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Chapter 1 - The Witch of Everfree

The year is Ad Stella:122. Corporations have taken over the solar system, Earth is under a cruel regime from the Benerit group. A major business conglomerate that has a tight grip over politics, the means of production and Earthian rights. President Deling Rembran, the leader of the Benerit Group has been overseeing dealings within the group and turning a blind eye to atrocities such as the Vanadis incident or the stripping of human rights.

One of the many people whom he had dealings with was Elnora Samaya, now known as Prospera Mercury. Both of them have been working on a project called Quiet Zero. It is an infrastructure in space that can use Data Storms to control Permit links to all technology. And Aerial is the one in control. It is Prospera's way of creating a world where her daughter can be happy. Once Quiet Zero is in the Earth's sphere Ericht can finally be free, even if millions must die to accomplish this.

There's only one problem. One annoying girl named Suletta Mercury. And Suletta is scared. Who would blame her for feeling this way? She is piloting the Calibarn, a Gundam so deadly it kills its pilots. Gundams like Lfrith UR, Lfrith Thorn and the Pharact have the potential to kill their pilots except they have filters to prioritize the pilot's safety. Calibarn has no filter, it prioritizes performance over safety. Even if Suletta has some resistance to the influx of permit flowing through her body she's still scared that she might die in the Calibarn. All she can feel is pain, she is in so much pain she can feel the permit burning on her skin. It's like if acid is in your bloodstream and burning your nerves.

But Suletta must endure the pain, for her friends, for Earth, and for Miorine. Everyone is relying on her to stop Quiet Zero in a way so no one has to die. Not her, not Prospera or her older sister Ericht. However, they're stubborn. "Stand down Suletta, I don't want to hurt you," Eri told her sister.

One of Eri's bit staves fire and manages to hit the shoulder of the Calibarn. Suletta fights to keep the Gundam stable at that moment. She struggles to breathe or speak as her heart races due to her high permet score. "Neither...do I." Suletta manages to say.

"Then don't stop us." The bit stave that fired spoke in the form of Eri. "Mom wants Eri to have a place in the world."

The Calibarn swerves and weaves out of the way of the Gund-bits and reaches out for the Aerial. "Is it okay to gobble up all these fronts for that goal?" Suletta questioned as she breathed rapidly. "To take lives?"

Just as Suletta reached for Eri, she quickly moved out of the way as a bit stave charged at her. "Eri would never do that." They argued. as it flew in front of the Calibarn. several shots came from several bit staves, but the Calibarn was swift enough to not get hit by them. "But if they get in the way, Mom won't hesitate!"

The calibarn swoops and weaves and dodges all incoming attacks from aerials Gund-bit staves. the G-force from the Calibarns manoeuvres would kill any normal pilot but Suletta is determined to convince her sister. "That's why I must stop her! I don't want Mom... to become some evil magician!" Suletta says as she uses her skills as a Mobile suit pilot to avoid the Gund-Bits.

Then a Gundnode drone got in front of her to try and slow the Calibarn down. Suletta fires the Calibarns Variable Rod Rifle to destroy the unmanned drone. It exploded, and the smoke from the explosion temporarily rendered the Calibarns cameras blind. However as the smoke settled the Aerial went in for a dropkick, pushing the Calibarn away. Suetta's body shook as Calibarn took on a full dropkick from Aerial. Now Ericht was becoming serious.

"Please Suletta. Forget about us." Says Ericht.

Suletta breathed fast as she recovered quickly. "No!" She refused. Ericht's ghostly avatar pouts. As Suletta continues to fight on, she continues speaking. "I...I care about you! And mom, too! When mom cries, I want to be there to hug her! I want to be by her side! There's no way...I could never forget!"

Ericht feels somewhat regretful now. She hates seeing Suletta in pain, and she hates having to fight her. She can't convince her to move on, she can't convince her to lead a normal life. She feels upset. "What a pity." There's only one way she can convince Suletta. She commands some of the Gundnodes to surround the Demi Barding piloted by ChuChu.

