• Published 4th Aug 2023
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Age of the Alicorns Book One: The Swords of Justice - HarryBuilder

Seven Knights must be called upon to unite with the Elements of Harmony to defend Equestria

  • ...

Meeting of a Lifetime

On the road across from Ponyville, leading into the Everfree forest came a purple-tint mulberry unicorn stallion with a wild Black mane with a purple and indigo streak running through it, red eyes and a horn with a slight curve to it. His Cutie Mark is a bluish-purple star with six points surrounded by six smaller black ones.

The stallion had an unpleasant look on his face as he trotted through the woods, not even caring he was walking into one of the most dangerous places known to ponies, he just kept walking to places he didn't know or didn't care.

"It's just not fair! Why can't I use the only magic I can actually do?!" He grumbled to himself, "Kicking me out before I do anything wrong just doesn't make sense!"

He then heard a rustling from the bushes and turned in the direction of it. He then smirked, "Finally, something I can take it out on." He said, looking forward to venting out his problems on some unlucky monster.

He snuck towards the bush and once he was close enough he pounced with a battle cry.

His target was a light green stallion dark green dreadlocks framed over his light blue eyes and had a tree for a Cutie Mark.

The green Earth pony immediately turned to him and screamed in terror as The unicorn pinned him to the ground, "Don't kill me, please!" The green stallion pleaded as the purple unicorn looked down at him in confusion, "I, I-I don't think we even know each other, friend! I mean, Uh, sir! Sir, yes that sounds better! A little too formal maybe, but…" the green Earth pony rambled.

The purple unicorn rolled his eyes and got off the earth pony, "Relax pal, I'm not gonna kill you. You're not a timber wolf." He said.

“R-really?” The green Earth pony asked in confusion.

“Yes, really.” The purple unicorn answered as he began to walk around. “I thought you would be a predator in these woods. Couldn’t tell from the noise.” He explained as he looked around.

“Oh. Well, that’s a relief. I see you are just being cautious.” The green Earth pony said as he stood up.

“Yeah. Cautious.” The purple unicorn said with a down expression. “And also finding something to vent out with.” He explained.

“Something to vent out? Why would you want my good pony?” The green Earth Pony asked in confusion.

“It’s… It’s nothing.” The purple unicorn said while looking away.

They're conversation was halted when they heard the sound of somepony falling and looked up just in time to see a silver pegasus with a white and lavender mixed sweeped back mane falling towards them.

The pegasus then crashed on top of the purple unicorn as the former shook off his dizziness, "Thanks dude, you totally broke my fall!" The pegasus thanked the unicorn who was grumbling.

The two then got up, as the unicorn glared at the newcomer, "And you, almost totally broke my face!" He retorted as the pegasus rolled his green eyes sheepishly, "Who are you anyway."

"Name's Storm, Storm Belt!" The pegasus introduced, "Ace Flyer, who apparently wasn't watching out for extreme wind-gusts." He laughed nervously before looking back at the unicorn and the green Earth pony, "And you and your friend are?"

“Well, since you asked, I’m Arbor Greenly and this is…" the green stallion trailed off and looked at the frowning unicorn sheepishly, "Uh, sorry I never got your name."

The unicorn rolled his eyes, "Midnight, Midnight Shadow." He answered bluntly.

“Wow, that’s a bleak name.” Storm commented before Midnight shot him a look. "No offense, dude."

“Whatever.” Midnight muttered while rolling his eyes before walking off.

Storm looked at Midnight before turning to Arbor. “What’s his problem?” He asked quietly.

“Don’t know. He seems pretty upset about something.” Arbor said after noticing Midnight’s expression.

"Hey! Unless you two wanna get eaten, you better stick with me!" Midnight called, "I'm not having two bozos getting killed in the Everfree forest held over my head too!"

"Hey, whoa, whoa! Who're you calling a Bozo?!" Storm asked as followed after Midnight while Arbor sighed and followed as well.

The three ponies kept walking through the forest for a while as Midnight took the lead while Arbor and Storm followed.

“What’s this pony deal? He’s been acting like a jerk since we just met.” Storm asked the question while giving Midnight an annoying look.

