• Published 28th Dec 2011
  • 4,012 Views, 99 Comments

The Minecrafters Tales of Equestria [alpha] - Roland the Minecrafter

Minecraft meets Equestria, where legends come to life.

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Chapter 1

The Minecrafters Tales of Equestria


Twilight looked around the black, endless abyss surrounding her, frigtend

Beware the beings that stand on two legs!

Twilight looked into the endless void, and watched as a two legged creature stabbed spike right through the heart, unfazed by what he did

With them bring pain and suffering…

The scene shifted to another one of those strange creatures, fighting applejack on a beam of iron before knocking her off…

They be the forbringers of death…

Twilight watched as the roof of Canterlot was slowly removed, and Celestia was taken by a hand made of iron…

These beings will bring only harm…

She saw a ruined, destroyed Canterlot…

And destruction…

The lavender unicorn watched in horror as applejacks home was destroyed before her very eyes, by a creature with a maniacal…

They shall doom you all!

She watched as a creature with a red eye set flame to Fluttershys home, another one looted Zecoras home, and snatched all of the zebra’s worldly belongings.

You have been warned…

Twilight woke up with a fright.

god, that was a weird dream...

The pony went back to sleep, bearly remembering the dream, but keeping its leson.

Etho couldn’t sleep.

He Just couldn’t...

Not for the normal reason he usually couldn’t- the fact that monsters were lurking in the dark outside his shelter, but because he couldn’t help but feel an urge to make another portal. Not a nether portal, but a portal made of wool, a five meter tall, and four meter wide one. He had no idea where the idea came from, but ever since it appeared in his head, he couldn’t help but feel a nagging sensation, every single moment of every single day, to make that portal...

Etho climbed out of bed, and decided to do it. He would Make the portal.

Etho held the old book, called the wiki, he had since he arrived in the strange land he now called his home. The book never left his pocket, even when he, quote-unquote, died. For when he dies, his stuff is scattered, and he returns to the last place he slept, for some weird reason. In this place that the wiki refers to as “Minecraftia,” where everything is blocky and pixilated, where trees float, where you can chop trees down with your hands, where you can make many things just by placing down the ingredients on a bench made of wood, then clapping, where you can make nearly anything.

Etho pushed a button on the wall, and with a familiar ‘click sound he watched as his breakfast was flung out a dispenser, onto the wooden plate in front of him, resounding with yet another ‘click’.

He ate his average breakfast, consisting of a piece of bread, and a “Potion of Swiftness” as the old lether book called it. All he knew was that it tasted like orange juice, and made him faster. Heck, He could barely remember orange juice; it had been so long since he was at his house, eating his cereal and orange juice.. He missed those days. That was, what? Two, maybe three years ago?

Etho stood up, and sprinted to his “living room.” It was, in actuality, a cave where he had filled the ground with grass. He slowly walked to his chests, where he stored his belongings. He opened the one that he knew contained just what he needed.

Purple, orange, cyan, pink, and yellow dye.

He grabbed what he needed to make the portal, and rushed to his portal room in a blaze of excitement. He didn't understand why the portal was made of wool blocks, when he knew that they would just burn.

He placed down 2 of the iron blocks, and the colored wool around it, with 2 more iron blocks atop it, in a formation similar to the Nether portal.

He pulled out his flint and steel, and set the iron alight, and with a flash of light, he felt a gust of wind from the portal, knocking him back from the swirling rainbow of colors that came from it.

Etho stared in awe at what he saw…

A rainbow portal, so colorful, so bright, so…


It felt like an astounding amount of wonders were ebbing through his very being. He wanted to walk into the portal, see what made such wonders appear, caused such wonderful feelings.

Then he recalled the other portal, the one equally awe-inspiring, with its stars, its blackness. He could not return when he went through, he knew that much. That was what he guessed, at least. He could never return, unless he did… something.

He thought about that, would he leave what he made for this? Could he abandon it all?

Yes, yes he could.

He went to his house, and gathered his stuff. All his iron blocks, his diamond blocks, his gold blocks, some saplings, some lava, some water, some pickaxes, some obsidian,some netherrack, coal, and redstone.

Everything he would ever need to survive in a new land.

