• Published 3rd Oct 2012
  • 562 Views, 0 Comments

Through Broken Eyes - wrasse62123

A lonely blind mare from Canterlot comes to Ponyville

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The Arrival

The First day

Dear Journal

Hello my name is Polaris, I can't really describe on what I look like, I am blind, it is my greatest shame. I live, or I should say lived, in a place called Canterlot. I am from one of the lower classes in Canterlot society, my parents were never around... and I was treated horribly due to my condition, by...well...just about everypony. I have decided to turn over a new hoof and go to a place called Ponyville, I hope ponies will accept me for who I am there, but I doubt it, I will wear sunglasses to hide my shame, I am told that my eyes are hideous, ugly, there are some other phrases that other ponies use. Although, ironically I can see decently, I am a unicorn you see, I can use my magic see the various shapes of things, I can even read sometimes, by detecting ink on paper, it does tire me though. I am going after the summer sun celebration incident, it was all over the news, and I am hoping that I can use the presumed quietness after such an event, as a way to become a backround character, maybe everypony will leave me alone.

(Ponyville: Polaris POV)

I currently had a house waiting for me in Ponyville, living there was a lot cheaper than living in somewhere like Canterlot allowing me to easily afford a new place, that was much larger than my old one, it was on 227B Baker Street (tell me if you get the reference), I had a general idea of where this was, however I was not completely sure, however currently I had more pressing concerns...the Train.

I had never been too fond of trains, although I was not entirely sure why, I usually did not like to be around people which could constitute for one reason, another would be that I am also not too happy about loud noises, the third reason could possibly be signs of minor claustrophobia, just enough to be uncomfortable. But whatever the reason, this was better than walking, and I would most likely attract no attention, which is exactly what I wanted, Ponyville was considered a small town, and not too many people would be headed for it.

I had received my ticket for the proper train, named "The Pony Express" it was to be heading to my destination in about thirty minutes, so I sat down with the few belongings that I had brought with me, which were a pillow, ear plugs, and a chocolate bar made by the brand "Horsey's" (get it? Horsey's, Hershey's, yeah I know it is not that good) and continued to occupy myself by munching on it.

Everything else that I owned was already at the house, for some reason Canterlot shipping is cheaper than the Ponyville moving Company, maybe it had to do with the fact that Canterlot was having more things shipped out of it than Poneyville

I tried to use my magic to see in the crowded train station however there was so much movement, that it all seemed fuzzy. After a while of waiting I decided to try and find where I was getting on this train. My current method of completing this task, was to ask several people at different locations, observe where they pointed then combine all areas to the right point, It might seem hard but this was actually easier for a blind magical unicorn to pull off, unfortunately this did take a little while to do.

Once I had found my location, double checked with the guard ponies and sat down my train came rolling in, this was very loud and obnoxious to me and I resisted covering my ears.

"Alllllllll aboard" The conductor called, from hearing him he was about 15 feet away from me and was a colt, judging by his voice he was an elderly pony of about the age of 68

I walked towards the forming line of ponies that line, they moved quickly and efficiently through to me I held out my ticket and put on the best smile that I could

''Excuse me miss, but you are holding your ticket upside down" The conductor said, what his tone said was that he was on to me

"Oh sorry sir" I said now smiling nervously, and fixing the ticket to its proper position

He quickly scanned it before looking at me one last time "are you alright miss?"

"Just Peachy" I managed to squeak out"

"Well enjoy your ride" he said with the sudden need to get everyone else done and checked, taking over his mind

If you are wondering how I can tell what these ponies are thinking, it is all in the tone of their voice, you see scientists around the world have discovered that you send messages of what you’re thinking, usually without knowing it, in the tone of your voice, it was really quite interesting

I quickly bumbled in and felt my way to a private one-pony booth, and sat down in the chair that they provided, I felt the train starting to move, it was very loud to me, with this combined with the not particularly comfortable position that I was in along with the packing stress for the last few days, there was no way that I was going to get any sleep...And it was 9 hours to Ponyville. It was really worth the money for me to get a one-pony booth,ponies weren't really my specality.

(9 hours of sleepless rolling around later)

That was a horrible but needed experience that I hope I will never have to go through again, however I was completely correct in the fact, that the train was not packed, in fact the only contact that I had with other ponies was when the waitress came around to give me a package of complementary peanuts, Ponyville had only one train station where Canterlot had about five, and this one was clearly much smaller than any of the ones at Canterlot.

It was actually much warmer at Ponyville than Canterlot as well, this was most likely due to the dramatic altitude difference, also there seemed to be less noise and not as many ponies rushing around, this made it easier for me to see, and the constant assault on my ears was gone. Everything seemed much more relaxed and natural from the constant uptight feeling that Canterlot had to offer.