“I just met him, so I don’t know either.” Arbor answered with a shrug. “But whatever is wrong, he’s taking it pretty hard.” He summarized.

Then something yellow zipped past them, "What was that?" Storm asked as they felt something zoom behind them while quietly laughing.

"Who's there!? Show yourself!" Midnight ordered as he looked around for the potential threat.

Arbor was also on alert along with Storm, constantly darting his eyes around for whatever was stalking them.



"AHHH!" Arbor yelled in fright and fell over as he, Storm and Midnight looked behind them to see they're attacker.

It was a pale yellow pegasus stallion, with a bright yellow electric-styled mane with teal bolt straps on the sides and purple eyes as he flew and kicked the air while laughing, "Haha! Oh Celestia! That gag never gets old!" He laughed while kicking his hind legs in the air while his front legs were clutching his stomach.

Midnight glared at the pegasus as Arbor and Storm looked at him in confusion. “A prankster from what you just shown us, huh?” Midnight questioned with a firm look.

“Ohohohoh! You have no idea! I just love doing gags!” The yellow pegasus stallion answered as he stopped laughing as he took a breath. “Okay, I’m done.” He simply said with a smile.

Storm gave a quick snicker, "Okay, that was pretty funny. Not bad, man. Not bad at all.” He complimented.

“Though how about not startling us next time?” Arbor suggested while shaking up a bit from being startled.

“Hehe, sorry. I just like surprising ponies to get a good laugh.” The yellow pegasus apologized as he got out of his hiding and got next to the group. "Name's Volt Havoc, need a laugh, I can give it to you."

“More like scaring others than a laugh.” Midnight muttered.

“What did he say?” Volt asked in confusion.

“Oh, nothing!” Arbor quickly said with a nervous smile. “Anyway, I’m Arbor, this is Storm."

"Nice to meet you!" Storm said with a wink and salute with his wing before pointing it to Midnight, "And Mr.Grumpy hooves over here is Midnight Shadow."

Midnight turned to Storm while giving him a glare as he rolled his eyes.

“Nice to meet you all. What are the odds of us running into each other in the Everfree Forest.” Volt said eagerly excitedly as he looked around.

“Strange odds from what I can tell.” Midnight said as he then walked ahead. “Come on you three. Stay with me so you don’t get lost.” He spoke firmly.

Then heard grunting and sounds of frustration as coming out from the thicket were two other stallions. One was a sandy brown earth pony, with a dark brown mane, goldish green eyes, the ends of his bare hooves were grayish white with a blaze of matching color on his snout. The other stallion was cornflower blue unicorn with a comed dark blue mane with bang brushed to his right gray eye and wore square, blue rimmed glasses and a white dress shirt and navy blue vest.

The blue unicorn grumbled as he brushed some leaves off of him, "I say old chap, are you even sure we're going in the right direction." He asked in a high class British accent.

"Like I told ya before, part of a journey is never knowin' where ya going!" The brown earth pony told his friend, his voice carrying a southern accent.

“Well, it would be nice if you kept a map on you at least to know which way.” The blue unicorn said while looking around before stepping on some mud on his hoof, "Oh of course, how wonderful!" He complained, lifting up his hoof in disgust.

The brown stallion rolled his eyes, "Aw, cry me a river, it's just mud." He said before noticing they weren't alone, "Oh, Howdy fellas."

“What is this? A pony group meeting?” Midnight asked himself with a sigh as he placed a hoof on his face.

“I beg your pardon?” The blue unicorn asked in confusion.

“Oh don’t pay Midnight any mind.” Storm spoke out. “He’s just having a bad day.” He said while Midnight gave him a look.

“Oh, well, anyway. My names’ Rocky Roader. This fella here is my friend Hydro Wave.” Rocky greeted as Hydro gave a slight bow.

“Charmed, I'm sure.” Hydro said with a small smile and bow gesture.

“Hi there!” Volt greeted quickly as he gestured to himself and the other three stallions. “I'm Volt! This is Storm, Arbor and Midnight!” He introduce.