He felt like he could take anything, decked out in his diamond armor, his diamond sword, his bow, and his knowledge. He walked through the bright, rainbow colored portal, wondering what would happen.

What followed was nothing near what he was expecting.

He was falling, falling fast, from a height he never thought possible. He thought he was going to die, and lose all his iron, diamond, and coal. He would have to nearly start over again… but he knew, somehow, that if he died here, that was the end.

He spotted a pool of water. Not a very deep pool, around 2 meters deep.

He recalled what had happened this once… he created a platform, high above the ocean, to obtain the high of being that high. He was placing the fences, to keep him from falling from that height, when he fell. He fell, for what seemed like eons, and then landed, wet and cold, but unharmed.

2 meters were all he needed to live. He angled his descent downward, towards the pool.


Fluttershy was tending to Angel, right outside her fish pond.

“Now, now Angel, you know that these herbs are good for you, and that you cannot grow into a large, strong bunny without them.” Angel looked up, and saw a speck, falling steadily, right towards him, and in terror, the white rabbit ran away from the pond. “Angel!”

There was a splash, seemingly large enough to shake Equestria on its foundations, and a large enough to launch the fish out of the water. And from that crash, a creature crawled out of the pond. The creature was tall, with a mane that was only on its head, standing on its hind legs, and holding a blue sword, and a full set of clothing.

The creature looked at Fluttershy, its eyes aglow with shock and fear… but there was something else in its eyes: awe.

The creature ran into the Everfree Forest, limping as it went. “Wait!” Fluttershy cried. The creature just ran, and the kindest pony in all of Ponyville chased after it.

The creature seemed to be pulling some sort of… flask, from his pockets. It gulped down its contents, and what happened following that shocked fluttershy.

The broken bones knitted themselves back together, as if by the magic of Celestia herself. He scrambled through his pockets, and some odd black orbs came out from the,m. As Fluttershy almost caught the creature, it picked up one of the orbs from the ground, and flung it across the heavens, farther than anypony could have imagined. He pulled out a sword, and held it fast against his chest.

Then, he was gone, in a puff of purple smoke. Fluttershy stared, wondering what just happened. “I better tell Twilight…” The yellow pony left the forest. “She’ll know what it is,” and thus, started her trek to Twilight’s house, to tell her the peculiar turn of events.


Etho stood there, leaning on a tree.

What was that thing? It looked like a cow… or a pig, maybe… no, too big to be a pig… what was it…

Then he recalled the look of confusion on its face. It looked like… it looked like it understood me… with curiosity. No measly cow could do that. It looked like… a horse... No, too small for a horse. Maybe a… pony…

Etho, with his sword by his side, scanned his entire body. The diamond armor’s gone, and I almost died in that fall, too. That must have been one heck of a fall to do that. Wipe out diamond armor in one hit, and break my legs. Quite shocking, in truth.

Etho looked up towards the sun. The sun was high above him, with its shine lighting up the forest, just as it always has. But Etho was shocked when he noticed something he did not expect, and felt his world shake at its very foundations.

The sun was round.


For 3 years, he had had lived in a world where everything was square, nothing round, nothing curved; But this, THIS, was such a shock, Etho felt his knees buckle under his awe at that measly ball of flame.

Etho gathered his bearings, Ok, so, the sun’s round, and that is new. Ok… and the… things… seem to be sentient. The last run in with another sentient being resulted in my potion room being brutally destroyed for its entertainment. Best keep my home hidden from view. Perhaps in a mountain? Underground? In a tree trunk? Then he noticed the trees.

To the denizens of a nearby town, it seemed like a small matter, the trees in the Everfree Forest. Not the best looking trees, but still, they didn’t go there, and they didn’t care.

But to Etho, who had seen only square trees for the last few years, they were god-like trees, with their curvy branches, their rough bark, their curved leaves…

Etho was once more stunned by this world’s wonder, with all of its… CURVES!

Curves, curves! They were everywhere! Most ponies would never be shocked of curves, but this one human was astounded by the wonder of it all! The lake, with its curved sides, it's curved beach. The waterfall with its curved arc, its splashing upon the rocks, the rumble it caused! and oh how awed Etho was. Those small details made Etho feel oh so happy, like he was in heaven!

