• Published 17th Oct 2023
  • 155 Views, 0 Comments

Nowhere, Never - amastelaire

Creation is a long painful process, so when it happen, the world might get weird

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The “CREAK” of the door wasn’t really loud, but it felt like it was, breaking through the silence I had been engulfed in until now, now replaced by a strange humming sound, like the rooms were singing for me to come in.
One hoof, then another, I passed my head through the doorway.
Three hooves, now four, and as I fully entered the room, the door shut close.

The room was dark, it seemed to twist and turn, but it was hard to discern the details in the shadows that kept moving, twitching from left to right, rising up before falling back down in the dust.

I stepped again, the right wall seemed to lead to an opening, and whatever this “TOO DIFFICULT” would be, I am not really excited to stay still and find out. So, with my half-might, I just continued to walk slowly, hugging the right wall to be sure not to lose it in darkness.
And here it was, another room, still dimly lit by those monochrome shades. Whatever this place is, it doesn’t feel complete, giving of this eerie feeling that something is off, like I should not be here…

Well, Whatever. It’s not like I could just get out of here, because if I could, I would have done it from the start.

I sank deeper in this maze, rooms after rooms, all coming in different shapes and forms, but always with the same sets of blacks and whites. The structure seemed to make less and less sense, some rooms stretched like hallways but led to nowhere, other were clipped by walls in different angles, some had random steps and sets of stairs that led to nowhere, or just back to the rooms before.
It wasn’t normal, this place wasn’t normal. Was it some sort of trial?
Was I lost in a place I wasn’t meant to be in?

It’s been quite some rooms now, but something changed, COLOR!
Yes, I know it’s hard to believe, but this room has red dots painted on a floor, two to be exact,
The only strange thing is that, whenever I come close to them, they move away, always trying to put as much distance between me and them as possible.

I don’t really know what to do now, I lost the entrance I took to this room and even by following the walls, It doesn’t seem like it’s here anymore. And the dots stopped moving across the floor, now they are on the walls, staring I me like a pair of red piercing eyes.

The color that had me excited is now a little frightening, just here, never stopping to move away from me, and I might be hallucinating from I know how long I’ve been stuck in this place, but I’m almost certain I saw the shadows move again, crawling across the already black walls, engulfing the dark in darkness.

The dots started moving again, even when I stay still, they don’t seem to care anymore, and now instead follows the pulsating shadows. Those shadows move in patterns, like they are trying to form something but can’t quite decide yet, sometime they wrap around the red dots, forming a pony form, sometimes they just engulf them in a sort of blob, and sometimes they make others creatures, but it never quite stays, the longer I’ve seen the shadow take a shape was when they merged into what seem like a pegasus mare, but it didn’t stay like this for long.

The shadow finally decided what shape to take, a wolf-like figure, still twitching and changing from the indecisive shadows, walked as one, the red dots, now completely free from the confine of the walls, had became glowing orbs, likely the eyes of the creature who was now circling me, like if it was studying me, trying to understand who I was, what I was.

The silence that built up from this situation only made it more tense, I was too stunned to even breathe audibly, but that silence was quickly shattered when the creatures started to talk in a weird voice, like a mix of hundreds of different ponies trying to speak at once.

“Pegasus I see, Interesting…”

I tried to ask what she was talking about, but the wolf was already at my side, its warm ash-like paws caressing my side with a gentle touch, gentler than you would think coming from this type of creature.

“And a gray coat, odd choice, I wouldn’t have guessed that.”

It felt like the wolf was describing somepony, but who? Me?
“Wait, I am a pegasus?” I asked, babbling words out of incomprehension and excitement

“Well, yes,” The wolf tilted its head, seeming a little surprised. “How would you not know that?”
“It’s you. You should know who you are, right? I did not make any of this!”

“Wait, what do you mean by ‘Make’?”



“I… I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Well, Answer me!”

“You’ll have the occasion to talk about that later, All of this isn’t ready… I didn’t think you’ll be awake so soon, It… It shouldn’t have started like that.”

And with that, the shadows dissipated, the two red orbs falling and shattering on the ground in dozens of little fuming shards.

What does it mean? I need to understand what just happened.
I look down to my hooves, colored in a light gray, just like the shadow-wolf told me, and on my sides were two wings, two wing I had never see, I had never felt, I had never known existed.

I am a pegasus.

I think you can understand the excitement I felt surging through my body, I was a pegasus! I could fly! And even better, now that I was jumping around, trying to take flight, a blur of orange crossed my vision, a bright orange, the color of my mane. I had a colored mane!
Finally a substantial break from the monochrome, something bigger than just red dots on a wall, because it was a part of me.

But the rejoicing couldn’t last forever, and the shattered parts of the orbs, now lying on the ground, oozing a shadowy smoke, moved again, regrouping and reforming the two dots on the wall.
The shadow moved, drawing the outline of wolf around them again.

It didn’t take long for the wolf to leap from the wall and crash into me, its glowing red eyes looking straight into mines in an animal ferocity, and it was obvious it was no longer here to talk about coat color.