"It's nice to see a few more familiar faces around this part of Equestria." Arbor said with a smile.

"Too right, old boy, too right." Hydro agreed.

Midnight groaned, "Ugh, I came here to find somewhere to get away from it all and now I'm playing babysitter for five idiots who have no business in these woods!"

"Heh, you might wanna make that six Blacky." Midnight flinched at the sound of a new voice as his eye twitched and he turned to the source.

Standing there was a pale oranges red unicorn with a flare styled mane that started yellow at the base and faded to orange than red, he had a pair of spiked bands on his forelegs and his eyes were a cool blue.

“Names Blaze Burst. I Happened to be in the woods until I heard you guys.” Blaze explained.

“Hey man.” Storm greeted him with a smile.

“I’m Volt, this is Rocky, Hydro, Storm, Arbor, and this here is Midnight.” Volt greeted again with a grin.

Midnight trembled before he finally stomped down in frustration, "Seriously?! How many ponies are in this forest!?" He roared as his horn crackled with a green and purple aura as the white of his eyes turned green, the rest turned red and slitted as purple smog emitted from them.

The rest of the stallions looked at Midnight as they were shocked by this. “Uh, Midnight? You okay?” Storm asked in concern and slight fear.

“Okay?! Why do you ask!?” Midnight yelled out as his voice carried a slight distortion and his horn glowed stronger, the others flinched from this as he saw their reaction as he looked up and saw the aura around his horn. “Oh no. Oh nononono!” He frantically panicked as he quickly tapped his horn to stop the glowing. “Not again. Not now.” He said to himself.

The six stallions saw this as they looked at Midnight in concern after seeing what his horn just did. Eventually he got it under control he panted and then rushed off without saying anything.

Midnight stopped at a nearby Cliffside and sat down, took a few breaths as he processed what just happened, "I can't believe I let this happen again!" He gripped as he stomped his hoof down, "Why is the only kind of magic I can do is the forbidden kind?!" He questioned himself loudly. “Why do I have this kind of magic!? WHY!?” He called out loudly as it echoed throughout the forest as he then kneeled on his legs as he looked down.

The six stallions watched Midnight in sympathy as they turned to each other. “Midnight has dark magic?” Arbor asked in surprise.

“No wonder why he was acting like a jerk.” Storm commented.

“That’s one interesting magic he’s got there.” Rocky said with a surprised look.

"But also the most dangerous," Hydro told him, "It seeps into your mind, corrupts your desires, turning them dark and changing yourself, completely."

“That’s pretty bad,” Volt said while scratching his head.

“Completely.” Blaze spoke out. “Dark magic can be a dangerous force. And it’s almost impossible to control unless you're a master spell caster."

“Or you kept your emotions under control.” Midnight spoke out as they turned to him as he was still watching the horizon. “Everytime I get angry or scared, my dark magic kicks in and nearly does something regrettable.” He explained as he still got his back faced to them.

"That's why I came out here, to the forest." Midnight continued solemnly, "It's the only place for a freak like me, a monster. To avoid everypony. You six included.” He finished as he looked down in deep thought.

The six stallions looked at Midnight in sympathy as they looked at one another as Blaze then spoke up. “Actually, we came to the forest for our own reasons as well.” He said.

Midnight looked at them in surprise. “Oh?” He asked curiously.

“You’re not the only one who views you as something they don’t like.“ Blaze started. “Back in my city, Manehatten, after breaking away from my own bad choices, I tried to show empathy and guidance to younger ponies, but they always brushes me off as they are not interested.” He explained while looking down.

“Wait, you’re serious?” Midnight asked in surprise.

"Heh, try living my life, trying to put smiles on faces, laughing with me and instead they laugh at me." Volt complained.

“For me, I tried to work hard for my family and do my best to get their appreciation, but they never even give a flying fig about any of my hard work.” Rocky said while giving a frown.

“It’s especially bad when you tried to offer medical plants and treatments for others, only for your whole town to be cruel to yourself and claiming you are a Warlock when I was just foresting.” Arbor spoke while giving a sad look.