By the way that the sun felt on my fur, I could tell that it was about 7:00AM, the peanuts, although good, were not holding me over, and it seemed that a station this small was unlikely to have any restaurants, to my luck I did smell the sweet aroma of apples, and this was not just a stand, this was a ton of apples, they smelled to be about half a mile away, and fortunately in the general direction of my destination.

The walk over was fairly uneventful, and that was the way that I wanted it to be, although I did hear a super-fast Pegasus fly over me, it sounded like the Pegasus was about to break the sound barrier, the road was made of a rough muddy sand, and by the feel of it, it had just rained the day before, so there would be no chance of sudden showers, it actually never usually rained in Canterlot no need to with no plants or forrests, plus it pumped all of it's water from some unnatural lake

Then suddenly it hit me like a brick wall, the massive scent of acre upon acre of apple trees, they smelled like some of the best apples that I have ever smelled, of course I was so indulged in the smell that I had not noticed the pony walking behind me.

"Howdy partner!" A southern accent said behind me, I jumped a bit, this pony was a girl of about my age and seemed fairly muscular

"Hello" I managed to say trying to look as if I could see, this was a common problem for blind ponies as they did not know exactly who or what they were looking at, you must remember that Ihave only seen with my magic as sort of an advanced ecolocation adaption, so a well trained eye could easily tell if you were looking at them, fortunately this pony didn't seem to notice.

"Sorry for sneaking up on you like that, I couldn't help but notice that you were looking at our apple trees," The southern accented farm pony continued

"Yes I was wondering if I could get an apple?" I asked. If I could keep this just business, then she would most likely not ask me anything personal

She quickly tossed an apple to me whom I caught with my magic; the apple felt firm and ripe and smelled great

"Thank you Miss, how much will that be?" An apple of this quality had to be expensive, at Canterlot this would be worth about 12 bits

The southern pony paused for a bit, seeming somewhat supirsed I might add, before saying "It is on the house miss, thanks for dropping by"

Mentally this was very odd to me, everything in Canterlot had a price, EVERYTHING, there were sales, even small free samples, but no one would ever give an apple such as this away 'Thank you very much miss" I said with a slight tone of confusion, but it was hardly noticeable

I as I started to walk away the southern Pony spoke again "I've never seen you around here before, do you live here?" I paused for a moment to think over my words

"Yes I do live here" It wasn't a lie, it was more of a ruse I was hoping that I could make it seem as if i had lived here for a while to avoid any welcome parties that could arise.

"Well what is your name?" The pony asked, again I paused briefly, I did not want to reveal any personal information, if I could help it however this pony seemed ore kind and honest than any other pony was at Canterlot by a long ways, this was perhaps because she did not know of my condition yet, to be frank that was probably the truth, even though I couldn't see, I could always tell when people either looked away from or stared at my light yellow, pupil lacking, eyes, That is what I was told they looked like anyways, I don't exactly know yellow.

I can however tell colors appart, through the use of magic I coulddetect the light raditaion that everything gave off fromthe electromatic spectrium, thus defining color.but besides the difference in radiation, the words yellow, blue and green didn't mean anything to me. I could only make a 3-D image of my sorroundings in my head.

Even though I was blind I could easily feel fear coming off of other ponies, it was easy with the combination of my magic, smell, and hearing. Of course I was so used to it that I usually just ignored it, I could also detect kindness too, but that sense was a new taste to me, like an expensive food that you only have once or twice a year on holidays, he kindness and honesty felt great, it was due to this that for a split second, I let my guard down.

"Polaris" I said after a quick pause, it was now her turn to pause for a second or two and study me.

"AppleJack, If you need anything then come over to me and I'll do my best to help ya out" The honesty was there, this was a genuine offer

"Thank you very much Applejack," I said feeling the name on my tongue, before walking off.

The apple that she had given me was great, someone could make a lot of money for making this into a cider, I thought. It was still a shock that she would give this away for free. As I walked, the rows of apple trees soon turned into buildings, I was currently on the outlying area of Ponyville, my place was supposed to be on the other side of town, as I was walking, I was focusing my magic to read the street signs and make a mental map of this area.

There was no bustleing around like there was in Canterlot, only a few ponies walked around having causal conversations, about things like the weather, gardening and other casual stuff.

I didn't really like to listen in on other pony's stuff, but certain stories were too funny to miss, I was listening to somepony repeat a skit from a show called "The Daily Show with Ventus" when I bumbled into a colt, and dropped my things

"Oh my I'm so sorry" I said quickly, I didn't want this simple accident to ruin my cover, especially after I had come so far.

"No I am the one who should be sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going" He paused then continued "I haven't seen you around here before my name is Shadow" he said while picking up the light carry-on bag that I was allowed to bring with me on the train. He seemed to be slightly younger than me.

He gave me my things, "Do you know where you’re going?" he asked he like Applejack seemed honestly concerned for my well being

"I'm looking for baker's street" I said short and to the point, I still didn't trust the ponies here to accept me, for all I know, he could turn his back on me in an instant, but I was forced to have his help because I didn't know where I was.

"Go down to the sugarcube corner there is a sign for it, turn right at that sign, and you will go past Rarity's Shop, It is a clothes shop, you can’t miss it, then keeping going on to the library, which is a giant tree, turn left and you will be right on baker's street." His directions were clear and I started off

I briefly turned around to thank him, but my magic told me that he was no longer there, this one must have been fast and quiet. I walked off towards my destination

I walked down to sugar cube corner, though it felt like there was somepony following me, it kept aappearing and reappearing on my magic radar, then suddenly It appeared again, It was a pony, and by the light radiation reflection that my horn was processing , it seemed that it's color was Very Very Pink,

of course I have had no conception of colors, however I could still tell what color, certain things were, due to measuring the type of light radiation that was reflected, I’m not exactly sure how it works so I am not going to try and explain it any further than that.

It had seemed that the pony was locked on to me, I could only think of one thing to do in this situation "Umm...Hello?' I said as soon as the word had left my lips the pony gave a loud over dramatic gasp, before jumping high into the air, and flying off, to this I just kind of shrugged it off, as well as snobby Canterlot folk, there were crazy Canterlot folk, why should a small town be any different?

The next Stop that Shadow had said, was a beauty shop, and As he said it was hard to miss, even I could tell that the place was finely decorated this place was I kind of reminded me of the finer well-kept homes of Canterlot except more...what was the word...comforting, inviting, it was one of those,

I stopped in front of the place and focused my magic for a brief moment; worth this I could see every wall edge and detail of the building

"Why hello" A voice said behind, I had took in all the Building and failed to notice somepony walking up behind me, how could I be so stupid.

"Um...Hello" Oh come on Polaris is that the best you could think of, hello?

"I quckly truned around to face her, by the tone of her voice, she was the one who owed the place, she seemed to have the air of an artist or clothes designer, and was most likely a combination of both, there was a faint buzz of magic that showed she was a unicorn, she seemed to be in some sort of dress or something like that.

"Do you like it?" She said referring to her dress "I like to wear my designs once to ensure maximum comfort for everypony, before I start selling a certain design"

It made sense, although I never really saw the use in clothes, unless it was cold outside, which wasn't a problem in Ponyville, Most ponies only wore clothes on special events, I never really had anyone to celebrate special events with, not even my birthday, my parents were never home and I had no friends except him...

"I guess it's nice" I said not bothering to use up the magic to make a mental image of it, it was not like I was trying to be mean, in fact I was only trying to be nice, I just didn't know that much about clothing, and that was because I never needed to know about clothing, until now at this certain instance, In all honesty from what I could detect it was a bit too bulky.

The pony who I assumed was the Rarity that Shadow had talked briefly about responded to my response with another question, which was harder for me to answer "Do you really think so, because the colors, don't really match with the sun like I wanted to."

This time I was stumped, I really wish that I knew what colors were now.

I quickly came up with a natural answer that was not a lie "Um I'm not really good with this kind of thing, I am sure that your sense of style produced, a fine work of clothing" Flattery was always a way to get out of a situation

"Yes dear well thank you for your opinion" She paused for a moment, form what I could tell she was looking at my face

"Is something wrong?" I said nervously, she continued the silence, had she found me out?

"What Is that thing on your face" she was of course referring to my sunglasses, not as bad as I thought it was, but the current situation before me could easily lead to the removal of said sunglasses, and the likely actions that played out in my mind after that were at best unfavorable, especially since she was the most Canterlot like Pony that I had seen so far,

"My Dear we must find you a different thing to wear during the day" She said over dramatically, were my sunglasses really that bad?

This is where I think that blind ponies socially have an advantage over other ponies, we have no concept of ugly in sight, only in mind, ugly works for us kind of the way bad works for you, in the abstract it is used to describe a negative thing, such as the phrase "He has an ugly mind", this is not pointing to the fact that his brain looks one way or another physically, however it is the abstract untouchable thoughts that count, In a sense I think that Blind Ponies are able to see beauty indifferent thing from another pony, thus we are detached from the need to dress up for events.