"Ms. Miorine! Everyone!" Suletta says with a panicked tone.

"If you don't understand, Suletta." Eri gets ready to fire at ChuChu's new mobile suit. "Then I won't hesitate either."

"Ericht! Please! Stop it, Ericht!" Suletta begs her older sister as she does her best to avoid her Gund-Bits and the unmanned Gundam drones.

Ericht was about to do the unthinkable but suddenly, she felt a disturbance from Quiet Zero. The Data Storm produced by Quiet Zero has become weaker and the Gundnodes surrounding the Demi Barding began to power down, giving Suletta's friends a chance to reach the space station and complete the mission. "Why?" Ericht starts to get frustrated. Seemingly at the Aerial. "Why do you interfere? The Data Storm can make our wishes come true!"

Suletta does not know what to make of this behaviour, was her sister that lonely? The only person who she had for company besides Suletta was herself, and Aerial. She barely got to live her childhood, she watched her father die in a Gundam, she never made friends on her own, and all she had was her mom and her sister. But it is no excuse to risk killing so many human lives. So Suletta continued to fight both the effects from her mobile suit and Aerial for who knows how long. five or Ten minutes possibly, but it's just a blur to her, she's just trying her best not to die in the Calibarn.

It wasn't long until Ericht felt Miorine's presence within Quiet Zero. "Miorine is with Mom now." Said Ericht. "If to gain one, mom will..." She hinted at the worse fate the Suletta's bride might face.

"No!" Suletta refuses to believe her Mom would take Miorine's life.

"Then don't take away the place where Mom and I can live freely."

"That isn't living! That's hiding!" Suletta argued as she barged past the Aerial. She then begins to climb the massive engineering marvel that is Quiet Zero using both her Gundams booster and the rod rifle's booster, Aerial follows in pursuit. The Gundam Calibarn turns around and equips its beam sabre as Aerial swings her Beam Sabre for an attack. Suletta blocks the attack. The power behind the sabres pushes both Gundams apart momentarily. Suletta goes for a strike, and the Gundams clash and clash, over and over again.

It becomes clear to this point that both sisters are equally matched, even though Suletta is at a disadvantage at being only on a permet score of five and Ericht being on a much more powerful permet score of seven. And yet Suletta is becoming more and more strained by the effects of permet on her own body, driving her to become physically weaker. Her rapid breathing only gets worse as her heart rate increases as this feud between her and her sister carries on.

Yet in the end, the mission succeeds, Quiet Zero has been taken over and Prospera has lost. However it's not over yet, the Space Assembly League along with the old hags at Peil have ultimately decided to destroy Quiet Zero along with everyone in the vicinity. Using a weapon that can only be described as an orbital space laser.

As the weapon charges Ericht uses her connection to permit links to command the nearby Gundnodes to form a shield to protect everyone in range of the laser. But when the laser fired it was clear that the raw firepower was too much for Aerial to handle alone. Ericht knew this yet she turned her head to her little sister and smiled as if it would be the last time they'll see each other.

"No." Suletta shook her head in disbelief. She got angry that her sister would just sacrifice herself after everything Suletta did, all her effort to get her family back would be for nothing. "No, you idiot!"

Suletta wakes up with a sweat. Another nightmare, She's been having them on and off for over two months now and each one has been a horrible experience. She barely gets any sleep at all, well at least she's stopped having coughing fits, the first time since she has gotten to this world she stopped coughing. She opens the Calibarn's cockpit and sees nothing but trees and green, along with the sound of chirps and tweets from birds.

Two months with no human contact, and no sign of her sister either. Of course, there is a town nearby but she rarely goes there since the locals are very alien to her. She'd rather play it safe and keep herself as far away from the locals as possible. However, the Calibarn hasn't got much power left, with nowhere to charge the Gundam it's only a matter of time before it will become nothing more than a useless machine. So she reserves the power for emergencies only.