“You think you had it bad, I was part of a rag-tag group of flyers that watched their own interests but never even backed me up once. So I quit.” Stormy said as he crossed his hooves.

Hydro gave a sigh. “And then there’s me. I tried to offer my creations and services to others, but they never would even consider my hard work.” He said as he gave a sad look.

Midnight looked at the six stallions in surprise as he didn’t realize their backstory until now. “Wow, so I guess we’re all outcasts and nobodies.” He said in sympathy.

“That’s one way to look at it.” Storm said as he sat on his haunches. “I guess we all came to the forest for the same reason.”

“I guess the Everfree Forest is a perfect place for seven nobodies to be in, ya’ll.” Rocky added while looking down.

Volt then noticed something in the distance, "Hey look! A castle!" He pointed as the other six looked and saw on the other side of cliffs was an old ruin of a castle.

“Wow, didn’t see that.” Storm said in surprise.

“And it looks like it was abandoned.” Arbor commented.

“And run down from the passage of time as well.” Hydro added with a cringe.

Midnight looked at the castle carefully, "Hey, wait a minute, I know that castle, it's the Castle of the Two Sisters!"

“How can you tell there, partner?” Rocky asked in curiosity.

“I’ve been studying ancient Equestrian times during my magic studies.” Midnight explained. “And judging how this castle looks like, this is the Castle of the Two Sisters alright. The details look right,” He finished.

Blaze looks at his new friends, as they were all thinking the same thing, “Should we?" He asked them.

“We have nowhere else to go, so yes.” Storm answered first.

“I’m all for it.” Rocky added in agreement.

“We definitely need a roof over our heads for shelter.” Hydro commented.

“As long as it’s not scary.” Arbor said a little frightenedly.

"Well then, let's go." Volt said before noticing the gorge, "Um, but how are we supposed to get across?"

"Leave that to me." Blaze said as he focused his magic and soon in a red flash they vanished.

And then the red flash appeared on the other side as the seven stallions were at the other end of the gorge, in the castle Foyer as they all felt dizzy.

“Whoa!” Midnight called out in surprise as the others shook their heads. “Warn us next time when you use a teleportation spell.” He advised.

Storm held his stomach while his cheeks were puffed up, "Oh, I never wanna do that again." I moaned.

Blaze smiled sheepishly, "Uh sorry, I've heard that teleportation can cause nausea for those not used to-" He trailed off when they heard the sounds of crying from inside the halls of the castle. “Wait, you guys hear that?” He asked them.

The rest of them heard the crying as they could hear it coming from inside the castle. “That came from inside the castle. Sounds like somepony is crying.” Hydro guessed.

Arbor frown in concern, "Let's investigate, they might need our help." He said as the others nodded and rushed inside.

At the inside of the castle, the seven stallions rushed through the castle hallways as they stopped at the entrance.

The seven stallions then heard the crying from the other side of the doors, “It’s coming from in this door.” Midnight said as he turned to the others. “Okay, be prepared, we might not know who it is on the other side.” He advised the seven stallions.

“Well, there is crying, so I think they’re friendlies.” Storm said with a shrug.

“You could never know.” Midnight pointed out with a look as he then raised his hoof to the door. “Okay, let’s go.” He said as he opened the door really quietly.

They looked inside and saw the room was actually a large throne room, the banners tattered, the podium slightly crumbled and there was a large hole in the ceiling above. The hole released a beam of light down towards a mare lying down in the center of the room, her face buried in her forelegs as she cried. She was not much taller than them, she was blue, her mane a lighter blue and she wore black regalia.

The seven stallions knew who this was as they saw she had a horn and wings, “It’s, it’s one of the princesses.” Hydro said in surprise.

“Princess Luna by the look of it..” Blaze summarized.

“And it looks like she’s crying.” Arbor said in surprise and feeling sorry for the princess.

“Well, we can’t just stand here and let her cry the whole time.” Volt pointed out. “We gotta know what is making her cry.” He added.

“But, how are you supposed to comfort a princess, genius?” Blaze questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“Simple, we just walked up and talked to her.” Volt explained with a cheery smile.

