• Published 30th Jul 2023
  • 749 Views, 24 Comments

G5 Adventures in Chill Out, Scooby-Doo! - ponydog127

In the season finale of G5 Adventures, the Mane 6 and Mystery Incorporated solve the Abominable Snowman mystery in the Himalayas and finally defeat Opaline.

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Welcome to the Himalayas

Sunny and Misty had just exited the portal from the Unity Crystals, right onto the plane that Shaggy and Scooby were on, when they all discovered they were not in Paris, like they were supposed to be, but somewhere completely different and covered in massive amounts of snow.

That could only leave them to wonder... what in the world was going on?

Meanwhile, the pilot of the plane spoke to another one of its passengers, keeping his eyes straight ahead. “We're coming up on the drop zone. Mount Everest, dead ahead.”

A short Caucasian male, with a long, bushy red beard, and wearing a racoonskin hat and hunter's outfit got out of his seat with a triumphant laugh and smile. “Mount Everest, tallest mountain in ze world,” he said in a French accent, “and home to ze abominable snowman.”

“So you're really going through with this?” asked the pilot with doubt. “But of course,” the French man answered. “For I am Alphonse Lafleur, ze world's greatest hunter. Now, I come in search of ze world's greatest prize.”

“But I thought the abominable snowman is just a myth. How do you catch a monster that may not even exist?”

“Oh, mon fraire... with a bait no monster can resist.”

Suddenly, the cabin alarm began to go off repeatedly, making the French man become exasperated rather quickly. “Sacré bleu! What can they want now?”


Turns out, Scooby was the one pressing the cabin button, wanting to know why they were not in Paris with their friends yet. “Hello, anybody home? Hello...?”

“This doesn't feel at all right,” Misty said. “We should be in Paris, by now, but then, we wind up in some sort of blinding blizzard who knows where?!”

“I know how you feel,” Sunny said, trying to be comforting. “We have to be strong though. I'm sure it's all just a big misunderstanding. One word with the pilot and we'll be on our way to Paris in no time.”

Just then, Alphonse Lafleur came out dressed as a pilot/tour guide all in one. “Bonjour mis amis and thank you for flying Alphonse Lafleur's Le Monde Grande Tours,” he said. “We are going to be landing very shortly.”

Sunny and Misty let out a sigh of relief upon hearing that-- one plane right to Paris and their mission could begin sooner than expected. “Boy, are we glad to hear that,” Shaggy said with a chuckle. “Like, my stomach is already coming in for a three-snack landing.”

Thats when Alphonse finally saw the empty food boxes around them, his eyes quickly widening. “You have eaten everything?

“Almost,” Shaggy lifted up a pizza box. “Like, I'm still saving the last slice of peanut butter and pineapple pizza, in case of an emergency.”

But, in a little act of selfishness, Scooby flipped the box, and the pizza went up in the air, and then Scooby ate it in one swoop. “Hey...” Shaggy whimpered poutingly. “Ah... ze pooch is still hungry, no?” Alphonse asked. “We have lots of yummy goodies waiting for you in ze VIP lounge.”

“VIP lounge?” Misty asked. “Is that something special?”

Oui, petite licorne,” Alphonse said with a smile. “You will have all the snacks and refreshments you could possibly want.”

“Well... it would be nice to relax before we head to the next plane to Paris,” Sunny pondered for a few moments. “So... I say we should go for it.”


But, what the VIP lounge really was didn't really meet expectations... it was merely a shipping crate, full of mountain climber things and snacks. “This is the VIP lounge?” Shaggy asked. “Oui, mousieur,” Alphonse said with a smile and a nod. “You are on the package tour, no?”

And just like that, the hunter sealed the box shut, and Shaggy whimpered worriedly. “I didn't know that that meant we were the package.”

“Hey!” Misty kicked at the door angrily. “Let us outta here! This isn't a joke!”

“Misty, I don't think he's gonna let us go just like that,” Sunny said. “But we have to keep trying-- our friends are gonna be worried sick about us if we're not with them in a couple of hours.”

Misty sighed softly. “Just wait till they hear we've been kidnapped...”

Alphonse Lafleur opened the door of the plane, letting the cold snow fly in, and Scooby whimpered worriedly. “You said it, Scoob,” Shaggy agreed. “You said it, Scoob. Like, I think we've just been bumped from first class to worst class!”

Then, the pulleys activated, and the crate immediately fell out of the plane, causing Shaggy, Scooby and the girl ponies to start screaming, and the crate opened a parachute to slow its descent. “Zoinks...” Shaggy said, completely out of breath. “Like, now, we know how it feels to be lost luggage.”

Suddenly, the crate stopped its descent, and began swaying back and forth. Sunny managed to put her phone on video and reached it through the window to see what had stopped their fall, and when she pulled it back, she frowned in worry. “Bad news, guys. The wind blew our parachute right onto a rock, and we're stuck in this crate... on a really high mountain.”

“Oh, great! I guess that means we're not in Paris then,” Misty muttered. Suddenly, a ringing noise came from Shaggy's pocket, and Shaggy held his head when he heard it. “As if things weren't bad enough, now my ears are ringing.”

“Cell phone!” Scooby pointed to Shaggy's pocket. “Cell phone!”

“Hey, my cell phone!” Shaggy said, realizing as Scooby pulled it out of his pocket, and answered it. “Like, world's worst vacation ever, Shaggy speaking.”

Shaggy?! I can barely hear you!” Fred shouted from the other end of the line. “Sunny and Misty's friends are here with us! Are they with you?! Where are you guys?!

“We're here, Freddy!” Sunny shouted. “But we're not sure where we are, and we're in kind of a difficult situation right now!”

As she spoke, the parachute began to tear, and Shaggy yanked the phone from Sunny to talk to Fred again. “Hang on, Freddy. Like, I think Scoob, the girls and I are about to go from frequent fliers to frequent criers!


The last thing Fred heard was Shaggy and Scooby screaming, but then, the call cut out. “Shaggy! Scooby!” Fred called. “I've lost their signal.”

“They must have got on the wrong plane,” Zipp deduced, “and they could be super lost by this point!”

“Can't you trace the signal with that high-tech GPS thingy?” Daphne asked. “I would,” Fred said, “if I knew how it worked!”

“Oh, give me that!” Pipp swiped the phone from Fred, got Shaggy's number from it and tossed Fred's phone back into his lap. “With this find a phone app,” Pipp said, punching in Shaggy's phone number and hitting the find button, “I should be able to pinpoint their exact location. Just a few seconds and... viola!

The image of the Himalayas soon appeared on the screen, and this caused Pipp to frown in concern. “Wait... this can't be right,” she said before showing the others the screen. “Look!”

The others gasped in horror upon seeing the location on the screen. “The Himalayas?!”

“Home to Mount Everest... and the headline-making mystery of the abominable snowman!” Velma said, lifting the newspaper she showed them earlier. “But how could they have gotten on the wrong plane?” Hitch wondered while trying to keep himself calm. “Someone must have tricked them... and it must've been Opaline or someone worse!” Zipp realized with wide eyes. “We have to do something fast!”

“Now hold on,” Daphne stopped them. “Just because there's a mysterious monster on the loose, it doesn't necessarily mean that Shaggy and Scooby and the others are going to get in trouble... does it?”

The others blinked for a few moments before Fred eventually spoke up. “We've got to get to Mount Everest. Everybody in the van!”

“SUNNY!!!” Hitch wailed as he and Sparky dove into the van, and Zipp turned to glance at the red head of the group, since Pipp had absolutely no complaints about leaving. “Sorry, Daphne, but it looks like you're trading in your new heels for snowshoes!”

Daphne groaned as she got into the passenger seat, clearly not happy. “Just once, I'd like to have a vacation that stays a vacation!”

And so, the Mystery Machine sped off in the direction of Nepal... home of the Himalayas and the snowman they hoped was all just a legend.


Everyone turned incredibly worried as they heard the parachute ripping more... and more... and more until... it finally snapped, sending the group plummeting down the mountain side.

The second they hit the side of the mountain, the box smashed, and using the bottom part as a sled, Shaggy, Scooby, their luggage and their pony friends began sliding toward the nearby village.


At this very village, most of the villagers were leaving due to the monster, and Professor Jeffries and Ember reunited with Pemba and Snow Spell, hoping to make it up to them for their mistake...

...Professor Jeffries especially. “I'm very sorry, Pemba. I don't know what came over me,” he said as they stood before the fire. “We should never have cut that rope. Without you, Ember and I quickly became lost, and wandered in the blinding snowstorm for hours. Without her, I would have barely made it back here alive.”

“I'm sorry as well,” Ember said with ears pinned. “I should have listened to you both.”

“It's our fault as well, you two,” Snow Spell admitted. “We shouldn't have taken you as far as the forbidden lands.”

“But you did, Snow Spell. And now the discovery of a lifetime is still within our grasp. The lost kingdom of Shangri-la, hidden from mankind for centuries,” Professor Jeffries explained. “And it's right up there, just waiting for me. I mean, for us, of course. It's waiting for us.”

“Exactly-- us,” Ember nodded. “You may be right, but you forget. Something else is waiting there too,” Pemba reminded, but the professor just wouldn't let up. “Don't you see? The abominable snowman must be guarding the secret entrance. That's how close we are.”

“No. Neither of you understand,” Snow Spell said firmly. “We've angered the creature, and now he will seek his revenge. That's why everyone is fleeing the village... my home for as long as I can remember.”

Ember looked over the unicorn's shoulder with a raised eyebrow. “Not everyone, it seems.”

A young Asian woman wearing headphones was walking their way with some hot tea, and Pemba groaned in frustration. “Minga!” he said walking over to her. “What are you doing?”

“I've brought you some hot tea!” Minga said loudly, and Snow Spell took off her headphones. “Hey, I'm listening to that.”

“Why are you still in the village?” Pemba asked sternly. “You should be leaving with the others.”

“I'm not a little girl anymore, Pemba. You can stop trying to frighten me with your monster stories now.”

“You'll have to excuse Pemba's sister, professor,” Snow Spell said. “She can be as stubborn as a yak at times.”

“So, Minga, you don't believe in the abominable snowman?” Professor Jeffries asked, and Minga shook her head. “When I was younger, Pemba used to try to scare me. The yeti is coming to get you! Now he's going around telling everyone that he's actually seen the creature. And Snow Spell, the most rational unicorn in the village, believes him!”

“Minga, we aren't kidding this time!” Snow Spell argued firmly. “The yeti is real, and he's going to attack if we get too close!”

Suddenly, screams filled the air, and everyone looked to see Shaggy, Scooby, Misty and Sunny sledding down the mountain at a wild speed. “We may be freezing c-c-c-cold,” Misty shivered intensely, “but this sled is coming in hot!!”

The sled then went over a ramp and flew through the air, sending the group flying and screaming into the nearby temple. When Ember, Snow Spell and the rest of the group went to check on them, they found them in a heap with all their belongings. “Egads!” Professor Jeffries cried out, and they headed over to check on the newcomers, slowly rising to their feet, paws and hooves. “Are you all right? Did you break anything?”

“Ugh... I think so,” Sunny said slowly. “I like sledding as much as the next pony, but that ride was a little too much.”

“What is this intrusion?”

Everyone looked up on the nearby balcony to see a bald man dressed in robes with a long beard looking at them crossly, and Pemba and Snow Spell immediately bowed in respect, while Pemba spoke up. “I humbly apologize, most high lama, but...”

“The monastery is closed! Now go away!”

“But sir, please look,” Snow Spell said, gesturing to the new ponies, Shaggy and Scooby. “Four strangers have fallen from the sky.”

Sunny and Misty waved as Shaggy and Scooby smiled nervously. A smile graced the High Lama's face, and floated down to the newcomers with some hot tea cups on a tray. “May I offer you something warm to drink? You must be very cold and tired after your long journey, huh?”

“Like, you had us at 'warm',” Shaggy said, and they all took a cup of tea, but immediately spit it out after drinking some. The High Lama chuckled a bit at this. “I see you do not enjoy our yak-butter tea.”

“Well, I'm not saying we don't, but I do know one thing,” Sunny said. “You can really, uh... taste the yak.”

“Do you mind if we use your phone?” Shaggy asked the High Lama. “Our friends must think we've totally flaked on them. Like, snow-flaked, that is.”

Scooby sighed with the roll of his eyes. “Oh, brother...”

“I'm truly sorry,” Ember said as she approached them, a bit of a narrowed gaze. “But the villagers do not have any modern conveniences here.”

Scooby sniffed around a gong as Misty looked around the temple. “Welll... wherever here is, it seems pretty far from Paris. How are we gonna get to our friends, Sunny?”

“Don't panic,” Sunny assured. “All we need is a plan.”

Scooby grabbed the stick and hit the gong hard, causing him to be pushed by its vibrations, right into a creepy looking closet nearby. When he finally stopped shaking, he looked up and saw a statue that looked like a monster, and screamed and ran into Shaggy's arms. “Monster. Monster!”

“That's no monster, Scooby-Doo. It's just some kind of creepy carving,” Sunny reassured. And the High Lama entered the closet, looking extremely displeased. “You have discovered our most sacred chamber.”

“Like, way to go, Scoob,” Shaggy rolled his eyes crossly. “Why couldn't you discover something useful like the refrigerator?”

“Sorry...” Scooby apologized, and everyone entered the chamber and gathered around the statue. “So what is it about the chamber that makes it so... sacred?” Misty asked curiously. “In this chamber, we offer sacrifices to the yeti,” Snow Spell explained. “Half man and half animal, he lives in the snow caves, high on the mountain.”

“Like, there goes the neighborhood,” Shaggy whimpered, and Ember and Professor Jeffries examined the crystal that the statue was holding, Ember's eyes glittering greedily. “What an... extraordinary crystal! May we take a... closer look?”

“No, you may not!” the High Lama pulled a curtain, hiding the statue from sight and pushing them all out of the chamber. “The crystal is sacred. Its mystical glow protects us from the creature's evil power.”

Sunny, Misty, Shaggy and Scooby looked at one another nervously at the sound of this. “Evil power...?”

“Yes,” Snow Spell said. “That's why we never touch the crystal, since we are protected by its light. And I trust you will heed that warning.”

Suddenly, there came a hearty laugh, and through the gates came Alphonse Lafleur, in the flesh. “Bonjour, mes amis! Ha ha ha! I have found you...”

“Look out, Scoob!” Shaggy cried. “It's that terrible tour guide!”

He and Scooby immediately ran to hide, but Ember and Snow Spell immediately pulled them out to confront them. “Do you know this... man?” Ember glared over at Alphonse. “Yeah,” Shaggy huffed. “And like thanks to him, a great tour took a grand detour!”

“My sincerest apologies. There was a terrible mishap,” Alphonse apologized in a fake sincere tone. “I was so worried, that I jumped out of ze plane myself desperate to save you.”

“Yeah? Well what about all our friends?” Misty asked. “They just be worried sick about us!”

“We are kinda popular, you know,” Shaggy said, and this caused Scooby to nod. “I know. Why don't you try calling your friends from the weather station?” Minga suggested. “Hmmm... it might work,” Sunny said. “What are we waiting for? Let's go!”

“Like, hook us up with that satellite hookup!” Shaggy agreed. “It is a bit further up the mountain. I can take you there,” Minga offered, and Pemba was immediately against this. “The only place you are going is down the mountain.”

“We would be honored to take you to the weather station and call your friends,” Snow Spell said with a bow. “We'll go too,” Ember volunteered, raising a hoof. “With that snow creature out there, we'll have greater strength in numbers. And... better opportunities to look at the mountainscape.”

Oui, oui!” Alphonse agreed. “We will all climb up the mountain together!”

“Beware, gentlemen. The yeti is the watcher of the guarded places,” the High Lama said, “a realm of terrible danger where those who seek the unknown meet their doom!”

And just like that, he disappeared into the darkness, leaving the others a little nervous. “Like, whatever happened to bon voyage?” Shaggy whimpered. “Don't mind the high lama,” Ember said. “He is stuck in his old ways, and very wise. We should be wary if he says such.”

“Thank you,” said Sunny. “I'm Sunny, and this is Misty, Shaggy and Scooby.”

“Can you guys really get us to that weather station?” Misty asked. “Of course,” Snow Spell smiled. “I'm Snow Spell, and this is Ember. We will so whatever we can to get you home safe and sound.”

“But we better get going... strange things happen when it gets too dark,” Ember said before going to get supplies. Misty hummed in curiosity, feeling as if she has seen that character before...

...and why does this Ember character give her a bad feeling? “Misty, come on!” Shaggy called. “Less thinking and more hiking!”

Misty cleared her thoughts and ran after her friends. There was time for theories later.

Right now, they had to get home, and do their quest before things got too out of hand.