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A New Pair of PJs

The Crystal Empire, a land that was once lost to time after vanishing 1,000 years ago, suddenly returned with all the ponies who lived there with no memory of how they vanished. But it also made Sombra, the tyrant pony who had ruled over his people like a dictator and forced them to do his bidding through strange mechanical means, return with it. But thankfully in the end there was a happy ending for the people of the Crystal Empire, who could now live happy normal lives without any fear of anyone trying to attack them. A young princess named Twilight and her friends had come and destroyed Sombra, the little dragon Spike the Brave had found and returned the Crystal Heart to its place, and even the unicorn Sunburst found out how to fix the Crystal Heart if it was ever broken.

The Crystal Heart was what kept the entire empire shielded from the magical blizzard that roared and banged against the force field. Without it on its podium the magical shield protecting them from the storm would vanish, making the empire instantly start to freeze. Which the people had to deal with before when the new Princess’s baby, Flurryheart, was born and her out-of-control magic zapped the heart, making it shatter. Thankfully since that event, nothing had come even close to destroying the heart.

So everything in the Crystal Empire seemed to be going well for the first time in over 1,000 years. The people's rulers, Princess Cadence and her husband Shining Armor did all they could for their people and led them into the new era of life. But that didn’t mean they didn’t have some problems from time to time. Mainly concerning Flurryheart and her wild magic… as the filly was one of the few ponies to ever be born an Alicorn, meaning her magic was far stronger than any other filly's magic. And with baby unicorns, it was already hard to help them control their magic, but a child with magical power equivalent to some fully grown unicorns made things interesting.

“WAAAAAAAA!” The young alicorn wailed, her cries echoing through the entire castle as if it was being blasted through a speaker. The two guards waiting outside of the toddler's bedroom groaned with every new wave of crying that radiated out of the room.

“Come on, Flurryheart.” The lime-green pegasus man prayed as he closed his eyes, “I still have an hour before my shift ends and I feel like I’m going to lose it!” He said through gritted teeth.

“Don’t complain, you choose to be in the guard.” The dark purple female unicorn standing on the other side of the large gold-colored door, staring at the wall in front of her.

“I choose to be on the guard to fight evil wizards or the next threat to our homeland.” He groaned, also staring at the wall in front of him, “My training didn’t cover having to suffer through a toddler throwing five tantrums throughout my shift.”

“You don’t hear me complaining and I have to stand here and listen to you as well as little Flurry Heart.” She said, smirking a bit as she darted her eyes over at the man for half a second, throwing a joking jab at the man.

“Ha ha ha,” He laughed sarcastically, “You’re not even the tiniest bit annoyed by this?” The pegasus asked her with a raised eyebrow as he shot his eyes over to his coworker.

“Not in the slightest.” She scoffed, stomping her foot and standing up even straighter than she had been beforehand, “I find it an honor to stand here and guard the filly who may rule over our people one day. I’ll stand through a hundred tantrums if I have to. That's because I’m-!” She continued when suddenly the nursery door flew open, making both of the guards return to attention, staring at the wall, and not saying a word. Even as a pink footie, with different colored balloons on it, flew out of the room and landed on the ground in front of them. The crying only grew louder now that the door was opened

“Dispose of that thing! Get it out of the castle!” Shining Armor demanded, his white head popping out of the room, his blue mane a mess and his eyes bloodshot as he looked between the two before retreating into the nursery and the doors slamming shut.

“Will do Mi’lord!” The unicorn said, the PJs suddenly covered in a dark purple mist of magic as the unicorn ran off with the PJs following after her.

“Hey, wait! What happened to ‘It’s an honor to stand here through the tantrums’?!” The pegasus called out, not moving from his spot.

“Sorry, can’t hear yoooooou!” The other guard said as she turned the corner and went in search of a trash can. Finding a large dumpster outside of the castle the pegasus tossed the childish PJs into the trash can, shutting the lid before sighing. “Now time to get back to guard duty.” She said, before cringing as another high pitch WAAAAAAA left the castle. But as she started to walk away she heard a light slam from the dumpster, making her look over. “Hello?” She asked, walking back over and looking around the dumpster but didn’t see anything or anyone. “Huh, must’ve been the wind.” She said before starting to slowly head back to her post, not exactly rushing back.