The six stallions looked at Volt in confusion as Midnight gave a shrug. “Well, he’s not wrong. We have to go up there and reveal ourselves anyway.” He said as he opened the door wide enough as he walked out and walked towards Princess Luna.

Midnight took a brave step and moved up to her, “Um, excuse me, your majesty?” He asked cautiously.

Princess Luna got startled as she yelped in surprise as she turned and saw Midnight behind her. “Oh! Uh…” She stammered as she was surprised to see a pony before her. “Young stallion, You startled us. We didn’t foresee that anypony else was in our former castle.” She said as she quickly wiped her tears from her eyes.

“Uh, yeah. It can happen to anypony.” Midnight said uncertainty. “Uh, we happened to come across the old castle and heard you crying.” He explained.

“Our apologies but did thou express, we as in thy self or…?” Luna asked in confusion.

Midnight could see that Princess Luna needed some serious catch up time, before he turned to the door entrance. “Guys, you can come out.” He called out.

The six other stallions then started entering the chamber as they stood beside Midnight as they looked at Princess Luna.

“Um, good morrow, your highness.” Hydro greeted first as he took a bow as the others followed as they bow to Princess Luna.

Luna looked at the seven and gasped as she saw in their place seven ponies, clad in colored armor and their faces hidden by their masked helmets.

Your Majesty please!

You cannot do this!

You love your sister!

Think of the Consequences!

We beg of you, do not make us do this!

Princess Luna, listen to reason!”

“This is not the way to earn the ponies love for your night!

Luna backed away in shock, “It cannot be,” She said as in her mind she heard the insane laughter of herself followed by seven dying screams. “This cannot be possible.” She breathed out while looking at the seven stallions.

Midnight and the others looked at Luna in confusion as they looked at each other before turning back to the Princess. “Um, your Majesty?” Midnight asked in confusion.

“Thou cannot be here! We, we smitted you ourselves!” Luna said in denial. “Please, we beg of you! Forgive us for our crime! You were right, we were utter fools!” She cried out as she lowered her head in pleading.

The seven stallions were very confused, “Uh, what is she talking about?” Storm asked in confusion.

“And what does ‘smitted’ even mean?” Volt asked in confusion.

“We have no idea.” Blaze answered.

“Um chaps? Smitted is another word for, um well…” Hydro hesitated to finish before he dragged his hoof over his neck making a choking sound as the message was clear.

“Oooh. Riiight.” Volt said in understanding as the others went wide eyes as Volt realized what that meant. “Wait, what?!” He called out in shock.

Midnight then turned to Princess Luna. “Okay, I’m sorry, Princess, but can you please explain to us what you're talking about?” He asked calmly while still shocked.

“B-but, thou know what we…” Luna started before she blinked and realized something about them. “Wait, thou not recollect what we did many moons ago?” She asked them in curiosity.

“Princess this might come off as a surprise but, I’m not sure I’m who you think I am, or are the others.” Midnight answered in confusion while the others nodded in agreement, feeling really confused about this.

Princess Luna looked at them for a moment before she gasped in realization. “Oh, of course, thou aren’t really them, but rather thou are descendants of them.” She said to them.

“Wait a gosh darn minute, descendants of who exactly, your Majesty?” Rocky asked in confusion.

“Yeah, because right now, we’re drawing a blank here.” Blaze pointed out.

“I’m not sure what you're trying to say.” Arbor added.

“I don't even know what she’s saying.” Volt said, not sure himself.

“I don’t even know what the highness is saying either.” Hydro said.

“I got nothing.” Storm commented.

“Princess Luna, can you please explain to us why you're saying that? Please?” Midnight asked as they needed to know what Luna was saying.

Luna sighed and then holding her head, she spread her wings and then, casting a spell at the ground the circle they were standing on began to glow. The stallions then felt the floor beneath them sinking as they slowly descended down the circle like some sort of lift.

“Uh, what’s happening?” Midnight asked uncertainty.

“We are about to show thou why we think all of you are familiar to us.” Luna explained as her magic glowed bright as seven magical figures started to form around them.

“Whoa, these are guys?” Blaze asked in curiosity.

