• Published 12th Aug 2023
  • 345 Views, 3 Comments

Spike's Greatest Endeavor - Troyjan

Spike takes on his greatest endeavor yet in winning the heart of his beloved Rarity.

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Fading Heartache

After a long and casual joy flight through the mountainous regions beyond the outskirts of Ponyville, Spike perched himself atop a tall cliffside. He was still getting accustomed to his still somewhat new wings he had developed, and was learning new aerial maneuvers every new flight. Landing next to the small purple dragon was a grey and white feathered Griffon, carrying two large bags in her talon-like claws. Spike was aware on how dangerous crash landing was. That was why he always preferred to have company whenever flying far from home, whether it be Gabby or some other creature he knew.

Gabby did not know enough to teach Spike about flying. She was not even an exceptional flier herself. Even if she were, she could not teach Spike. The feathered wings of griffons, while similar to those of pegasi, were too different from the scale lined wings of dragons. Instead, Spike required completely different wings motions for aviation. But being the top mail carrier for her home city of Griffonstone and the unofficial ambassador between Griffons and Pony-kind, Gabby was an experienced traveler. She knew how to read the weather, ride air currents, deal with savage or territorial creatures, and avoid the dangerous predators that soared the skies. And like Spike, she too knew the dangers of a nasty areal collision. That was why Gabby also preferred to partner with creatures like Spike on longer flights.

Spike and Gabby had been friends for a while now. The two started as pen pals, writing back and forth to each other every week about what whatever was on their minds. Then Gabby started to take mail routes in Ponyville, and Spike and Gabby began meeting more often after their work. At first, Spike felt it was kind of odd how another creature seemed to admire him so much for his seemingly meager accomplishments and his frivolous titles such as “number one assistant.” But once Spike got to know Gabby and her bubbly, enthusiastic demeanor, he learned that her admiration was the result of how she usually just saw the best in every creature. Gabby herself, however, was just glad to finally meet another creature who was open and compassionate, and not grouchy or ill-tempered like her neighbors from Griffonstone. Once Spike and Gabby got to know each other better, their friendship only grew stronger.

“Those were some strong winds today,” said Gabby, looking over the cliffside.

“Yeah, it was difficult trying to ride the currents. But once we managed to have the wind behind us, it made the rest of the trip way easier,” commented Spike.

“From experience, I say that being able to properly ride the winds makes flight easier than in clear skies.”
“I can second that Gabby. Today’s lesson was very insightful. Honestly, I just wish all our flights together would go as well as this one.”

“Oh, don’t say that. I think our flights together always go well. It’s always a good time when I’m with you Spike,” chimed Gabby. Spike noticed that Gabby seemed flustered after making her last remark, almost as if she had not meant to say it.

“Then I suppose we’ll just have another good time together during our next flight. Well, whenever that will be.”

“Yeah,” said Gabby quietly, looking away. The two then remained silent for a moment.

“Is something troubling you Gabby?,” inquired Spike, as he looked down at the two rather heavy looking travel bags Gabby had flown with her, now resting beside her. “I know that you’ll be leaving Equestria for a while, but I thought you be happy to return to your home city.”

“Well, I guess have some mixed feelings,” admitted Gabby. “I do want to see my home again. But I made so many friends and have made so many great memories in Ponyville. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. Now I have to put all that behind me. With so much demand on the post offices back home, I won’t be able to take routes anywhere in Equestria for the foreseeable future.” Gabby looked back at Spike with an unusually somber expression. “I just don’t want to say goodbye just yet.”

“You’re certainly needed back home Gabby, but that doesn’t mean this has to be goodbye. Not for us at least. I promise to write to you every week, and to keep you informed about your life back in Ponyville. You’ll hardly miss a thing.”

“Do you really mean that Spike?”

“Of course, I mean it Gabby. I wouldn’t have spent the day flying to the edge of Equestria with you if I didn’t.”

“Oh Spike!,” exclaimed Gabby, as she stood on her rear legs and threw her claws around Spike in a hug. She followed up by wrapping her wings around him, tightening her embrace. “You have no idea how much that means to me!,” cried Gabby, as small tears formed under her closed eyelids.

Spike was taken back by all this. He knew Gabby was very expressive, and rather affectionate. But they had never hugged before. Spike’s mind was racing, rapidly trying to decide what action to take next. Not knowing what else to do, Spike carefully moved his arms from under Gabby’s tight grasp, and gently returned the gesture. Completely new feelings washed over Spike, feelings he didn’t even know he had. Even more bewildering to Spike, were all the feelings that Gabby might have had for him. After another long moment, Gabby released Spike.

“I can fly the rest of the way on my own. Thank you so much for everything Spike,” said Gabby, as her tears subsided. “For a happy, not-farewell?,” Gabby asked, holding out a closed claw.

“For a happy, not-farewell,” responded Spike as he made a fist. The two bumped claws. Then Gabby grabbed her bags, and flew off as quickly as she could. Spike watched her for a brief moment before turning and taking off in the opposite direction.

A lot was on Spike’s mind during his flight home. Before today, Spike had not considered, had not even humored the idea, that he and Gabby could be more than friends. Now it was a very pressing possibility. Where this all had come from, and whatever brough Gabby to possibly feel that way towards him, Spike had no idea. The most intense thing they had ever done before today was eat ice cream together. Was Spike truly closer to Gabby, then he thought? And for how long, if at all, did Gabby feel this way towards him? Did she keep those feelings to herself until recently, or had he simply missed the other signs she had given him. Spike’s heart continued to beat harder as he made his way through the skies of Equestria.