“Welcome back.” The Pegasus soldier said, still staring at the wall as if it was going to do something interesting.

“Glad to be back.” She said, returning to her position and starting to stare at the wall as well.

“I can’t imagine how difficult it is to have an alicorn as a baby.” The soldier groaned as a purple flash of light escaped from the cracks around the door of Flurry’s bedroom. “She's been enchanting her PJs.”

“Really? Enchanting them to do what?” She asked him but only got a shoulder shrug from the man. And it would be hard to tell what the baby alicorn was doing to anything she enchanted. It's not like the baby was able to tell them what she was doing, she was way too young for that. And it wasn’t even clear if the tiny filly knew what she was doing. Just hopefully whatever she was doing wouldn’t be crazy, like giving it life and trying to take over the world.


“You sure you wouldn’t want to spend the night at my place?” Applejack asked as she and her six friends walked down the hall, their textbooks in their arms as they headed to their lockers. Another long day of school and classes behind. She and five others had their eyes planted on a girl with scarlet red and bright yellow hair that matched her skin.

“No, I’ll be fine guys, really,” Sunset said, walking backward so she could face them all, her black leather boots making a click click click as she stepped down the hall, the stylish shoe choice making her have to focus extra hard on walking backward so she would fall on her bottom. “I’ve been left home alone dozens of times before. Just never for a week before.” She said. “But my folks said that it was an important trip and they trusted me enough to be home alone. And after everything that has happened in the past few years, it’s good to know I didn’t ruin my chance to get to know them.” She said, a small smile on her face as she hugged her books.

Though she was surrounded by her friends, and everyone in the hall was saying ‘hi’ to her or at least smiling and waving, it hadn’t always been that way concerning the teen. There was a time when she had no friends at all, the closest thing would have been her two henchmen who did some of her dirty work, and had some sort of fear monopoly on the school. Ruining people's reputations, making friends hate each other, and a dozen other things she wasn’t proud of. And that behavior leaked into her home life, not listening to her parents and treating them as badly as she had her peers. But after the events at the school dance all those months ago she almost succeeded in her plans, she realized how wrong she had been. She turned into a peach-colored monster with fiery hair, in complete control of the magic that she had taken from her home world, and becoming more power-hungry than she had in her normal human form.

Maybe in Equestria, where she was from, she could have used that magic normally and without any real consequences. But here in this world that still wasn’t used to the little bit of magic that seemed to leak in from the other world, it seemed to take control of anyone that was infected by it. Well for the most part Sunset and her friends could do something called “Pony Up” where they got magical powers and were in control whenever that happened, but even that Sunset still wasn’t 100% sure how it worked. But after the events at the school dance, she had learned the error of her ways and thankfully the girls she had messed with had forgiven her and taken her in as a friend. And Sunset would be the first to tell you that having friends was a lot better than not having any.

In the pony world, she scoffed and walked by anyone who would even attempt to try and befriend her. She felt like she was better than anypony else there. She was a powerful unicorn, a magical prodigy, and was the student to Princess Celestia the ruler of the pony world. She didn’t see the need for anyone in her life if they weren’t going to help her climb the ladder of success. She didn’t even have any parents, so she was used to pushing herself and getting stronger.

But for some reason in the human world, she did have parents, both of whom were very busy. One of them was a lawyer and the other a doctor. But did appreciate the fact that she suddenly had a mom and dad who thought that she was always their daughter. Nope, they were just a couple of more people in her life that she had to learn to ignore.

Now she tried to have a good relationship with them and tried to be a daughter, which was hard for someone who never had to deal with a family before. But clearly, it was going well if they were leaving her home alone for an entire week. But it took time for that trust to grow after she came home after the night of the dance and confessed everything about herself to them and what she had done. But no matter how good things were going now, she could feel a sliver of awkwardness between them… and maybe that was normal in a family. How was she supposed to know, that she never had one before?

“Y-yeah, aren’t you n-nervous?” A soft-spoken girl with fair yellow skin and pink hair asked, “W-w-what if something goes wrong? L-like a fire o-or a tornado sweeps you away to a foreign land and you have to fight an evil witch to get back home?!”