“They are Swords of Justice.” Luna started as she showed more images of the seven ponies and their backstories. “A group of powerful but noble hearted Knights who had a singular mission: To protect those who could not protect themselves, even at the cost of their own lives.”

“Before the Elements of Harmony, these Knights protected Equestria with the Seven Virtues of Justice.” As Luna spoke, the figure became armored Stallions as she spoke their virtues.

“Might.” In front Rocky stood a Brown armored Earth pony with a heavy looking Executioner sword.

“Courage.” In front of Storm was a silver armored pegasus while holding a light Cutlass.

“Wisdom.” In front of Hydro a unicorn clad in blue armor armed with a rapier was shown.

“Honor.” In front of Blaze another unicorn appears in red armor armed with a Dadao sword.

“Optimism.” In front of Volt stood another pegasus but in yellow armor and held a Scimitar.

“Compassion.” In front of Arbor stood a green armored earth pony and in its hoof was held a Odachi.

“And then finally, the leader of the group and the only other alicorn apart from us and our sister, Unity.” In front of Midnight stood a Black armored male Alicorn with his wings spread and head raised as his horn glowed with a Great Claymore sword stabbed into the ground and held by his two hooves.

The seven stallions stared in awe and shock. “Whoa.” Volt said in awed.

“They look like us.” Ardor said in surprise.

And then something caught Midnight’s attention. “Wait, you said alicorn, as in there’s a male Alicorn before?” He asked in surprise.

“Indeed. The very first Alicorn Knight there was.” Luna nodded in comfirming as she continued.

“The Swords of Justice were truly the bravest of knights Equestria had ever seen.” She continued as she showed them images of the Royal Sisters battling monsters, protecting and helping ponies across Equestria, “As princesses, it was ours and our sister’s sworn duty to protect our subjects, and it was the Swords task to protect us in turn.” She then showed images of the Swords of Justice standing alongside the Royal sisters and protecting them as they protected the ponies. “And it wasn’t until we and our sister founded the Elements of Harmony, and together, fought alongside these Swords to protect our subjects and our home as one.”

Soon they’re descent came to an end and the stallions found themselves in an old room, which seemed like the lounge or relaxation area the Royal Canterlot Guards had, only much more grand despite all the wear and damage sustained over the years.

“Whoa, what’s this place?” Volt said.

“It is the Lair of the Swords, where they lived,and trained to defend Equestria,” Luna explained as she flew around and gestured to a large round table with seven chairs and on the backrests of each chair was the engravings of the Respective swords of each knight. “And this is where they planned their strategy and imprinted their discoveries.”

The seven looked around in awe as they saw suits of armor, weapons and even relics and treasures they’ve never seen before, “This truly is a sight to behold.” Hydro admitted.

Midnight however looked confused, “But Princess I don’t understand,” He said, looking at the moon princess, “If these Swords of Justice really were all that cool and tough as you say, where are they now?” He asked in confusion, since they would’ve heard about them at this moment.

Luna looked at Midnight for a moment before she looked down with guilt. “They are… not with us anymore.” She revealed as the seven looked at her in shock. “They, they fell into battle over a thousand moons ago to reason with a foolish pony they called friend, to stop her from making an unforgivable mistake but they, they…” She trailed off as she closed her eyes and lowered her head in shame.

The seven stallions realized what Luna was trying to say as Midnight approached her, “Please princess, tell us what happened that night.” He asked.

Luna took a breath as she opened her eyes. “It all started, a thousand moons ago.” She begins to tell her story.

(1000 Years Ago)

The Swords of Justice returned from their latest mission and returned to their base to recover. ‘One night, after the Swords of Justice had returned after saving a neighboring village from some Griffon Ravagers. Little did they know, it would be the last time they entered this hall.

The Black Sword removed his helmet as his mane fell over his neck. His smile turned into a confused frown as he saw Princess Luna standing before they’re meeting table.

“Princess Luna.” Black Sword said in surprise as his fellow Knights stood next to him. “Forgive us your highness, is there something wrong?” He asked politely.

