• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 1,397 Views, 31 Comments

My Mother - Dragonfan101

during Spikes journey to the dragon lands he encounters someone he never thought he'd meet...

  • ...

7: The Fight, Truth, And Understanding

Everypony looked up in horror as they saw two large dragons make they're way to the village with anger.
"We need to try to convince them that your my friends! that you didn't harm me!" Spike said scared of what's about to happen.
Celestia then closed her eyes to think for a moment, she then opened her eyes and turned to twilight and the others.
"You all get the villagers to safety, Luna and I will do our best to calm them down."
"WHAT?!" They all said completely scared" Are you sure?!" Rainbow asked scared for them, " What if they seriously hurt you?!" Fluttershy asked concerned.
"We'll be fine! Go! NOW!" Luna ordered. The mane six and Spike all nodded before running off to the village to help the other villagers.
" Sister do you really think we can fight them off?, They look like they won't hold anything back" Luna asked concerned.
"If they refuse to talk, we need to put them in a position where they will. If they don't hold back we shouldn't either." Celestia said with confidence." Luna then nodded and looked forward as the two dragons landed in front of them, eyes filled with anger.

" WHERES MY CHILD YOU THIEVES?!?!" Skystar asked with fury.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HIM?!" Nathen asked also with anger.
Hoping to try to try to calm them down Celestia stepped forward to try to talk to them.
"We didn't do anything to him, he was brought back to the village in need of medical attention, we were only concerned for his safety!" Celestia tried to explain to them but they didn't listen
" LIES! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT MONSTERS!" Skystar said still furious.
"We don't want to fight you! We just want to talk" Luna said trying to help.
"Skystar wanted to try to talk the ones who stole her egg not to, and what did that end up with?! Her losing her egg for years and becoming depressed!!" Nathen said with fire coming out his mouth.
"You don't understand! We were the ones who-" Celestia tried to talk but was cut off.

" ENOUGH!! I'M GETTING MY CHILD BACK ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!!" Skystar said getting ready to charge at them, Nathen preparing as well.
" We have no choice then Luna" Celestia said sadly before they looked at them and getting into a fighting stance.

"Don't make us do this!" Celestia said with warning.
"THEN GIVE US BACK OUR CHILD!!!" Skystar said before she an Nathen both charged at them knocking them into the sky separating them.

With Celestia and Skystar...
" Please! I don't want to do this!" Celestia said with sorrow before preparing a punch.
" Neither do I! but look at what's happened!" She said before throwing a green fire blast.
Celestia dodged the fire blast and delivered a punch to her knocking her back a fair distance, She soon recovered and charged again preparing to slash her claws.
" YOUR KIND TOOK EVERYTHING THAT I HAD LEFT!! WHY ARE YOU THE RULER?!" She questioned with anger before slashing at her and almost giving a good scratch, Celestia groaned a bit before using her magic to heal herself.
"WE CAN STILL TALK THIS OUT!!" Celestia said before she was almost slashed at again
" WHAT DO YOU THINK I TRIED TO DO BEFORE I LOST EVERYTHING?! Skystar said with tears coming from her eyes.
She then threw another fire blast, but Celestia blocked it with a shield, but as the blast cleared Skystar came in preparing to deliver another slash.
Celestia dodged it and delivered a powerful kick to her back bringing her to the ground stunning her. While she was stunned Celestia fired multiple beams of magic at her to try to keep her down, but Skystar pushed through it all, she roared with fury before charging back at her with high speeds."

"ALL I WANTED WAS A FAMILY!! WHAT DID I DO TO LOSE MINE?!" Skystar asked with sadness and anger before delivering a strong tail swipe at Celestia knocking her down for a minute before getting up.
" YOU HAD EVERYTHING YOU COULD WANT!! WHY WOULD YOU SEND THOSE THIEVES TO TAKE WHAT MEANT THE MOST TO ME?!" Skystar said before charging a even larger fire blast before firing it, Celestia barely dodged it getting a few burns"
I WASN'T THE ONE WHO HIRED THEM!!, THEY WERE JUST GREEDY MONSTERS!!" Celestia said with anger and sorrow, as she didn't want to hurt Spike's mother.
" ENOUGH OF THIS!! I AM DONE WITH ALL OF THIS!!" She said with fire burning in her eyes.
She then charged an even bigger blast, Celestia charging a magic blast as well. They both fired at each others blasts creating a wave battle.
Celestia was struggling with the blast as it was stronger then she thought while Skystar was putting even more strength into it. Deciding enough was enough, Celestia used even more of her magic and she won the wave battle almost immediately.