“Eh, that wouldn’t be the strangest thing that has happened to me,” Sunset said with a chuckle as she spun around and started to walk normally down the hallway.

“If that happens make sure you bring me back some ruby slippers, kay darling?” A girl with bleach-white skin and purple hair said, also giggling.

“Oh oh oh! I call dibs on the magic flying broom!” Her friend with rainbow-colored hair said as she dashed beside the girl, putting her shoulder. “Just bring it back in one piece!” She said, her eyes sparkling with excitement as if her trip to a magical land was a scheduled trip.

“Sure. So Rarity wants my shoes and Rainbow wants a non-burnt and intact witch’s broomstick. Want me to ask an old man posing to be a great wizard to give you a souvenir, Twilight? Or you Pinkie?” She asked her two remaining friends. The pink-skinned girl tapped her chin as she thought about it.

“Oh, ask the Lollipop Guild who their supplier is. My guy is struggling to keep up.” The girl said with a giggle, getting an eye roll from Sunset and an amused head shake.

“If it’s the guy who plays Starswirl in King of the Bracelets then maybe his autograph.” The final girl in the group said, giggling at the conversation. But having the autograph of the man who played her favorite wizard would have been cool.

“Oh if you wind up in the Wizard of Sire Hallow just please make sure Ray will be ok.” Fluttershy begged her friend, wanting to make sure Sunset’s pet lizard would be okay.”

“Ok I will, I promise,” Sunset said, winking at the girl, making Fluttershy sigh in relief. “But thanks for worrying guys, I appreciate the offer to spend the night with you guys. At the beginning of the school, I would have been in serious trouble if I needed a place to stay.” She said with a sheepish chuckle.

All of her friends, having heard that she was going to be by herself for the week, offered to spend the night with her. But since this was the first time her parents were leaving her alone she didn’t want to betray their trust by having a week-long sleepover. Maybe the second time they left her alone she would have a few friends over, but not this time.

“Besides if anything weird did happen or I really needed your guy’s help you’re just one phone call away.” The girl said, stopping at her locker and opening it up. A picture of the redhead with all of her friends taped to the back, making it the first thing that she saw in the green metal locker. She kept a few other things in there, like a light blue and pink birthday card with a cupcake with pink frosting on the front of it, an emergency umbrella, and an open bag of chips that she was going to toss out eventually. But not today as she covered the chips with her books and shut the door. Only holding onto a leather-bound notebook that had a red and purple gem on the front of it. “And Princess Twilight is only a letter away.” She said, holding the brown book in the air.

“Fair enough, Sugar Cube,” Applejack said with a smirk. “Just remember to call the fire department before us if something smells smokey.” She teased as she started to walk away, the rest of the girls following her to go to their own lockers.

“I doubt she’ll need Princess Twilight. When was the last time we had a magical problem? I think we’re done with them.” Rainbow said, getting some shushes from the rest of the girls, no one wanting the rainbow-haired girl to jinx this time of quiet. But Sunset gave a giggle and head nod to her pink friend as she walked in the opposite direction and through the glass doors to the front of the school. She took a deep breath in and felt cool spring air fill her lungs and sting her face. It was another peaceful and calm day in her town, which she was more than pleased with. Saving the world a half dozen times made one appreciate the quiet moments when things weren’t going crazy.

The girl, taking in the fill of the school's front yard, jumped down the steps to start heading home, making her way across the pavement. Her boots once again made their clicks as she moved forward toward the pedestal that once had the school mascot made of marble on it. The school was planning on replacing the statue soon enough, which the teen couldn’t wait for, since her going berserk when controlled by magic was the whole reason the statue was destroyed. And, like she did every day, stopped for a moment to look at the empty pedestal and touched the base of it. The marble block rippled like she had thrown a rock into a lake, as she activated the portal that would take her to Ponyville if she went through. It was tempting to go there and say hi to Princess Twilight, but she knew that her friend was busy doing princess stuff. And it wasn’t like she had any business in the other world anyway. She didn’t have any friends or family there, past Princess Twilight, she apologized to her once mentor for being a witch, not ever bothering to listen to the Alicorn, and stealing from the castle.