“Oh, thou’s nothing wrong.” Luna shook her head, her tone put the Stallion on alert. “We just wanted to know how your mission was.”

The Red Sword then stepped forward, “It went well, the Marauders were driven off and nothing of importance was stolen.” He explained before raising a hoof, “But if we are to report should we not wait for Celest-”

“Dare not speak that name in our presence!” Luna roared as the Knights reeled back in surprise, “We are ten, no, we are thousands the princess the precious sun is! Our night is worth countless more times than her day!”

“W-what?” The Green Sword asked in confusion.

“Princess, where is this coming from?” The Blue Sword questioned.

Luna scowled at the stallion and paced around, “It was during this time that I allowed my jealousy of Celestia to reach its peak and felt if I wanted respect I would take it but I needed help.” Luna continued.

“Thou are just like our sister, blind to our pain, blind to how we spend countless days and nights dwelling in your dear Celestia’s shadow while the Ponies we too were sworn to protect shower her with endless praise!” Luna told the Knights as a dark smile grew on her face, “But no more, no more shall we be ignored, no more shall the citizens praise our sister’s name but our own while she remembers a distant, worthless memory!”

“W-what do you mean by that?” The Silver Sword asked as he and his comrades were starting to become scared of this change in Luna.

“We are saying that as of this moment, there shall be no new day, the night shall stand, forever!” Princess Luna announced as she stomped her hooves down as her eyes glowed. “We shall rule Equestria as its one and true ruler, and our ponies shall learn to fear and respect me as they should!”

“What?!” The Swords all yelled in shock and horror.

“But Princess, this is madness!” The Black Sword called out.

“You can’t just keep the moon in the sky for all eternity. It will throw all of Equestria into permanent imbalance!” The Red Sword pointed out.

“The ponies cannot survive in a world of eternal night!” The Green Sword added.

“Princess Celestia will not stand for this!” The Silver Sword firmly said.

“Princess Celestia won’t be around once we deal with her!” Luna called out in her Canterlot Voice. “And you will help us accomplish that!” She said with another evil grin.

The knights looked at her in surprise as she raised her hoof, “I offered to them a place in my new Equestria if they agreed to aid me in overthrowing Celestia.” Luna explained.

“You expect us to help you betray your sister?” Black Sword asked the moon Princess in utter shock.

“Please friends, We are not unreasonable.” Luna said in an alluring tone, “If thou choose to side with us, in building a beautiful Equestria of everlasting Night where our suspects will finally admire the stars and moon, we shall rule Equestria together.”

The Swords of Justice were conflicted on whether they would join us or not, but their choice was clear as they remembered the oath they swore.” Luna explained as her voice lowered a bit.

“We’re sorry, your Majesty. But we would never betray Princess Celestia or the ones we swore to protect.” The Black Sword said firmly as the other knights stood beside him.

Luna glared at the Swords of Justice as she gave a distasteful expression. “We have thought of you not wanting to join us. But if you insist on this foolishness,” She then flew up with her glowing, “We know that Equestria has no need for Knights in our future.” She announced as her horn started glowing.

The Seven Swords of Justice stood together as they ready their weapons as the Black Sword put on his helmet.

That’s where the Swords of Justice had made their final stand. The fight rages on as they were brave and fought valiantly, but they were no match for our power whilst we were not in our right mind at the time.” Luna continued as her voice started to sound more sober as she started a slight whimper. “Soon one by one the swords fell, until only their leader whom we considered our closest friend, remained standing.

A couple of hours later, the six of the Seven Swords of Justice are on the ground motionlessly as their armors are dented and their weapons are either on the group or broken from the battle as their meeting chamber was reduced to rubble.

The Black Sword was the last one standing as he held his sword while breathing heavily as Luna stood in front of him as her eyes were glowing bright white while her horn glowed in dark blue.

“Knight of Honor, as thou are our closest friend, we offer to you one last opportunity to reconsider your allegiance and join us,” Luna told him as she approached the battle weary knight. And then with a small smile, she placed a hoof to his chin, “And if thy do join us, we could make thou more than a mere knight, thou could stand beside us, as our King.”