He looked up at the sky, checking the time. It was somewhat past noon, so he should probably make a home, to endure the night, and evade the monsters that come out.

Etho reached into his pocket, and pulled out his pickaxe, and started to drill into the side of the mountain. He created a hidden door, so that when he hit a button on the hillside, it opened into his small hole. The home was one room so far, with a bed, a chest, a small wheat farm, and a furnace. He did not know how they still worked in this dimension, with its curves, it's gravity, and its wonder.

Well, this is a shabby home we have here… better add some more to it.

So he started digging.


Fluttershy was making haste towards Twilights, to alert her of what happened with the... the thing that landed in the water, and knitted its legs back together with ease.

Fluttershy stood outside Twilights door, preparing to knock to alert twilight of those happenings, when she stopped. Who would believe her? A creature that walks on two legs, with only a mane, no fur, wearing a shirt, healing itself with a… potion? She stood there, for a moment longer, when she assured herself, Twilight would.

Fluttershy walked into the tree that was the library, and called “um, Twilight…”

Twilight closed the book she was reading, and walked to the yellow Pegasus. “What’s wrong?”

Fluttershy described to Twilight the happenings of earlier that day, about the creature and its ability to mend its broken bones in mere seconds by drinking out of a flask.

“That’s odd,” Twilight commented. “I’ve never heard of such a creature even existing, much less in Ponyville.”

Fluttershy remembered something, “Oh, I forgot to mention, it dropped some the orbs he disappeared with,” she pulled out the some of the black spheres the creature left behind. “It threw them, and then he, I think it was a he, vanished.”

Twilight looked at the orb in wonder, what was it? Where did it come from? How did throwing it cause the thrower to vanish?

Twilight decided to throw it, and see what would happen.

She pulled her arm back, and flung it across the room.

What followed was odd. Twilight, like the creature that threw one of the pearls, vanished in a puff of purple smoke, only to appear where the pearl landed. Twilight was accustomed to teleportation, but not that sort. She stood up, to feel a slight pain in her hip.

“Oh, my…” Fluttershy came up to twilight, and the yellow Pegasus picked her up, “what happened?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight answered, “but it has to do with that pearl thing. It's some sort of teleportation spell, to teleport you somewhere, at the price of getting hurt.”

“How do you know that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Because, I think I broke my legs in that spell, and I know it wasn't because of landing issues...

Just then, PinkiePie appeared out of the cupboard. Seemingly out of nowhere. “You need food!!” she cried, as she jumped out of the cupboard, seemingly to conjure cupcakes out of thin air. “Eat!!!” she cried, as she stuffed cupcakes in Twilight’s mouth.

“Pinkie!!” Twilight screamed, as she was force fed a plethora of cupcakes.


Etho looked at the work he has done so far. He had made a new potion room, a new enchantment room, along with a dining room, a room for all the non-diamond shiny rocks, a bedroom, an elevator, a slot machine, and a semi-automatic wheat farm. He was quite proud of what he had created. The mineral deposits in this dimension are ridiculously large, Etho thought, I already have 4 stacks of iron blocks from that one deposit. Not to mention the fact that stacks consists of 128 blocks now! He went to the potion room he made, carrying his sugar and bottles. He wished he had the potion room from his home again; it was so wonderful, with its auto dispensing supplies, the color coded chest, and all those brewing stands!

He had to deal with the one brewing stand he brought, though. He had yet to try to see if the nether worked in this dimension, though he suspected that it did not.

He filled the center tube on his brewing stand with sugar, and placed some glass flasks filled with water next to it. Etho stood by his brewing stand, brewing some potions of swiftness. He felt impatience that he never felt with his old brewing factory. Oh, he missed the home he had made himself, with all of its wonders.

Finally, the first batch of potions was finished. Three potions of swiftness down, three potions of strength left.

Etho sighed; I forgot how tedious this process was. He picked up his sword and walked up to his thinking room. He sat on the small stool he had made. Etho pulled out the wiki, and decided to flip through it. Upon flipping through it a couple of times, there came up a display.

Create new wiki page?

Etho stood there, stunned, he had never been able to add a page before, and he didn’t know that he could.