This was far from the first time that Spike had felt this kind of heartache. Spike recalled the various other creatures that had caused him such woes. Each time, he was certain that he thought of a creature he knew as something more than just a friend. And each time, he would allow those feelings to slowly fade. Oh, there were many excuses why Spike had chosen to do this again and again. But Spike knew the real reason his feelings would subside.

Whenever Spike would ever think of romance, a particular pony would always force her way into the forefront of his mind. This pony, a white unicorn mare, had always consumed Spike’s fleeting thoughts about matters of the heart. The mare who had more generosity than any other creature he knew by a wide margin. The mare who was as every bit famous, talented, beloved, and compassionate, as she was generous. The mare with a pristine white coat, with a long, gorgeous, well maintained, purple mane. The mare with the deepest blue eyes Spike had ever had the pleasure of gazing into. The mare who was far more beautiful to him than the extent for which his words could describe. The mare who had been there for him more than any other creature throughout his life, save for only Twilight. The mare who had still managed to consume his heart, again, and again, and again. Rarity.

Spike could not deny it to himself. He loved Rarity. He loved her far more than any other creature he knew. He had far more love for Rarity than the awkward, faded affection he had for her younger sister, Sweetie Belle. More than his complex, and intense feelings for his fostered sister, former caretaker, current boss, and best friend, Twilight Sparkle. More than whatever he had with Applejack, way back when his life was indebted to her. More than his respect and admiration for the current Lord of the Dragons, Ember. More than the comfort and almost kinship he felt with his younger dragon friend, Smolder. More than his casual closeness and professional respect for Starlight Glimmer. And now, perhaps, just maybe, Spike still had more love in his heart for Rarity, than even Gabby.

Spike’s heart continued to throb, even after he slowed down his flight. For the very first time, Spike’s love for Rarity was competing for his love for another creature. But why now? What was so different about Gabby? Spike had always looked up to Rarity, and was almost always ready to stop whatever he was doing in help her in any way possible. In return, Rarity would usually take care to express her gratitude, in the form of remarks on his fortitude and selflessness. Sometimes, Rarity even repaid Spike. This was anything from offering him to a leisurely outing after a productive day, to a token gem from the hoards that they would find at the local gem caves, to a storebought gift that she thought to get him with her spare bits. There were also several occasions where Spike had Rarity to thank for bailing him out of so many awful situations, ranging from self struggles, to times when he nearly lost his life. Rarity certainly cared a lot for Spike. And of course, there were the few coveted moments where Rarity had kissed him on the cheek. This included his first kiss. How could Spike ever forget that?
But did she care for him the same way he cared for her? Did Rarity ever love him the same way he had loved her? Did she truly admire him for the dragon for he was, or did Rarity only appreciate the things he did for her? The more Spike thought about these questions, the more he became increasingly unsure of his answers. Afterall, Spike recalled how Rarity had cast him aside in the past. Whenever Rarity had her eyes set on another stallion that she particularly fancied, Spike would be invisible to her. Nothing more than an afterthought. Perhaps this was why Spike felt his once unwavering emotions for Rarity, were finally beginning to falter. Perhaps, Rarity may not ever see him the same way he saw her.

But what about Gabby? How could Gabby, or any creature for that matter, stand to Rarity? In terms of beauty, talents, and accomplishments, the griffon just couldn’t compare. But then why did Gabby’s last words hang so heavy in Spike’s heart? Maybe, despite all her faults and shortcomings, Spike knew that her friend Gabby was genuine. She was one of the only creatures Spike had ever known that looked up to him in admiration, and actively sought his respect. He felt that he and Gabby were rightfully equals, and that their affection for each other was always mutual. Never did Spike feel that their friendship was lopsided, or that he did not deserve Gabby’s friendship. And in the case that Gabby did actually love him, could he really turn her down? Spike’s heart continued to ache.

Spike could not forfeit his pursue of Rarity’s love. Not yet at least. He had spent too much time trying to earn her affection, planning situations to impress her, and even just fanaticizing about her, to just give up on Rarity now. Amidst his thumping heart, Spike’s mind was set. Spike decided that he would continue to pursue Rarity, the mare of his dreams, regardless of what his other friends felt about it. Spike thought that if Gabby loved him, and was truly a worthy friend, then she could respect his decision. Afterall, this was his decision to make, and his alone. If the day ever came when Rarity would admit her love for Spike, Spike knew that he could not refuse her. Not even for the sake of the griffon that was seemingly closer to him than ever.
That is, possible heartbreak. Spike also could not ignore the possibility that he was completely wrong about Gabby. Maybe Gabby did not have any romantic feelings for Spike after all, and that it was all his imagination. It would also be a while until Spike would have the chance to see Gabby again. Who knows what could happen between them until then? Would her suspected love for him die out while away? Were he and Gabby even meant to be?

Spike’s violent heartbeat slowly began to soften as he cleared his thoughts. Spike had already made up his mind. He waited long enough to admit his feelings, and he could not help but feel that his time was running out. He would make the opportunity to properly admit his feelings for Rarity. Whatever she answered, Spike would make the most of it. But how in Equestria was Spike going to create the right opportunity? What could he possibly do that would be befitting for his confession for Rarity?

While thinking that over, Spike then felt a different, yet familiar, uncomfortable tightness in his chest. Spike opened his mouth, and let out a belch, as green flames spewed the air in front of him. A magically transported piece of parchment had manifested from the flames, and fell into Spike’s claws. Spike reviewed the paper. As expected, it was from Twilight. The message written on the parchment was brief and vague. It stated that the author of the message wanted to talk to Spike about something in private when he returned. Whatever Twilight wanted to talk to Spike about however, remained a mystery to him. Spike continued on flying until he returned to Canterlot Castle.