• Published 12th Oct 2023
  • 286 Views, 2 Comments

An echo across the universe - Altia Sky

When Twilight want to retake her studies about magic artefact she find an strange transmission that came from far away in the universe

  • ...

Chapter 2: Tomorrow is another day

The next morning, Twilight woke up to find she had a severe headache - after all, last night she hadn't slept well.

She therefore called her friends before going to see Princess Celestia, to report on last night's situation and what had happened.
All five arrived in the throne room.

"What's going on, Twilight? You've been reading all night again, haven't you?" said Rainbow Dash mockingly.

"No, not really, no. The reason I called you was because I made a discovery last night" resumed Twilight.

She explained the situation. Her project, her studies and the creation of her prototype machine for detecting magical objects. She recounted the voices she'd heard through the machine and the strange messages she'd been able to capture.

"Sounds scary," murmured Fluttershy.

"maybe it was ghosts from the past", Rainbow Dash quipped.

"Rainbow!" shouted Applejack "maybe Twilight can explain?"

"Unfortunately no, that's why I called you, because I'm planning to go and see Princess Celestia today to unravel this mystery" resumed Twilight.

The five ponygirls decided to accompany Twilight to Canterlot, knowing full well what can happen when Twilight stresses out and starts having a panic attack over something she can't explain.

The six ponygirls arrived in the throne room of the royal palace and were greeted by Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna.

"I'm sorry Twilight, but despite my knowledge, I can't explain what happened," announced Celestia.

"The same goes for me," added Luna.
"Even when I was Nightmare Moon, I already knew where the elements of harmony were and I didn't need such a machine to locate them" Luna resumed more quietly in a more feverish voice.

"Twilight if I may give you a word of advice, you're smart enough to solve this riddle and if the task seems daunting, your friends are there and even your pupil could help you, I know what I'm talking about" said Celestia with a wink to Twilight.

Twilight thought for a moment, then her face lit up, Starlight Glimmer was not only a magically gifted unicorn, she also knew about magical objects and had a considerable knowledge of magic.

"Thank you, princesses!" exclaimed Twilight before leaving with her friends.

"In the end, as usual, it's up to us to do everything," murmured Rainbow Dash.

Twilight grumbled a little at Rainbow Dash, but in the end each of the ponies knew that Rainbow Dash was right in some way.

"It's time to go home," exclaimed Twilight before boarding the Friendship Express.

"Darling, although I share your enthusiasm, you'd better be in good shape before you start. I suggest we first relax at the Ponyville spa and then rest for the rest of the day, because taking care of yourself is important," suggested Rarity.

All six agreed, even if Rainbow Dash pretended not to like the proposal, secretly waiting for a good excuse to go to the spa. Wonder who really cared about appearances, Rarity or Rainbow Dash.

"Tomorrow is another day", Twilight said to herself in her head, thinking of recent events, but since then she'd taken a step back and knew that panic wasn't a good solution when faced with misunderstandings or difficulties.

The sun set peacefully over Ponyville.

The noise and light of day had given way to the calm and darkness of night.

All the ponies were asleep.

" .... ... . . . .. ... .. . ....Alarm....... . .. . . .. . ... .. . .. . "

Author's Note:

Let's go for the second chapter. This chapter it's a manner to put away Celestia and Luna out of the story my goal is to keep a minimum of character implicated in the story and focus on them.

Hope you liked it.