Skystar's eyes widened as she was hit by the blast, when the smoke cleared, she was falling to the ground, Celestia quickly flew to her and caught her with her magic before gently putting her on the ground.

" All I wanted was my child. what did I do wrong?" Skystar asked weakly before Celestia kneeled down to her.
"You did nothing wrong, all I just want is to talk, if you let me, I'll tell you the truth." Celestia looked at her with sadness before Skystar looked at her confused before nodding in agreement, Celestia then used her magic to heal her so they can talk properly.

With Nathen and Luna

Nathen flew towards Luna trying to deliver a strong punch, but Luna barely dodged it.
" I don't want to do this!" Luna said with sorrow.
" NEITHER DO WE!! BUT WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!" Nathen said before throwing multiple fire blasts,

Luna blocked them with a shield, before firing a few blasts of her own, when they hit him he got stunned long enough for Luna to get close and charge a strong blast before hitting him in the chest with it, knocking him down to the ground, but he quickly recovered as if nothing happened, he then roared in rage before using a special skill and surrounded his claws with blue fire before charging at her super fast catching her off guard and he hit her super hard sending her flying back.

Luna then looked at him with anger before saying" THAT WASN'T ME!! THAT WAS NIGHTMARE MOON!!!" She said with pure anger.
" REALLY?! I DON'T SEE THE DIFFERENCE!!" He said making her even more mad.
"ENOUGH!!!!" Luna shouted before using her magic to surround herself in an aura before charging at Nathen, while he used his fire to surround himself in a blue fire aura before charging at her as well.
They then both collided with each other delivering powerful punches to each other but each punch was caught by the others hoofs/claws Luna starting to struggle.
"YOU WILL ALWAYS BE BELOW YOUR SISTER!! YOU KNOW THAT!!" He said still mocking her with anger.
"I KNOW, BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER!! BECAUSE" She said before starting to hit even faster eventually hitting him with a barrage of hits.
'I AM" She delivered a hit to his gut, "THE PRINCESS" She then delivered a punch to his throat" OF THE MOON!!!" She then flipped above him and delivered a final punch to his face, finally knocking him down to the ground and he groaned in pain.
" And I'm Damn proud of it!!" She said with confidence before calming down her aura leaving her, she then took a breath before flying down to him.

"All we wanted was our kid, why was he taken from us/" Nathen asked his body still hurting.
"We only wanted to help him recover, he's our friend."
"Friend?" Nathen asked confused.
"Yes, and if you calm down I'll heal you, take you to him, and we'll explain everything." She said looking down at him.
Nathen then thought about it for a second before taking a breath and looking up at her and nodding in agreement but he then spoke, " I'm sorry for what i said" Nathen spoke with sorrow. Luna then looked at him and merely shook her head" It's okay, anger can lead to many rash things and words when they may not mean it , it's something i never want to happen to me again, please let me help you" She said before kneeling down to him and using her magic to heal him.

With The mane 6 and Spike.
Everypony in town was hiding in Twilights tree with a ton of ponies scared and concerned.

"Do you think they'll be okay? " Spike asked scared for them.
"This is Celestia and Luna were talking about they'll be okay" Twilight said with confidence with the others looking down at Spike who had a sad look.
"What's wrong Spike" Applejack asked while coming to comfort him.
"If I had simply told them the truth, they wouldn't of tried to attack the village!" Spike said with pure guilt.
"We know it was hard for you to lie, but we know you did it to keep us safe, even if you did lie, it helped pull your mother out of her depression and have her meet someone who reminds her of your father, bringing them together." Twilight said putting her hoof on his shoulder.
"Lying is never okay, but you did something that helped bring some one happiness!" Pinkie said with a smile.
"No matter what happened, you brought your mom together with someone that will care for her just like you will." Rainbow dash said coming to hug him.
"you all think everything will be okay?" Spike asked a little sad.
"We know it will" they all said before hugging him and spike finally calming down and hugging them back, Rainbow dash then noticed something out the window.

"Guys! Its Celestia and Luna!!" Rainbow dash shouted before their eyes all widened and they looked out the window.
They all saw Celestia and Luna walking along Skystar and Nathen who both looked calm and willing to talk, everypony came out of the tree a little scared, but Spike ran to Skystar concerned for her.
"Mom! Nathen!" Spike shouted before coming to them giving Skystar a hug, with Skystar returning it.
"Are you okay my hatchling?" Skystar asked with sadness.
"I'm perfectly fine! What about you?!" Spike asked scared for her.
"we're okay, we all finally agreed to talk" Nathen said calmly.
Skystar then started to cry" I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have attacked like this, I'm a horrible mother for attacking like this without looking at alternatives!! Skystar said with tears pouring down, Nathen looking down ashamed as well.
Spike then came up and hugged her again.
"It's alright, given what you've been through I can understand why you would think this given your history. But know this your still my mother, and i will love you no matter what!!" Spike said with tears coming down his eyes, Skystar then looked down at him and hugged him tightly everypony looking at them with they're own tears as well. Eventually they stopped crying and both separated.

