Oh! I can help!”

There was a pause as everyone looked at the wanted poster. Looking rather worried, especially with Zipp’s injuries.

“We have to find her and fast! Who know who she could be after next!” Pipp agreed loudly.

“Y-yeah…” Zipp sighed, feeling rather glum about her escaping. “I wonder where she is now…”

“Oh ho!” Stripes called with joy as she approached a mountain with a city on top. Zephyr Heights. She grinned mischievously. “A new place? New ponies to mess with! My employer is going to be so proud when I return home. I might even get promoted!”

She responded, running towards the mountain as fast as she could. Wondering what she could do there with all the ponies. But surely it’d be less boring than the bay she spent a few weeks in!