The Black Sword grunted for a bit as he looked Luna in the eyes with a firm and painful look. “I have always dreamed of ruling beside you, my Princess. But I rather die with honor protecting my people, than to rule in shame and enslave them.” He firmly said with narrow eyes.

Luna’s face then turned into one of hatred, “Then thy fate is seal!” She declared as she rose up and charged up her magic.

“No matter what happens next, whatever you do or what you may become, always remember,” Black Sword said as he watched Luna preparing the finishing blow, “I love you, my dear Luna.”

Luna then roared and fired at Black Sword as he closed his eyes and accepted his fate. “For Equestria.” Were his last words before he was engulfed by the light.

“And on that day, the greatest Heroes known to Equestria and the stallion who loved us more than his own life, met their end, at our very own hooves.” Luna said with tears of guilt flowing down her cheeks, “And, there is no need to explain the rest of my crimes. It is all but common knowledge to all.”

The seven stallions were shocked by this as they looked at each other, not sure on what they would say as the greatest heroes that were known in Equestria were lost, who were also they’re own ancestors, because of the Princess in front of them.

“Whoa. That was… I don’t know what to say.” Blaze said in speechless.

“Those Swords were the greatest heroes in all of Equestria, and then they were just… gone.” Storm said in shock with his wings dropping.

“That is the most tragic story I’ve ever heard.” Volt said as he wiped some tears off his eyes.

Midnight looked at Luna as she looked truly guilty for killing her closest friends. He then looked to his right and saw the chair he knew belonged to the Black Sword.

After a moment he walked towards it as the others noticed, “Midnight?” Hydro asked.

Luna watched as Midnight approached the chair and laid his hoof on it, “A Knight, huh? A hero to all?” Midnight wondered aloud, “All my life I’ve known I was destined to be something more, not just something to be feared.”

With resolute nod he then took his seat on the Black Sword’s throne, “I think we were brought here for a reason, and if that reason was to take the place of those great Knights who cared more for their friend than their lives, then that’s what’s gonna happen!” Midnight called out determinedly.

The six stallions and Luna watched Midnight in surprise by this. “What are you saying, Midnight?” Arbor asked in confusion.

“I’m saying that us coming to the Everfree Forest, finding the castle and Princess Luna wasn’t an accident. We were brought together to carry on a legacy that was long forgotten.” Midnight explained firmly. “We were brought together to become the new Swords of Justice!” He announced with a serious determined look.

The six stallions looked at each other in shock and surprise while Luna was wide-eyed from this as well.

“Wait, are you saying we are brought together to take these fancy pancy knights’ place?” Blaze asked in shock. “But what about those Royal Knights in Canterlot? Aren’t they any better than the Swords?” He asked.

“No dice Blaze, they’re guards of the castle, not real knights.” Midnight told him, “There was something Princess Celestia once told me, that True Heroism doesn’t wear armor or carries a sword, but from within yourself only when you overcome fear.” He said as he placed a hoof over his chest where his heart should be.

The six stallions looked at him in amazement, they felt inspired by his words. And then with a look and nods to each other, they approached the other thrones surrounding the table as they all sat on each of their respective ancestors' thrones as they formed a circle.

Luna watches this as she had a flash of the original Swords of Justice in their place before flashing back to the present as she places a hoof over her heart as she gives a tearful smile.

Midnight then turned to Luna. “Princess Luna. We would like to be granted permission to carry on the legacy of the original Swords and for you to teach us to become the knights they once were. To protect Equestria and everypony we cared about from any threat.” He said as he stood up walked up to Luna as he gave a bow.

The six other stallions followed Midnight’s lead as they stood beside him as they all bowed as well to Luna.

Luna looked at the seven stallions in surprise by their determination as she gave a small smile and a nod, “Very well, in order to atone for what we did to our friends, we shall make thy true Knights of Equestria!” She declared.

The Seven Stallions cheered and were looking forward to what was to come. For once in their life, they felt like they mattered.

Author's Note:

And with that the Knight’s Journey has begun.

Next time, we return to Ponyville where two teams clash.

If anyone would like to send me how see the Seven Knight looking like please send it.

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