Spike then looked down and took a deep breath before looking at the
"Mother, Nathen, its time i tell you the truth, with what really happened." Spike said seriously with Nathen and Skystar looking at him eyes focused .
Spike then told them everything, him being hatched by ponies, him never really having a guardian dragon, the adventures he went on, and the friends and family he made, Skystar and Nathen looking down at him with shocked looks listening to every word.

"Twilight was the one who raised me, she was the mother that made me into what I am today, when we heard about the Migration I asked twilight to try to find my real parents, she agreed and let me go to the dragon lands, eventually i met you too and we all know what's happened after that." he concluded.

"But it still doesn't add up, how did your egg end up with Celestia?" Nathen asked curiously.
"I'll explain this part." Celestia added in, everyone then turned to her ready to listen.

" It was a normal day for me when i went for a walk in the woods" We cut to a memory of Celestia's
"i was taking a stroll trying to get my mind off all my royalty duties, just trying to relax, eventually i came upon a particular sight." We then see Celestia look confused at what she saw
"I had found Spike's egg nearby a tree and went to investigate." Celestia is then seen holding the egg with her magic looking at it with curiosity.
"I had wondered how it got here, but i then saw something else. a trail that had looked like a long tumble from a hill."
"I then decided to investigate where the egg came from and followed it, but what i found completely shocked me" We then see Celestia with a horrified look at what she saw, we then cut to what looks to be the dead skeletons of ponies, and there was what looked to be the dead bodies of Timberwolves and other creatures.
" i found two skeletons of what looked like unicorns, and some Timberwolves and other beasts, i only came to conclude they were attacked when they had you." after taking in the rest i then decided to bring you to the castle so you can be raised and cared for"

We then cut back to present time with everyone looking horrified in what they hear.
"it makes sense!! the thieves must have been attacked when traveling through to try to sell the egg!!" Nathen said putting the pieces together.
"my thoughts exactly" Luna said looking at him with a serious look.
"but why didn't you bring the egg to dragon lands" Skystar asked confused
"i needed the egg for a hatching project, I gave it to Twilight and she had eventually hatched him with magic" Celestia explained with Skystar looking at twilight in shock, while Twilight nodded her head before saying something.
"I raised him the best i could, he was the best son i could want, but when he wanted to go to the Dragon lands to find his parents, I let him go because i just wanted him to be happy" Twilight said with a happy smile.
Skystar then looked at her shocked for a moment before turning to a look of gratefulness for raising Spike.

"Spike" Celestia said before looking down at him.
"Yes Celestia?" Spike asked confused.
"We want to give you a choice." she said seriously
"A choice?" Spike asked
"Yes, a choice to either stay here with us, or stay with your mother." Celestia said with a smile, the main 6 looking shocked for a moment before eventually smiling as well, twilight then came up to spike and said.
" No matter what choice you make, we're still your family no matter what." She said happy before coming to hug him.

After she hugged him spike then looked at the ground in the moment trying to think it over, but he couldn't decide.
" is it okay if i take a day or two to decide?" Spike asked pretty scared before they all looked at each other and nodded.
" Its best you do, this is a big choice to make my FlameStar, but no matter what choice you make I'll be happy." Skystar said with a few tears with Nathen nodding in agreement.
"Yes we will give you some time, just make sure it is what you want" Celestia said with a smile, Skystar then looked around and decided to say something.
"I think its best we help repair any damages we've done as an apology while Spike thinks about his choice" Skystar suggested.
"Yes we should make up to them." Nathen said agreeing before Celestia and Luna helped them recover first before they helped rebuild.

"twilight are you sure you'll be okay with either option?" Spike asked scared.
"Like your mother said, I'll be happy for you no matter what." Twilight said with a smile before hugging him again.
"come on girls lets help fix things up!" Rainbow dash said with a smile before she flew to help repair, the others following after.
Twilight eventually let go and looked at him
" Take your time Spike, I love you no matter what." She said before going to help the village leaving Spike alone to decide on what to do.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter, sorry if it feels long i had a lot i wanted to put in here, i hope you like the fight i had put in here! Please listen to the music links i sent, they'll make the fight look even better.
Stay tuned for the next chapter and i will see you all next time!