This human world was her home. Everything she had to do was in this world, all her friends were here, and she even had a mom and dad. A mom and dad whom she had to make a relationship with, but she had them nonetheless. But it was nice to know that the portal still worked and that if she ever needed to go back to her homeland she would be able to.

“Hm?” She asked as she caught something out of the corner of her eye, making her eyes drop down. Her body tensed up as she got ready to jump back. If there was something in front of the portal then it might be magical. But as she got a glance of a small pair of PJs she let her guard down. Bending down she lifted up a pair of pink PJs that had different balloons decorating them. “That's strange… maybe someone in Home Ec dropped it?” She said as she stood back up and checked the PJs. They were super soft, like Angel's fur after Fluttershy dries him off from a bath, and they looked cozy with the feet covering them. Checking them over she found a tag that said From: PP in bright pink ink. “Oh, Pinkie Pie must’ve gotten them for the Cake twins.” She said, figuring her hyperactive friend must’ve dropped the PJs while rushing around. “I’ll give them to her tomorrow.” She muttered as folded the PJs and started to walk home again. Not that she had anyone waiting for her, but if her folks gave her a call then she wanted to be home. Just to show their trust wasn’t misplaced in her.

Thankfully the girl didn’t live too far away from the school, just a few blocks away in fact. If she was running late to school she just had to run and she could make it to the bakery that was between her house and the school, get a scone and coffee, and still make it to the school before the morning. Speaking of the bakery though… as she passed by the little mom-and-pop shop the smell of fresh orange scones wafted out and grabbed the girl by her nose.

“Eh… I guess getting a little snack wouldn’t be the end of the world.” She said, her stomach growling at the smell. She had opted out of eating the school lunch that day, she had a rule about eating chili that growled at you when you poked it with a spoon. So popping into the store, getting his with the full smell of the baked goods and a heat wave from the ovens cooking at full blast. She could smell freshly baked peanut butter cookies, apple pies, and her favorite, scones. And the smell of flour was mixed in with the rest of the smells.

“Hiya there Sunset.” A lady with taffy pink skin and dark purple hair said, instantly greeting Sunset. “It's either I’ve worked a 24-hour shift or you’re here for a second scone.” The lady was dressed in a flowery dress and a white apron with a name tag that said ‘Sugar Belle’, all of which was covered with a thin layer of white flour.

“Yeah, a second one just sounded good today.” She said sheepishly, still finding it weird that the lady was calling her by her first name. She had been another person that Sunset had been rude to, but she had forgiven her for it after Sunset apologized. “But I don’t need another coffee, school over. I don’t need help staying awake.” She joked, getting a chuckle from the lady.

“Fair enough,” She said, putting a glove on and grabbing a triangle-shaped pastry with a yellow jelly-like substance on top of it with a pair of tongs, “Well consider this one on the house.” She said as she dropped it in the bag.

“What, you don’t have to do that?” Sunset said, cautiously reaching for the white paper bag.

“It’s fine… Trying to get rid of these sweets as fast as I can.” She said, “I got plans for after work, and when I sell all these I can go get ready for it.” She said. This made Sunset smirk having a good idea what these plans were, as she had overheard Applejack talking about Big Mac freaking out about something that day. The two were probably going on another date that night.

“Ok, well thanks, Sweetie Belle,” Sunset said, reaching into her black leather jacket, pulling her wallet out, and shoving a couple of dollars into the tip jar. “Well, enjoy your plans.” She said waving her hand bye.

“Thanks. But a piece of advice.” Sugar said as she pointed at the girl's sleeve, “Wake up a bit sooner so you have time to get out of your PJs.”

“Huh?” The teen asked, looking at her sleeve and jumping, noticing that her arm, which had been bare a minute ago, was covered with a soft pink material that had balloons covering it. “Wait what?” She asked, looking down at herself, she still had her light blue blouse and black mini skirt on, but under that, she was wearing some sort of jumpsuit… or as Sugar Belle said, PJs. And she instantly thought that the pajamas she was in were eerily familiar… and the little PJs she had picked up were nowhere in sight. Just the leather notebook that lets the girl contact Princess Twilight. The only PJs in the bakery were the ones on her. “Um… T-thanks. I gotta go now.” She said, slowly walking out the door before dashing down the sidewalk, suddenly feeling like getting home would be a good idea.