Etho stood there. After a while, he said to the book, “yes.”

There was a blast of light, as Etho saw before him a keyboard, and a screen, floating before him.

it seemed impossible, but it had happened. weirder things have happened to him before.

There was a template on the screen. “Title?” it said.

Etho didn’t know what to name this place he was in. The first thing he had seen in this new world was a pony, so it should be something pony related.

Etho typed in “Pony Land” and clicked enter. He remembered how to alter a wiki, after being three years out of practice.

After that, he was given a workspace to type stuff. Etho thought for a moment, and then typed all his findings into that paragraph. He closed the wiki, and decided to see how the ponies lived like, to fill out the wiki.

He crafted himself some diamond armor from the diamonds he brought, and packed the “basic fighting kit” as the wiki called it. The “basic fighting kit” consisted of a diamond sword, a bow, about half a dozen Potions of healing, 2 potions of swiftness, a bow, a flint and steel, some nether rack, some bread, and a few stacks of dirt.

With these supplies, he left the cave he had called home for the last few days, and headed east, where he had seen the pony.


I CAN'T EAT ANYMORE!” Twilight cried.

PinkiePie laughed with joy. “Good! Now that you’re full, your leg will heal in no time!”

Twilight grunted in frustration, then she noticed something; her leg was fixed up. “How did you- never mind, at least I didn’t choke on cupcakes.”

PinkiePie stood up “Yeah, because if that happened then I would never see you again, and then I wouldn’t have a friend to talk to, other than Fluttershy, Rainbowdash, Applejack, and Rarity! But they don’t listen as much as you do most of the time, other than that one time you were reading a book and so I played with Rainbowdash then she avoided me and hid in Applejack’s barn but not the one she blew up and—”

“We get it PinkiePie,” Twilight said. “We should really get the group together to investigate that… creature Fluttershy saw.”

“The one on two legs with no hooves?”

“Yes, that one, and how did you— UGH, never mind.”

An hour or two later, the entire group got together. “Okay, so, you all must be wondering what I gathered you here for...”

“I don’t!!!” the pink earth pony cheered.

“Yes, Pinkie, we all know you know why we are here... Anyway, I will let Fluttershy tell you what happened to her.”

Fluttershy described to all the ponies what had happened earlier that day:

“Well, I was feeding Angel, helping him grow up to be a strong bunny, and then he looked scared, and ran… right before the... thing landed in the water… and it looked at me, scared, and it ran. I followed it, because of its broken leg, to help it… it pulled out a flask, and drank whatever was in it… and it… healed itself, and pulled out one of those… black pearl-like things… and it flung it somewhere, farther then anypony could… and it… disappeared. Then I came here, and Twilight brought you all here…”

After a long silence, Applejack said, “Well, I suppose we should find this here critter. See if their kind’s a dangerous lot.”

“Yeah!!” Rainbow cried, “Let’s teach that thing not to mess with my friends!!!!”

“Well,” Rarity said, “while it sounds like the creature’s quite odd, I must say that I am intrigued by what it is.”

“Then it's settled,” Twilight declared. “To the everfree fore-”

The purple unicorn got no further before she heard a loud scream.


Everypony looked around, looking for the source of the cries when the roof caved in, and a creature bearing a resemblance to the one they were going to look for fell out from the ceiling.

The creature looked around, “D’AWWW, ponies!!!” it cried.

Applejack looked at the creature, “Eh, well, looks like we ain’t gonna’ have to go to the Everfree then.”

The creature’s eyes grew in shock. “What the hell? THEY TALK!”


In the royal garden of Canterlot, a creature was stirring in the distance. Green in looks, taller than a regular pony.

Nearby, a worker of the Canterlot garden, known as Hayseed, was trimming the leaves, making the place look pretty, when he noticed the green thing.

It was tall, leafy in appearance, with four legs and a frown on its face.

“Hello there!” the pony said. The green thing stared at it, and then started walking towards the pony.

“Aw, there, there, are you afraid?” The green thing just kept walking towards him. It started to hiss.

“Whoa, calm down, I’m nothing to be scared of! The green thing walked to Hayseed’s left. “Why are you-”

There was a sudden explosion.

All that was left was a crater.