• Published 2nd Oct 2023
  • 521 Views, 14 Comments

Trixie Shines in the Twilight - Flameon_Heart

A Trixie X Twilight short romance story <3

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Shining Beauty

The schoolgrounds was a flurry of movement this Friday afternoon. It was the last day of school and creatures of all sorts were saying their Summer goodbyes and planning their fun antics. Every student said a personal goodbye to their teachers, and went on their way. One mare in particular was quite fond of the goodbyes. Trixie Lulamoon, the school counselor, was greeting students all afternoon and into the evening. The students adored their counselor and her (surprisingly) precise advice and help she would provide. When the final student left for the summer, Trixie locked up her office and headed for the front entrance.

"Another year another great and powerful success!" Trixie giggled to herself. Trixie had always enjoyed working here at the School of Friendship. She liked helping every creature with their problems and being depended on; it filled her with a sense of pride different from her constant self-praise. She was lost in thought and didn't realize someone was coming from the other hall, and neither had they noticed her. Within seconds, the two collided, sending the books the mysterious figure was carrying in their magic to fly off in every direction.

"Oww!" groaned Trixie. She looked up to see who she had ran into, only to see...her. Standing before Trixie was the dazed form of Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. Many years before that day, Trixie would have reacted repulsed, accusing Twilight of not looking where she was going and making a whole scene of it, but back then was not right now.

"Twilight! Are you okay?!" she asked, in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be okay." said Twilight. She dusted her hooves off and used her magic to pick up the books effortlessly. "What are you still doing here? AJ took everyone out for cider if you want to join them." she said cheerfully.

Trixie replied, "No, I'm good. I was just cleaning up the office and saying final goodbyes to the students. What are you still doing here, your highness?" A smug grin appeared on Trixie's face with that little line.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Well if you must know, my little pony," she shot back another smug grin, "I was checking that everyone had left for the day before I lock up. We don't want a repeat of last year when that troublemaker Gilded Wing got locked inside, now do we?" Both mares giggled at the thought. Trixie looked at Twilight as she was laughing, and blushed a deep crimson. Luckily for her, Twilight didn't notice it. 'Twilight's laugh is so charming and cute' thought Trixie as she stared at the princess. For many years now, Trixie had developed a fondness for her former rival. From her magnificent mane to her beautiful purple eyes, Trixie had been smitten years after their rivalry ended.

"Well Twilight, mind if we walk together?" Trixie asked innocently.

"Sure, Trixie. I'd enjoy the company." said Twilight. Trixie blushed again, and this time, Twilight had noticed but said nothing. Unknown to Trixie, Twilight had developed feelings for her too. Twilight had admired Trixie's growth from her scandalous ways. Starlight and Sunburst (as well as her and the others) had really set her straight. She'd been so busy over the years with the school and the kingdom, that she had never had the chance to do the things she started to long for: Go on dates, get into relationships, and truly meet the one for her.

"So, how was this year for you? Those kids didn't run you ragged with their constant friendship questions did they?" asked Trixie.

"This year went really well! We had so many new students, and I've heard time and time again about your 'great and powerful' advice hehe." said Twilight.

"Oh you have? Wha-what have the students said specifically?" asked Trixie curiously.

"I've heard that you're caring, that you listen to their problems, and that you always help them find a solution. I admire your determination to see to it that our students feel safe and welcome to this school." said Twilight.

The two mares had made it to the exit. While Twilight got the magic lock ready, Trixie was lost in thought again. 'This is it Lulamoon! If you don't ask now you'll miss your chance until the next school year. Just ask her out. Do it! The worst she could say is no, right? Actually, that would be the worst...'

Trixie smiled weakly. "Hey Twilight uhm, I've wanted to ask you something for awhile now. It's kind of a silly request and I know you're gonna laugh at me but..."

"What is it Trixie? I promise, I won't laugh. Please, tell me." Twilight stated with a warm smile.

"I...was w-wondering if you and me c-could go on a...d-date? Trixie sputtered out, a deep maroon blush on her face.

Twilight's heart skipped a beat at the question. 'Trixie wants to go on a date with, me?! Is this real?!'

"I-I....wow. Are you serious? O-of course! I'd be happy to go on a date with you!" Twilight blurted out.

"You would?! asked a bewildered Trixie.

"Yes. I was actually planning on asking you the same thing heh. I've had a crush on you for quite some time now." Twilight beamed.

"Y-you do?!" Trixie's heart raced a hundred miles a second.

"Of course! You're fun, loyal, smart, and c-cute hehe. I'd love to go on a date with you, Trixie Lulamoon."

Both mares' hearts soared. Trixie tackled Twilight with a massive *Ursai hug. "Thank you thank you thank you! You just made this mare's night!" said Trixie enthusiastically.

"Okay okay, I get it ya goofball. I really like you too. Now, would you help me up after you tackled me, oh great and powerful one?" Twilight smirked.

"O-Oh, of course. Sorry hehe." Trixie pulled Twilight to her hooves and then hugged her again, which Twilight reciprocated. "So, where would you want to go, and when? Maybe a fancy dinner, or a theater show perhaps?"

Twilight didn't even need to think about the answer. "If it's with you, I don't really care what we do. How about we start tonight?"

Trixie swooned. "Of course, your majesty. Let's get out of here and go have some fun."

"Let us indeed." Twilight giggled, before planting a soft kiss on Trixie's forehead, which made Trixie collapse. After Trixie had regained her composure, she took Twilight's hoof in hers, and after locking up the school, they were off for a night of whimsey and romance...

Author's Note:

* As in Ursa Major, a bear lol