The street lamps, signs, and all the houses went by in a blur as she ran as fast as she could. But as she got to her block, she had to pause for a breather, leaning forward as she planted her hands on her knees. But as she looked at the ground she noticed that the notebook in her hands was starting to grow bigger, “Oh no…” She whined, not liking that as she looked around and saw the world around her start to get bigger. Which probably meant that she was just getting smaller. “Come on!” She groaned, “Rainbow Dash, you just had to say something!” She yelled as she returned her sprint to her house, a brown brick house that was wedged between two other houses, but hers was the only two-story one on the block. But with every step the girl took the world just grew that much bigger. Thankfully her outfit shrunk with her so she wasn’t running in just a pair of childish PJs.

Getting to the door, she threw it open before rushing to her room, scaling up the steps, which took a lot more effort with her shorter legs, and practically dover into her room. She threw the notebook onto her desk and climbed onto her office chair. Grabbing a pen she immediately started to scribble in the notebook:

Princess Twilight, there's a problem! I found a pair of pajamas in front of the school. They suddenly appeared on me and now they’re making me smaller! Don’t mean to rush you but this is an emergency!

With that she dropped the pen as she nervously kicked her feet, which now hung a few inches from the ground, waiting for the princess’ response when she felt a tingle across her body, making her eyes go wide. “Oh no.” She squeaked, knowing that wasn’t a good thing, and suddenly shrunk a few feet. Her head did not even make it to her desk making her have to stand on her chair. Grabbing the pen once more, it was now large and almost heavy in her hand, making her writing squiggly and almost unreadable, and she yelled the words that she wrote, blushing at how high-pitched her voice was.


She sighed, dropping the pen as she slid off her chair, grunting from the drop she had to deal with now. “Well… at least I’m home?” She said trying to think of a positive in the situation as she started to pace the room until she got to the mirror in her room, making her pause. The person in the reflection didn’t just look like a smaller Sunset, but a younger one. Her eyes were wide and innocent, her cheeks puffy and very pinchable. Even baring her teeth she saw baby teeth, not the grown-up teeth that completely filled her mouth. She looked like the Sunset in the pictures her mom and dad had of them hanging in the hallway. A little kid that looked like they were getting ready for second grade.

“Yeah, I’m liking this less and less.” She said, reaching out and touching her reflection with her tiny little kid hand, before puffing her cheeks out in a childish pout as she glared at the dumb PJs before suddenly getting an idea. If the PJs did this to her, then taking them off would fix it, right? Well, it was the only idea the girl had so she had to give it a shot.

Sadly, and probably predictably, the PJs wouldn’t come off of her. There wasn’t any zipper or any buttons to free her from her cozy prison. She had discarded the rest of her clothes, standing in just the footie. “Get off!” She demanded, tugging at the neck hole, trying to tear the pajamas off. But either she was super weak while she was stuck like this, or the magic protected the nightwear, maybe it was a bit of both. But the yellow-skinned girl tugged, bit, and rolled on the ground as she tried to pull them off. But sadly it only led to the girl lying on the fluffy blue carpet on the floor, panting as if she wrestled Applejack.

“No, stop!” Sunset begged, her body feeling tingly again and she covered her eyes with her hands, not liking what happened the last time she felt the tingle. She didn’t want to look at herself, but she knew that she had to see what the damage was. So she kept her eyes covered as she sat up, waiting until she counted to 3, and dropped her hands before gasping.

She saw a girl who was barely starting school, maybe going into kindergarten, looking back at her. But past that, the PJs had also suddenly changed and were no longer pink with balloons. But now it was the same red as her hair was with yellow number fives and lizards decorating it. But there was also a white line going from her foot to her back.

“A zipper!” She cheered, her cheeks tinting red at how high-pitched and frankly adorable her voice sounded. “Get off me!” She yelled as she reached down, unzipping the PJs before kicking them off, and scrambling to the wall furthest away from the PJs as if they were going to start chasing after her. Sadly her theory of taking the PJs off didn’t pan out as she was still a little kid pinned against the wall.