Suletta carefully steps outside her Gundam. After experiencing the pain of a Permet score of five she has been trying to take things easy, her nerves have been damaged and has several patterned scars all over her body. As a result, she's gotten weaker, but little by little Suletta is getting better. She takes out her Student notebook and begins scavenging as well as writing her first email of the day.

Ms. Miorine.

It has been sixty-three days since I've been on this planet. Local wildlife remains cautious of me and I still have no luck in finding my way home. On top of that, I'm getting better. I'm still shaky when I walk, so I take things one step at a time.

Not only that, but I've finally stopped coughing. I take that as a good sign that things are looking up for me. I miss you. I mean it, I just wish I could see you very soon. And I also hope you're getting my messages, if so, please. respond. I just need someone to talk to. please.

With love: Suletta Mercury

With that, Suletta sends her first email of the day. She kept her promise to Miorine to email her three times a day even if she was in a strange new world. The only problem is that she hasn't got a reply back at all, yet she is still able to send them so that must be a good sign.

Suletta sighs. She just wants to go home, she hates being alone in this forest, she hates having to hide from the locals, and she hates that she had to fight her sister. And most of all she hates that she has never said 'I love you' to Miorine. Not even once. It just breaks her heart. Tears flow down her face and she sobs quietly, just thinking about the opportunities she had to say those exact words to Miorine but never daring to say them hurts her so.

"Thinking about her again?" A voice comes from behind Suletta. She turns around to see a figure she recognises, a teenage pastel yellow pony estimated to be around the same age as Suletta. Who has red hair and is wearing a pink bow on her head. She has brought a small basket.

Suletta wipes away her tears and greets the pony with a smile. "Oh hello, Applebloom. Long time no see."

"Sully, it's only been a week."

"S-Sorry. it's just that, you're my only contact and I-I um get lonely out here." Suletta stuttered a little. "A-And um...please don't call me Sully..." She very quietly said.

"I told you, you'll be greeted with open hoofs...or in your case arms hehe..." Applebloom laughed awkwardly, and Suletta smiled with amusement. "Well anyway, I managed to sneak away a few of our apples from the farm. I just thought you'll be hungry." The teenage filly placed down the basket.

"Thank you so much." Suletta bowed her head in politeness. "B-But you d-didn't have to." She twiddled with her fingers as she said that.

"Hey, it's the least I can do since you refuse to come into town." She pointed out. "And speaking of that, since you're looking healthier you could go to Ponyville now. If you want to of course."

Suletta took time to think about this, it is a frightening prospect to her. She just can't leave the Calibarn behind, she can't risk it. And she certainly is scared that the ponies would just be scared of her and would probably hate her. But then again she needs to move forward. Move forward and gain two

"What if they arrest me? Or what if I get experimented on?" Suletta questioned as she held herself so she could comfort herself.

"We're just gonna start small. I know my friends would love to meet you, so we'll start with them." Applebloom positively reassures. "Although they think you're the Witch of Everfree. Since there are rumours about you recently."


"Yeah, would you believe that? Somepony spotted a glimpse of you in this forest and immediately thinks you're a witch hahaha!" Applebloom laughs it off.

"Well, they're not wrong." Applebloom stops after Suletta says that. "But I'm not a witch of some forest." Suetta stood up. "I am the Witch from Mercury."

Author's Note:

Hi everyone, hope you like the new fanfic I've been working on. I've been hyperfixated on G-Witch recently and it really reactivated my love for mecha and anime. But I had to pull an all nighter just to finish the first chapter off. Meaning, it hasn't been grammar checked at all. Sorry.

I tried getting Suletta's character down right but I feel like I'm missing something, and yes the first half is based on Suletta and Eri's fight in episode 23 but I wrote the fight in my own words, apart from most of the dialogue, but I hope it's okay.

Anyways here's Yoasobi: