• Published 23rd Aug 2023
  • 659 Views, 18 Comments

Our Happy Ending - King Ice

Twilight has fallen ill with a seemingly incurable disease. As Rainbow Dash keeps seeing flashes of her life with her, she is more than determined to save the life of the one she loves, even if she has to lose herself for it.

  • ...

Alicornia Syndrome

Rainbow Dash yawned luxuriously as she stretched her wings, then gently folded them back against her marefriend's back. Beside her reclined Twilight Sparkle, one of Equestria's revered princesses. The pair shared a book within the castle's library, drawn close to the warm embrace of the fireplace, pleasantly enjoying a quiet evening away from both of their duties. Both had grown increasingly occupied in their respective roles since Rainbow Dash's ascent to a Wonderbolt and Twilight's official status as the Princess of Friendship. Thankfully, Spike and Starlight had learned to respect their moments of privacy, adeptly managing any local issues or school affairs that arose without intruding upon their tranquility.

If someone had told Rainbow Dash a few years ago that she would come to cherish quiet evenings spent reading a book, she would have laughed at their face and called you an idiot! But as life often does, much had shifted since she and Twilight had become a couple several years ago – a time when the princess was just an ordinary unicorn, albeit an exceptionally gifted one. They were… even married! She honestly never thought she would marry someone one day!

Twilight wasn’t wearing the ring on her horn right now, not that ponies usually wore their rings frequently, but it was made of gold with a small bright purple gem.

“Are you tired? Or just getting bored of me?” Twilight teased the cyan pegasus with a light tap.

“Ha! You know I could never get bored of ya!” Rainbow Dash replied with a chuckle. “It’s just… It’s the book,” She admitted while gesturing to the book they were reading. Having nearly reached the end, they were at the epilogue.

“Why? What’s wrong with it? You don’t like it?” The alicorn questioned disappointedly. “I know it’s not Daring Do, but I really thought you would enjoy this one…” She muttered while turning the book over. Twilight had started attempting to get Rainbow in other series recently, and even found a few books to her wife’s liking.

“The book is fine. Overall, I enjoyed it but…” Rainbow sighed. “The end is kinda boring. I feel like it’s another happy ending with the characters living happily ever after,” She explained, making Twilight tilt her head.

“You don’t like happy endings?” She arched an eyebrow in surprise.

“I do. Usually. But after seeing them so many times, it just feels boring. Like, just kill all the characters for once. It would be sad, but unexpected. Or better yet! The main character should lose everyone he loves, so he starts a path of revenge or becomes a bad guy, and there’s a follow-up in the next books!” Rainbow Dash told excitedly while Twilight was staring at her with an abnormally large smile. “Uhm… Something wrong, Twi?”

“No, I’m just so… HAPPY!” Twilight suddenly jumped on her wife and squeezed her into a hug between her forelegs and wings. “You’re going through the phase!” She exclaimed with excitement.

“What phase?” Rainbow Dash inquired in confusion.

“The gloomy phase when you only want to see sad and bad endings! I had that one too! But that only means you’re becoming an avid reader!” Twilight responded while still happily embracing the pegasus.

“You’re such an egghead, Twi,” Rainbow Dash snickered as her wife celebrated.

“And you’re going to be one soon too!” The alicorn replied with a smile before pulling away.

"Still not gonna happen," the cyan mare playfully countered, her gaze infused with flirtatiousness as she locked eyes with the princess. Without much hesitation, she leaned in for a brief kiss on Twilight's lips. After their lips parted, the two of them lovingly stared into each other’s eyes until Twilight suddenly broke into a cough. “You alright there, Twi?”

Koff Koff! Koff! I’m… I’m okay. Don’t worry,” Twilight uttered while holding your head.

“You should really see a doctor… You’ve been coughing like this for over a week!” Rainbow Dash stated, only for Twilight to shake her head.

“It’s only a cold and a migraine. I’m sure I will get better soon,” Twilight argued in a tired tone.

“If you’re sure…” Rainbow Dash began, uncertain, when Twilight suddenly collapsed before her eyes, making them widen in shock. “Twilight!” She shouted as she swiftly grabbed the alicorn the second she hit the ground. She had no idea what was wrong with her, but she knew one thing: she needed to take her to the hospital.

Rainbow Dash walked back and forth along the hospital's corridor, her anxiety palpable as her friends joined her, their collective nerves evident as they awaited the doctor's return with a diagnosis of Twilight's condition. Rainbow Dash had swiftly transported her to the hospital and then alerted their friends, meaning they hadn't yet witnessed Twilight's state, unlike the cyan pegasus.

It was unlike anything she had ever witnessed before. As soon as Twilight had fainted, her complexion grew even paler, and an eerie dark purple radiance enveloped her horn. The glow emitted a curious warmth, and it shimmered as though it was somehow… alive. While she was taking her to the hospital, the glow quickly spread small crack-like tendrils all over her body as if it were breaking.

“Don’t be worried, Rainbow. I’m sure whatever she has isn’t serious,” Fluttershy calmly tried to reassure her as much as she could.

“Worried? I’m not worried! Do I look worried? Twi is a tough gal!” Rainbow nervously and quickly replied.

The others had no time to say anything else before the doctor suddenly came back, joined by none other than Princess Celestia and Luna, and Discord! All of them bore a somber expression, even the Lord of Chaos himself!

If Rainbow Dash wasn’t worried before, she surely was now.

“How is she?!” Rainbow quickly asked, not even bothering to inquire as to why they were there.

“When is she getting better?!” Pinkie voiced as loud as she could, uncaring of the fact that they were still in the hospital.

The others swiftly added their own questions, drowning each other’s voices. However, by only raising a single hoof, Celestia silenced them all.

“I know you are worried and afraid, my little ponies. The doctor and we can explain what is going on with Twilight, but perhaps it is best to discuss it in her room,” Celestia explained as the doctor nodded, thankful.

Rainbow Dash was willing to comply despite her increasing worry about her wife’s well-being. The doctor opened the door for them, letting them all in. Fortunately, while it was a bit small, it still had enough room for all of them.

Twilight’s 5 best friends and Starlight released horrified gasps as their eyes finally landed on her sick form. The alicorn was lying in bed, looking like Rainbow Dash had seen her when she brought her into the hospital. Only she looked even worse. The cracks on her body seemed even darker than before and spread out even more.

Twilight lay connected to various machines, including one that showed her heartbeat. Rainbow Dash couldn't discern what a regular heartbeat should look like, but it seemed fine based on what she saw. Yet, the equipment that unsettled the pegasus the most was the ventilator, complete with a face mask. Why did she need that? Couldn’t she breathe on her own?

“The Alicornia Syndrome,” The doctor interrupted Rainbow Dash’s thoughts. “I’ve… never thought I would ever diagnose somepony with it one day…”

“What… What is this?” Fluttershy nervously and hesitantly asked.

“Don’t tell me Twilight has it!” Starlight interjected as Celestia nodded in regret.

“We have made several analyses, but everything points to Alicornia Syndrome. I also recognize it,” Celestia explained as Luna nodded in agreement. “That is a disease that still has unknown origins. However, only alicorns can catch it. It essentially destroys their magic to its source, then when it’s done, it attacks the body,”

“But you can cure it, right?” Pinkie inquired hopefully, making the princesses wince.

“It’s not something… that is known to have a cure…” Starlight muttered.

“Ah don’t think Ah get what ya mean,” Applejack shook her head in confusion.

“The reason Luna and I were the only alicorns for so long is precisely because of this disease. It is exceptionally deadly,” Celestia revealed.

“C-Can’t you do something? You’re both so strong!” Rarity argued desperately, only for Celestia to lower her head.

“Unfortunately, that disease is the antithesis of alicorn magic. All our attempts at fighting it off will be pointless,” Luna decided to reply in her steed.

“Is that why you brought Discord?” Fluttershy inquired, expecting Discord to simply snap his fingers and cure the lavender alicorn.

The draconequus rubbed his neck awkwardly and looked away.

“I… Uhm… It was, but… I don’t know why, my magic has no effect on this. I tried, I really did, but my powers can’t affect it either, for some reason,” Discord admitted.

“Still, we will do everything we can to help her. Medicinal magic has greatly advanced since this disease disappeared last. But if we can’t…” Celestia bit her lower lip.

“Twilight is going to… die?” Pinkie’s ears dropped, voicing everyone’s fears.

The room was deathly silent as no soul dared to speak up, mostly because they didn’t know what to say or even how to process this information. All of them were certainly tearful, except for the doctor and Discord. The Lord of Chaos was still shaken up, though. It was the first time he was faced with losing a friend.

Until now, the most surprising reaction was Rainbow Dash herself, Twilight’s wife. The cyan pegasus was standing still, looking at the floor in silence while shaking.