“I think I’m going to need some help.” She said, cautiously inch-worming her way to the pile of shrunken clothes and pulling her phone out of her little leather jacket. But she just finished typing out ‘Rainbow Dash! You just had to say it was quiet!’ in the group chat when she suddenly felt something wrap around her wrist. And looking down she saw that the PJs had put themselves back on her. And Sunset knew this was going to be an interesting thing to explain to her friends. Hopefully, Princess Twilight would have responded to her and would have been able to explain what was going on.

But quickly sending a code red text to her friend the girl quickly discarded the footie, shoving it in her dresser, and got her shrunken clothes back on. She wasn’t sure what the possessed children PJs wanted from her or why it turned her into a kid but she did know she did not want them on her. They had already caused enough trouble for her in the few minutes that she had them on.

As she waited for her friends to get there she climbed back onto her chair, needing to stand on her tiptoes to even reach the seat, and then the wheels on the chair made it more difficult. As she pressed her body against the chair to try and climb it the chair tried to roll away from her.

“Ah no, stop!” She pleaded as she was pulled along with the chair as it tried to escape her, and when the chair wheels hit the carpet the chair suddenly turned and sent her stumbling towards the stairs that lead to her bed. She waved her hand in circles as she stumbled forward trying to gain her balance. But apparently, she also had the athletic prowess of someone ‘her age’ as she hit the bottom step and immediately fell, face-planting onto a wooden step. “Ow ow ow ow ow!” She immediately whined, pushing up, and grabbed her nose with her hands. Waves of pain pulsed on the wounded area as she let out a high-pitched mmmm as she jumped around trying to do something to ease the pain.

“Sunset!” Someone said as her bedroom door burst open, immediately getting her attention and making her stop bouncing. Standing at the doorway was Rainbow Dash, still in what she wore to school that day, though a pair of green turtle slippers were on her feet. But as the two locked eyes the teen's face turned from one of concern to one of confusion. “Sunset?” She asked, confused.

“Yeah, it's me.” She grumbled her high-pitched voice nasally from her pressing down on her nose.

“Oh…my… gosh!” Rainbow said, bringing her hand to her mouth to hide a smirk that was quickly growing into a smile as she looked at her friend. “What happened to you?” She asked, reaching into her pocket with her spare hand to get her phone out. But before she could do that or Sunset could explain what happened, the bottom drawer of her dresser slid open and the pair of red PJs started to climb out.

“Ah!” The little girl squealed, running almost as fast as Rainbow could, and hid behind her friend. “Keep that thing away from me!” She cried, “No better yet, leave. Let's leave!” She said already walking out of her room and flying down the stairs.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” Rainbow said, not sure what was going on but when she saw a pair of pajamas moving on their own she figured it was time to leave.

Downstairs Sunset was huffing and puffing as she made it down the final step. It had been like trying to scale down a mountain getting down all the steps in her new body. But she would get down 1000 more steps to get away from those cursed PJs.

“Sunset?” She heard a group of people say at the same time, and looking into the living room she saw the rest of her friends crowded into the living room. All of them looked at her wide-eyed with their mouths dropped open.

“O-oh you’re all here already?” She said, as her cheeks tinted red. She had invited them over to help but it was clear that she hadn’t actually been prepared for them to see her right now

“Guys look!” Rainbow Dash said as she rushed down the stairs and lifted the girl up, tossing her in the air and catching her before holding her out to her friends. “She's so little!” She said with a giggle, making Sunset's cheeks burn a bit hotter as that happened.

“Yes, I’m sure they can see Rainbow Dash!” She whined as she squirmed trying to get out of her friend's arms.

“Darling!” Rarity gasped, rushing over and taking Sunset from their athletic friend and hugged the girl, twisting and turning. “You look adorable!” She said, burying and shoving the Sunset’s face into her shoulder as she hugged her.

“Uh… Rarity,” Apple Jack said, tapping on the teen’s shoulder. “Perhaps we should let Sunset explain what happened before you suffocate her.”

“Uh fine.” She sighed, sounding disappointed about that as she sat the girl down and patted her head.