"But I like my sunglasses" Darn I sounded like a filly arguing to keep the cookie that he had just stolen, I mean really, I'm just trying to complete a usually simple task, and that is all I can come up with?

However to my great surprise Rarity actually took this answer quite well...not really that well however she answered to it in the best possible outcome that one could have expected

"Well just so you know, I would suggest that you wear something else" She paused for a moment "By the way I'm Rarity, I have never seen you around here before so I am assuming that you have recently moved here, I'm sorry but I never caught your name?'

"Polaris" I said, it was funny how my name could sometimes sound so odd and as far off as the star

"Well nice to meet you Polaris, if you need anything please do not hesitate to ask for assistance" She said before walking into the beautiful work of architecture that is her shop

It was still new to me that these ponies could want to help in anyway...it was just so...foreign to, this perhaps had to do with the social structure of this town, everyone seemed to know everyone, I had never lived in a small town, and thus was unused to this, however this did present another social problem on my part, in Canterlot one was just a person, that somepony just had to go around to get to work every day, just a face,

The point is we usually interacted only with the people on out certain streets that we lived on, or I should say that other people interacted like that, they of course never included me due to my condition and class, I was always an outcast and alone, this is why I am able to make such interesting observations on other ponies, my only pass time was quietly observing other ponies and how they interacted with each other.

One could actually chuckle at the irony of the situation, I could understand ponies better than they could understand then they themselves could, however for all my experience and knowledge I could not find a way to interact or be socially acceptable. Every time I tried the results ended up in failure, or pain...sometimes physical; however after a few beatings I learned quickly what other groups would not beat me up and tried them.

Of course they never accepted me still; there was a price of mental pain for attempting to join in a group. However, with each passing failed attempt, made the prize of companionship and belonging, more desired.

Some groups were nicer than others they would allow me in their presence, the only problem is that they would move slowly away from me, or failed to interact even though I tried to interact with them, this unfortunately left a stronger

Feeling of being an outcast than before, causing me to give up my current goals, there were many cold shoulders around...but there were worse ones.

Those were the cool kid group that would come up to me just to make fun of me without any previous knowledge of me, just that I was blind, they had a little ritual to make fun of me, every day after school let out, they would gather around and call me names "stupid pony", "Blindey", and "Dumb Yellow Eye" were the most popular ones there are certain ones that I will never repeat except inside my head, when I tried to leave, they would block me pushing me down , then they would always say "get up you stupid Blind pony"

At this point in my life I was still just a filly, I did not have the skill of magic that I have today, so I honestly couldn't see where I was going, that made everything worse,

I have observed most ponies saying that they could take the daily insults, and calling others wimps when they could not, those ponies were wrong, every day after school I went through another "Session" the harsh words wore on me like acid, and there was only one pony that I could say truly saved me, from the darkness.

Of course he was gone now as pones often go...everything good is temporary, and everything bad is forever.

I continued looking for the library that Shadow had described to me earlier, soon I had found it and like Rarity's it was hard to miss, It felt to have been carved in a massive tree, I sat there for a moment to admire it's shape with my magic when a pony about my size quickly ran out of the house and right into me, and she luckily didn't knock my glasses off

I quickly faced the Pony that had ran to me and acted like I was looking at her “Oh my goodness I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I was somewhat used to this, in Canterlot most people usually, just tackle you out of the way, she seemed to be my age, and also I felt that she was very unkempt"

"I'm fine" I responded naturally She seemed unorganized and in quite a rush for something, and I didn't want to hold her up more than I had to.

"I'm so sorry, I have been in a rush to organize the library, and I only moved here a week ago, by the way I'm Twilight" She said holding out her hoof

I had a bit trouble grabbing said Hoof however I did it "I'm Polaris" I said quickly

"Are you from around here, I've seen most ponies but I have never seen you around" She said

"Yes I'm getting to my new house" I said, it was getting dark and I really didn't want to chat with any other pony if I could help it.

"Well, I would like to get to know you better some time, but I have to get some supplies before the stores close," She said while running off

Well that was interesting I thought to myself, Shadow said that baker's street was not too far from this current location, and he was absolutely right, although finding my place was a bit difficult, fortunately for me it was on the ground floor, I did not fancy climbing stairs every day, my key clicked the door open revealing the few things that I had packed in card board boxes, however I was much too tired from today to-do anything about them,

I felt my way to the bed that was thankfully already set up, and felt the cotton sheets hug me, I had a feeling that this place would be nice.


Yeah I know I stink at writing, but I would encourage you to review, the reason that I did not provide a description of Polaris is that I wanted the Audience to imagine what she looks like, please PM me if you do want a description of her

Thanks for reading