“Liar…” She muttered, attracting everyone’s attention to her. “You’re a liar!” She suddenly shouted at Discord, looking up and revealing the tears streaming down her eyes. “I bet this is just another one of your stupid lessons or tests, you bastard. Stop joking around and fix her up already!” She screamed as she angrily poked his chest.

“I wish it was a joke, but I really can’t do anything,” Discord raised his hands in surrender.

“And what about you?!” The pegasus threw a look at the two other alicorns in the room. “Making a big fuss like that! It’s as if you’re announcing she’s already dead! Well, she’s not! And she’s stronger than those stupid alicorns before her! I know that’s not enough to bring her down!” She yelled while getting into Celestia’s face, only to be pulled back by Applejack.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash. I know you are the one who is hurt the most, but…” Celestia began as the cyan pegasus groaned and stomped the floor.

“Shut up! Didn’t you say it attacks her magic or something? Just cut off her horn and she’ll get better I bet!” The cyan pegasus instructed the doctor in the room.

“It is theoretically plausible, but that would only work when the disease was still dormant. Once it’s awake, it spreads all over the body nearly instantly. Amputating the horn is not a viable solution anymore,” He retorted, almost afraid to receive Rainbow Dash’s ire.

“No way… You’re lying…” Twilight’s wife stammered as her breathing got heavier and heavier.

“It’s gonna be okay, Dashie,” A teary-eyed Pinkie put a reassuring hoof on the cyan pegasus’s shoulder.

Rainbow wasn’t listening. She couldn’t listen! How could she when it seemed that the world was suddenly crumbling around her?! This must have been a nightmare, right? She would wake up any second now, wouldn’t she?

The pegasus turned to look at the lavender pony lying in the bed, her eyes closed and her horn glowing with the same ominous light she had seen earlier. She couldn’t… She couldn’t accept that!

She let out a cry before pushing the two alicorn princesses out of the way and flying out of the room, and then out of the hospital. She ignored the calling of her friends while she flapped her wings as hard as she could, wanting to put as much distance from that hospital as she could. With tears still clouding her vision, she nearly slammed into a large tree and avoided it, only to crash to the ground.

Used to those crashes, she didn’t feel much pain as she rolled several meters on the floor before coming to a stop. She wheezed, then checked her surroundings, noticing Twilight’s castle in the distance.

She nearly choked on her tears as a distant memory flashed before her eyes.

Twilight, who was still a unicorn at the time, stayed still and speechless in her library. Rainbow Dash, who was facing her, sweated nervously.

“A-A date? With me?” Twilight pointed at herself, dumbfounded.

“Yup… A date…” Rainbow Dash repeated, doing her best to keep herself from turning into a stuttering mess even worse than Fluttershy.

“I… Uhm. Why me?” Twilight asked in confusion, her cheeks red.

“Why wouldn't it be you?” Rainbow retorted before she could even think. “You’re cool! You know how to kick ass, and you’re super strong! And… you’re smart. And I didn’t think I would even like eggheads. But you got me into Daring Do, and you never treated me like I was an idiot. You always do your best to help your friends. Most of all, though, I’m just happy whenever I am with you,” She explained before blushing. “And you’re pretty cute too,” She added.

The pegasus breathed out, feeling like she finally had a weight lifted off her shoulders. She couldn’t even sleep for days because she was stressed over this and over these feelings. Nevertheless, she was still filled with fear as she awaited the unicorn’s response.

Twilight was blushing, understandably, while looking at Rainbow Dash.

“Wow… I didn’t know you felt this way about me, Rainbow. I’m flattered, but…” She began, bringing the pegasus’ hopes down instantly. There it was. The rejection. “I never thought of you this way. I honestly never even thought of romance before. But I’m willing to give this a chance and try to see where it leads us,”

“W-What? Wait. You mean…” Rainbow Dash started in bewilderment.

“Yes, I’ll go on a date with you, Rainbow,” Twilight smiled happily as she was suddenly swept up in the air by two blue forelegs.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Haha! I knew you wouldn’t resist me!” The element of loyalty exclaimed eagerly while the unicorn snickered. “And we’ll go on a lot more dates! We’ll be the most awesome couple in Equestria! You’ll see!” She assured her confidently.

“I’m sure it will be awesome, Rainbow,” Twilight laughed along with her future marefriend.

With Twilight’s laugh still in the back of her head, Rainbow Dash choked on her tears. It couldn’t end this way. It wasn’t fair!

It wasn’t fair.