“Thank you,” Sunset said with a sigh, but let out an epp as she felt someone grab her and she quickly ended up in Fluttershy's lap, getting an eye roll from Applejack this time.

Sunset sighed as Fluttershy wrapped her arms around her like a carnival ride seat belt. Looking up at the girl the little kid didn’t have the heart to break away from the smiling girl. She was looking down at Sunset like she had just found a diamond.

“Kay, Sugarcube. Tell us what happened.” Applejack said as she took a seat on the ground.

And Sunset tried to explain everything that had happened since they had seen each other. From her finding the PJs in front of the statue at the school and thinking Pinkie had gotten them for one of the Cake twins. To them magically appeared on her and started to shrink her until she was this age. Even explained how she had to try and trap the PJs in her dresser but how they managed to get out so she and Rainbow had trapped them in her room.

“Guys, I don’t know what to do!” She said, nervously twisting her hair with her fingers. “I can’t call my mom and dad. They’ll want to come home and they can’t. This trip was really important for them.” She sighed, hiding her face in her hands. “But what am I supposed to do? My desk chair just threw me around the room like we were in a fight! I doubt I can do anything like this!” She said.

“Aw… I’m sorry Sunset.” Fluttershy said as she hugged the girl tight as if she were trying to console an actual child.

“Hey don’t fret.” Apple Jack said, placing her hand on the girl's puffy red and yellow hair. “We’re obviously gonna help you, Sunset. Why don’t ya come and stay at my place tonight? I’m sure we can figure out how to fix this as quick as a rabbit kicks.” She said to the girl, making her look up, her cyan-colored eyes shimmering as if she had been ready to cry.

“R-really?” Sunset asked, giving a sniffle as used her sleeve to clear her eyes and nose.
“Yeah, of course! What else are friends for?” Apple Jack asked the girl, “We can always use an extra set of hands to help out. No matter how small.” She teased, poking the girl's hands.

“Yeah, we can all take turns giving you a place to stay.” Twilight said, “Until we can figure this out. It’ll probably take a couple of days like it normally does.” Twilight said with a smile.

“I can get you a fabulous wardrobe to wear until that point. Even something for roughing it with the pigs while you’re at Applejack's” She said with a chuckle.

“And I’ll make sure Ray is taken care of,” Fluttershy said with a soft smile. “And I’ll bring him to you if you get back to normal.”

“Yeah, this stuff always manages to sort itself out.” Rainbow Dash chirped, not sounding worried at all. “So how about we go upstairs and get some stuff packed up while everyone else figures out who you’re staying with and when? And I’ll make sure to fight off those weird PJs if they decide to show themselves again!” She said, throwing a couple of punches and a kick, getting a giggle from her friends. So Rainbow Dash led the charge up the stairs when Sunset managed to break free of Fluttershy's grasp and she started the long climb up the stairs.

“You… you guys… don’t have… a lot of… steps… do you?” Sunset asked, getting a word or two out in between each step that she climbed.

“Nah not at my place.” Her friend responded, “Shame, stairs give a good burn on the legs.” She said as she turned the knob to Sunset’s when the girl finished climbing the steps. And when she was ready she pushed the door open and walked in, fist raised ready to throw out some karate jabs. “Ok, I think we’re safe.” She whispered to her friend, “But be quick in case it shows its face again… or um… cloth again?” She said, and Sunset was quick to run into the room, to grab a red backpack, and immediately throw some stuff in it that she would need. Toothpaste and toothbrush, a soft baby blue blanket she had, and even the notebook to contact Twilight with. She didn’t bother checking the book at that moment, wanting to get out before the PJs reappeared. Though sadly it was too late for that to have happened.

“Uh… are those the PJs?” Rainbow asked, an eyebrow raised as she pointed at the girl as she walked up ready to leave, making Sunset look down. And like at the bakery the bright red PJs poked out from her sleeves and the top of her shirt.

“Ah hey!” Sunset yelped, looking down, and immediately started to try and find the zipper as she kicked her shoes off, starting to take off her outer layer of clothing. But the zipper wasn’t in the place where it had been the previous night. “This is going to be a weird time, isn’t it?” She asked with a groan as she flopped onto her back.